Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : MF-DB102.ZIP
Filename : MF.H

Output of file : MF.H contained in archive : MF-DB102.ZIP
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
MF Database Header File
This API header file is copyrighted 1993 by Carl Brown.
You may only use this in conjunction with the MF database.
------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Since most people add something like this anyway...
#ifndef MFHEADER

#define MFHEADER

Used for defining external dll extensions on mfInit
typedef struct {
int extType; /* Type of extension */
char extDLLName[128]; /* Name of DLL extension */
} tmfExtDLL;
typedef tmfExtDLL FAR * ptmfExtDLL;

Currently supported DLL extensions
#define EXT_UDK 0 /* value for a UDK extension DLL */
#define EXT_UDK_NAME "mfUDK" /* Function in the DLL */

Constant variable sizes for prototypes and calls

note: These MAY change to unsigned longs to support DB's up to
4GB's (as opposed to 2GB's...) Try to use these as your parameters
where they are shown in the API calls...

Also, other OS releases are in the works and 'int' will lose its
#define RPTR long
#define IPTR long

As opposed to the LPSTR, we use FPDATA. Maybe we should have used a VOID
pointer -- but, that's not the case. It works either way and makes the math
a little simpler...
#define FPDATA char FAR *

Handle to a MF database
and MF Task
#define hMF_DB int
#define hMF_TASK int

/* ----------------
SEEK information
---------------- */
#define MFSEEK_BOF -1
#define MFSEEK_EOF -2
#define MFSEEK_NODATA -3

iCode (passed integer) RETURN values

Compare Information (Index sort orders)
#define MFCOMP_CHAR 1 /* Alpha string - case sensitive */
#define MFCOMP_INT 2 /* Short Integer or Short Integer array */
#define MFCOMP_LONG 3 /* Long or Long array */
#define MFCOMP_CHARIC 4 /* Alpha string - case insensitive */
#define MFCOMP_UDK 100 /* Or greater */

READ/WRITE options
#define MFRW_ALL -1
#define MFRW_DATA -2
#define MFRW_KEY -3
#define MFRW_KEYEXACT 0 // Index # to write for a KEYEXACT (unsupported in this release)

Severe-Performance options
#define MF_SP_COUNT -1

/* Open */
#define mfERR_OPEN_UNDEFINED -10
#define mfERR_OPEN_NOHNDLS -11
#define mfERR_OPEN_UDK_NOT_FOUND -16

/* Close */
#define mfERR_CLOSE_BAD -21

/* Write */
#define mfERR_WRITE_NOLOCK -32

/* Read */
#define mfERR_READ_BADRECORD -41

/* Append */
#define mfERR_APPEND_NOADD -51

/* Register */
#define mfERR_REG_NOTASKS -61
#define mfERR_INIT_UDK_NOT_FOUND -16

/* CreateDB */

/* Create Index */

/* Update Index */
#define mfERR_X_NOOLDKEY -92
#define mfERR_X_NOADDKEY -93

/* Splits */
#define mfERR_SPLIT_NOROOM -101

/* Delete */

#define mfERR_EOF -2
#define mfERR_BOF -1
These usually generate if you haven't been
verifying your RETURN codes...(They tell you
that you passed a NEGATIVE value as a parameter...)
#define mfERR_BAD_EVERYTHING -223

Global errors (could occur from most calls...)
#define mfERR_RECORD_DELETED -300

/* ----------
---------- */
Data Manipulation
int FAR PASCAL _export mfWrite(RPTR Record, FPDATA dFill, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int Option );
int FAR PASCAL _export mfRead (RPTR Record, FPDATA dFill, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int Option );
int FAR PASCAL _export mfDelete(RPTR Record, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl);
RPTR FAR PASCAL _export mfAppendData(FPDATA dFill, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl);

RPTR FAR PASCAL _export mfSeek(FPDATA SkStr, int FAR * Code, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int iHndl);
RPTR FAR PASCAL _export mfSkip(RPTR record, long NumSkip, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int idxNumber);
RPTR FAR PASCAL _export mfTop(hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int idxNumber);
RPTR FAR PASCAL _export mfBottom(hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int idxNumber);

int FAR PASCAL _export mfCreateIndex(LPSTR FileName, int RecSize, int DataType, int NumOfIndexes);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfCreateDB(LPSTR FileName, int dRecSize, int NumIndex, int FAR * iRecSize, int FAR * iType);

General stuff
int FAR PASCAL _export mfInfoDB(int FAR * RecSize, int FAR * NumIndexs, RPTR FAR * NumRecs, RPTR FAR * RealRecs, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB Hndl);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfInfoIndex(hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int iHndl);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfIsDeleted (RPTR Record, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB Hndl);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfReIndex(HWND hDisplay, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB Hndl);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfLock(RPTR record, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB db);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfUnLock(RPTR record, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB db);

hMF_DB FAR PASCAL _export mfOpen( LPSTR FileName, hMF_TASK Task);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfClose(hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl);
int FAR PASCAL _export mfInit( ptmfExtDLL szExtCalls );
int FAR PASCAL _export mfDeInit(hMF_TASK Task);

Severe-performance functions
long FAR PASCAL _export mfReadList(RPTR record, FPDATA passStr, int FuzzyMatch, RPTR FAR * hitList, long MaxNumHitsWanted, hMF_TASK Task, hMF_DB dbHndl, int iHndl);

#endif /* MFHEADER */

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : MF-DB102.ZIP
Filename : MF.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: