Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : AN300.ZIP
Filename : NOTES

Output of file : NOTES contained in archive : AN300.ZIP
\c car=Car Maintenance
\c hous=House Maintenance
\c xmas=Xmas List
\1* Ample Notice, Version 3
& (c) 1992 by Mark Harris
& Granny's Old-Fashioned
& Software
& Use cursor keys to browse
& through file, press
& for help.
* If you are using Ample
&Notice for the first time
&be sure to take a look at
&the documentation. Type GO
&for instructions on print-
&ing the manual and for
&information on updates and
&other programs included on
&the disk.
* Please understand that Ample Notice is Shareware and that we depend on your registra-
&tions to keep going. See the Shareware section in the manual or see 'About' under the File menu.
*car Change oil.
*car Check tire pressure.
*car Mount snow tires.
*xmas David wants basketball set
*xmas David wants Beverly Cleary books.
*xmas Emily wants still more Barbie dolls.
*hous Bring in garden hose before first freeze.
*hous Clear gutters.
3/31/91 Easter
4/19/92 Easter
4/11/93 Easter
4/3/94 Easter
4/16/95 Easter
4/7/96 Easter
3/30/97 Easter
4/12/98 Easter
4/4/99 Easter
1/1 New Year's Day
2/12 Lincoln's Birthday
2/14 Valentine's Day
2/16 Washington's Birthday
3/17 St. Patrick's Day
\b7/4/1776 Independence Day (217).
7/17 Granny's Birthday
10/31 Halloween
11/11 Veterans' Day
12/25 Christmas
!Jan3Mon Martin Luther King Holiday
!Feb3Mon Presidents Day
!Apr1Sun Daylight Saving Time starts (Spring forward)
!May5Mon Memorial Day
!May2Sun Mother's Day
!Jun3Sun Fathers Day
!Sep1Mon Labor Day Holiday
!Oct2Mon Columbus Day
!Oct5Sun Daylight Saving Time ends (Fall back)
!Nov1Mon>1 Election Day
!Nov4Thu Thanksgiving
;00 Following are samples of some of the more complex entry options.
;01 You may want to keep this section as part of your NOTES file so
;02 you won't have to consult the manual as often.
;03 (The lead numbers insure that this section will stay together after
;04 you sort your appointments.)
;05 !May2Sun means 'second Sunday in each May'
;06 !May5Sun means 'last Sunday in each May'
;07 !May2Sun>1 means 'day following second Sunday in each May'
;08 10/2/87+3 means that the appointment will show on 10/2/87 and
;09 on the subsequent 3 days.
;10 Oct 2, 1987+3 means the same thing.
;11 10/2+3 indicates that the four days will be marked each year.
;12 '?' can be used in place of the name or number of a month
;13 to indicate all months:
;14 ?/10 means the tenth day of each month,
;15 ?/10/87 means the tenth day of each month in 1987.
;16 2/32 means the last day of each February
;17 ?/32 means the last day of each month
;18 \s6/26/89 !2d means every other day starting 6/26/89
;19 \s6/26/89 !3w means every third week starting 6/26/89
;20 \s1/10/89 !3m means every third month starting 1/10/89
;21 \s6/26/89\e7/20/89 !2d every other day starting 6/26/89, ending 7/20/89
;22 \n2/1/88 This 'nag' appointment converts to a note after 2/1/88
;23 2/1/88-7 This 'forward nag' shows as a note for the 7 days before
;24 2/1/88 (as well as a regular appointment on 2/1/88)
;25 \I* This is an important note (highlighted)
;26 \1 is same as \I; \2, \3 and \4 are lower priorities
;27 \U* Unimportant notes are shown only once a week.
;28 \C TOM=Tom Smith (category definition)
;29 *TOM mow lawn (note in TOM category)
;30 \*TOM 11/12/90 meeting (appointment in TOM category)
;31 \(20) 11/12/90 4:00 meeting (set alarm for 3:40)
* You may use this software for a trial period of 60 days in order to fully evaluate it. After this trial period, you must register if you want to continue to use Ample Notice.

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : AN300.ZIP
Filename : NOTES

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: