Dec 142017
A simple address book implemented as a Rolodex. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
RDX-100.DOC | 30450 | 8534 | deflated |
RDX.CFG | 3 | 3 | stored |
RDX.DB | 342 | 183 | deflated |
RDX.EXE | 51579 | 50463 | deflated |
RDX.IDX | 1024 | 150 | deflated |
RDXINSTL.EXE | 8919 | 8572 | deflated |
Download File RDX-10.ZIP Here
Contents of the RDX-100.DOC file
RDX - Online Address Book -- User's Guide
Release 1.0
Released July 15, 1990
Copyright (c) 1988,89,90 by John Tashiro
All Rights Reserved
The RDX software is the property of John Tashiro ("author").
You are granted a limited license to use this software on an
evaluation basis.
RDX is provided AS IS, with no warranty expressed or implied.
The author specifically disclaims any and all warranties
including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose.
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Greetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Support/ Shareware Concept . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 The Distribution Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 The Mouse System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 The Menu System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.4 The RDX Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.5 The RDX Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.6 Editing within RDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. INSTALLING RDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 RDX Installation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 File Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. RUNNING RDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.1 The Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Insert new card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3 Edit current card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4 Remove current card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.5 Search for card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 Flipping through Database . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.7 Change index field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.8 list All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.9 Dial phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.10 Hangup phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.11 Quitting from RDX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5. FINAL WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
RDX User Guide 1
1.1 Greetings
Welcome to RDX, a full-featured, interactive "rolodex" program
designed to help you keep track of friends or business
contacts' phone numbers, addresses, as well as "notes" on each
card. RDX lets your modem act as a speed dialer for you,
relieving you the burden of picking up your phone book
(wherever it may be hiding), looking up a particular phone
number and dialing the phone.
I designed RDX because I never was able to locate a person's
phone number when I needed it. That's because I wrote it on a
scrap of paper I had handy, then never remembered to write it
in a phone directory. If you run into this situation then RDX
is for you. Be warned, RDX will not remind you to write those
numbers down, but enter it once to RDX and you won't have to
search for scraps of paper!
1.2 Features
RDX was written with the casual user in mind. There are no
complex commands to remember, no control key sequences to
confuse you. Here are some key features.
- Uses intuitive vertical menu system
- Full mouse support
- Supports any number of cards limited only by
disk space
- Fast access ISAM database subsystem
- Fast, automatic indexing (sorting) of cards
- Uses modem for phone dialing
- Can dial full phone number, extension, or fax
- Automatic upper and lower case data entry for
neatness and data consistency
RDX is very intuitive, and you should be able to evaluate it
effectively with this user's guide. Additional documentation
is available, however, and may be obtained by registering.
I hope you enjoy RDX!
John Tashiro
RDX User Guide 2
1.3 Support/ Shareware Concept
RDX, like many other fine "shareware" products, has been
released by the author to the public for evaluation. I allow
and encourage free copying and distribution of the program (in
its un-altered original form). I am committed to supporting
and improving RDX, as well as developing additional products.
If you find RDX useful, you should register your copy. The
shareware concept is meant to provide a full working copy to
the user for evaluation, and NOT to give away the author's
hard work. If you choose not to register, then erase or pass
your copy on to someone else. You can register by sending
$15.95 (plus $3 shipping and handling).
Upon registering you will receive several useful tools for
RDX. The tools allow you to print RDX data on various types
of paper, compress RDX databases for efficiency, and convert
the RDX database to a DBASE file!
Also when you register, you will be placed on my mailing list
and will receive the latest version of RDX on disk and be
eligible for telephone support. I am offering low cost
upgrades and discounts on future products to registered users.
I'll accept checks, money orders, CODs, MasterCard, and VISA.
Please make checks payable to John Tashiro. New York
residents please add 8.25% sales tax. Send your registration
and all other correspondence to:
John Tashiro
402 Leverett Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10308
Thank you for your support!
1.4 Acknowledgments
RDX is written entirely in Borland's Turbo C++ version 1.0 and
includes Mike Smedley's fabulous CXL library for windows and
mouse routines, and MIX software's C-ISAM library of database
routines. The executable file RDX.EXE was compressed with the
unbelievable LZEXE, which consistently beat Microsoft's
EXEPACK utility.
RDX Release 1.0 Summary
Programming Language: C++
Compiler: Turbo C++ 1.0
Windows/Mouse library: CXL version 5.2
C-ISAM library: MIX C/Database Toolchest
Executable compressor: LZEXE
RDX User Guide 3
This section discusses some of the "basics" of RDX's
2.1 The Distribution Files
RDX is distributed in shareware in a compressed format using
PKZIP facility. The distribution disk should contain the
following files with the file sizes listed. If the files or
sizes do not coincide with this list, be warned that something
may not be quite right. Please notify the author should this
situation occur.
Filename Filesize File description
RDX.DB | 342 | RDX Demonstration database (2 recs)
RDX.IDX | 1024 | RDX Demonstration index
RDX.EXE | 51579 | RDX Executable program
RDXINSTL.EXE | 8919 | RDX Installation Program
RDX.CFG | 3 | RDX Configuration file
RDX-100.DOC | 30450 | RDX release 1.0 documentation
2.2 The Mouse System
Like most popular programs, the MOUSE is fully supported by
RDX. If you are used to the mouse interface, then you are
ready for RDX.
The Left Mouse Button responds as the ENTER key;
The Right Mouse Button responds as the ESCAPE key;
The mouse can be used to select options from any menu. During
editing the mouse can move the cursor to the precise position
in the entry field, or move from field to field, or abort the
editing process.
2.3 The Menu System
RDX uses a menu system as its primary user interface. After
your start RDX, you will see several rows of "choices" for you
to choose from (see sample screen on page 4). You may select
any of the choices in one of three ways: first, by moving the
highlighted bar to the item of your choice (using the up or
down arrow keys) and then pressing "return" (which we will
also refer to as
your choosing, or, if you have a mouse, you can "point and
shoot" the selection using the left mouse button. Any method
will instantly select the choice from the menu.
RDX User Guide 4
Sample RDX Screen
Contact: Record, Mr. Sample | Insert new card
Title: | Edit current card
Company: C Development | Remove current card
Address: 100 Any Street | Search for card
Any Town, U.S.A. | Next card
| Previous card
| First card
Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Last card
Fax: (???) ???-???? | Change index field
Notes: This Is A Sample Record For | list All
User Guide. | Dial phone
| Hangup phone
| eXit
| Index: Contact
Dialing Record, Mr. Sample @ (123) 456-7890...
2.4 The RDX Screen
The RDX screen (above) is divided into three "windows" with
which you can select functions, input or update data and
receive status messages.
The first window is the "Menu Window" located on the right
side of the screen. This is the area where functions are
selected. Initially RDX is set to "Search for card." Also
displayed in this window is the current Index, which is the
Contact fields by default. Individual selections and indexes
will be discussed later. By default, the menu appears as
yellow characters on a blue background.
The second window is the "Status Window", which shows the
results of selections, error messages, or user options. Shown
in the sample is RDX "Dialing" a Phone number. By default,
the status line appears as white characters on a red
The third and final window is the "Card Window." It shows
cards as you entered them. This is the area where card entry
and update occurs, as well as displaying cards while
"flipping" through the database. The cards appear as light
grey characters on a blue background.
Note: In the unregistered version, colors cannot be changed.
RDX User Guide 5
2.5 The RDX Database
RDX uses one database. This database is, by default, named
RDX.DB and uses a support file RDX.IDX which contains the
indexes. If RDX.DB does not exist in the SAME directory as
RDX.EXE, RDX will create it. If RDX.IDX does not exist in the
same directory, unpredictable results will occur. It is
important that these files be included in the same directory
The unregistered version does not allow you to compress the
RDX database. This is useful when you begin to add records
and delete others. Deleted records are not removed from the
database, so they still occupy disk space. The RDXPRESS.EXE
program compresses the deleted records from the database.
This facility is available to registered users only.
The demonstration database included on the distribution disk
contains the sample record shown in the example.
Read the section 3 on Installing RDX for hard disk readers.
** Please note that the unregistered version is a single-user
version. This means that it will not run correctly if all
databases are installed on a network server. There is no
checking to ensure that files and records are locked to
prevent conflicts. If you like RDX and would like to install
it on a network server, contact the author to register for the
network (multi-user) version. The network version currently
supports Novell's Netware 2.11.
2.6 Editing within RDX
All data entry fields on each card within RDX are fully
"editable." Page 11 of the User Guide contains a reference
sheet for you to use when entering cards. Please refer to
that now or remove it for future reference.
3.1 Hardware Requirements
RDX will run on an IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 (or compatible) with at
least 384K of memory and 1 DSDD floppy disk drive (hard disk
or 2 floppy drives recommended), and a Hayes-compatible modem
(for dialing purposes). It supports all IBM compatible
displays, and includes a command-line option to debug the
modem to ensure that everything is working correctly. RDX
will run correctly as a card file manager without a modem, but
you will not be able to dial-out.
RDX User Guide 6
3.2 RDX Installation Program
By default, RDX is configured to respond to and use the
communications port number 1 (COM1) connected to a Hayes-
compatible modem, dial the phone using the touch-tone method,
and dial a '1' before dialing any phone number.
However, if your system is configured differently, for
example, your modem is connected to COM2, and you need to dial
a specific sequence of characters before a phone number, then
run the installation program RDXINSTL.EXE, included on the
distribution disk.
This program prompts the user for three pieces of information.
prompt valid response
-------------------------- -----------------
1) Communications port number (1, 2, 3, 4)
2) Pulse or Tone dialing (T, D)
3) Dial commands (any characters)
The responses will be stored in the configuration file
(RDX.CFG) and used by RDX each time the program is loaded. It
is important that each response be answered correctly for RDX
to function as a phone dialer.
3.3 File Paths
As you have seen, RDX is self-contained in 1 executable
program file (RDX.EXE). It should be placed in a separate
directory (\RDX), along with the following files:
If you are using a hard disk, you can put RDX's program and
main database in one directory (for example: C:\RDX).
If you include the program file path in a DOS "PATH", you can
run RDX from any drive or directory (for example:
PATH=C:\RDX;). I recommend this approach because it allows
the casual user to run RDX from any drive or directory. RDX
will search the PATH where the RDX.EXE program resides for the
database (RDX.DB and RDX.IDX) file!
If you are using a floppy disk system, you should put all the
RDX files on one diskette, along with DOS to boot. I designed
RDX to be as small as possible so that it would use very
little RAM when running and disk space. You can use RDX on a
single drive system, but you will have limited space for data
RDX User Guide 7
To start RDX, type RDX. For example, to start RDX from the
hard disk, at the prompt type:
C:\RDX>RDX starts RDX in normal mode
C:\RDX>RDX -d starts RDX in debug mode
Debug mode will display the contents of the modem buffer in
the status window during dialing and hang up operations.
4.1 The Main Menu
The main screen consists of a vertical menu, the current card,
if any, and the current index (CONTACT). There are options
that the user may select, each with a pull-down menu, and
described in each sub-section below.
4.2 Insert new card
Perhaps the best way to start using RDX is by entering a card
immediately. Use either the cursor keys, press 'I', or use
the mouse to select "Insert new card."
The upper left window card description fields will change and
a cursor will appear in the Contact field. There are seven
fields that should be filled in. Two key fields (Contact and
Company) must be entered, or else you will not be able to save
the record. It is recommended that the information for the
Contact field be entered Lastname, Firstname, so that it will
sort correctly!
Notice on the bottom of the window there are a list of keys
that can be pressed to perform several functions. These are:
F3 - Save current record to disk
ESC - Return to the Main menu
If you enter a Contact that already exists, RDX will inform
you the "Contact Exists!" and will not allow you to enter it
in twice to avoid duplication.
4.3 Edit current card
To change the information on a particular record, select "Edit
current card" from the menu. The current card displayed on
the screen will be edited.
Press the F3 key when finished making changes to save the
RDX User Guide 8
4.4 Remove current card
Press 'R' to remove (delete) the current card. RDX will
prompt you to confirm the remove process. Press "Y" to remove
the card permanently or "N" to abort the process.
Deleting a record from the database will mark the record but
will not physically remove it. There is, however, no facility
to restore it to the database.
4.5 Search for card
RDX has very fast and powerful searching facilities. When RDX
is run, "Search for card" is the first menu option
highlighted. This was designed with the idea that RDX would
be used more for searching for records than any other
To quickly jump to a specific record, select "Search for card"
and enter either the Contact name or Company name, depending
on the Index in effect at that time (see section 4.7 Change
Index Field on page 8).
A powerful feature of the searching in RDX is that you do not
have to enter the whole name to be searched. You may enter as
little as one character, and RDX will jump to the first
occurrence of that character. Partial names will cause RDX to
jump to the best matching record, which will appear on screen
in the card window.
4.6 Flipping through Database
There are four functions that allow you to flip through the
database based on the index selected and are obvious what they
Next card - skip to next card based on index
Previous card - skip to previous card in index
First card - go to first card in index
Last card - go to last card in index
4.7 Change index field
RDX has two indexes pre-defined; Contact and Company+Contact.
These indexes are updated each time a record is added or
deleted from the database so that you do not have to worry
about them.
The default index is the Contact field. This means that
moving through the database will reference the Contact field
RDX User Guide 9
in ascending order. It is recommended that the information
for the Contact field be entered Lastname, Firstname, so that
it will sort correctly!
4.8 list All
This option was added to automatically flip through the
database starting with the first record based on the selected
index. Pressing the Spacebar to stop the listing.
4.9 Dial phone
Here is the most significant function of RDX. If you have a
modem, and configured it using RDXINSTL.EXE, you should be
ready to dial one of the numbers in your database.
With the record you want to dial in the card window, press 'D'
to dial. You have three options to choose from:
(P)hone - dial whole number including configured
dial string
(E)xtension - dial only the last four digits of the
phone number and no configured dial
string (good for office use)
(F)ax - dial a Fax machine (not implemented in
unregistered version).
When the message "PICKUP" appears, pick up the phone to begin
speaking, and select "Hangup" to disconnect the modem and
reset it.
If "debug" was selected from the command line then the
contents of the modem buffer will be displayed in the status
window as the modem is dialing.
4.10 Hangup phone
To hangup the phone, press 'H'. RDX will try up to three
times to hangup the phone.
If "debug" was selected from the command line, the contents of
the modem buffer will be displayed in the status window after
each attempt to hangup the phone.
4.11 Quitting from RDX
When finished with your session, press the 'X' key, or use the
cursor or mouse to select the "eXit" function. You will be
asked to "Hangup?" the phone if the modem was found and
initialized. Select "N" to pass on hanging up the phone or
RDX User Guide 10
press "Y" to try 3 times to hangup. RDX will send you back to
the DOS prompt, restoring the screen to the way it looked
before running RDX.
I sincerely hope that you find RDX to be work-saving,
friendly, and helpful. Please pass it along to your friends
and business associates. Remember that you can help me
improve RDX with your support (by registering) and with your
comments and ideas. If you find any bugs or need assistance,
do not hesitate to write to me. I try to answer all my
correspondence and am committed to making RDX everything that
it can and should be.
RDX User Guide 11
RDX Edit Reference Sheet
The following control-key combinations are defined within RDX:
Key Action
------ ------------------
<- move cursor left
-> move cursor right
TAB move field right
SHF-TAB move field left
HOME Beginning of field
END End of field
INS toggle Insert mode
DEL delete character
BKSP delete character left
ESC Abort data entry (right mouse button)
CTRL <- move Word left
CTRL -> move Word right
CTRL-U delete field
CTRL-T delete Word right
CTRL-HOME Beginning of first field
CTRL-END End of last field
CTRL-Y delete to last field
CTRL-R restore deleted field
CTRL-BKSP delete Word left
RETURN accept field (left mouse button)
December 14, 2017
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