Dec 162017
Create calendars for any month or year up to year 2000.
File INSTACAL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Create calendars for any month or year up to year 2000.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
INSTACAL.COM 23481 14464 deflated
INSTACAL.DOC 1076 525 deflated

Download File INSTACAL.ZIP Here

Contents of the INSTACAL.DOC file

INSTACAL - version 2.1
May 1987

INSTACAL is a program which generates a wall-size calendar for
a specific month or for an entire year (1600 - 2200 A.D.). The
calendar can be previewed on the screen, printed from most 80+
column printers (dot matrix, daisywheel, thermal, etc.), or
transferred to a text file so that you may customize it using
your favorite editor or word processor.

This program requires DOS 2.00 or higher; the source code will
not be distributed. The program is menu driven. To use INSTACAL,
just type: INSTACAL when prompted by DOS.

If you find INSTACAL of value, a contribution of $5 would be
sincerely appreciated. Please address all correspondence to:

Jim Shellem
P.O. Box 297
Woodlyn, PA 19094

Thank you and enjoy!

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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