Dec 162017
Great Financial Program.
File CHKBOOK1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Great Financial Program.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CHECKBK.DOC 20695 6138 deflated
CHECKBK.EXE 351414 134798 deflated
CHECKBK.HLP 40189 14366 deflated
CHK_FORM.DAT 14070 411 deflated
CHK_FORM.K01 1024 26 deflated
CHK_NAME.DAT 862 256 deflated
CHK_NAME.K01 1024 53 deflated

Download File CHKBOOK1.ZIP Here

Contents of the CHECKBK.DOC file

Checkbook Register System

Version 1.1

Reference Manual

Mearman & Associates
P.O. Box 65-1242
Miami, Florida 33265

CompuServe: 72617,2150

Copyright (C) 1989 Mearman & Associates
All Rights Reserved

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 2

Table of Contents

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. Program registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4. Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5. Selecting a register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6. Processing a register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.1. Enter/Del keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.2. Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6.3. Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.4. Withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.5. Service charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.6. Remembering checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.7. Marking entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.8. Register reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
6.9. Selecting a register . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
6.10. Printing a register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
6.11. Printing checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
6.12. Clearing a register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

7. Printing checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
7.1. Formatting the check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
7.2. Printing the check(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

8. Changes from previous versions . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 3

1. Introduction

Mearman & Associates Checkbook Register System was initially
developed to help the author balance his personal checkbook.
The program progressed to it's current status, and has
entered the realm of Shareware. It runs on an IBM PC or
true compatible with 512K of memory.

[IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines]

The program will allow an unlimited number of double entry
checkbook registers. Each debit and credit entered in the
register is maintained in 2 columns, a credit or debit
column and a balance column. Below is a partial list of
some of the available features.

1) Menu driven for ease of use.

2) Context sensitive help screens. Just press F1 from

any screen.

3) Custom check formatting for printing on a wide variety of
tractor feed checks.

4) Printable check registers (80 column).

5) Easy marking of entries that have cleared the bank.

6) User selected checkbook registers.

7) 'Remembers' checks so you can recall frequently written
checks with just a few keystrokes.

8) Balances maintained in memory for quick access and

There are no warranties expressed or implied with the use of
this program. In no event will Mearman & Associates be
liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of
this product, even if advised of the possibilities of such

Use of this program constitutes your endorsement of this
agreement and acknowledges your acceptance of same.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 4

2. Program registration

The program has taken a lot of man hours to develop. The
author asks those who use it and like it to register the
fact with him. For $25.00 you not only get his eternal
gratitude, but also the latest version of the program plus a
copy of the next version when it becomes available. And he
has a lot of great ideas for the next version. Don't miss
out. Send your check made payable to:

Mearman & Associates
P.O. Box 65-1242
Miami, Florida 33265

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact
the author at (305)386-6020 or drop him a note using the
above address. You can also send a message through
CompuServe. Direct it to user id 72617,2150.

Thank you for your support.

3. Installation

The Checkbook Register System consists of the elements
listed below:

1) CHECKBK.EXEThe Checkbook Register Program

2) CHECKBK.DOCContains the documentation for the
Checkbook Register System.

3) CHECKBK.HLPContains the system help screens. The
file must reside in the same directory as

4) CHK_NAME.DATContains the data names of the fields that
can be printed on a check. The file must
reside in the same directory as

5) CHK_NAME.K01The key file for accessing CHK_NAME.DAT.

6) CHK_FORM.DATContains the initial check format used to
print checks. The file must reside in the
same directory as CHECKBK.EXE.

7) CHK_FORM.K01The key file for accessing CHK_FORM.DAT.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 5

In addition, several elements are created when you run the
program.They are:

1) CHECKBK.DATContains the name of the path and file of
the last register processed by the

2) REMEMBER.DATContains those checks which you have
'remembered'. These are the checks that
you write frequently and wish to recall
rather then having to retype.

3) REMEMBER.K01The key file for accessing REMEMBER.DAT.

4) REGISTER.REGThese are your register files.REGISTER
can be any name you like. Each register
entry will have a corresponding data
record in this file.

5) REGISTER.K01The key files for accessing REGISTER.DAT.

If you have received a copy of the software and are missing
any of the necessary key files, use the Rebuild Files menu
option to rebuild the incomplete files. If that does not
work, you can register with the author and get a complete
copy of the latest version of the software.

You can run the software off the floppy disk it came on or
you can copy the system to a hard disk. I would suggest
that you make a directory on your hard disk to hold the 6
files necessary to operate the system (CHECKBK.EXE,
CHK_FORM.K01) and run the program out of this directory.

To start the program, go the drive and path the program is
on, type CHECKBK and press Enter. In addition, the program
will support three command line options.You can choose
from the following:

1) CHECKBK B=YES or CHECKBK B=NO to enable or disable the
the error beep or audible keyboard alarm.

2) CHECKBK V=5 sets the video timeout. 5 is the number of
minutes and can be any number you like. If the V option
is omitted it will default to 10 minutes.

3) CHECKBK /L disables the automatic setting of keyboard
locks by the program.

4) CHECKBK /E if you use an enhanced keyboard.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 6

4. Keyboard

Here are a few keyboard hints and shortcuts to help you as
you peruse the program.

1) The arrow keys perform as advertised.When filling in a
field on a screen, a down arrow will complete the field
as well as the Enter key.

2) Pressing the Esc key from the first field on a screen
returns you to the previous screen. Pressing the Esc key
from any other field returns you to the previous field.

3) Pressing the Ctrl-Esc keys from anywhere on the screen
returns you to the previous screen.

4) Pressing the Ctrl-Enter key from anywhere on an update
screen completes the screen with all fields updated as
shown on the display.

5) Pressing the F1 key will get you a context sensitive help

6) For display tables, such as the Checkbook Register screen
and the Remember Check screen, the following keys are
available in addition to the arrow keys:

Home highlights the top entry on the screen

End highlights the bottom entry on the screen

PgUp displays the next screen of data

PgDn displays the previous screen of data

Ctrl-PgUp displays the first screen of data

Ctrl-PgDn displays the last screen of data

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 7

5. Selecting a register

The number and the size of the checkbook registers you
create are limited only by available memory and disk space.
To speed up access, balances are maintained in memory while
each register entry is written to disk. Register files can
be kept in any directory on the disk. The only constraint
is that register files must end with the .REG extension.

When you request to select a register, a screen will be
displayed showing the current register file, the current
path and directory, and a table containing all files in the
current directory that have the .REG extension. To select a
register from the table, use the arrow keys to highlight the
entry you want and press Enter. To select a register from a
directory other than the current one, type the name of the
new path and directory over the current path and directory.

The table will be updated to reflect those files, with an
.REG extension, that are in the new directory.

To add a register to the system, select the path and
directory where you want the new file to reside.Press the
Ins key and enter the name of the new register file on the
screen. Don't forget to use the .REG extension.The system
will add it if you leave it off or mistype it. Press Enter
and the new file will be created. The table on the Select
Register screen will then be updated to reflect the entry.
Highlight the new register file name and press Enter to
select it for processing.

To delete a register, select the path and directory where
the file resides. Press the Del key. You will be asked to
confirm your choice before the file is actually deleted.
Make sure you have adequate backups before deleting. Even
the best undelete programs might have a problem recovering
the data and key files necessary to process a register.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 8

6. Processing a register

6.1. Enter/Del keys

Press the Enter key to change the highlighted entry.
A screen will be displayed allowing you to alter the
data fields.

Press the Del key to delete the highlighted entry.
You will be asked to press Enter to confirm your

6.2. Checks

Press the Alt-C keys to add a check to your register.
The screen contains check number, date, payee, amount
and remark fields. Each is described below:

1) The check number field is displayed with the next
sequential check number from the last one in the
register. You may leave it as is or type in a
different one.

2) The date field is also displayed with the current
date. Again, you may leave it as is or type in
the date of your choice.

3) The payee field can contain anything you like.If
you have checks that are written frequently, you
might want to use the 'remember' feature.

4) The amount field can be from $.01 to $99,999.99.
When entered the written amount will be filled in.

5) The remark field is for whatever you like.

In addition to the above, you will be asked to
confirm your decision to add the check. You will
also be asked if you want the check remembered.
Press Alt-R if you do. Then, the next time you want
to write the check, press F2 from the payee field to
display a table of 'remembered' checks. Use the
arrow keys to highlight the one you want and press
Enter to make the selection. Your check will now
have the payee, amount and remark field filled in.
Leave as is or change them to suit your needs.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 9

6.3. Deposits

Press the Alt-D keys to add a deposit to your
register.When the register is initially created,
this is the first screen that you have to fill in.
The screen contains fields for date, deposit amount
($.01 to $99,999.99) and remark.

6.4. Withdrawals

Press the Alt-W keys to add withdrawals to your
register.These will mainly consist of electronic
withdrawals. The screen contains fields for the
date, withdrawal amount ($.01 to $99,999.99) and

6.5. Service charges

Press the Alt-S keys to add service charges to your
register.An example would be checking account fees
or charges for new checkbooks. The screen contains
fields for the date, service charge amount ($.01 to
$99,999.99) and remark.

6.6. Remembering checks

Press the Alt-H keys to display the Remember Check
screen. This screen allows you to add, change and
delete checks that are frequently written. By
placing the payee, amount and remark of the check in
the table, you can recall it instantly when writing
checks (see 6.2.).

6.7. Marking entries

There are 2 ways to mark a entry as cleared by the
bank. The first is to press the Alt-M keys while the
entry to be marked is highlighted on the Checkbook
Register screen. Alt-M acts as a toggle, changing
the entry from not cleared ('No') to cleared ('Yes')
and vice versa.

The other method for marking checks is by pressing
the Alt-G keys to display the Mark Checks screen.
This screen allows you to mark a range of checks as
being either cleared or not cleared by the bank.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 10

6.8. Register reconciliation

Press the Alt-R keys to reconcile your checkbook
register.The outstanding checks, deposits,
withdrawals and service charges (those marked as
'No') are applied against the last checkbook register
balance to arrive at your bank balance. It takes
only seconds to make the calculations and saves you
hours of work.

6.9. Selecting a register

Press the Alt-F keys to select a checkbook register
to process (refer to paragraph 5. Selecting a

6.10. Printing a register

Press the Alt-P keys to print your checkbook
register.A Print Register Menu screen will be
displayed allowing you to print for a range of dates.
The register requires 80 column paper. After
selecting the option to begin printing your register,
an Align Paper Menu screen will be displayed. An
asterisk (*) will be printed on line 1, column 1 of
your paper if you request an alignment mark. This
should help facilitate paper positioning.

6.11. Printing checks

Press the Alt-Q keys to print checks (refer to
paragraph 7. Printing checks).

6.12. Clearing a register

Press the Alt-X keys to delete entries from your
checkbook register. The Clear Register Menu screen
will be displayed allowing you to delete entries for
a range of dates.Only entries that have cleared
(marked as 'Yes') will be deleted. If you want to
delete entries that have not cleared (marked as
'No'), mark them as cleared or use the Del key to
delete individual entries. If you delete the initial
deposit entry, a new entry will be created to show
the initial balance. It will have a payee of
'Initial system deposit' and a date that is one less
than the first entry in your register.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 11

7. Printing checks

7.1. Formatting the check

The program will print standard tractor feed checks
in a variety of formats. Check number, date, payee,
numeric amount, written amount and remark are the
data fields that can be included on your checks. In
addition, you can print just about any other
information that you like, just by entering it on the
check format screen. There are a few rules you need
to know in order to properly format your checks.
They are:

1) All print fields must begin with a '[' and end
with a ']'. In addition, a 2 digit field number
must immediately follow the '['. Data fields use
the following field numbers:

'02' = check number
'03' = check date
'04' = payee
'05' = numeric amount
'06' = written amount
'07' = remark

Constant fields (your phone number, for instance)
use a field number of '01'. To format your phone
number, for example, you would type:


When printing the checks, the '[' determines the
column that the field will print in.

2) To add data fields to the format screen, place the
cursor where you want the field and press the F2
key. A table containing the data fields available
for printing will be displayed. Use the arrow
keys to highlight the one you want and press
Enter.Your selection will now appear on the
Check Format screen. The '[' determines the first
character of the field while the ']' determines
the last character. If the field is to long for
your checks, move the ']' to the left until it
fits. The field will be truncated accordingly
when printed.

Checkbook Register System, Version 1.1 Page 12

3) Each field must have a '[',']' and a field number
to print properly.

4) Check formatting is limited to 80 columns and 66

5) The Help key (F1) will guide you smoothly through
the whole process.

When you are ready to format you checks, use the menu
option to print an alignment guide. This will make
determining the line and column of each field easier.

7.2. Printing the check(s)

Printing checks is easy if you print the alignment
mark using the Align Paper Menu screen. An asterisk
(*) will print on line 1, column 1 of your check.I
would suggest that you save a check that has been
properly positioned and that has an alignment mark
for future reference when printing checks. The Align
Paper Menu screen is displayed automatically right
after you select the option to begin printing your

You print checks for a range of check numbers. If
you only want to print 1 check, enter that check
number in both fields (from 101 to 101, for

8. Changes from previous versions

The following changes have been made:

1) When a single check was added to the system, the register
balances did not reflect the new entry. Modified code to
correct problem.

2) When clearing a group of entries that included the
initial deposit and an entry marked 'NO', the new initial
deposit created by the system had an incorrect amount.
Modified code to correct problem.

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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