Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : MONYCNT$.ZIP
Filename : B.MSG

Output of file : B.MSG contained in archive : MONYCNT$.ZIP
õ help¦¤ divided½to two sections:

(A)ú explanation£r©s´‰¿Òô.

(B) Some adviceº helpƒr• started.


È BUDGET ACCOUNT MENU¤ where‰ choice¤ madeº either add, change’
delete€“s.In additionº using‰ change©º actually
change“s previously›ed,¶© also be°dº review
‰ various“s¨ on file.

ö New Year

Do not°‰ © ¶¤‰³ timeŒ using

When¹ becomes timeº· a new year,ʐ transferr€
“sº a new¥‘.ThereŒ several©s†š respect
º creatingr new‘ (i.e.Ž carryr old€–ward, move
last year's actualº€,Š more).× BEGIN NEW YEARº exercise¶
©.IMPORTANT:ﶩ only after¨ completedr³
year£ usingÊ.Use¹ whether’ not plan on carryingr old
€“s–ward.õ© encodes‰ new¥‘º tell
ʗ a¥‘– a previous year exits.This prompts
ʺ scan‰¾ year's‘– open¹ems wheningr

DataÐ Extension

È ©¤°dº extendr•º a new¥
‘, after all† space on‰ current‘ has been exhausted.This
©¤ explained½ detail½» appendixº‰ Tutorial/Manual.


úy€¤ basically‰ result£ a plan.The better‰ plan,‰ better
‰€.One£Ê strongest features¤¹s abilityº help
º easily putºgether a sound€.

Ê°s‰€º‚izer finances.Every¯£r
”s, whether¹½volves‰ receipt£ money,‰ purchase£
something major,’Žbe‰ payment£ some expense¤‚ized.It
be classified asº how¹ pertainsº what own’ owe,Š whether¹¤
½come’ expense.

When›r€“sŒ providing‰ classifications—
 be°dº keep track£r financial”s.The better‰ job
 do here,‰ better‰ jobʐ be ableº do–.

È Tutorial/Manual contains» appendix—Ÿs some hints concerning
establishing certain“s— prove°ful when preparer
½come tax¡.If¨ not already done so please review¶ part£
‰ Tutorial/Manual.


(A) WHAT YOU OWN -ù help plan,¶¤ divided½to four

(1) CASH ACCOUNTS - Fanatical planners likeº keep track£
even‰ money‰y keep½ cash–m (ie money½r
wallet’ purse, a piggy bank, a dresser drawer etc.).
If wantº trackr cash would develop¯’
more“s–‰ cash maintain. Otherwise,¹
is not necessaryº°¶ set£“s.

(2) CHECKING ACCOUNTS - Most people maintainœing
accounts½ either banks, savings & loans,’ evenš
their stock brokers. Create¯€“– each
checking“ wishº keep track£.

(3) SAVINGS ACCOUNTS - Create¯£‰se“s– each
savings“ wishº manage.

(4) ASSET ACCOUNTS -õ¤»ything own—¤ not
cash,œing,’ savings“s. Some EXAMPLES would
ber furniture, computer, automobile(s), stock,
house,»tique collection etc.

(B) WHAT YOU OWE -õ¤ divided½to two‚ies:

(1) CREDIT CARD ACCOUNTS -Ψ a choice here. Ύ
set up a€“– each£r… cards
and keep track£‰½dividual charges,…s,
payments etc.Ä card chargesŒ›edŠ
recordedº‰ appropriate expense (i.e. clothing,
vacations, etc.) as‰yŒ made. Periodic paymentsº
the… card companiesŒ‰n allocated, when
entered, between principal repayment against‰…
cardŠ½terest expense. Under¶ method,
your±ly… card statement½
much‰ same wayrœing“

YouŽ elect½stead notº set up a€“–
each… card.Ύ choose‰ much simpler route
of notªing… card charges as‰yŒ made.
Your periodic paymentsº‰… card companies
would beªed entirely as» expense.È choice¤

(2) LIABILITY ACCOUNTS -Èse“sŒ–»ything
you owe— does not result from a… card
transaction. Some EXAMPLES would be a home mortgage,
automobile loan, student loan etc. Similarº…
card“s,Ž chooseº either completely
account–r liabilities’ choose‰
simpler route£ tracking onlyr debt paymentsŠ
recording‰m entirely as» expense.

(C) YOUR INCOME -Î should keep track£ every type£½come
you¨. Some EXAMPLES would ber salary,½terest from a
bank“, moneyŽ earn from deep sea excavations’
occasional bullfights, etc.

(D) YOUR EXPENSES - Unfortunately,¶ probably ber
most lengthy list. ß¹¤»y consolation,¹s‰ same
for almost all£ us (everybody we know»yhow). By taking
the timeº be as precise as possible here, obtain
the most benefit fromÊ. Some examples would
be rent, electricity, groceries, vacations, tuition,
newspaper, haircuts etc. ΍ be as elaborate’ as
general as desire. REMEMBER:ߏ wantÊ
to track a particular¹em£ expense, must set up»
account–— expense¹em½‰ BUDGET.

Once¨ determined‰ various“s¨, should›
‰m½toÊ.YouŽ›‰m as‰y occurºŠ¡
laterŠ add»y—–got during‰½itial entry.

ʍ handle bothr businessŠ personal“s½¯•.
ø alsoˆ financial‡s—Œ limitedº a certain group£
“s.Account groupingsŒ established by assigning all“sšin
each group a common prefixšin‰“­.More²¤
Ÿd on¶ feature½‰ help section´‰ BUDGET ACCOUNT RECORD

È«£€“s set upŽ not exceed 999.As even‰
most comprehensive•s rarely° more than 200“s,Î should not
find¶º be much£ a limit.

Úing±ly€¬s– each“¤©al.ߏ do not
›¶¥´‰ time›‰“s,Ž always come back
laterŠ°‰ CHANGE©º›¹.

ù add“s˜‰ ADD©´‰ BUDGET MENUŠ be
deliveredº‰ BUDGET ACCOUNT RECORD SCREEN.This¤ where‰“sŒ
actually›ed. We recommend, when arrive´¶¦–‰³
time,—™‰ keyŠ review‰²Ÿd by‰
HELP function.Doing¶ save from»y unnecessary confusion
õ¦¤°dº Add, Change’ Delete€“ªs.È mode
(Add, Change’ Delete)¤¼ed½‰³ line£‰¦.

ʍ handle bothr businessŠ personal“s½¯•.
øˆ financial‡s—Œ limitedº a certain group£
“s.Account groupingsŒ established by assigning all“sšin
each group a common prefixšin‰“­.More²¤
Ÿd on¶ feature´‰ end£‰ help section.

ò some comments concerning features uniqueº each mode,‰n some notes
concerning special features†šin¶¦:

 ** ADD MODE **

ü add mode must³ key½‰« &­£‰“ wishº

ù›‰“«™ Š‰ cursor jumpº‰“
«„.At‰ same timer choices be¼ed´‰ bottom£
‰¦.MoneyCounts°s‰“«˜º determine‰
type£“Œ›ing (i.e. cash,œing, savings, asset,…
card etc.).For EXAMPLE,  wishº› aœing“, make sure
˜ a«šin‰œing“« range (checking“s
Œ assigned«s from 50º 99).

HINT:Ύ avoid‰ hassle£ tryingº remember which“«s
¨ assignedšin each“‚y. Simply›‰³“
«£‰‚y wish‰“º fall½to.ʐ
assign‰ next†«šin‰‚y designated.

Don't worry about maintaining»y special alphabetical’der when assigning
“«s.MoneyCounts automaticallyˆs“s½
alphabetical’deršin each‚y on all‡s.This¤ done no matter

After›ing‰“«, must›‰“­.The
“­ must be´ least three characters long.This¤‰ only
restriction here.

Once‰“­ &«¨ been›edŽ›r€
¥.This² (the€¥)¤ only necessary Œ
½terested½ maintaining a€.

Î SHOULD›‰·nings–‰ following“s: cash,
œing, savings, asset,… card & liability.Do¶ whether’ not
 be using a€.BeginningsŒ›ed by™ing ‰n
›ing‰ starting– each“.

ù add‰“ºr•™ .This both updater¥
fileš‰ new“ & alsoŸš a clean¦º›
»other“ should so desire.

WhenŒ done›ing“s™ º exit‰¦Š¡


Change mode¤°dº change€“² previously›ed.
úy¥Ž be changed by™ing‰ keys— designate‰„ want
º amend.YouŽ change»y² except–‰“«.
Changing‰“«Ž only be accomplished by³ deleting‰
“‰n re-entering¹ via‰ ADD modeš‰ new«.

Once¨ changed all‰² desire,™ Š‰¥
file be updatedš‰ new¥.After‰€ file¤ updated
 be deliveredº‰ previousµ.

While½ change modeŽ also shift back &–th between“s.ù shift
–ward™‰ rightž key.ù shift backward™‰ leftž key.

Ø º exit‰¦Š¡º‰ previousµ.


Delete mode, as might¨ guessed,¤°dº delete“ªs.To
delete‰“—§s on‰¦™ .MoneyCounts
‰n scanr¥ files–»y”s—¨ been codedº‰
“Œ´temptingº delete.If no”sŒ found‰“
 be deletedŠ be deliveredº‰ previousµ.

ßÊ finds¯’ more”s—¨ been codedº‰
“º be deleted¹ give» error message.ü¶ case‰
“ not be deleted.If desireº still delete‰“, each
£‰”ªs must be re-codedº»other“.This be
done using‰ change mode½‰¥ entry module.Once¶¤ done,
Ž¡º‰€ moduleŠ‰€“Ž be successfully


ʟs a«£ time-savingºols designedº assist½
›ing€²–»y€“.ÈseºolsŒ°d when
›ing€¥½‰ January thru December±„s.TheyŒ:

COPY PREVIOUS AMOUNT -ߏ desireº€‰ same¬ each
month,¹¤ not necessaryº›‰ same¬ each period.
Instead›‰¬½‰³ period.Èn™‰ key–
the next period. õ time› Š™‰¡ key½stead
of‰¾¬.ʐ automatically copy‰
amount›ed–‰£‰ year.

increases’ decreases each± by a certain percentage›‰
beginning¬½‰³ period. Èn goº‰ next periodŠ
enter ‰n™‰¡ key.ʐ‰n ask
you–‰±ly½flation percentage. ډ±ly½flation
rateŠÊ do‰ rest. ߏ wishº decrease
the¬›ed½‰·ning period each±›‰
inflation rateš a minus sign½ front£¹. Õ EXAMPLE:ù show
a±ly rate£ decrease£ two (2) percent› <-2>.

PRINCIPAL & INTEREST -õ lets›±ly½terest expense’
loans easily. ø also be°dº›½terest½come’
an½vestment. ù°¶ feature goº‰± wish

. ʐ‰n ask‰
following questions:

PRINCIPLE -ډ·ning£‰ obligation
involved. EXAMPLE:ȁ£r mortgage during‰
period immediately preceding‰ period being›ed.

MONTHLY PAYMENT -ډ±ly loan payment.

INTEREST RATE -ډ ANNUAL½terest rate as a
percentage. Õ example ‰ mortgage onr house has
an½terest rate£ eight percent would› <8>‰n
press‰¡ key.

Once‰ above¥¤›edʐ compute‰
monthly loan’‰½terest depending on‰ type (category)
of“ being›ed. ߉“¤šin‰½come’
expense‚ies‰½terest be›ed½ each±.
Otherwise‰ loan be›ed.

CALCULATOR - A full function arithmetic calculator¤†º
assistš»y side computations wishº make. ù call up
the calculator,™ <=> when´‰ prompt line’ when´¯£
the various¬„s (such as·ning etc.).
Pressing when‰ calculator¤¼ed onr¦
provideš» explanation£¹s operationŠ features.
Press º exit‰ calculatorŠ¡º‰ prompt line.
If‰ calculator¤ accessed from¯£‰¬„s,‰
amount½‰ calculator's»swer register¤ placed½‰¬
field‰ calculator was accessed from when¹¤ put away (by
pressing ).

* *Ò Prefix Feature - Multiple GroupsâÒs * *

ʍ handle bothr businessŠ personal“s½¯•.
ø alsoˆ financial‡s—Œ limitedº a certain group£
“s.Account groupingsŒ established by assigning all“sšin
each group a common prefixšin‰“­.

ù take advantage£¶ feature, must¨ a group£“sš­s
—·š a common prefix.For Example: Assume we were using a specific
group£“sº accommodate all£ Parsons Technology's”s.We
would¨ given each“šin‰ group a­·ningš .
We could very well¨°d some other prefix (such as ’ etc.).
È prefix must not exceed five characters½ lengthŠ must be commonº all
“sšin‰ group.

ߏ¨ a group£“s– which would likeº prepare separate
‡s, but whose­s do not·š a common prefix, easily make
‰ necessary changesº°¶ feature.Use‰ Change/Review©º
change‰­s£‰“s½‰ group so‰y·š a common
prefix.YouŽ‰n prepare‡s– each group£“s.
õµ¤°dº˜‰“ wishº either change’ delete.

È mode (either change’ delete)§½‰ second line£‰

׉“‚y–‰“ wishº either change’
delete. All“sšin—‚y§ on‰¦. On‰
left side£‰¦»ž§ nextº‰ very³“.
ߏ wishº˜¶“™‰¡ key.

ù˜»other“,press‰ space bar (orž keys) until‰
ž shiftsº‰“ wantº edit.Èn™‰¡ key.

Ύ exit´»y time by™ing .
È fact—¨ reached¶ help¦½dicates¨ placed a
newly–matted non-system‘½‘ drive .This‘ be°d as
‰¥‘–‰ new yearŒ aboutº·.If do not½tendº
· a new year, please exit¶µ by™ing .

ü creatingr new¥‘,¨ four©s.TheyŒ:

CLEAR BUDGET -×ing¶© result½ transferringr
budget“s (without€«s) fromr old¥‘º
the new¯. ﶩ, Œ not using a€’ 
planº continueº°‰ same“s but wishº› new€

KEEP OLD BUDGET - Under¶©r“s,š‰ old
budget«s½tact, be transferredº‰ new¥‘. ï
this©  planº retainr old€,’  be
re-entering‰€– only a few“s.

ACTUAL TO BUDGET -×ing¶© result½ transferring
your€“s fromr old¥‘º‰ new¯. Upon
transfer,‰€«sŒ replacedš‰ actual results from
the year just completed. ﶩ  desirer actual vs
budget‡s (and graphs)º actually be a yearº year comparison.

START FROM SCRATCH - Under¶©, nothing¤ transferred from
the old¥‘º‰ new¥‘. (Note from author: I just
picture askingrself: Why would I do— ?)ﶩ
when plan on creating new€“sŠ possibly›ing a
new€. õ© encodes‰ new¥‘º tellÊ
that a¥‘ exists– a¾ year. ʽ turn°s
this²º request‰¾‘º scan– open¹ems when
reconciling your various accounts.

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : MONYCNT$.ZIP
Filename : B.MSG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: