Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : MF-DB102.ZIP
Filename : BCARDS.FRM
Begin Form bcard
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Height = 375
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Width = 1695
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Height = 375
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Caption = "New &Card"
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FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 375
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Top = 3780
Width = 1635
Begin Frame Frame1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Order by"
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Height = 1155
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Begin OptionButton Option1
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Width = 1455
Begin TextBox Text1
Height = 285
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TabIndex = 9
Top = 2940
Width = 1455
Begin CommandButton Command4
Caption = "&Save Card"
FontBold = 0 'False
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FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 375
Left = 1800
TabIndex = 15
Top = 4140
Width = 1635
Begin Label LiveNum
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Live Records:"
FontBold = 0 'False
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FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 195
Left = 2580
TabIndex = 31
Top = 240
Width = 2175
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Reference"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
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ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
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Left = 3180
TabIndex = 30
Top = 2700
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "First Name"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 195
Index = 0
Left = 180
TabIndex = 29
Top = 540
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Last Name"
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FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 195
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Left = 2340
TabIndex = 28
Top = 540
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Address"
FontBold = 0 'False
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FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
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Left = 180
TabIndex = 27
Top = 1620
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "City"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
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Left = 180
TabIndex = 26
Top = 2160
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "State"
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FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
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FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
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Left = 2880
TabIndex = 25
Top = 2160
Width = 495
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Zip Code"
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FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
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Left = 3660
TabIndex = 24
Top = 2160
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Company"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 195
Index = 6
Left = 180
TabIndex = 23
Top = 1080
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Voice"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
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Left = 180
TabIndex = 22
Top = 2700
Width = 915
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Fax"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
Height = 255
Index = 8
Left = 1680
TabIndex = 21
Top = 2700
Width = 915
Begin Label CardNum
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Card: 0/0"
FontBold = 0 'False
FontItalic = 0 'False
FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
FontSize = 8.25
FontStrikethru = 0 'False
FontUnderline = 0 'False
Height = 195
Left = 180
TabIndex = 20
Top = 240
Width = 2175
Begin Menu m_File
Caption = "&File"
Begin Menu m_InitDB
Caption = "&Create Card Databases..."
Begin Menu m_Sep1
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu m_Open
Caption = "&Open Cards..."
Begin Menu m_Close
Caption = "&Close Cards"
Begin Menu m_Sep2
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu m_Quit
Caption = "&Quit"
Begin Menu mOther
Caption = "&Other"
Begin Menu mLockRecord
Caption = "&Lock this record"
Shortcut = ^L
Begin Menu mSep1
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu mDelete
Caption = "&Delete current record"
Shortcut = ^D
Begin Menu mSepOther
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu mReIndex
Caption = "&ReIndex database"
Begin Menu mEditRefTbl
Caption = "&Edit Reference Table"
Begin Menu mSepOther2
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu mSevere
Caption = "&SP Demo"
Begin Menu mSevereLoad
Caption = "Load list using SP API"
Begin Menu mNormalLoad
Caption = "Load list using standard 'skips'"
Begin Menu SPSep
Caption = "-"
Begin Menu mSPCount
Caption = "Get COUNT- SP"
Begin Menu m_Test
Caption = "&Test"
Begin Menu m_AddXRnd
Caption = "&Add X - Random..."
Begin Menu m_RplXRandom
Caption = "&Replace X - Random..."
Begin Menu mHelp
Caption = "&Help"
Begin Menu mAbout
Caption = "&About..."
Option Explicit
' Change this to a location better for you...
Const CARDFILE = "C:\source\bcard"
Dim PersonDBHndl As Integer ' Handle to person db
Dim PersonCurIndex As Integer ' Current index selected
Dim PersonCurRec As Long ' Record currently in use...
Dim PersonTotRecs As Long ' total # of recs in person db
Dim curFile As String ' Curretly open DB file name
' Take data from disply and store in tCard
Function bcFillData% (c As tCard)
c.Person.fname = text1(0).Text
c.Person.lname = text1(1).Text = text1(2).Text = text1(3).Text = text1(4).Text = text1(5).Text = text1(6).Text
c.ref.ref = Combo1.ListIndex = text1(7).Text = text1(8).Text
End Function
' take data from var and display it
Function bcShowData% (c As tCard)
text1(0).Text = c.Person.fname
text1(1).Text = c.Person.lname
text1(2).Text =
text1(3).Text =
text1(4).Text =
text1(5).Text =
text1(6).Text =
' since the 'random add' functions don't
' set this value properly -- we have to check
' for an error condition...
On Error Resume Next
Combo1.ListIndex = c.ref.ref
On Error GoTo 0
text1(7).Text =
text1(8).Text =
'Command4.Enabled = False
'command3.Enabled = False
' Updates statistics at the top of the screen...
End Function
Sub Command1_Click (Index As Integer)
Dim PlusMinus As Integer
Dim NextRec As Long
Dim bcard As tCard
' Are They going FORWARD or BACKWARD
If Index = 0 Then
PlusMinus = 1 ' Next Record
ElseIf Index = 1 Then
PlusMinus = -1
PlusMinus = 0 ' just force a re-display
End If
If PersonCurRec > 0 Then
PersonCurRec = mfSkip(PersonCurRec, PlusMinus, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
If PersonCurRec = MFSEEK_BOF Then
' They tried to skip past the begining of the file. Since we already
' overwrote the ptr to the previous record, we need to find out
' what the first record was...
PersonCurRec = mfTop(TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
ElseIf PersonCurRec = MFSEEK_EOF Then
' They tried to skip past the END of the file. Since we already
' overwrote the ptr to the previous record, we need to find out
' what the first record was...
PersonCurRec = mfBottom(TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
End If
junk = mfRead(PersonCurRec, bcard, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
' We end up here if it's an empty database
PersonCurRec = 0
End If
If junk < 0 Then
' This shouldn't happen...
MsgBox "Bad Read"
End If
cardnum.Caption = curFile + " " + Format$(PersonCurRec) + " of " + Format$(PersonTotRecs) + " cards"
junk = bcShowData(bcard)
End Sub
' Find a record
Sub Command2_Click ()
Dim jump$, code%, jumpto&, s$, jumpint%
' Which Index do they have active? (Order by box)
If PersonCurIndex = 0 Then
s = "Seek String for Last/First name"
ElseIf PersonCurIndex = 1 Then
s = "Seek String for Company"
s = "Seek String for Reference #"
End If
jump = InputBox$(s, "Record")
' NOTE: ALL seeks are SOFT. If you need an
' exact match, then assume if you fully specify
' a key, it will be an exact...
If PersonCurIndex = 2 Then ' search for a int...
' MFSEEKO structure. Since STRINGS (mfseeks) don't pass well
' using the as ANY keyword, there is a special mfseeks. This
' is only a problem in VB. Any language that supports passing
' ptrs to data will work fine with mf.
jumpint = Val(jump)
PersonCurRec = mfSeekO(jumpint, code, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
' SHOULD be padded to the length of the key
' else, it will probably not seek correctly
' (NOTE: Any padding you use for character keys
' should be consistent so you won't have to have
' alot of routines to do the seeking...
' (NOTE: MF doesn't care if you OVERPAD something. However, if you
' UNDERPAD something -- you could get a GPF. This is just the nature of
' the C language )
jump = jump + Pad(128, " ")
PersonCurRec = mfSeekS(jump, code, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
End If
If PersonCurRec = MFSEEK_EOF Then
MsgBox ("Search key was greater than any key in the database")
MsgBox ("Exact Match")
Else ' code will equal 2...
MsgBox ("Closest Match")
End If
End If
' will update display with current record
Command1_Click -1
End Sub
Sub Command3_Click ()
' Add a new record
Dim bcard As tCard
junk = bcFillData(bcard)
' First, append a new record to the database.
' PASS >>ONLY<< the DATA portion of the record. Do NOT pass the
' key along with the record.
PersonCurRec = mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
' Now, we have a reference to the new record. We should proably
' verify that it is a good # (not negative).
If PersonCurRec > 0 Then
' The MFRW_ALL flag tells it to update ALL index fields. If we want
' to enhance the SPEED and we know we have blank fields, then we
' could have specified a specific index to update...
junki = mfWrite(PersonCurRec, bcard, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
If junki < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error on write:" + Format$(junki)
End If
' This will tell us how many records are now in the database
' The size of a record, and the number of index's
Dim vRecSize%, vNumIndex%, vNumRecs&, vLiveRecs&
junk = mfInfoDB(vRecSize, vNumIndex, vNumRecs, vLiveRecs, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
PersonTotRecs = vNumRecs
If junkl < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error on add: " + Format$(junkl)
End If
End If
cardnum.Caption = CARDFILE + " " + Format$(PersonCurRec) + "/" + Format$(PersonTotRecs)
LiveNum.Caption = "Live Records:" + Format$(vLiveRecs)
End Sub
Sub Command4_Click ()
' Re-write current record...
Dim bcard As tCard
If PersonCurRec > 0 Then
' General function to get TEXT fields into a structure
junk = bcFillData(bcard)
junkl = mfWrite(PersonCurRec, bcard, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
If junkl < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error on write:" + Format$(junkl)
End If
MsgBox "Not a valid record to SAVE to"
End If
End Sub
Sub Command5_Click ()
' To see the 'size' (# of bytes in the key) of a particular index, just add a button (called command5) and
' this will show you the 'size' of the active index...
MsgBox "Index Size:" + Format$(mfInfoIndex(TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex))
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
PersonDBHndl = -1
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
' Will auto-close any open db's
End Sub
' Place some sample data in the Reference database
Sub LoadSampleData (file$)
Dim ref As tReference
refDBHndl = mfOpen(file, TaskHndl)
ref.ref = 1
ref.refsub = 0 = "Stores"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
ref.ref = 1
ref.refsub = 1 = "Pizza"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
ref.ref = 1
ref.refsub = 2 = "Computer"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
ref.ref = 1
ref.refsub = 3 = "Movies"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
ref.ref = 2
ref.refsub = 0 = "Personal"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
ref.ref = 2
ref.refsub = 1 = "Relatives"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
ref.ref = 2
ref.refsub = 2 = "Friends"
junk = mfWrite(mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, refDBHndl), ref, TaskHndl, refDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
junk = mfClose(refDBHndl, TaskHndl)
End Sub
Sub m_AddXRnd_Click ()
' Tests Adding X # of random cards to the database.
' This is mostly for data-verifaction/system stress test
' (Since we know the first thing you'll want to do is
' see if you can crash it, we left this in here...
' If you are going to compare the 'speed' of MF with
' this function, feel free. We would like to offer
' the results, though, right now:
' We tested: 3 index's (2 characer, 1 integer... of same
' size)
' Clipper: (DOS)
' Recs/Second: 5 with LOCK, UNLOCK, FLUSHing
' (however, we were totally amazed that taking out the 'flush' brought around 150 records/second)
' unfortunately, the records weren't 'REAL' records and it wasn't a REAL network... oh well)
' vxBase: Recs/Second: 15 with LOCK, UNLOCK, WRITE
' mf: Generally, 20-30...
If PersonDBHndl = -1 Then
MsgBox "Open a database before trying this..."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim jump&, n&
Dim c As tCard
jump = Val(InputBox$("# of records to add?", "Add")) = " = " = "<>" = " = " = "
screen.MousePointer = 11 ' Hourglass
For n = 1 To jump
c.Person.fname = Format$(Rnd)
c.Person.lname = Format$(Rnd) = Format$(Rnd)
c.ref.ref = Rnd * 32000
PersonTotRecs = mfAppendData(, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
' NOTE: To see the 'effect' of INDEXING overhead (described in the
' Docs), comment out this line...and step back...
junkl = mfWrite(PersonTotRecs, c, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
If junkl < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error on add:" + Format$(junkl)
End If
If Int(n / 10) = n / 10 Then
cardnum.Caption = "Processed: " + Format$(n)
End If
' This creates, in effect, background processing...
junk = DoEvents()
Next n
screen.MousePointer = 0 ' Default
'PersonCurRec = PersonTotRecs
cardnum.Caption = CARDFILE + " " + Format$(PersonCurRec) + "/" + Format$(PersonTotRecs)
End Sub
' Closing database...
Sub m_Close_Click ()
m_Open.Enabled = True
m_Close.Enabled = False
gBox.Enabled = False
junk = mfClose(TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
junk = mfClose(TaskHndl, refDBHndl)
PersonDBHndl = -1
End Sub
' This demostrates creating a database
Sub m_InitDB_Click ()
Dim file$, recsize%
Dim Person As tPerson
Dim company As tCompany
Dim ref As tref
Dim bcard As tCard
If PersonDBHndl <> -1 Then
MsgBox "Close all databases before doing this..."
Exit Sub
End If
file = InputBox$("Enter File Name (7 character max -- no extension)", "Create CardFile", CARDFILE)
If Len(file) > 0 Then
screen.MousePointer = PHOURGLASS
' Calculate the size of an individual records 'data'
recsize = Len(bcard) - Len(Person) - Len(company) - Len(ref)
' Fill arrays with index parameters
' Note: we have 3 index's for this database
ReDim indSize(0 To 2) As tintArray
ReDim indType(0 To 2) As tintArray
indSize(0).i = Len(Person) ' Key 0 (index 0...)
indSize(1).i = Len(company) ' Key 1
indSize(2).i = Len(ref) ' Key 2
' This tells mf the TYPE of the index
indType(0).i = MFCOMP_CHARIC ' CHAR key - case insensitive
indType(1).i = 1001 ' UDK (user-defined key) - Sorts in 'reverse' order...
' (see mfUDK.c for example)
indType(2).i = MFCOMP_INT ' An integer key...
If mfCreateDB(file, recsize, 3, indSize(0), indType(0)) < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error creating card database"
End If
file = file + "r"
' Calculate the size of an individual records 'data'
recsize = 25 ' size of the data portion of the record
' Fill arrays with index parameters
' Note: we have 1 index for this database
ReDim indSize(0 To 0) As tintArray
ReDim indType(0 To 0) As tintArray
indSize(0).i = 4 ' length of 2 integer keys...
' This tells mf the TYPE of the index
indType(0).i = MFCOMP_INT ' Integer key
If mfCreateDB(file, recsize, 1, indSize(0), indType(0)) > -1 Then
' Let's put some sample data into the REF database
LoadSampleData file
MsgBox "Databases Created Successfully"
MsgBox "Error creating reference database"
End If
screen.MousePointer = PNORMAL
End If
End Sub
' Demostrates opening a couple of databases
Sub m_Open_Click ()
Dim vRecSize%, vNumIndex%, vNumRecs&, vLiveRecs&
Dim file$
file = InputBox$("Enter File Name", "Open CardFile", CARDFILE)
If Len(file) > 0 Then
' Call the open routine with the TASKhndl we recieved
' when the application started...
' PersonDBHndl will be > -1 if it can open a file...
PersonDBHndl = mfOpen(file, TaskHndl)
refDBHndl = mfOpen(file + "r", TaskHndl)
If PersonDBHndl > -1 Then
curFile = file
junk = mfInfoDB(vRecSize, vNumIndex, vNumRecs, vLiveRecs, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
PersonTotRecs = vNumRecs
m_Open.Enabled = False
m_Close.Enabled = True
gBox.Enabled = True
PersonCurRec = mfTop(TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
' Load the 'references' combo box
load_refs Combo1
Command1_Click -1 ' Force disply of top record...
MsgBox "Error on open: " + Str$(PersonDBHndl)
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub m_Quit_Click ()
Unload bCardREf
Unload bcard
End Sub
Sub m_RplXRandom_Click ()
' Tests changing the key for X # of random cards to the database.
' This is mostly for data-verifaction/system stress test
' NOTE: Don't use this code as a SAMPLE! IT won't work in the real world.
If PersonDBHndl = -1 Then
MsgBox "Open a database before trying this..."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim jump&, n&
Dim c As tCard
jump = Val(InputBox$("# of records to replace?", "Add")) = " = " = "<>" = " = " = "
screen.MousePointer = 11 ' Hourglass
For n = 1 To jump
c.Person.fname = Format$(Rnd)
c.Person.lname = Format$(Rnd) = Format$(Rnd)
c.ref.ref = Rnd * 32000
junkl = mfWrite(n + PersonCurRec, c, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, MFRW_ALL)
If junkl < 0 Then
MsgBox "Error on replace:" + Format$(junkl)
End If
If Int(n / 10) = n / 10 Then
cardnum.Caption = "Processed: " + Format$(n)
End If
Next n
screen.MousePointer = 0 ' Default
'PersonCurRec = PersonTotRecs
cardnum.Caption = CARDFILE + " " + Format$(PersonCurRec) + "/" + Format$(PersonTotRecs)
End Sub
Sub mAbout_Click ()
MsgBox "Business Cards -- This application is freeware. All source code may be used for any purpose you see fit. However, the mf.BAS file is copyright 1993 by Carl Brown"
End Sub
Sub mDelete_Click ()
If PersonDBHndl = -1 Then
MsgBox "Open a database before trying this..."
Exit Sub
End If
If PersonCurRec < 1 Then
MsgBox "Move to a record before selecting this option..."
Exit Sub
End If
' Delete selected record
junki = mfDelete(PersonCurRec, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
PersonCurRec = mfTop(TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, PersonCurIndex)
Command1_Click 2 ' update display
End Sub
Sub mEditRefTbl_Click ()
End Sub
Sub mLockRecord_Click ()
' In a real world app, you would probably 'enable'
' the edit controls so the user could change
' the record without worrying about someone
' overwriting their changes.
If mfLock(PersonCurRec, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Record Locked!"
If mfUnLock(PersonCurRec, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Unable to unlock record!"
End If
MsgBox "Record already locked by another user!"
End If
End Sub
' This demonstrates the difference in speed between the
' severe-performance functions in mf and the 'standard' performance
' functions in mf (and other databases...)
' NOTE: This is JUST meant to give you a general idea...
Sub mNormalLoad_Click ()
If PersonDBHndl = -1 Then
MsgBox "Open a database before trying this..."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim hits&, MAX_HITS&, startTime As Variant, n%, startRec&, rCode%, skStr$
MAX_HITS = 1000
screen.MousePointer = PHOURGLASS
startTime = Time
' We MUST have a 'seek' string padded to AT LEAST the maximum length of
' the index we are about to seek into. If we don't, MF MAY GPF on us
' because it will be trying to look at memory that could straddle a segment
' boundary. Space(100) forces plenty of extra padding at the end of the seek string
skStr = "0" + Space$(100)
startRec = mfSeekS("0", rCode, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, 0)
If startRec > 0 Then
For n = 0 To MAX_HITS
' First off, in order to get a 'partial-key', we would have to 'read' each record to see if it matched
' but, the point of this demo is to show the difference in 'skips' vs. readlists...
' So, these two are not equal. The readlist is actually even FASTER than this
' because readlist returns the actual 'matching' list...
startRec = mfSkip(startRec, 1, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, 0)
' make sure we don't hit EOF
If startRec < 1 Then
Exit For
End If
Next n
MsgBox "Unable to start processing because nothing 'matched' the starting position..."
End If
MsgBox "Elapsed time: " + Format$(Time - startTime) + " # of (potential) records read: " + Format$(n)
screen.MousePointer = PNORMAL
End Sub
' Demonstration of reindexing
Sub mReIndex_Click ()
' Make a 'form' that will supply screen updates
' The form actually contains the code to perform
' the reindexing (see the Form_Load stuff...)
junki = PersonDBHndl
' Since the form unloads in it's LOAD procedure,
' we need to trap the error...
On Error Resume Next
IndexForm.Show asmodal
On Error GoTo 0
If junki < 0 Then
MsgBox "Reindexing failed! Restart BCards..."
End If
PersonDBHndl = junki
End Sub
' Demonstrates using a 'severe-performance' function
' Use the 'Add X random records' (menu option)
' to add a bunch of records that will be retrieved by
' this function...
Sub mSevereLoad_Click ()
If PersonDBHndl = -1 Then
MsgBox "Open a database before trying this..."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim hits&, MAX_HITS&, startTime As Variant, TopRecord&
MAX_HITS = 1000
ReDim hitList(0 To MAX_HITS) As tLongArray
' This example reads UP TO 1000 records (in sequential order) that start with
' the character "0". The THIRD parm (a '1') tells the read API call to only
' process the FIRST character in the index field.
' Since we are seeking on a STRING index, we must use the readListS api call...
' NOTE: The reason we use the "0" as the example is: If you use the random
' ADD functions (under TEST) alot of "0.xxxxxxxx" names get created...
screen.MousePointer = PHOURGLASS ' This is SO fast, you may not need this...
startTime = Time
hits = mfReadListS(0, "0", 1, hitList(0), MAX_HITS, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, 0)
screen.MousePointer = PNORMAL
MsgBox "Elapsed time: " + Format$(Time - startTime) + " " + "# of records read: " + Format$(hits)
' Demos a 'continuation set' read. e.g. lets say there are too many hits to
' load in RAM. You would have to continue the process using a second read...
' This is here just to show 'HOW' it would be done. This wont actually work unless you
' have over 1000 hits to retrieve. If you would like to see it work, make sure you put
' over 1000 records in your database (or cut back on the 'MAX_HITS' value...)
'hits = mfReadListS(hitList(MAX_HITS), "0", 1, hitList(0), MAX_HITS, TaskHndl, personDBHndl, 0)
' Demos a 'list' of sequential records. If you just want the first '1000' records, and
' don't care about a particular 'key', use this.
'ReDim hitList(0 To MAX_HITS) As tLongArray
'TopRecord = mfTop(TaskHndl, personDBHndl, 0)
'hits = mfReadListNull(TopRecord, 0&, -1, hitList(0), MAX_HITS, TaskHndl, personDBHndl, 0)
End Sub
' Demos using the readlist COUNT option
' See the mSevereLoad for more comments
Sub mSPCount_Click ()
If PersonDBHndl = -1 Then
MsgBox "Open a database before trying this..."
Exit Sub
End If
Dim hits&, startTime As Variant
ReDim hitList(0 To 0) As tLongArray
screen.MousePointer = PHOURGLASS ' This is SO fast, you may not need this...
startTime = Time
hits = mfReadListS(0, "0", 1, hitList(0), MF_SP_COUNT, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl, 0)
screen.MousePointer = PNORMAL
MsgBox "Elapsed time: " + Format$(Time - startTime) + " " + "# of records matching filter: " + Format$(hits)
End Sub
Sub Option1_Click (Index As Integer)
PersonCurIndex = Index
End Sub
Sub Text1_Change (Index As Integer)
Command4.Enabled = True
command3.Enabled = True
End Sub
' Displays database information
Sub UpdateStats ()
Dim vRecSize%, vNumIndex%, vNumRecs&, vLiveRecs&
junk = mfInfoDB(vRecSize, vNumIndex, vNumRecs, vLiveRecs, TaskHndl, PersonDBHndl)
cardnum.Caption = CARDFILE + " " + Format$(PersonCurRec) + "/" + Format$(PersonTotRecs)
LiveNum.Caption = "Live Records:" + Format$(vLiveRecs)
End Sub
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: