Category : File Managers
Archive   : ZIP20.ZIP
Filename : ZIPCMDS.DOC

Output of file : ZIPCMDS.DOC contained in archive : ZIP20.ZIP
ZIP - Integrated File Handler Package - Version 0.90
An All-purpose Directory Utility and Command Shell for
the IBM Personal Computer & Close Compatibles

By Edward V. Dong
March 18, 1988

Copyright (c) 1985 - 1988 by Edward V. Dong.
All rights reserved.

This file is divided into the following sections:

1. ZIP Main Screen Display

2. ZIP Main Command Options

3. ZIPARC Commands

4. ZIPCUST Commands

Section 1 describes the features of the main ZIP directory
display, and basic keystroke commands to move about on the main

Section 2 provides a detailed description of the ZIP commands.

The remaining sections explain how to use the supplementary ZIP


1.1 Opening & Directory Display Screens

When booted from disk, ZIP presents a color logo display. This
screen includes:

1) Calendar of the current month. (You need to set system time
and date, of course, for this to mean anything.)

2) Reminder display: Notes you wrote yourself in a file called

3) AutoMenu display: Frequently used commands, set as function
keys F1-F9 (F10 reserved to go to ZIP). Any number of commands
can be set up, by paging through the display.

This can be skipped by typing, "ZIP Q", for quick boot.

After this, ZIP presents an immediate display of the contents of
your current disk directory. There will be a brief period of
disk activity, while it does that. Unless you have an enormous
number of files, ZIP should come up in less than two or three
seconds. ZIP handles up to, and including, 512 files (the limit
of the number of files for PC/MS-DOS).

The display is divided into four parts, starting at the top of
the screen, as follows.


The top line shows the title of the program (i.e., ZIP), its
current version number, copyright notice, time, and date. Time
is shown as "am" or "pm", i.e., as a 12-hour clock. Time and
date are automatically updated anytime (in general) that you
press a key, but only when you press a key. With version 0.90,
this line also shows the current DOS version number (e.g., DOS


This is framed as a "window" or "box". This is divided into
three subparts: (1) Disk Information Line; (2) File Listings;
and (3) Directory Information Line.


This is the top line of the window, defaulted to being in reverse
video (black on white). The Disk Information Line provides the
following data:

1) The current drive and directory.

2) The number of bytes "free" (available for more files).

3) The file mask used (beginning with version 0.86). The file
mask shows you what files ("wildcards") have been selected for
display. Your DOS manual contains an explanation of what this
is, and what "wildcards" are.

4) The volume label or name of the disk (if any).

This line may blank, however, if the depth of your directory tree
exceeds the limit of the space provided; to do this, you'd have
to be at a subdirectory at least six levels deep. That's a lot.


The middle portion, the File Listings, shows up to 36 files
contained in your current disk directory, giving the name, and
date and time of last modification, for each. This will be blank
if there are no files on the disk, but will show two "directory"
files if you are in an otherwise "empty" directory.

Lower case letters next to the file names, indicate their current
file attribute, whether that file is "normal" (no letter),
"system" ("s"), "hidden" ("h"), "directory" ("d"), or "volume"

If you have more than 36 files, then you can use PgUp and PgDn
keys to scroll through your directory. The HOME key can be used
to get to the top page of your directory, and the END key can be
used to get to the bottom or last page.


The bottom line of the box or window, the Directory Information
Line, shows the number of bytes "used" for ALL the files on the
current drive. The number of files (for the displayed file mask)
in the current directory, and their byte amount, are also shown.
The normal default for this is reverse video, like the Disk
Information Line; the Directory Information Line is really a
continuation of the Disk Information Line.

A message may be displayed to you about using PgUp and PgDn keys,
because you have more files than be shown in one CRT screen full.


The ZIP Command Line is the line immediately below the directory
window, saying, "Enter Command". This line will also show the
number of files "tagged" or "marked" as well as (beginning with
version 0.86) the number of bytes associated with the "marked"

When you use a ZIP option, where you may enter additional
subcommands, such as Edit or View, the ZIP Command Line is used
for entry of these subcommands. Usually, the ZIP Command Line
will show the current "main" ZIP command option (such as EDIT),
to let you know what option you are using at the moment.


The ZIP Prompt/Error Line is the line just below the ZIP Command
Line, which is the bottom of the CRT. Here, supplementary
messages are presented to you. Error messages are also always
presented here, accompanied by a beep or a tone (the sound used,
will depend on your system). Sorry, you cannot silence the tone
on error messages.


You use the cursor keys to move about on the screen. You should
see files alternately high-lighting (have a different color), as
you move about. This is what is meant by "high-lighting" a file.
With version 0.90, you can also use a MicroSoft-compatible mouse
or the Logitech C7 mouse to move around on the screen.

If you press the space bar, you "mark" or "tag" a file. You will
see a little triangle appear to the right of the filename. If
you press the space bar again, you TOGGLE the "marking". The
little triangle should disappear. The marked files will be in a
different color (different from a "high-lighted" file), as well.
With version 0.90, clicking the LEFT button on the mouse will
also mark a file.

To unmark ALL files, use one of the following:

1) Press "L", followed by drive letter. OR, 2) Press "W",
followed by RETURN. OR, 3) Press "G", followed by "C"olot,
"B"lack&White, or "M"onochrome.

The following lists the keys used for moving about the ZIP

? (or F1) -- Used to Display the Help Screen which contains a
list of commands and brief definitions of each command.

-- Used to mark and unmark files.

PgUp/PgDn -- Scrolls the screen in 23 line multiples or

Arrows -- The arrows on the numeric keypad move the cursor from
file to file.

-- Used on files marked as directories to change to that
directory. Move the cursor to the directory file and press
enter. Works on the double-dot directory at the top of the ZIP
listing also.

NOTE: With ZIP90T16A, if the file is NOT a directory, but is
an .ARC, .LBR, .EXE, .COM, or .BAT, ZIP will automatically
execute the "A", "B", or "X" commands appropriately! How
easy can it be??

HOME/END -- HOME moves the cursor to the beginning of the
directory and END moves the cursor to the last page.


ZIP is generally set up for "power users". With some exceptions,
all direct commands consist of SINGLE letters, which require you
ONLY to press that letter. It doesn't matter if it's lower or
upper case. Then, poof! ZIP implements the command.

Certain commands, such as D for delete, require you, however, to
CONFIRM the command -- so that you DON'T inadvertently destroy
any files; and other commands always generate a .BAK file, such
as E for Edit. In most cases, Q or ESC will terminate the
command; Q and ESC will terminate ZIP. ZIP will ask to confirm
the command with a "(y/N)". The upper case "N" is the default
option; the lower case "y" is what you MUST enter to enable the
command. ANY other key causes the default ("no") to be taken.

A CNTL-C or a CNTL-BREAK will terminate ZIP, generally no matter
what ZIP is doing, and return you to DOS.

The main single-letter commands are presented in the following
pages, each command beginning a new page. Subcommands, where
there are any, are presented as well, under their main command

Other commands are available via CNTL- or ALT-key combinations:

ALT-I -- Allows you to create a line of comment (up to 40 chars)
about a file, or to retrieve that line of comment. ZIP builds a
file called WHATIS.ZIP in the root directory, with this
information in it, including your disk label.

CNTL-Z (or F10) -- Invokes the ZIP menu mode, including calendar,
reminder file display, and AutoMenu options.

? -- Used to Display the Help Screen which contains a list of
commands and brief definitions of each command.

-- Used to mark and unmark files.

PgUp/PgDn -- Scrolls the screen in 23 line multiples or

Arrows -- The arrows on the numeric keypad move the cursor from
file to file.

-- Used on files marked as directories to change to that
directory. Move the cursor to the directory file and press
enter. Works on the double-dot directory at the top of the ZIP
listing also.

NOTE: With ZIP90T16A, if the file is NOT a directory, but is
an .ARC, .LBR, .EXE, .COM, or .BAT, ZIP will automatically
execute the "A", "B", or "X" commands appropriately! How
easy can it be??

HOME/END -- HOME moves the cursor to the beginning of the
directory and END moves the cursor to the last page.

ESC -- on the main display, terminates ZIP & returns you to DOS.

CNTL-C -- Anywhere in ZIP: Terminates ZIP & returns you to DOS.


The following lists the ZIP commands in alphabetic order.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Built-in A(RC) utility function for list,
extract, creation, viewing, and file

On entry, ZIP verifies that the ARC is a valid ARChive in the
standard System Enhancement Associates format. ZIP can handle
ARC directories with up to about 130 files. If valid, ZIP then
lists the directory of file members of an ARChive file. At this
point, you can execute one of the following commands. Note that
ZIP also CREATEs a new ARC file, or ADDs new files to an existing
ARC file. This is covered in the CREATION/ADDITION section

SUBCOMMANDS: A help screen is available by typing "?", showing
available subcommands and a legend for the types
of data compression used on each member in an ARC.

Cmd Description
--- -----------
M Marks all files for extraction, beginning with the current
one to the end of the listing. You can unmark individual
ones (or mark individual ones) with the space bar.

E Extracts or unpacks the tagged/marked files. ZIP also
unpacks (unsquashes) MOST (but not ALL) Squashed file
members of an ARC. Files extracted from an ARC, are DATEd
and TIMEd as shown in the ARC. ZIP unpacks any file, and
sends it to the drive/directory of your choice, for any ARC
file made by Systems Enhancements Associates' ARC utility
versions 5.12 or less. HOWEVER,

(1) ZIP doesn't decrypt an ARC file encrypted by the SEA's
ARC utility.

(2) ZIP doesn't PRINT or TEST members of an ARC file.

V Lists (types) the current file to the console, automatically
unpacking. The file is displayed one page at a time (20
lines), automatically pausing at the end of the page.
unpacking. Pressing any key but ESC pauses the display;
pressing any key afterward continues the display. ESC
aborts the listing process.

C Used to tell ZIP which drive/directory that you want the
files to be extracted, to be sent to.

S Sorts the ARC directory by date or by size, or by standard
ascending alphanumeric sequence.

ARC CREATION/ADDITIONS: ZIP also creates a new ARC, compressing
files for you; or add such files to an existing ARC file.
It won't "freshen", "encrypt", or "update" an ARC file. If
a file already exists in the ARC, the new file is added
anyway. If you don't specify an extension, ZIP
automatically adds ".ARC" as the file name extension.

o To CREATE a new ARC, or to ADD to an existing ARC file,
all you have to do is to TAG or MARK the files you want
in the ARC file -- and then type "A" (upper or lower

o If you want it to go an existing ARC file on the same
drive and directory, just point to it (highlight it),
and then type "A".

ZIP prompts you thereafter, if to CREATE the ARC file (if
you're not pointing at one) or to ADD files to it (if you
are). ZIP will prompt you again, if you're CREATing an ARC
file that does exist. You do this, if you want the files to
be put into an ARC on another drive and/or directory.

NOTE: If you've marked files, but only want to READ an
ARC, just don't answer "Y" to the above prompts.
ZIP will just instead read the ARC.

Then ZIP goes to work. A window is popped up, showing you
the ARC file being created or added to. The ZIP Prompt Line
and window both show what's going on. If you're ARCing
large files (> 12K), it will take a little time to do it.

When it's finished with the new files being added, if you're
adding to an existing ARC, then ZIP copies over the old ARC.
Thus, the new ARC will be the new files you just added --
PLUS the old ARC.

Finally, ZIP asks you if you want the originals of the
files you just ARC'ed, to be DELETEd. So you can ARC a
bunch of files, and then erase them.

NOTE 1: ZIP does NOT delete old members of an ARC, which have
the same name as the new files you're adding; the new
files are ADDED to the ARC, instead. This isn't a
problem, as ZIP shows ALL files, and allows individual
extraction. It's an advantage for backup copies--
particularly useful if you want to keep archive copies
of files of the SAME name, since ZIP distinguishes
between them on the basis of DATE and TIME. If you're
a programmer, this is a great way to keep archive
backups of that super program you're writing. Or if
you use spreadsheets, you can save previous worksheets,
while working on a new one.

NOTE 2: To create an ARC (or to add to it), ZIP builds a
temporary file ("ZIP.$$$") on the destination drive.
There has to be enough room on the destination drive to
hold it. ZIP.$$$ will be at least the same size as the
existing ARC (if you're adding to one), plus about
50%-80% of the total bytes of all the files you're
trying to ARC. ZIP.$$$ is a temporary file that
actually BECOMES the new ARC you're trying to create.

ERRORS: If a problem occurs on creating temporary files (to
build or add to an ARC file), or if a problem occurs on
copying over an OLD ARC to a new one, ZIP will abort.
This abort takes the form of clearing the CRT, and
returning you to DOS, with an error message. This
approach was taken to avoid compromising DISK file

WHAT ABOUT BACKUP? Well, ZIP doesn't create a backup.....
What it does is to create a temporary file, ZIP.$$$. If any
problems occur, ZIP wipes out ZIP.$$$, and doesn't touch
your ARC file. But if that ARC file is critical, copy it
FIRST to another drive or directory.

For versions 0.89 or earlier, this MUST be the ZIPARC
program, however. For versions 0.90 or later, this can be
any program.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Used to examine/extract/view the contents of
a .LBR file.

When activated, ZIP clears the screen, and then displays the
files in the .LBR file, alphanumerically sorted. File time and
date are provided if the .LBR file was created by LUU or by ZIP.

SUBCOMMANDS: A help screen is available by typing "?", showing
available subcommands, as follows.

Cmd Description
--- -----------
M Marks all files for extraction, beginning with the current
one to the end of the listing. You can unmark individual
ones (or mark individual ones) with the space bar.

E Extracts the tagged/marked files. ZIP does not
automatically unsqueeze or uncrunch files on extraction.
Files extracted from an LBR, are DATEd and TIMEd as shown in
the LBR if packed by LUU or ZIP.

V Lists (types) the current file to the console, automatically
unsqueezing if the file were squeezed. The file is listed
20 lines at a time (one page at a time). Pressing any key
but ESC pauses the display; pressing any key afterward
continues the display. ESC aborts the listing process.

C Used to tell ZIP which drive/directory that you want the
files to be extracted, to be sent to.

S Sorts the LBR directory by date or by size, or by standard
ascending alphanumeric sequence.

ADDING FILES TO AN LBR: ZIP adds files to an existing LBR or
create a new LBR, if you have TAGGED some files. If you
haven't tagged any files, ZIP won't try to add files to an
LBR or create an LBR. Else:

(1) If the cursor is at a file with an LBR extension, the
marked files are added to the existing library. ZIP
checks to see if there is enough room and displays an
error message, if there is a problem.

(2) ZIP verifies that the library has an LBR extension; if
it does not, ZIP assumes that it is NOT a library.

(3) If the cursor is NOT at a .LBR file, ZIP prompts,
"Create a Library?". Respond Y if yes. ZIP will ask
for the number of files.

As a rule of thumb, make it four more than the actual number
of files.

NOTE 1: For versions 0.89 or earlier, the LBR file must not be
marked READONLY; for these earlier versions, ZIP
returns an error, as it expects the LBR file to be

NOTE 2: ZIP will list and unpack any LBR file created by any
standard LBR utility, such as LUU, LU-86, or LAR. LBR
files created by ZIP is unpackable by most standard
LBR utilities. ZIP limits the number of members of an
LBR file to 256, which is standard convention.

NOTE 3: ZIP, unlike ARC, does not automatically expand any
compressed files which are being extracted from an LBR
file. You must use the "U" command for this, assuming
they have been squeezed with a standard algorithm.

ALTERNATE/REPLACEABLE COMMAND: This is a "replaceable" command


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Copies files from the current drive/directory
to another drive, directory, or

This command assumes that you have marked the files for copying.
If no files are marked, ZIP will display an error message,
beeping rather angrily, "No Files Marked".

ZIP prompts for the drive/directory to C(opy) to. If no
drive/directory is specified, ZIP will display an error message,
"Cannot copy to itself", beeping at this, too.

If there is insufficient space to copy a file, ZIP deletes the
destination file if it was created. ELSE: ZIP sets the date and
time of the destination file the SAME as the source file.

You can check if there is sufficient space for file copying, by
checking the ZIP display of the accumulated tagged files bytes on
the ZIP Command Line. With version 0.89, you can also use the
"F" function menu to check the of free space on the destination
drive. Be advised, however, depending on the DOS you're using,
there may still be insufficient space to copy ALL the files
you've tagged. The reason for this is that DOS allocates
between 1024 and 8192 bytes, as MINIMUM space for a file; you
could exhaust your disk's maximum allocation, even though there
is more than enough byte space left.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Deletes ALL marked files, including
directories (if empty).

If NO files are marked, ZIP will display an error message, "No
Files Marked", beeping rather angrily.

You can also delete subdirectories IF AND ONLY IF they are
"empty" (i.e., they contain no files). If you attempt to delete a
directory that contains a file (other than "." and ".."), it
won't be deleted.

ZIP prompts, "Delete? (y/N)" If you enter Y (or y), then ALL the
MARKED files will be deleted.

NOTE: Sorry, there is NO UNDELETE function in ZIP, although
there are several good public domain utilities that can
unerase files as well as any of the commercial


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Perform a text edit on an ASCII file.

When first starting up, Edit reads the text file in segments.
Each segment is about 56K (with 8K reserved for insertions). The
size of the segment depends on the amount of memory you have --
and the size of the file! Top line of the window shows the
current LINE number and margin (i.e., the number of bytes)
available for insertion.

WARNING!!! You MUST not allow this margin for insertion to go to
zero or go negative; ZIP does NOT check for this!!

Edit is initially in an Overwrite mode, until you use the INS

ZIP always creates a .BAK file, when the edited file is SAVEd.
The .BAK is exactly the same as the original file; indeed, it is
the same, except that it has been renamed. Any old .BAK will be
deleted if necessary.

SUBCOMMANDS: A help screen is available by pressing F1, showing
available subcommands, as follows. Function keys
and cursor keys are used. The mouse can be used
to scroll through the text fields.

Cmd Description
--- -----------

F1 Presents a popup help screen for Edit.
F2 Searches for a string in the current segment. Each
segment is about 56K bytes long.
F3 Gets the next segment of a file, if there's more.
F4 Repeats the search specified by F2.
F5 Inserts a new line. New lines are continuously inserted
until you enter a blank line (i.e., just a RETURN).
F6 Deletes a line.
F7 Search & replace: prompts for the string to search for,
then the string to replace it. Then you specify the
number of times that this should search & replace.

CNTL-Home Puts you at the top of a segment.
CNTL-End Puts you at the bottom of a segment.
PgUp,PgDn Scrolls a page at a time
HOME Puts you at the beginning of a line.
DEL Deletes character to right, but does not move cursor.
INS Toggles between an OVERWRITE and character INSERT mode.
Edit is initially in an overwrite mode. The cursor
changes to a block shape in the Insert mode; it's a
blinking underscore in the Overwrite mode.

ESC Quits Edit. Prompts if to save the file.

LINE EDITING: Editing a line is straightforward; ZIP responds
pretty much the way you think it should, when you press
HOME, arrow keys, END, etc.

Two simple constraints are: ZIP cannot be used to create a
new file and segments which have been edited cannot be
recalled. To edit a previous segment you must exit the
editor and then re-enter the file. This is similar,
unfortunately, to EDLIN or IBM's Professional Editor.

TEMPORARY FILES: ZIP always creates a temporary file called
"ZIP.$$$", when first editing, whether or not you actually
edit the file. There must be room on your disk to hold this
temporary file. The amount of free disk space you will
need, will be, minimally, equal to exactly the size of the
file you are editing. During editing, ZIP copies the
contents of the original file into ZIP.$$$. When you are
finished editing, and you save the file, ZIP.$$$ is renamed
to the name of your original file, and the original file is
renamed to have the extension .BAK.

When used as an alternate command, the executable file named
in CONFIG.ZIP, is passed, as an argument, the name of the
current high-lighted file.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: F(ile utility) functions supporting:
1) Read, Set, Reset current file attributes.
2) Create/change disk volume label.
3) Encrypt/decrypt current file.
4) Resort current directory.
5) Move files between directories (on the same disk drive).
6) Look at disk allocation on another drive.
7) Find files.
8) Delete, make, kill, and jump to .

NOTE: This is the ONLY function (besides T and E commands)
that you cannot terminate by entering an ESC. You must
enter Q, followed by a RETURN, to quit the function.

PC INFORMATION DISPLAY: When this function is invoked, ZIP
displays information about your PC configuration, as
follows, plus a short menu as indicated above.

Data Description
---- -----------

DISKS: ZIP displays the letters of the "physical" diskettes,
according to the BIOS, and the letters of the "logical"
diskettes. You'll see something like "[A..B]", for the
"A" thru "B" drives; etc. For DOS 3.X, the number of
"logical" diskettes will be at least one higher than
"actual". This is due to the fact that DOS 3.X supports
the "subst" command, where a "logical" drive is set
aside as an alias.

MEMORY: Memory displayed is the total system memory as
recognized by DOS itself. If you use AboveMemory
boards or others using the Intel Extended Memory
standard, the total memory displayed will not equal the
total actual memory. If you use RAM disks, the total
memory will equal the actual total memory, less that
used by the RAM disks. Free memory is the memory above
ZIP which could be used for any purpose, including
running commands or programs from ZIP, via the I, X, or
Z commands.

PORTS: ZIP also displays the number of serial, parallel, and
game ports you have.

MISC: ZIP indicates whether you have a math coprocessor, the
type of machine you have, and the date of the ROM BIOS.

SUBCOMMANDS: In addition to this data, a menu is displayed of
the following options:

Cmd Description
--- -----------
attribute is shown on the main ZIP directory display, but
this function shows ALL the attributes set. The attributes,
in descending order are:

H(idden) Means the file cannot NORMALLY be listed,
deleted, copied, or read.
R(eadOnly) Means the file cannot NORMALLY be deleted or
S(ystem) Means the files is a system or device driver.
V(olume) Means the filename is the volume label for
the disk. Cannot be modified by ZIP.
D(irectory) Means that the file is a directory or
subdirectory. Cannot be deleted unless all
files within the directory are deleted.
A(rchive) Means files has not been backed up by DOS
utility. NOT shown by ZIP to reduce screen
clutter in the main directory display.

Via this command, you can change the attributes to A, H, R,
and S. You cannot change D or V, and set a file's attribute
to D or V. The file attributes are instantaneously changed
by ZIP, and remain so, until you enter another attribute

NOTE: To change file attributes, floppy disks must NOT
be write-protected; otherwise the new attributes
cannot be written to disk. You'll see that the
file attributes just won't change.

With this function, you can HIDE directories, too.

selected, ZIP splits into two windows. The LEFT or DIR
window displays a list of the subdirectories in the current
directory. The RIGHT window shows the commands supported.
You can either ESC (quit), D(elete a directory), J(ump to a
directory), K(ill a directory), or M(ake a directory). For
the D, J, and K commands, scroll through the directory list,
to select the desired directory; switch to the CMD (RIGHT)
window, and select the command. Killing a directory is when
ALL files in that directory, ALL subdirectories (and their
files), and the directory itself are deleted. If files are
marked READONLY, they won't be deleted.

To MAKE a directory, enter the name of the directory.

There are only three cases where ZIP cannot make a new

(1) Cause: Another directory already exists with the
desired name. Here, you either have to use a different
name; or you have to rename that other directory.

(2) Cause: ZIP cannot write to the disk, either because
there is no room left or because it is write protected.

(3) Cause: An illegal name has been requested for the
directory name. In this case, try again, but with a
legal name. Your DOS manual will tell you what's a
legal name.

E ENCRYPT/DECRYPT FILE FUNCTION. The current high-lighted
file can be encrypted/decrypted. You enter a phrase (which
ZIP will ask to enter again,to make sure of it) to start the
encryption/decryption. The phrase you enter can be in upper
or lower case; ZIP doesn't care how you do the capitals --
but you must use the exact spacing and wording.

If you enter just a RETURN, ZIP won't try to decrypt-

The coded (or "locked") file is ALWAYS a different file.
Just in case!

F FILE FIND FUNCTION. "F" allows searching the entire disk,
through all directories, for the file specification you
provide. ZIP lists the date, time, size, and pathname for
each file found; as well as a summary of the number of files
found matching this specification.

M FILE MOVE FUNCTION. All tagged files are "moved" to the
destination directory you specify on the prompt. The source
files and destination directory do NOT have to be on the
same disk drive. If they are not, ZIP copies the tagged
files to the destination directory, and then deletes them.

ZIP lists the files as they are moved, or an error message
if that file cannot be moved. A file cannot be moved if a
file of the SAME name already exists in the destination
directory. If to a different drive, this means that the
files couldn't be copied.

NOTE: If you specify the drive (including the colon), ZIP
performs a copy-and-delete operation. If the drive is NOT
specified, ZIP performs a file-move operation instead.

S DIRECTORY SORT FUNCTION. A brief menu is presented for the
different sorting functions. You select one, and ZIP will
re-read the disk and re-sort as desired. The "As-Is" or
"Natural" is the sort that DOS gives you.

V VOLUME LABEL FUNCTION. The current disk (floppy or hard)
name (also known as "volume label") is either created (if
one didn't exist) or changed. You specify the new label (up
to 11 chars) and ZIP does it for you. Floppy disks must NOT
be write-protected; otherwise the disk label cannot be
written. This can be used to also name RAM drives as well
as hard disks.



SHORT DESCRIPTION: G(raphics) - Change CRT mode to COLOR
80-character display, Black&white
80-character display, or IBM-style

ZIP resets the CRT mode, clears the screen, and re-reads your
current directory. Useful if you use two different CRTs, or if
using a single color monitor with a Color/Graphics Adapter. ZIP
doesn't handle EGA (at least not yet).



SHORT DESCRIPTION: Perform a H(exEdit) of the current file.

The contents of the file are displayed in hexadecimal, 16 bytes
to the line, plus printable ASCII characters. You can patch this
file, via a HEX screen edit. ZIP loads in a 64K segment of the
file for viewing and editing. You can search for an ASCII or hex
string, view in hex and ASCII, and edit (screen-edit!) in hex.

SUBCOMMANDS: A help screen is available by typing F1, showing
available subcommands, as follows.

Cmd Description
--- -----------
ESC Terminate HEXEDIT.

F1 Gives a short help window.

F2 Search for an ASCII or hex string. To search for an
ASCII string, preface by a single or double quote. A
trailing quote is optional, and will be discarded. If
there is no leading quote, ZIP assumes a hex string.
Anything not a hex digit (0-9, A-F, a-f), is assumed to
be a separator.

F3 Read in next segment. Each segment is 64K long.

F4 Repeat a search.

F5 Enable/disable patching (file writing). HEXEDIT comes
up initially with patching disabled.

F6 Write file segment. Any changes you've made is now
PERMANENTLY made to the file on disk.

HOME Moves cursor to first byte in current 256-byte display.

CNTL-HOME Moves to the beginning of the file segment.

CNTL-END Moves to the last 256-byte chunk of the file segment.

Moves cursor from each hex digit pair to the next, or
from each hex line to the next.



SHORT DESCRIPTION: I(nput manual command). Used to invoke a
second copy of COMMAND.COM to execute a DOS

At the ZIP prompt, type in a manual DOS command as you would from
the DOS command prompt, and then press return. Until you press
return, you can edit the line. Hitting ESC will clear the line,
allowing you to start over. You can move the cursor around on
the line as needed, and you can press the INS key to insert
characters. With ZIP.90, ZIP also remembers the last manual input
command entered. You can recall the last command by pressing
either the UP or DOWN arrow key; after which you can edit the

On presssing RETURN, ZIP clears the screen, and then you will see
the ZIP Title line at the top of the screen, and a command line
generated on the screen. Then ZIP loads COMMAND.COM, executes
the file, and prompts, "Click Mouse or Any Key to continue..."

Starting with ZIP.89, ZIP allows you to run a program LARGER than
available memory. That is, with ZIP in memory, typically there
is 350K left in a 640K machine. Some programs require more
memory, such as dBase III+. You can prefix your command with
'+'. What happens then is that ZIP will create or overwrite a
DO$.BAT file in your root directory (or wherever you've specified
the default "DO" file), and causes DOS to execute that batch
file. The memory requirements are greatly decreased; in fact,
ZIP will return all but 4K of memory.

ERRORS: If COMMAND.COM cannot be found or loaded, ZIP (or DOS)
will return an error message of "Program Not Found".

If there is not enough memory, ZIP returns an error
message to that effect. Because of the presence of
some not so well-behaved programs that reside in memory
(SIDEKICK (tm) is a prime offender here), ZIP may
glitch and the system will need to be rebooted.

If command entered isn't recognized by COMMAND.COM, DOS
returns message "Bad command or file". A .BAT, .COM or
.EXE file MUST be specified via the DOS "PATH" command.

WARNING!! Do NOT try to load memory resident programs using the
I(nput) command. Data in the stack may be overwritten
and a reboot will be needed. DOS will probably get
confused, at a minimum -- and there may be
unpredictable problems, especially with that single
copy of that all important file on the drive. . .

ZIP uses the COMSPEC variable in the environment to determine
where COMMAND.COM is located, before loading it.



SHORT DESCRIPTION: J(umpTo Directory). Changes directory
quickly and easily from within ZIP. Use the
Backslash to indicate the root directory when
jumping as a timesaver.

Fundamentally, the J command is EXACTLY the same as the DOS "CD"
(change directory) command. For instance, you can enter ".." to
Jump to parent directory, or "\" to Jump to the root directory.
Or you can enter the fully specified pathname for the directory,
and Jump to it from wherever you are. The only difference is
that you CANNOT specify a drive.

ERRORS: ZIP won't jump to the named directory, if you specify a
directory that doesn't exist on the current drive, or
if you misspecified the name. Your DOS manual can tell
you what's a legal directory name.



SHORT DESCRIPTION: L(ogin to new Drive). Used to change to
another drive.

Enter the letter ONLY. The colon is NOT needed. The Return is
NOT needed. When logging onto a drive, you will be placed in the
directory you were last in.

EXAMPLE: To change from Drive A to Drive C, first type L on
the ZIP command line. You will be prompted,
"Enter drive letter". Type the drive letter - C -
then wait while ZIP reads the directory and
displays it.

If you specify an invalid drive, ZIP will normally beep angrily
at you, and tell you that you've made a mistake. Under DOS 3.X,
however, because of the provision for the "SUBST" command, you
may be switched to the drive you've specified via the SUBST



SHORT DESCRIPTION: M(ake New Directory). Used to Make a
directory; follow directions.

After pressing M, ZIP will ask "DIR?". Type in the name of the
directory. That's it.

ERRORS: There are only three cases where ZIP cannot make a new

(1) Cause: Another directory already exists with the
desired name. Here, you either have to use a
different name; or you have to rename that other

(2) Cause: ZIP cannot write to the disk, either
because there is no room left or because it is
write protected.

(3) Cause: An illegal name has been requested for the
directory name. In this case, try again, but with
a legal name. Your DOS manual will tell you
what's a legal name.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: P(rint). Used to print marked files in

ZIP automatically performs page ejects between each file. Output
is to "PRN:", i.e., your default printer port only. As in the
case of "C" or "D" commands, if no files are marked, ZIP will
beep angrily, saying, "No files tagged".

ZIP does NOT format the file. Use embedded print codes, using
ZIP's editor, or, execute a printer set-up file with the I(nput)
or eXecute commands. The reason for this is that there are many
good, memory-resident programs for doing so, and that there are
many different printers (and printer codes), for embedding
different printer configurations into ZIP.

You should use your DOS's MODE command to switch to another
printer port.

Use this for performing operations on a number of files. Or
substitute a text-printing program to be used instead of


SHORT DESCRIPTION: R(ename). Rename current file to name
specified by you.

ZIP prompts with "Rename to?". Enter a valid name, and voila!
the file is renamed. Directories can be renamed with this
feature, too.

ERRORS: Unsuccessful rename occurs if: (1) the new name already
exists in the current directory; or (2) the new name
is not a valid name (11 characters max, with 8
characters as the "name" and 3 characters as the
"extension"); or (3) the disk is write-protected.

Use the "F" menu to rename a disk volume label.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Q(uit). Does exactly that. Returns you to
DOS in whatever drive and directory is being
shown by ZIP.

All operations are terminated. The CRT will be cleared
(blanked). ZIP will put up a logo display, and wish you a good

CNTL-C or CNTL-BREAK also terminates ZIP.

Whatever drive and directory you last had ZIP go to, you will be
in that drive and directory.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: T(erminal). Activates ZIP's
telecommunication program.

ZIP's telecommunications option is a fairly complete terminal
program. Combined with the rest of ZIP, there are very few
options that any standard communications program offers that
isn't included. ZIP compares favorably with IBMMINI, MINITEL,

Starting with ZIP.89, ZIP also responds to "standard" commands,
such as ALT-X for exit and PgDn/PgUp for receive/transmit binary.

SUBCOMMANDS: The ZIP-TERMINAL window will be opened displaying
the Terminal commands:

Cmd Description
--- -----------

F1 last line of the terminal window displays the status:
COM0: 0.0.0.--Echo LF OFFLINE

F2 SET ECHO/LINE FEED. Toggles echo and Line Feeds on or

F3 RECEIVE XMODEM. The file is received using the XMODEM
PgDn checksum/CRC or YMODEM/CRC transfer protocol. A window
is opened to count the number of blocks received.

F4 SEND XMODEM. The file is sent using the XMODEM
PgUp checksum/CRC or YMODEM/CRC transfer protocol. A window
is opened to count the number of blocks sent and errors

F5 PARAMETERS SELECT. Used to select the communications
parameters. A window will open and you will be
prompted, "Change Protocol? (Y/N)". If you reply Y,
you will be given a list of available protocols. Then
you'll be prompted "Change Parameters? (Y/N)". If you
reply Y, you will be asked:
COM PORT: (1 or 2)
SPEED: (1=300, 2=1200, 3=2400)
LENGTH: (7 or 8)
STOP BITS: (1 or 2)
Enter the appropriate number or letter. COM1, 1200, 8,
N, 1 is the most common. You can change parameters in
mid-session WITHOUT losing the connection.

F6 RETURN TO ZIP. The telecommunication session is still
on-line. You can return to the terminal mode by
pressing the T key from ZIP.

F7 QUIT. The telephone is hung up. The program returns to

F8 BREAK. A break signal is sent to the remote computer.

F9 COLLECT TEXT, (ASCII or other), from the remote
computer into a file of your choosing. Pressing F9
toggles the capture function ON/OFF.

F10 SEND TEXT, (ASCII or other), to the remote. ZIP does
not "pace" or insert any character or line delays. Text
is sent as fast as possible.

The Alt commands available in the terminal mode are activated by
pressing the Alt key and then at the same time pressing one of
the following:

Alt-A AutoAnswer mode
Alt-C Send a Control-C (^C)
Alt-D Access the DIaling Directory for the speed set by the
F5 command.
Alt-H Hangup the phone. Place the telephone line in the
on-hook state.
Alt-Z Reset the modem. Used to disable autoanswer.

ZIP looks for 300.ZIP, 1200.ZIP or 2400.ZIP, determined by the
speed you've selected. It must contain the keyboard sequence that
you need to send to your modem for it to autodial. A semi-colon
terminates the sequence, so that you can add in-line comments if
you want.

ZIP's autodialer will search for either a name or a number. The
name you ask for, must be included as an in-line comment. The
sample file included (1200.ZIP) shows how this is done: to dial
DIAMOND BAR, just type "Diamond Bar" (upper or lower case) -- but
you'll note that the name is included in the in-line comment.

You can SEND_TEXT (F2) to emulate the MODEM's command set for
non-Hayes modems. (Build a file that contains the modem

Hayes and Hayes compatibles recognize a line feed character, (Hex
0A, Decimal 10) as a keyboard abort of the command string. Be
sure that command strings to be sent with the F2 command are
clear of such characters.

Use ZIPCUST to change the default terminal characteristics (such
as file transfer protocol, baud rate, data bits, etc.). Standard
for computer bulletin boards is 300 or 1200 or 2400 baud, 8 data
bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit. For commercial electronic mail, it's
usually 7 data bits, Odd Parity, 1 stop bit. If you're using 300
baud, it's usually 2 stop bits.

ZIP will shift to 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, for XMODEM
or YMODEM file transfers; and then restore your initial settings
after the transfer is either completed or aborted.

Note TELINK, while offerred, is not yet supported at this time.

ZIP will display color/graphics if:
- DEVICE=ANSI.SYS is part of the CONFIG.SYS file.
- The remote uses ANSI escape sequences.
- You have a color graphics board in use.
Music, Pacing, and Character Translation are NOT supported.

If set in CONFIG.ZIP, the file named is executed WITHOUT
arguments being passed to it. You can use your own terminal
program from within ZIP, if you don't want to use ZIP's own.
Shame on you!


SHORT DESCRIPTION: U(nsqueeze). The marked files are UnSqueezed.

You are prompted to determine if you want the UnSqueezed files
sent to another drive or directory. The command line displays the
name of the file being UnSqueezed. The new file has the middle
letter of the file extension changed from a Q to the original
letter. For example, ZIP.DQC would become ZIP.DOC.

A standard unsqueeze algorithm is used. Any standard squeezed
file will be unsqueezed by ZIP.

If no files are marked, ZIP will beep angrily, saying, "No files

Some files have been squeezed via SQ2.EXE, a file compresser
briefly in vogue, which incorporated the date and time of the
original file into the squeezed file. This cannot be unsqueezed
by ZIP.

ZIP will redate the unsqueezed with the SAME time and date as
your original squeezed file.

ALTERNATE/REPLACEABLE COMMAND: Yes. This is a "replaceable"
command via CONFIG.ZIP, operating on marked or tagged files.


SHORTR DESCRIPTION: V(iew). Browse a text or ASCII file.

The file is selected by moving the cursor to the file name and
entering V on the command line. View will read the text file in
segments of about 64K.

SUBCOMMANDS: A help screen is available by typing "?", showing
available subcommands, as follows.

Cmd Description
--- -----------

F1 Presents a popup help screen for Edit.
F2 Searches for a string in the current segment. Each
segment is about 56K bytes long.
F3 Gets the next segment of a file, if there's more.
F4 Repeats the search specified by F2.

CNTL-Home Puts you at the top of a segment.
CNTL-End Puts you at the bottom of a segment.
PgUp,PgDn Scrolls a page at a time
HOME Puts you at the beginning of a line.

ESC Quits View.

The top line of the CRT screen provides the current status of the
segment being Viewed: line number, etc.

NOTE: One simple constraint: You cannot view previously
viewed segments -- to see earlier segments, you must
exit View and do a second View. This is similar,
unfortunately, to EDLIN or IBM's Professional Editor.

When used as an alternate command, the executable file named
in CONFIG.ZIP, is passed, as an argument, the name of the
current high-lighted file.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: W(ildCards). Used to selectively display
files in a directory. Uses standard DOS wild cards. Return to the
full directory by typing W and then pressing Return at the
prompt. Files can be marked, copied, deleted, etc.

After pressing W, enter a wildcard string. See your DOS manual
on what constitutes a wildcard. ZIP clears the screen, and
displays only those files which match the wildcard you've
entered. This wildcard remains in force, even if you change
drives and/or directories, which allows you to scan quickly for
files of interest. All other commands can be used for the
selected files.

Return to the full directory, simply by pressing W, and then
RETURN at the prompt. This is a convenient way to also clear all
"marked" files.



SHORT DESCRIPTION: eXecute: The file which is highlighted, is
executed as if you had typed it from the DOS prompt.

ZIP executes the file (if an .EXE or .COM), by invoking a second
copy of COMMAND.COM with the filename passed to the command line.
ZIP then clears the screen, and then you will see the ZIP title
line and a command line generated on the screen. The command
line will contain the name of the current file. When the eXecuted
program is completed you will be prompted with, "Click Mouse or
Any Key to Continue..."

If there is not enough memory, ZIP will return an error message
to that effect. Because of the presence of some not so
well-behaved programs that reside in memory (some versions of
SIDEKICK (tm) are a prime offender here), ZIP may glitch and the
system will need to be rebooted.

WARNING!!! Do NOT try to eXecute memory resident programs
using the X command. Data in the stack may be
overwritten and a reboot will be needed.

ZIP uses the COMSPEC variable in the environment to determine
where COMMAND.COM is located, before loading it.


SHORT DESCRIPTION: Z(alternate). Used to toggle between the
Alternate Command Set and ZIP's Internal Command Set.

The Alternate Commands are identified in a file called
CONFIG.ZIP. An example file follows:

e eded.exe; This is a small editor
v; V. Buerg's List program
u; All Purpose Unsqueezer
p; A neat print utility from PC Magazine
t mini/2; T. Jenning's Minitel comm program

If the Alternate Command Set were active, and a V was entered on
ZIP's command line, ZIP would invoke a copy of COMMAND.COM and
call V.Buerg's LIST.COM browse utility rather than ZIP's internal
view utility.

The advantage is that you can use utilities with which you're
familiar, that might have some advantages over ZIP's internal
set. The disadvantage is you need more RAM, more disk space, and
you lose some speed.

The CONFIG.ZIP file is an ASCII file and can be edited by just
about anything which will write in ASCII output. The entries in
CONFIG.ZIP are NOT case sensitive. The semi-colon is used to
start a remark line. The first column MUST contain the letter of
the ZIP command to be replaced; the second column MUST be blank.
The maximum length of the line is 78 characters.

The Help screen (via pressing ?) will display the current
alternate command set, if one is active. Using the ? command, is
useful for determining if the alternate command set is active.


Note: ZIPARC works only for ARC versions 4.3 or earlier. With
ZIP now able to ARC/unARC files directly, there isn't too much
need for this supplementary program.


ZIPCUST is invoked on the command line by typing ZIPCUST, or
ZIPCUST followed by the name of the ZIP file whose colors you
want to change.

This program installs user-desired screen colors into ZIP, as
well as default terminal values (modem parameters and file
transfer protocol. The syntax is:

ZIPCUST [pathname | filename]

where pathname and filename are optional. ZIPCUST will look for
a program named ZIP.EXE; if not found, prompts the user for the
name of the file. Restricted to ZIP versions 0.87 or higher,
only; cannot be used for earlier versions of ZIP. Declaration
of pathname/filename, if present in the command line, overrides
the default filename of ZIP.EXE.

Color is installed by selecting ZIP element, and then selecting
appropriate foreground/background colors.

ZIP's default telecommunications parameters are set by selecting
appropriate values for them, plus protocol.

You can also restore the standard ZIP defaults.

There are only SIX basic commands.

Q -- Quit -- terminates ZIPCUST without changing anything in ZIP.

X -- Exit & Save -- terminates ZIPCUST and installs the color
choices you've selected into ZIP.

W -- Write New DoFile Batchname -- changes the default name for
the ZIP dofile batch file. ZIP creates a dofile (nominally,
"do$.bat") to execute programs larger than available memory, by
unloading ZIP and executing that file. For example, Word Perfect
may require 256K but with ZIP running there may not be 256K
memory available. The dofile unloads ZIP to run Word Perfect,
and then to reinvoke ZIP after Word Perfect is exited.

M -- set Mouse sensitivity -- sets the horizontal and vertical
sensitivity of the mouse when ZIP is run. The values remain
after ZIP is terminated.

S -- Select -- selects an element in ZIP, so that you can change
its colors.

U -- toggle Use Stack -- sets a flag in ZIP, so that those
machines with more limited memory can use ZIP. ZIP normally uses
140K for everything including file handling, but excluding the I,
X, and Z commands. Those with less than 140K but at least 128K
free, can still use ZIP, if the Use Stack is set ON. The normal
default is OFF.

R -- Restore standard defaults -- restores the standard ZIP
values and colors.

T -- review/change Terminal values -- displays the current
default values for baud rate, comm port, stop bits, data bits,
parity, and file transfer protocol. You respond to prompts and
set the values as you want. You HAVE to set all values, once
you've started, however.

  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : ZIP20.ZIP
Filename : ZIPCMDS.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: