Dec 292017
Ammunition reloaders database. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
BBRAND.DAT | 357 | 180 | deflated |
BBRAND.K01 | 1024 | 138 | deflated |
BDIAM.DAT | 436 | 145 | deflated |
BDIAM.K01 | 1024 | 130 | deflated |
BTYPE.DAT | 457 | 169 | deflated |
BTYPE.K01 | 1024 | 146 | deflated |
BULLET.DAT | 1143 | 373 | deflated |
BULLET.K01 | 2048 | 264 | deflated |
BWEIGHT.DAT | 380 | 164 | deflated |
BWEIGHT.K01 | 1024 | 133 | deflated |
CCASE.DAT | 317 | 160 | deflated |
CCASE.K01 | 1024 | 126 | deflated |
LOAD.DAT | 1513 | 616 | deflated |
LOAD.K01 | 1024 | 50 | deflated |
LOAD.K02 | 1024 | 96 | deflated |
LOAD.K03 | 1024 | 139 | deflated |
LOAD.K04 | 1024 | 139 | deflated |
LOAD.K05 | 1024 | 106 | deflated |
LOAD.K06 | 1024 | 76 | deflated |
LOAD.K07 | 1024 | 22 | deflated |
LOAD.MEM | 774 | 38 | deflated |
LOADSYS.DOC | 7347 | 3280 | deflated |
LOADSYS.EXE | 411966 | 159135 | deflated |
LOADSYS.HLP | 7559 | 2959 | deflated |
PBRAND.DAT | 277 | 165 | deflated |
PBRAND.K01 | 1024 | 122 | deflated |
PNAME.DAT | 357 | 172 | deflated |
PNAME.K01 | 1024 | 139 | deflated |
POWDER.DAT | 516 | 219 | deflated |
POWDER.K01 | 1024 | 156 | deflated |
POWDER.K02 | 1024 | 156 | deflated |
PRBRAND.DAT | 182 | 111 | deflated |
PRBRAND.K01 | 1024 | 63 | deflated |
PRNAME.DAT | 167 | 105 | deflated |
PRNAME.K01 | 1024 | 55 | deflated |
ROUND.DAT | 437 | 214 | deflated |
ROUND.K01 | 1024 | 180 | deflated |
Download File LOADSYS.ZIP Here
Contents of the LOADSYS.DOC file
reloading database management system
Christopher C. Morton
To Al Fedor and Rick Wolf for explaining the incomprensible.
To Steve Podleski for being a cooperative guinea pig.
To Ed Harris for knowing everything.
To Clarion Software, whose product alternately made things very
easy and very hard, and on balance, just about right.
i.Guarantee: None whatsoever. You use this program completely at
your own risk, the programmer taking NO responsibility for its
actions or inactions. What do you expect for free?
I. Introduction
I've been reloading intermittantly since the mid-70s.
Unfortunately, I've been keeping serious records for only about the
last two months. I've probably rediscovered the same handloads a
dozen times. Since buying a computer I've used DbaseII and
DbaseIII+ for number of tasks, both work related and personal.
While these applications were useful to me to a greater or lesser
degree, they were often slow, crude and all required the presence
of Dbase.
I recently began using the Clarion database development package.
The capabilities and ease of use of this package so surpassed those
of previous databases that I'd used, that I immediately set about
converting various applications to Clarion. While doing these
conversions, it occurred to me that although I'd been doing
database programming from time to time for almost five years, I'd
never thought of writing myself a package to take care of my
reloading needs, inspite of the fact that I'd previously written
a videotape library system. Since I've recently started doing a
LOT of reloading, the need for something was pressing and LoadSys
is it.
II. System Requirements
Running the system doesn't take much special. Here's what it takes
(as far as I know....)
1. XT/AT/386 IBM compatible PC. - The system was developed on a
Compaq Deskpro 286. It's been run successfully on an 8mhz JDR/XT.
2. MS-DOS 3.3 or above - 3.3 probably isn't REQUIRED, but the
system has so far been used only on PCs running Compaq and Packard-
Bell MS-DOS 3.3
3. Hard Disk Drive - The executable file is almost 412k in size.
You could probably run the system off of a 1.2meg or 1.44meg
floppy. You could also shoot the National Match course of fire
with a 10gauge goose gun and rifled slugs. I wouldn't advise
4. 640k memory - I've only run the system on PCs with 640k or
greater. Clarion applications use memory the way a minigun uses
ammo. If there are memory problems, future releases can be
overlayed. So far no problems have arisen with the compiled and
linked program.
5. Card and monitor - The system was developed with a Compaq EGA
system. It's been run on a generic B&W VGA system. It was written
to be legible on ANY reasonable video display and card combination.
That's why it's in black and white. If you want color, buy Leisure
Suit Larry or break out the crayons....
6. Printer - The system was developed using an Epson LQ-850. It
was not written FOR an LQ-850. The print routines are intended to
be as generic as possible. For this reason the box label printing
command was written with 8.5x11 paper with a form length of 0. The
way the labels print, you can get at least four out of a sheet of
bond or tractor feed paper. It's easier to tear on the dotted line
and attach the label with scotch tape, than it is to buy specific
labels and then scrape them out of your box tops when they start
to accumulate.
III. The System
LoadSys enables you to enter the data from your handloads and
retrieve it when desired, keep track of bullets used, and print box
labels for each batch of ammo.
A. Structure - The system is composed of tables, forms, and
reports. There are also numerous help screens accessed by
using the F-1 key.
1. Tables - The tables are ordered lists of records
indexed on a particular item. A particular record can
be examined, changed, or deleted by moving to that record
and pressing the enter key. In most tables, you can
enter a value such as bullet diameter, in a locator field
to quickly move to a particular record. If you want to
add a record, press the insert key.
2. Forms - The forms allow you to enter data into the
database, from whence it can be displayed in the tables
or printed in a report. Most input fields in the forms
are linked to tables offering you a choice of predefined
values, such as common cartridge names, bullet diameters,
or powder names. Some input fields automatically perform
certain editing functions, such as capitalization of the
first letter or complete capitalization. Combined with
the lookup tables, this makes data entry easier and helps
standardize your data.
3. Reports - Reports allow you to print either reports
of various data items. You can also print labels for
your ammo boxes. No more wondering whether that .30-06
had 50gr. of 4064 or 13gr. of RedDot!
2.IV. Hints for Usage
A. Most of the data apart from specific powder charges, etc.,
will be standardized information. There are tables for round
names, bullet weight, bullet diameter, bullet type, etc. You
can use the data preloaded in these tables or you change it
or add to it. The system will not allow you to add exact
duplicates. Only enter the same basic data once. Use .45ACP
OR .45Automatic, not .45ACP AND .45Automatic. This will make
things easier to keep track of.
B. Enter the data as soon as you load the ammo. The system
won't do you much good if you don't use it, or if you forget
what load you used.
C. Use the notes section in the Load table. If you use the
same load twice under the same conditions and get different
results, comparing loads and notes may help you determine the
V. Conclusion
Enjoy the program. I hope it makes life easier for you. It
already has for me. I used to try to keep paper records, but
always misplaced my log book. So far, I've managed to not forget
where the PC is! If you like this program feel free to cough up
$10. Send $5.00 to me and $5.00 to the NRA Institute for Legal
Action. I won't curse your name if you just send $10 to them.
Give the program to whomever you like. Maybe it'll keep them from
blowing themselves up....
Questions, comments, and suggestions can be addressed NetMail to:
Chris Morton
You should also be able to garner a response by sending me EchoMail
in the FidoNet FIREARMS echo.
If you're one of those wierd academic types, there's a SLIGHT
chance that if you leave me mail in the USENET REC.GUNS newsgroup,
it'll be relayed to me by someone with access to USENET. Good
December 29, 2017
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