Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : PDA20-A.ZIP
Filename : READ_ME.2ND

Output of file : READ_ME.2ND contained in archive : PDA20-A.ZIP
Layne Software Layne Software
PO Box 2044 PO Box 30543
Lee's Summit, MO 64063-7044 Columbia, MO 65205-3543

What is Personal Database Administrator 2.0? Copyright (c) 1991

PDA 2.0 is a Personal Information Manager for the personal computer user.
Instead of scribbling notes, using messy phonebooks, erasing entries, etc., PDA
will store your information in a comprehensive, yet easy to use format. Now,
you need only use your personal computer to retrieve your data.

PDA 2.0 was developed with two primary goals: 1) It must be easy to use,
without need of technical manuals; and 2) that it be reasonably priced. If you
can type, you can use PDA 2.0. PDA 2.0 offers eight separate databases for
information classification, storage, and retrieval plus on-line utilities and
documentation. Keyboard help is available by pressing F1.

The Personal Phone database tracks all of your personal contacts. You can
track their cellular phone number, fax machine number, work number and home
number. A free-form memo field allows you to enter extra information such as
directions to someones' home, children's names, etc. You can record their
birthday. Two other user-definable date fields are allowed for each entry.

The Business Phone database performs much like the Personal Phone database
except that it allows you to keep business entries separate from residential
much like your local phone book. Insert businesses that you frequent.

The Calendar database tracks only those dates with significant events. Also,
it can be used as a log of personal time which is useful for sales contacts,
donations of personal time, tax purposes, etc.

The Reminder database tracks month/day only so that you will never forget
another birthday, anniversary, etc. You can schedule events such as delivering
your taxes to the tax preparer with a target date no later than March 1. Year
after year, Reminder will help notify you of events until you decide to delete
them from the database.

The Loaner database will help you track items that you loan out such as books,
musical albums, cassettes, compact discs, etc. Now you can remember who you
loaned something to and when you loaned it (and if you got it back). This is
good for clubs that loan out items.

The Notepad database is useful for jotting down notes that you do not want to
lose. If you make business contacts, or take messages for someone else, you do
not have to look for pen and paper. Organize your notes by date or category.
You can use it for study notes or other memos to yourself.

The Personal Assets database is very valuable in helping you establish your
true net worth. If you have a fire or theft, this list would be invaluable in
making your insurance claim or claiming stolen property. Because they can
steal your computer, you should print this list and keep it in a safe place.

The Credit Card database keeps sensitive information in your computer that you
would need if you lost your wallet or purse. Plus, you can make phone orders
without retrieving your cards. PDA 2.0 is less expensive than some
registration fees that certain companies charge and why give them information
that important anyway? Maintain that information yourself.

Keep a copy of printouts and a backup data disk in your safety deposit box.
Place printed copies in a three ring binder by category for non-computer
access. If you need more room for an entry than is available, just make a
second entry in the database. No problem! PDA 2.0 allows duplicate entries
for this very reason.
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  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : PDA20-A.ZIP
Filename : READ_ME.2ND

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: