Dec 162017
Design-A-Room 2.2 -- Draw a room, add furniture and fixtures to exact dimensions, then move the pieces around to your heart's content without leaving your chair. Windows 3.x.

Full Description of File

Design-A-Room 2.2 -- Draw a room, add
furniture and fixtures to exact dimensions,
then move the pieces around to your heart's
content without leaving your chair! Arrange
pieces-- move and resize them, make any
shape and size room then print it out!
Loaded with 17 different fixtures and 31
furniture pieces. For Windows 3.1-- Larger
room size, cut-and-paste any item! Improved
setup and user interface, online help!

File DESIGN22.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Design-A-Room 2.2 — Draw a room, add furniture and fixtures to exact dimensions, then move the pieces around to your heart’s content without leaving your chair. Windows 3.x.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BATHTUB.BM_ 190 190 stored
BED.BM_ 174 174 stored
BLANK.BM_ 126 126 stored
BOOKCASE.BM_ 238 238 stored
CHAIR.BM_ 146 146 stored
CHEST.BM_ 172 172 stored
CMDIALOG.VB_ 10865 10385 deflated
COFTABLE.BM_ 144 144 stored
COMMDLG.DL_ 50924 49388 deflated
COMPDESK.BM_ 170 170 stored
COUCH.BM_ 189 189 stored
DARSETUP.EX_ 14994 14468 deflated
DEMO.RO_ 23401 19706 deflated
DESIGN.EX_ 56515 24360 deflated
DESIGN.HL_ 11023 10002 deflated
DESIGN.WR_ 7034 6742 deflated
DOORDOWN.BM_ 147 147 stored
DOORLEFT.BM_ 150 150 stored
DOORRITE.BM_ 138 138 stored
DOORUP.BM_ 146 146 stored
DRESSER.BM_ 168 168 stored
DRYER.BM_ 160 160 stored
ENDTABLE.BM_ 197 197 stored
FILE_ID.DIZ 437 277 deflated
FIRPLACE.BM_ 203 203 stored
FREEZER.BM_ 130 130 stored
FRIDGE.BM_ 132 132 stored
HEATACVT.BM_ 128 128 stored
KITCHCAB.BM_ 148 148 stored
KITCHSNK.BM_ 236 236 stored
LIGHTCLG.BM_ 152 152 stored
LOVESEAT.BM_ 171 171 stored
NITSTAND.BM_ 177 177 stored
OUTLET.BM_ 143 143 stored
PIANOGND.BM_ 204 204 stored
PIANOUP.BM_ 270 270 stored
POOLTABL.BM_ 201 201 stored
README.TXT 717 434 deflated
REGISTER.TX_ 740 699 deflated
SETUP.EXE 19056 10354 deflated
SETUP.LST 42 35 deflated
SETUPKIT.DL_ 3657 3489 deflated
SHELVES.BM_ 144 144 stored
SINKBATH.BM_ 195 195 stored
STAIRS.BM_ 128 128 stored
STEREOCA.BM_ 216 216 stored
STEREOSP.BM_ 169 169 stored
STOOL.BM_ 174 174 stored
STOVE.BM_ 165 165 stored
SWITCH.BM_ 133 133 stored
TABLE.BM_ 179 179 stored
TELEVISI.BM_ 193 193 stored
TOILET.BM_ 156 156 stored
VBRUN300.DL_ 276684 264315 deflated
VER.DL_ 9008 5272 deflated
WALLDG1.BM_ 156 156 stored
WALLDG2.BM_ 158 158 stored
WALLSIDE.BM_ 121 121 stored
WALLUP.BM_ 126 126 stored
WASHER.BM_ 140 140 stored
WINDDG1.BM_ 188 188 stored
WINDDG2.BM_ 184 184 stored
WINDOWLR.BM_ 128 128 stored
WINDOWUD.BM_ 137 137 stored

Download File DESIGN22.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Design-A-Room 2.2 -- Draw a room, add
furniture and fixtures to exact dimensions,
then move the pieces around to your heart's
content without leaving your chair! Arrange
pieces-- move and resize them, make any
shape and size room then print it out!
Loaded with 17 different fixtures and 31
furniture pieces. For Windows 3.1-- Larger
room size, cut-and-paste any item! Improved
setup and user interface, online help!


Version 2.2

Copyright 1994 Robert Scott Mace and Robert A. Mace. All rights reserved.


To install Design-A-Room, open Windows Program Manager, and select RUN from the
file menu. When prompted for the file name, type the name of the drive and
directory the files are in and SETUP (example: A:\SETUP).

Setup will uncompress and copy the files to the proper directory and create a
Program Manager Group and icon.

If you have any problems or questions, contact us at (513) 563-4871.

Thank you for trying Design-A-Room!

Epsilon Computing
1668 Trillium Court
Cincinnati, OH 45215

Phone: (513) 563-4871
BBS: (513) 563-6475

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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