Dec 172017
MyCALEND is a program to create customized calendars. Once a calendar has been created it need not be changed again for the events you have indicated. Very nice, and handy to have. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
DEC90.PRN | 3643 | 480 | deflated |
DEC90EGA.SCR | 4129 | 759 | deflated |
MYCALEND.DOC | 16503 | 5838 | deflated |
MYCALEND.SMP | 541 | 327 | deflated |
MYCALENU.EXE | 62834 | 40894 | deflated |
READTHIS.NOW | 2589 | 1187 | deflated |
Download File MYCALU11.ZIP Here
Contents of the MYCALEND.DOC file
2BVTWSans Serif 10 cpisUxxx
Lx|@REpson MX-80 GraftraxEPMX80GR.PRSx
My Custom Calendar Creation Program
Paul Shapiro (C) 1989
Version 1.1 12/05/89
White Flint Mall
P.O Box 2711
Kensington, MD 20891
A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
B. Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.1. MyCALENU.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.2. MyCALEND.DO - this documentation file . . . . . . . . . 3
B.3 MyCALEND.SMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.4 READTHIS.NOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.5 DEC90EGA.SCR - 1990 Display viewable via 132 x 43 EGA. . . . 3
B.6 DEC90.PRN - 1990 Epson ready to print calendar. . . . . . 3
C. Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C.1. MyCALEND is easy to operate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C.2. Here's How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
D. Customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
D.1. Stored events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
D.2. Dyanmically Established Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E. Functions for registered users only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
F. Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
F.1. Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
G. Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
G.1. Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
G.2. Printer vs. display output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
H. Changes from previous versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
h)I. Upgrades and Enhancements for Registered Users . . . . . . . . . 7
J. Registration and License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ORDER FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A. Introduction
MyCALEND is a program to create customized calendars. Once a
calendar has been created it need not be changed again for the
events you have indicated. Thus if for example you declare your
birthday as January 4, then on succeeding years the calendar for
January will show your birthday on the proper day of the week
without any other action on your part. MyCALEND can be used to
create calendars for whatever purposes you choose.
Because this is a shareware program you have an opportunity
to try it out before registering. But once you register you get
current enhancements and support.
As a registrant, if you are the first to suggest a newly
implimented feature, you will also get a free copy of that new
This unregistered version does not compromise a full
function capability for producing nice calendars. The
unregistered version produces results every bit as good as the
registered version.
MyCALEND can be fun to watch on a printer. For known
birthdates or other events as set up you can watch the printer
seem to "predict" which day of the week the event is falling on.
B. Getting Started
MyCALEND is distributed as either a self-extracting file or a
compressed ".ZIP" file. Type MYCALU01 to self extract if that is the file
you have, or use Phil Katz's PKUNZIP to obtained extracted uncompressed
files. Both MYCALU01.ZIP and MYCALU01.EXE are comprised of the same files:
B.1. MyCALENU.EXE - run program with this file
B.2. MyCALEND.DO - this documentation file
B.3 MyCALEND.SMP - Data handler "events" files
B.4 READTHIS.NOW - First thing that should be read
B.5 DEC90EGA.SCR - 1990 Display viewable via 132 x 43 EGA
B.6 DEC90.PRN - 1990 Epson ready to print calendar
C. Operation
h) C.1. MyCALEND is easy to operate, but you must have a listof
the "events" you wish to have in your custom calendar. An event
can be the name of someone whose birthday you wish to note, a
special holiday, or usually any other recurring annual event. You
may include one-time events, but MyCALEND is primarily designed
to handle recurring events without alteration of the original
data once established for those events.
C.2. Here's How
To run the program, type MYCALENDU (the unregistered
version, MYCALEND in the registered version). Note that in the
instructions here, the phrase "type a key" or equivalent, rather
than "hit a key" or equivalent. When you pay a lot for your
computer you shouldn't expedite its demise by banging on the
keys, which after all are just electronic sensitive switches not
amenable to heavy-duty pounding as with mechanical devices such
as some of the older non-electric typewriters.
Have your printer on-line. Alternately you may use a utility
to redirect your printer output to a file for subsequent use.
This can be handy when several consecutive monthly calendars and
generated and you want to defer (and perhaps edit anticipated)
The display will then show a menu:
***** Custom Calendar *****
Type Number of Choice:
1 - Get EVENTS data from file
2 - Create New Entries for Month
3 - Obtain Calendar
4 - Quit and return to the operating system
The usual sequence is to choose in the above order.
It is that third choice that always displays a calendar such
as the one below. (Printer-preview calendars displaying after this type
vary with your video adapter type: see Technical Information)
December 1990
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 h)
For registered users, the following appears when the first
choice made using the sample file distributed:
Data EVENT Selection Groups
< 0>Immediate Paul Family (or blank)
< 1>Shapiro (my) Family
< 2>Maternal Family
< 3>Spouse Paternal Family
< 4>Spouse Maternal Family
< 5>Friends
< 6>Special Events
< 7>Sibling Family (Paul Shapiro)
< 8>Sibling Family (spouse)
< 9>NO MORE CHANGES wanted.
[The items other than <9> are the beginning part of the
file MYCALEND.SMP, and are customizable].
Make Choice Now!
This chooses dates in Group 0. The process is continued
until choice 9 is selected, at which time a list of the
selections made is shown and the data is read in from the disk
At this point the options menu expects you to select the
calendar-creation choice 4 according to your customized events.
D. Customizing
D.1. Stored events
To customize your calendar for stored events, you must
prepare the file MyCALEND.DTA with the date-related information
desired in the calendar. It is an "ASCII" text file created by a
text editor or word processor. See the sample file MyCALEND.SMP
which must be renamed via the DOS command REN MYCALEND.SMP
MYCALEND.DTA to obtain the proper name MyCALEND.DTA.
There are two types of data in the MyCALEND.DTA file: the
first is a list of nine selection groups; and the second is a
list of the events themselves. The first group must have nine
group names (or dummy names for unregistered users, which must
consist of nine lines of text without imbedded punctuation.)
There is one line of data for each date. "Events" cannot be
greater than 12 characters in length, but two such entries are
permitted for each date. h)
Each entry is of the form
where mm is the month number (from 1 to 12), event1 is the
first event for the day, code1 is a code corresponding to event
1, event2 is the second event for the day, code 2 is a code
corresponding to event2.
If no code is given, the value of the code is presumed to be
zero. COMMAS ARE REQUIRED as shown.
The code is a number from 0 to 8, corresponding to the
groupings described by the code (such as birthdays of in-laws,
holidays, etc.). The codes are activated for registered users of
MYCALEND to selectively produce calendars for the dates requested
by any or all of the groupings.
The last line in MyCALEND.DTA should look like
since a "month" of "0" terminates input.
D.2. Dyanmically Established Events
To create a calendar or series "on the fly", just type in
the proper response to the prompt for creating new entries.
Events chosen will override existing events for a given date. In
this fashion you can come up with very custom calendars with not
only the annually recurring events for which you only want to
prepare the data file once, but for those extra special few-
(annual) time events.
E. Functions for registered users only
The following are available to registered users only.
5 1/4 ' floppy diskette with latest version of program, sample
data files, and documentation.
Ability to Group Events by user selected categories.
No "unregistered version" reminders on screens.
No authorship/byline on printed calendars.
Certificate of registration.
F. Files
F.1. Naming Conventions
h) This shareware program is referred to by the generic name
MyCALEND. The term can also apply to any of the several forms in
which the program manifests itself, as indicated by the following
.EXE prefixxes (without regard to upper/lower case):
mycalend registered version
mycalenu unregistered version
mycalxx self-extracting or .ZIP registered version xx
mycaluxx self-extracting or .ZIP unregistered version xx
G. Technical Information
G.1. Display
Calendars will display with appropriate IBM PC corner and
line display characters, but the printer-preview calenders will be
difficult to read on an 80-character wide screen. The display is offered
here as a guide to what is currently being printed. An upcoming display
version will truncate the day of week field widths to permit a partial
display. To look at a sample file with an EGA adapter, examine
the file DEC90EGA.SCR in 132 character by 43 line mode. This capability has
not yet been implimented.
G.2. Printer vs. display output
MYCALEND is written for a PC display and an Epson-type
printer. This kind of printer does not handle the PC box-corner
and line graphics characters, so that a separate format is
produced by the program to enable a presentable calendar
printout. To see what the months of 1990 look like with your Epson format,
from DOS. To see what the PC screen does to those Epson block characters,
and compare. A left-right scrolling text-editor with EGA shows more at a
single glance.
H. Changes from previous versions
MyCALEND was originally written for a TRS80 Model I
computer, later upgraded to a TRS80 Model 4, both intended for
use by an Epson MX-80 printer, as is the case here. Future
versions for the PC may be directed toward other printers should
there be a demand. Version 1.1 removes requirement for path specification
of a runtime support module.
I. Upgrades and Enhancements for Registered Users
h) It is possible to put so many events on the calendars
produced by MyCALEND as to cause undo confusion. I found that
relatives I truly didn't know I had were causing me some
embarrasment when I distributed some calendars, so that a special
way had to be established to avoid such things: EVENTS can now be
grouped according to user defined categories (e.g., my wife's
relatives, my friends, etc.) so that resultant calendars will
only contain selected groups. Up to nine groups can be chosen at
one time. @
J. Registration and License
The unregistered MyCALEND program is distributed as
Shareware. You may freely copy WIHOUT ANY CHANGE all files
provided, and are in fact encouraged to share copies with others,
if necessary accepting a maximum of $4 distribution costs. This
means that prospective users may use the program for a short
evaluation period before deciding whether to purchase it. A
license must be obtained to use any copy after this evaluation
period. By sending $15 to the address below, a user will receive
a single copy license, the latest registered version of the
program with documentation. The registered version enables special
features in the MyCALEND program not available in the evaluation
version. There is an Order Form at the conclusion of this file.
Your Certificate of Registration will certify that as a
registered user of MyCALEND you are entitled to freely use the
program on a single personal computer and can freely backup
against inadvertent destruction of the original registered
MyCALEND is normally shipped on a single 5.25" floppy disk.
Please add $5.00 for shipping and handling for destinations
outside the US and Canada. Cash or checks in US funds draw on US
banks only.
Paul Shapiro
P.O. Box 2711
White Flint Mall
Kensington, MD 20891
TO: Paul Shapiro
P.O. Box 2711
Kensington, MD 20891
City State ZIP
Please send ( ) copies of the registered program MyCALEND,
for which $15 (fifteen dollars) each in check or money order (5$
more each, outside of US. or Canada), is enclosed. [No purchase
orders, cash, or other means of payment acceptable.]
Bulk orders required for company and corporate users on more than one
Amount enclosed: $ ________________
Thank you.
2BVTWSans Serif 10 cpisUxxx
Lx|@REpson MX-80 GraftraxEPMX80GR.PRSx
My Custom Calendar Creation Program
Paul Shapiro (C) 1989
Version 1.1 12/05/89
White Flint Mall
P.O Box 2711
Kensington, MD 20891
A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
B. Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.1. MyCALENU.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.2. MyCALEND.DO - this documentation file . . . . . . . . . 3
B.3 MyCALEND.SMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.4 READTHIS.NOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B.5 DEC90EGA.SCR - 1990 Display viewable via 132 x 43 EGA. . . . 3
B.6 DEC90.PRN - 1990 Epson ready to print calendar. . . . . . 3
C. Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C.1. MyCALEND is easy to operate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C.2. Here's How . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
D. Customizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
D.1. Stored events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
D.2. Dyanmically Established Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
E. Functions for registered users only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
F. Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
F.1. Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
G. Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
G.1. Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
G.2. Printer vs. display output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
H. Changes from previous versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
h)I. Upgrades and Enhancements for Registered Users . . . . . . . . . 7
J. Registration and License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ORDER FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
A. Introduction
MyCALEND is a program to create customized calendars. Once a
calendar has been created it need not be changed again for the
events you have indicated. Thus if for example you declare your
birthday as January 4, then on succeeding years the calendar for
January will show your birthday on the proper day of the week
without any other action on your part. MyCALEND can be used to
create calendars for whatever purposes you choose.
Because this is a shareware program you have an opportunity
to try it out before registering. But once you register you get
current enhancements and support.
As a registrant, if you are the first to suggest a newly
implimented feature, you will also get a free copy of that new
This unregistered version does not compromise a full
function capability for producing nice calendars. The
unregistered version produces results every bit as good as the
registered version.
MyCALEND can be fun to watch on a printer. For known
birthdates or other events as set up you can watch the printer
seem to "predict" which day of the week the event is falling on.
B. Getting Started
MyCALEND is distributed as either a self-extracting file or a
compressed ".ZIP" file. Type MYCALU01 to self extract if that is the file
you have, or use Phil Katz's PKUNZIP to obtained extracted uncompressed
files. Both MYCALU01.ZIP and MYCALU01.EXE are comprised of the same files:
B.1. MyCALENU.EXE - run program with this file
B.2. MyCALEND.DO - this documentation file
B.3 MyCALEND.SMP - Data handler "events" files
B.4 READTHIS.NOW - First thing that should be read
B.5 DEC90EGA.SCR - 1990 Display viewable via 132 x 43 EGA
B.6 DEC90.PRN - 1990 Epson ready to print calendar
C. Operation
h) C.1. MyCALEND is easy to operate, but you must have a listof
the "events" you wish to have in your custom calendar. An event
can be the name of someone whose birthday you wish to note, a
special holiday, or usually any other recurring annual event. You
may include one-time events, but MyCALEND is primarily designed
to handle recurring events without alteration of the original
data once established for those events.
C.2. Here's How
To run the program, type MYCALENDU (the unregistered
version, MYCALEND in the registered version). Note that in the
instructions here, the phrase "type a key" or equivalent, rather
than "hit a key" or equivalent. When you pay a lot for your
computer you shouldn't expedite its demise by banging on the
keys, which after all are just electronic sensitive switches not
amenable to heavy-duty pounding as with mechanical devices such
as some of the older non-electric typewriters.
Have your printer on-line. Alternately you may use a utility
to redirect your printer output to a file for subsequent use.
This can be handy when several consecutive monthly calendars and
generated and you want to defer (and perhaps edit anticipated)
The display will then show a menu:
***** Custom Calendar *****
Type Number of Choice:
1 - Get EVENTS data from file
2 - Create New Entries for Month
3 - Obtain Calendar
4 - Quit and return to the operating system
The usual sequence is to choose in the above order.
It is that third choice that always displays a calendar such
as the one below. (Printer-preview calendars displaying after this type
vary with your video adapter type: see Technical Information)
December 1990
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 h)
For registered users, the following appears when the first
choice made using the sample file distributed:
Data EVENT Selection Groups
< 0>Immediate Paul Family (or blank)
< 1>Shapiro (my) Family
< 2>Maternal Family
< 3>Spouse Paternal Family
< 4>Spouse Maternal Family
< 5>Friends
< 6>Special Events
< 7>Sibling Family (Paul Shapiro)
< 8>Sibling Family (spouse)
< 9>NO MORE CHANGES wanted.
[The items other than <9> are the beginning part of the
file MYCALEND.SMP, and are customizable].
Make Choice Now!
This chooses dates in Group 0. The process is continued
until choice 9 is selected, at which time a list of the
selections made is shown and the data is read in from the disk
At this point the options menu expects you to select the
calendar-creation choice 4 according to your customized events.
D. Customizing
D.1. Stored events
To customize your calendar for stored events, you must
prepare the file MyCALEND.DTA with the date-related information
desired in the calendar. It is an "ASCII" text file created by a
text editor or word processor. See the sample file MyCALEND.SMP
which must be renamed via the DOS command REN MYCALEND.SMP
MYCALEND.DTA to obtain the proper name MyCALEND.DTA.
There are two types of data in the MyCALEND.DTA file: the
first is a list of nine selection groups; and the second is a
list of the events themselves. The first group must have nine
group names (or dummy names for unregistered users, which must
consist of nine lines of text without imbedded punctuation.)
There is one line of data for each date. "Events" cannot be
greater than 12 characters in length, but two such entries are
permitted for each date. h)
Each entry is of the form
where mm is the month number (from 1 to 12), event1 is the
first event for the day, code1 is a code corresponding to event
1, event2 is the second event for the day, code 2 is a code
corresponding to event2.
If no code is given, the value of the code is presumed to be
zero. COMMAS ARE REQUIRED as shown.
The code is a number from 0 to 8, corresponding to the
groupings described by the code (such as birthdays of in-laws,
holidays, etc.). The codes are activated for registered users of
MYCALEND to selectively produce calendars for the dates requested
by any or all of the groupings.
The last line in MyCALEND.DTA should look like
since a "month" of "0" terminates input.
D.2. Dyanmically Established Events
To create a calendar or series "on the fly", just type in
the proper response to the prompt for creating new entries.
Events chosen will override existing events for a given date. In
this fashion you can come up with very custom calendars with not
only the annually recurring events for which you only want to
prepare the data file once, but for those extra special few-
(annual) time events.
E. Functions for registered users only
The following are available to registered users only.
5 1/4 ' floppy diskette with latest version of program, sample
data files, and documentation.
Ability to Group Events by user selected categories.
No "unregistered version" reminders on screens.
No authorship/byline on printed calendars.
Certificate of registration.
F. Files
F.1. Naming Conventions
h) This shareware program is referred to by the generic name
MyCALEND. The term can also apply to any of the several forms in
which the program manifests itself, as indicated by the following
.EXE prefixxes (without regard to upper/lower case):
mycalend registered version
mycalenu unregistered version
mycalxx self-extracting or .ZIP registered version xx
mycaluxx self-extracting or .ZIP unregistered version xx
G. Technical Information
G.1. Display
Calendars will display with appropriate IBM PC corner and
line display characters, but the printer-preview calenders will be
difficult to read on an 80-character wide screen. The display is offered
here as a guide to what is currently being printed. An upcoming display
version will truncate the day of week field widths to permit a partial
display. To look at a sample file with an EGA adapter, examine
the file DEC90EGA.SCR in 132 character by 43 line mode. This capability has
not yet been implimented.
G.2. Printer vs. display output
MYCALEND is written for a PC display and an Epson-type
printer. This kind of printer does not handle the PC box-corner
and line graphics characters, so that a separate format is
produced by the program to enable a presentable calendar
printout. To see what the months of 1990 look like with your Epson format,
from DOS. To see what the PC screen does to those Epson block characters,
and compare. A left-right scrolling text-editor with EGA shows more at a
single glance.
H. Changes from previous versions
MyCALEND was originally written for a TRS80 Model I
computer, later upgraded to a TRS80 Model 4, both intended for
use by an Epson MX-80 printer, as is the case here. Future
versions for the PC may be directed toward other printers should
there be a demand. Version 1.1 removes requirement for path specification
of a runtime support module.
I. Upgrades and Enhancements for Registered Users
h) It is possible to put so many events on the calendars
produced by MyCALEND as to cause undo confusion. I found that
relatives I truly didn't know I had were causing me some
embarrasment when I distributed some calendars, so that a special
way had to be established to avoid such things: EVENTS can now be
grouped according to user defined categories (e.g., my wife's
relatives, my friends, etc.) so that resultant calendars will
only contain selected groups. Up to nine groups can be chosen at
one time. @
J. Registration and License
The unregistered MyCALEND program is distributed as
Shareware. You may freely copy WIHOUT ANY CHANGE all files
provided, and are in fact encouraged to share copies with others,
if necessary accepting a maximum of $4 distribution costs. This
means that prospective users may use the program for a short
evaluation period before deciding whether to purchase it. A
license must be obtained to use any copy after this evaluation
period. By sending $15 to the address below, a user will receive
a single copy license, the latest registered version of the
program with documentation. The registered version enables special
features in the MyCALEND program not available in the evaluation
version. There is an Order Form at the conclusion of this file.
Your Certificate of Registration will certify that as a
registered user of MyCALEND you are entitled to freely use the
program on a single personal computer and can freely backup
against inadvertent destruction of the original registered
MyCALEND is normally shipped on a single 5.25" floppy disk.
Please add $5.00 for shipping and handling for destinations
outside the US and Canada. Cash or checks in US funds draw on US
banks only.
Paul Shapiro
P.O. Box 2711
White Flint Mall
Kensington, MD 20891
TO: Paul Shapiro
P.O. Box 2711
Kensington, MD 20891
City State ZIP
Please send ( ) copies of the registered program MyCALEND,
for which $15 (fifteen dollars) each in check or money order (5$
more each, outside of US. or Canada), is enclosed. [No purchase
orders, cash, or other means of payment acceptable.]
Bulk orders required for company and corporate users on more than one
Amount enclosed: $ ________________
Thank you.
December 17, 2017
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