Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : BRF10.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

Output of file : READ.ME contained in archive : BRF10.ZIP

Beer Recipe Formulator v1.0
(c) Chris Campanelli 1992

This software may be run from either hard disk or floppy.
In expanded form, this software will fit onto a 5.25 inch low-
density floppy diskette.

The file BRFWARE.EXE contains 6 files:

BRF.EXE - main program

MALT.DAT - malt & adjunct data file

HOP.DAT - hop data file

AHA.DAT - American Homebrewers Association
1992 National Homebrew Competition
Style Definition data file

INC.DAT - program increments data file

READ.ME - instructions (this file)

The Beer Recipe Formulator is designed to run on IBM/clones
using MS-DOS v3.3 or higher and monochrome graphics and is
written in Microsoft QuickBasic v4.5.

In order to run BRF.EXE, the 4 supporting data files,
MALT.DAT, HOP.DAT, AHA.DAT and INC.DAT, must reside in the same
directory as BRF.EXE.


From the Main Menu, choose option #1, Design a Recipe. You
will be presented with the Malt screen. To move around on this
screen use the 4 arrow keys. If you are having problems with
your arrow keys, try turning off NUM LOCK and/or CAPS LOCK. Once
you're positioned on the malt/adjunct you desire, use the
plus/minus key to adjust the quantity. With each malt/adjunct
there are two numbers. The first being weight in quarter pound
increments, the second being the percentage of total grist. You
will notice the total pounds, lovibond, OG and IBU (if present)
will automatically readjust, whether adding for subtracting. If
you wish to remove a malt/adjunct from your recipe, adjust the
weight down to zero and the malt will clear off.

When you have completed your malt/adjunct profile, you must
then compose your hopping schedule. From the malt screen, press
F10 to move to the hop screen. Again, you will be using your
arrow keys and the plus/minus key but in a slightly different
manner. You can't see it but there exists a default hop list
from which you will be selecting your entries. Use your up/down
arrow key to highlight the top-most position on the screen. Now
use your plus/minus key to browse through the default list. Hop
names and alpha ratings will appear. When you have the hop
you're looking for, use the left/right arrow keys and the
plus/minus key to adjust the alpha acid, ounces and boil time.
When done, move down to the next position and do the same thing
for your next hop entry. With every hop addition/subtraction,
your IBU is automatically adjusted. To remove a hop from your
schedule, highlight the hop name and use the plus/minus key to
position on the empty cell. This will remove that hop and
readjust the IBU rating. You hopping schedule is limited to 16

You cannot go to the hop screen unless you have specified a
malt/adjunct list first. The reason for this is that a gravity
is required for the IBU calculation. Once you enter a
malt/adjunct, you may jump between the hop and malt screens all
you want.

F1 - WATER Adjustment

From either the malt or hop screen, you may adjust the batch
size by using the F1 - WATER toggle switch. Pressing F1 will
highlight the batch size, thus allowing you to use the plus/minus
key to adjust GALLONS. When you are finished, press F1 again to
un-highlight GALLONS, thus locking in the batch size. Lovibond,
OG and IBU values will automatically readjust with each

F2 - YIELD Adjustment

From either the malt or hop screen, you may adjust your
mashing efficiency by using the F2 - YIELD toggle switch.
Pressing F2 will highlight the % - OG - IBU window, thus allowing
you to use the plus/minus key to adjust the mashing efficiency
percentage. When finished, press F2 again to un-highlight the
window, thus locking in the percentage. The OG and IBU will
automatically readjust with each increment. NOTE: When you print
your recipe, a table of mashing efficiency ratings will appear
with your recipe. The table ranges from 70% to 100% in 5%
increments showing the OG and IBU ratings for each increment.


From either the malt or hop screen, you may select an AHA
National Homebrew Competition Style by using the F3 - AHA toggle
switch. Pressing F3 will highlight the AHA window, thus allowing
you to use the plus/minus key to scroll through the list. When
finished, press F3 again to un-highlight the window. If you have
a style in the window when you print your recipe, that chosen
style will also appear on your recipe form. You may position the
empty cell in the AHA window to cancel this option.


On your printout, malt selections will appear in descending
order by weight and your hopping schedule will appear in
descending order by boil time. A mashing efficiency table will
list out various OG/IBU combinations ranging from 70% to 100% in
5% increments. If you selected an AHA National Homebrew
Competition style, that too will appear. If you try to use the
print option and you have no printer, you will lock up your


Choosing this option will erase your current recipe. Your
recipe can also be erased by modifying the malt default list,
modifying the hop default list, exiting the program or turning
off the power.


This option will present the Utility sub-menu:

The increments option allows you to change all plus/minus
increment values and the default batch size. If you change
batch size and you have an existing recipe, recipe batch
size, lovibond, OG and IBU will automatically readjust.

View/Edit Malt Defaults:
This option allows to scroll through the malt data file.
Inserting will allow you to place a new malt/adjunct in the
list. Deleting will remove the shown entry from the list.
If you Insert/Delete and ultimately save those changes,
any existing recipe will be erased. If you browse through
the list without Inserting or Deleting, any existing recipe
will remain intact. A maximum of 51 entries are allowed for
the malt/adjunct data file. When inserting, you will have
to decide if an entry is a simple sugar. A simple sugar is
an adjunct which is not dependent upon mashing or enzyme
conversion for its contribution to gravity. Simple sugars
include corn sugar, malt extract syrups and powders, honey,
brown sugar, molasses, etc...

Print Malt Defaults:
This option allows you to print the current malt data file.

View/Edit Hop Defaults:
This option is the same as View/Edit Malt Defaults. Except
a maximum of 32 hop entries are allowed.

Print Hop Defaults:
This option allows you to print the current hop data file.


At first glance it may appear that this software was
designed for all-grain homebrewers. This is not the case.
Regardless of brewing technique, this software was designed with
all homebrewers in mind. The malt/adjunct data present with this
version is mostly grain data. It cannot be used as is by the
extract homebrewer. But this is easliy remedied. If you are an
extract brewer, you will have to insert the malt extract
syrup/powder data yourself using the Utility - View/Edit option.
This is no big deal. You will need two pieces of information:
the gravity contribution and the Lovibond rating. It can be
assumed that a malt extract syrup will contribute a gravity of
1.040 (1 pound/1 gallon) and a malt extract powder will
contribute a gravity of 1.045 (lb/gal). Now all you need to find
out is the Lovibond rating for your entry. That may or may not
be difficult. Ask around. Chances are that a fellow homebrewer
already has that information. You can write the malt company or
perform the color test as described in Zymurgy Vol 11 No 3 (Fall
'88). If all else fails, you can eye-ball it.


I am still searching for a more mathematically valid way of
calculating Lovibond. The calculations in this program are
linear. This presents some problems. It is my perverted belief
that color computations are not be linear. Stay tuned.


Things to look forward to in v2.0:

- saving recipes to disk
- on-hand inventory checking for recipe ingredients

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : BRF10.ZIP
Filename : READ.ME

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: