Dec 122017
Police database to track arrests. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
CCINSTAL.EXE | 44543 | 32324 | deflated |
CRIMCASE.DOC | 4688 | 1935 | deflated |
CRIMCASE.EXE | 66311 | 39719 | deflated |
PRINTDOC.BAT | 44 | 39 | deflated |
UPDATE.FRM | 1493 | 419 | deflated |
Download File CRIMCASE.ZIP Here
Contents of the CRIMCASE.DOC file
(C)opyright 1990
Peter A. Lazar
CRIMCASE is a Arrest/Citation record keeping system that can be used by any
Law Officer from any department or division. The program will keep track of
many of the necessary bits of information connected with an Arrest or a
Traffic Stop. The fields that are called for are:
Case Number -- This can be an actual Case Number
or simply the Ticket Number or any
Numbering system you wish to use.
Defendant's Name -- Suggest Last Name First
Date of Birth -- ##/##/##
Address -- A one line address line. It may need to
be shortened.
City State Zip -- A one line field.
Offense -- A brief description of the Offense
Date of Arrest -- ##/##/##
Remarks -- A line for a quick memory jogger
Adjudication -- Trial Results
CRIMCASE is designed to run on several different drive configurations. If
you are using a floppy disk system with two drives place the program disk
in drive A: and the Data Disk in drive B:. However,because of the amount of
data that can be accumulated in a year we suggest that a Hard Drive be used
if at all possible. To run on a hard drive make a Subdirectory named
CRIMCASE -i.e. C:\CRIMCASE. This should be done before installing the pro-
gram. Copy the Crimcase.Exe and CCinstal.Exe files to the subdirectory. If
you are running on a dual floppy system, copy the two files to a disk in
drive A:. If you are running on a single floppy system, copy the same files
to drive A:. With only a single floppy system you will be limited to the
amount of data that can be saved to that disk.
CRIMCASE will not run until you have installed the program on the proper
drive. CCINSTAL, the install program will ask you several questions. Answer
each question; and when you have had a chance to review your answers you
will save the information to a file named CRIMCASE.DEF. Two drive questions
will be asked. The first refers to the drive/subdirectory where the data
will reside. The second refers to the drive/subdirectory where the program
will reside. Enter the drive in uppercase letters and end it with a colon.
Do not use a trailing slash (\) at the end of the Drive or Drive\directory.
CRIMCASE has self-explanatory selections and prompts. The only suggestion
that can be made is to always enter your data in the same format. When you
enter a Defendant's Name it is suggested that it be done in the Last Name
First format. Separate the Last Name from the First Name by a comma and a
space. Also keep your entries consistent. Use Upper Lower Case or all Upper
Case letters for entries. This will make it easier to search for an item.
The search routine will search all data for a match on the Case Number or
the Defendant's Name. A quick "test drive" of the program will show you the
program and you can then make your own decision as to data entry style.
This program is being distributed free of charge. If you like it then feel
free to use it at will. If you wish to distribute it to friends please do
so. However, do not change the contents of the original ZIP file. The ZIP
file - CRIMCASE.ZIP - is distributed with the following files:
1. CCINSTAL.EXE -- The installation program
2. CRIMCASE.EXE -- The program
3. CRIMCASE.DOC -- This documentation file
4. PRINTDOC.BAT -- A short Batch file to print the
documentation file.
5. UPDATE.FRM -- A Form to send for future Updates
If you like the program and would like future updates; please send the form
supplied in the file UPDATE.FRM. Print it out by typing {type update.frm >
prn}. This will put you on file and entitle you to an update disk. Also you
are encouraged to send your suggestions and any bug discoveries you make. I
feel that all bugs have been found but the real test will be when you run
the program on your system with your data.
Mr. Peter A. Lazar
P. O. Box 5734
Lake Worth
Compuserve ID# 75160,663
December 12, 2017
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