Output of file : SAMPLE.DAT contained in archive :
1990Chicago Bears 7 Pro SetMorris Ron mint1990Chicago Bears 1 Pro SetAnderson Neal mint1989Chicago Bears F Topps Mckinnon Dennis mint1989Chicago Bears Topps Anderson Neal mint1990Chicago Bears *Score Singletary Mike mint1990Chicago Bears ¦Score Roper John mint1990Chicago Bears Fleer Anderson Neal mint1990Chicago Bears #Fleer Dent Richard mint1989Chicago Bears I Topps Duerson Dave mint1989Chicago Bears ( Pro SetGentry Dennis mint1989Chicago Bears 1 Pro SetJackson Vestee mint1989Chicago Bears C Topps Tate David mint1990Green Bay Packers QScore Hallstrom Ron mint1990Green Bay Packers Score Kemp Perry mint1990Green Bay Packers MScore Sharpe Sterling mint1989Green Bay Packers |Topps Cecil Chuck mint1989Green Bay Packers uTopps Majkowski Don mint1990Green Bay Packers ± Fleer Murphy Mark mint1990Green Bay Packers +Score Harris Tim mint1990Green Bay Packers <Score Harris Tim mint1990Green Bay Packers QScore Hallstrom Ron mint1990Green Bay Packers 0Score Sharpe Sterling mint1990Dallas Cowboys Q Pro SetKer Crawford mint1990Dallas Cowboys Score Lockhart Eugene mint1990Dallas Cowboys {Score Saxon Mike mint1990Dallas Cowboys Fleer Jeffcoat Jim mint1989Dallas Cowboys Topps Pelluer Steve mint1989Dallas Cowboys Topps Jones Ed'too tall mint1989Dallas Cowboys Topps Clack Darryl mint1990Indianapolis Colts Pro SetRison Andre mint1990Indianapolis Colts sScore Verdin Clarence mint1989Indianapolis Colts Ò Topps Hand John mint1989Indianapolis Colts Pro SetBently Albert mint1989Indianapolis Colts Pro SetBeach Pat mint1990Indianapolis Colts æ Fleer Hand Jon mint1990Indianapolis Colts å Fleer Brooks Bill mint1990Indianapolis Colts ÔScore Prior Mike mint1990Indianapolis Colts ùScore Beach Pat mint1990Indianapolis Colts Pro SetStark Rohn mint1990Detroit Lions d Pro SetJohnson Richard mint1990Detroit Lions Pro SetSanders Barry mint1990Detroit Lions b Pro SetBrown Lomas mint1990Detroit Lions Fleer Speilman Chris mint1990Detroit Lions Score Cofer Michael mint1989Detroit Lions rTopps Gibson Dennis mint1989Detroit Lions x Pro SetJames Garry mint1989Detroit Lions Fleer Sanders Eric mint1989Los Angeles Raiders ¶ Pro SetAllen Marcus nrmn1989New Orleans Saints Pro SetMills Sam good1990Philadelphia Eagles ÒScore Quick Mike mint1989Houston Oilers \ Topps Duncan Curtis good1990San Francisco 49ers 6Score Lott Ronnie good1990Los Angeles Rams Score Cox Aaron good1990Miami Dolphins ¹ Pro SetShula Don mint1989Miami Dolphins Ø Pro SetHampton Lorenzo mint1989Miami Dolphins Ó Pro SetBosa John mint1990Miami Dolphins cScore Webb Richmond mint1990Miami Dolphins zScore Williams Jarvis mint1990Miami Dolphins hScore Stradford Troy mint1989Miami Dolphins (Topps Edmunds Ferrell mint1990Miami Dolphins ò Fleer Junior E.j. mint1989Houston Oilers Topps Hill Drew mint1989Houston Oilers g Topps Givins Ernest mint1989Houston Oilers \ Topps Duncan Curtis mint1989Houston Oilers _ Topps Hill Drew mint1989Houston Oilers b Topps Rozier Mike mint1990Houston Oilers Fleer Zendejas Tony mint1990Los Angeles Raiders © Pro SetKelm Larry mint1990Buffalo Bills YPro SetHull Kent mint1990Cleveland Browns H Pro SetKosar Bernie mint1990Kansas City Chiefs Pro SetBuchanan Buck mint1990Kansas City Chiefs Pro SetDeberg Steve mint1990Kansas City Chiefs Pro SetLowery Nick mint1990Buffalo Bills YPro SetHull Kent mint1990Los Angeles Rams ¤ Pro SetEllard Henry mint1990Washington Redskins Pro SetHoge Merril mint1990Philadelphia Eagles Pro SetHoge Merril mint1990Green Bay Packers q Pro SetMurphy Mark mint1990Miami Dolphins PScore Logan Mark mint1990Atlanta Falcons Bowman Randle Ervin \ 1990Chicago Bears 8 Pro SetRoper John mint1990Tampa Bay Buccaneers ;Pro SetRandle Ervin mint1990Cleveland Browns F Pro SetGash Thane mint1990Washington Redskins HPro SetMonk Art mint1990San Diego Chargers ÿ Pro Set 1990Tampa Bay Buccaneers 8Pro SetHill Bruce mint2050Los Angeles Raiders Topps Lamonica Darryl âmint
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: http://www.os2museum.com/wp/mtswslnk/