Dec 292017
JOBNET v1.0 Put your skills to work making MONEY. JobNET is a 1-800 directory of the most active,ressive, & high-profile contract service firms. JobNET costs $29 and includes LABELS. From Tom Welch.

Full Description of File

JOBNET v1.0 Put your skills to work
making MONEY. JobNET is a 1-800 directory of
the most active, aggressive, and high profile
contract service firms in industry. Designed
for professionals, JobNET lets you access, in
a cost effective manner, firms working at the
national and regional level; these firms can
best represent your knowledge, skills, and
abilities to corporate America. JOBNET costs
$29 & includes LABELS. From Tom Welch.

File JOBNET.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
JOBNET v1.0 Put your skills to work making MONEY. JobNET is a 1-800 directory of the most active,ressive, & high-profile contract service firms. JobNET costs $29 and includes LABELS. From Tom Welch.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DART.EXE 84889 80844 deflated
DART.RCS 7363 3674 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 452 306 deflated
INSTALL.DOC 2544 956 deflated
JOBNET.#01 10876 10871 deflated
JOBNET.#02 2983 2983 stored
JOBNET.#03 1886 1886 stored
JOBNET.#04 1647 1647 stored
JOBNET.#05 1967 1967 stored
JOBNET.#06 2173 2173 stored
JOBNET.#07 1924 1924 stored
JOBNET.BAT 143 109 deflated
ORDER.DOC 1034 477 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 10119 3529 deflated

Download File JOBNET.ZIP Here

Contents of the INSTALL.DOC file


To install Think & Do software on your hard disk:

1. Make a subdirectory by typing the line
MD C:\MYDIR and press ENTER

2. Type CD C:\MYDIR and press ENTER to change
to that subdirectory you just created

3. Insert the program disk in drive A; or the
appropriate floppy drive

4. Type COPY A:\*.* and press ENTER to copy
the files to your hard disk

5. Now, type appropriate BAT file and press ENTER
to load program...See disk label for execution
BAT file

Note: If you purchased more than one Think & Do
program install all programs in the same
subdirectory to conserve disk space

To run Think & Do software from a floppy drive:

1. Insert the program disk in drive A; or the
appropriate floppy drive

2. Now, type appropriate BAT file and press ENTER
to load program...See disk label

(Registered B/Plan Users Only)

The keyword outlines are compressed and will require about 40K
of free space on your hard disk once the self-extraction process
is completed. Installing keyword outlines is a simple three step

1. Make a subdirectory for your keyword outlines using
the MS-DOS command (MKDIR\ or MD\). Most PC users
create a subdirectory within their document or data
directory named "OUTLINES" or "OL".

2. Copy files ~KW.BAT~ and ~KEYWORDS.EXE~ from your
original disk into the subdirectory you have just
just created...use your DOS copy command. From
within your subdirectory type ~COPY A:KW.BAT~ and
press `ENTER`. Now, type ~COPY A:KEYWORDS.EXE~ and
press `ENTER`.

3. Within your KEYWORDS subdirectory, type ~KW~ and
press `ENTER`. The KW.BAT file will then execute
several commands including the decompressing of
keyword outline files and deletions of self-extracting
and install files.

Please refer to your word processor's manual for instructions on
converting ASCII text (sometimes called DOS) files to your specific
software format.

Tom Welch
San Antonio, Texas

 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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