Category : File Managers
Archive   : STS_410.ZIP
Filename : STS.HLP

Output of file : STS.HLP contained in archive : STS_410.ZIP
³ (( )) Stereo Shell version 4.10 >> HELP FILE << ³
³ >> Alt Key Pairs << ³ >> Function keys (main screen) << ³
³ = Comment files/dirs. ³ Key guide appears on main screen bottom. ³
³ = DOS gateway/command.³ = Open DOS menu. = View file. ³
³ = Enhance display res.³ = Marked menu. = Move file. ³
³ = Help file display. ³ = Change sort. = Rename file.³
³ = QUIT return to DOS. ³ = User file func. = Copy file. ³
³ = Reset right side. ³ = Edit file. = Erase file. ³
³ = Show file times if pressed while cursor is in a file window. ³
³ = Show directory tree if pressed while cursor is in dir window. ³
³ = Erase files or directories. (Warning: un-prompted and fast!) ³
³ <1,2,3...> = Change drive in un-hooked window. 1,2,3 => A,B,C etc. ³
³ >> "To do" commands. To ________ => do this. << ³
³ OPEN the DOS menu...........=> Press F1 or Esc. or + or rgt. mouse button.³
³ SELECT a FILE or DIRECTORY..=> Place cursor on it and press . ³
³ Change the DRIVE LETTER.....=> Press number keys 1-9, for drives A-I ³
³ - OR - Open the DOS menu and select drive change. ³
³ Change DRIVES (UN-HOOKED)...=> Press <1,2,3...> or open DOS menu. ³
³ Chg. DRIVE on empty window..=> Press <1,2,3...> or open DOS menu. ³
³ QUICKly FIND a FILE.........=> Press 1st letter of name. (depends on sort)³
³ QUICKly FIND a DIRECTORY....=> Press 1st letter of name. ³
³ SWITCH active sides (HOOK)..=> Tab or cursor to that file window. ³
³ Open the various FILE MENUS.=> Place the cursor on filename & press . ³
³ TREE display the drive .....=> Press spacebar while in center window. ³
³ ERASE a sub-DIRECTORY.......=> Place the cursor on it & press . ³
³ CREATE a sub-DIRECTORY......=> Open the DOS menu and select this option. ³
³ RENAME a sub-DIRECTORY......=> Highlight it & press . * DOS 3.xx+ req.³
³ MARK or UNMARK single file..=> Press the space bar or both mouse buttons. ³
³ MARK or unmark ALL files....=> Press or keys respectively. ³
³ Work with MARKED files......=> Press to open the marked files menu. ³
³ GATEWAY to DOS quickly......=> Press . (also exec. DOS commands.) ³
³ Switch DISPLAY resolutions. => Press . (EGA/VGA/MCGA users only) ³
³ Provides 3 modes on VGA, 2 modes on EGA. ³
³ Call the SETUP program mode.=> Press . ³
³ RESET the right window......=> Press . (resets to working dir.) ³
³ COMMENT file or directory...=> Press . ³
³ SWITCH between VIEW MODES...=> Press space bar or both mouse buttons. ³
³ PRINT a FILE................=> Copy it to PRN or load in viewer --> . ³
³ SAVE the SORT types defined.=> Set both windows and then enter setup mode.³
³ " " " " " => Saving the setup will keep your sort types.³
³ >> Mouse control - keyboard equivalents. << ³
³ Left button.....=> Same as key. > In view mode simulates key.³
³ Right button:...=> Same as key in all modes. ³
³ Both buttons:...=> Same as . > Hold for repeat action. ³
³ Center button:..=> Same as . > Hold for repeat action. ³
³ Roll away:......=> Same as key. ³
³ Roll toward:....=> Same as key. ³
³ Roll left:......=> Same as key. > In view mode acts as . ³
³ Roll right:.....=> Same as key. > In view mode acts as . ³
³ >> StS internal file viewer notes. << ³
³ PgUp key:.......=> Pages up one screen. ³
³ PgDn key:.......=> Pages down one screen. ³
³ Left arrow:.....=> Pages up one screen. > Mouse users roll left. ³
³ Right arrow:....=> Pages down one screen. > Mouse users roll right. ³
³ Up arrow key:...=> Move up one line. > Mouse users roll away. ³
³ Dn arrow key:...=> Move down one line. > Mouse users roll toward. ³
³ Home key:.......=> Go to top of file. ³
³ End key:........=> Go to end of file. ³
³ Enter key:......=> Pages down one screen. > Mouse users press rgt button.³
³ Spacebar:.......=> String search begin/continue. > Both mouse buttons. ³
³ Esc. key:.......=> Exit the viewer. > Mouse users press left button.³
³ F1 key:.........=> Toggles between HEX/ASCII mode. ³
³ - - - - - - - - - ³
³ StS view will print via device PRN: using DOS function 40h. ³
³ ³
³ F2 key:.........=> Print from top of screen until a key is pressed. ³
³ F3 key:.........=> Send a form feed (ASCII 12) to the printer. ³
³ >> Command line switches << ³
³ /B forces Stereo Shell to use BIOS screen I/O. (not normally required) ³
³ /H starts Stereo Shell in high resolution (EGA/VGA) mode. ³
³ /M starts Stereo Shell in medium resolution (VGA) mode. (VGA only) ³
³ >> StS environment variable << ³
³ An environment variable setting is provided to allow the user to ³
³ "hard code" the configuration file name and location. This feature will ³
³ allow you purists out there to put the configuration file in some place ³
³ other than the root directory. This also enables users who desire to ³
³ run STS from various disk drives to ensure that STS will always be able ³
³ to find the setup file. ³
³ ³
³ The string is: SET STS_CFG=[d:][path](filename.ext) ³
³ ³
³ Be sure to use all capital letters and include the complete drive, path ³
³ filename and extension. Complete details in the main .DOC file. ³
³ >> Setup Program notes << ³
³ The user must define the various external utility programs before such³
³ functions as edit and compression support will work. Select to ³
³ enter setup mode. Whenever you define an external program, take care to ³
³ always provide the drive letter, the complete path from the root directory³
³ and the filename including the extension. The default path for all exter-³
³ nal programs is C:\STEREO\ and your life will be happier if you set up ³
³ a sub-directory using this name...Please refer to the .DOC file for com- ³
³ plete details about using the StS setup mode. ³
³ >> Some notes about StS. << ³
³ Stereo Shell is intelligent menu driven. What this means is that the ³
³ program analyses the file you have selected and opens the appropriate menu³
³ for working with that file type. One of our design goals was to make the ³
³ program so intuitive that little or no instruction would be required to ³
³ learn how to use it. Even so, it is impossible to build such a capable ³
³ application without incorporating a few non-obvious commands. The purpose³
³ of this help file is to provide a quick reference for new users. This is ³
³ no substitution for the detailed .DOC file, however if we did our job ³
³ correctly, this file should be all that is required to get you started. ³
³ Stereo Shell uses twin (stereo) file windows to allow the user to work ³
³ between any two drives or directories simultaneously. These file windows ³
³ share the center area of the screen to display their respective ³
³ sub-directory information and allow the user to switch directories on each³
³ side. At any time, only one window can show its sub-directory information³
³ in this area. Which brings up the question of which directory is showing.³
³ The answer is derived from the actual screen graphics. The sub-directory ³
³ window is always "hooked" graphically to its associated file window. Thus³
³ the term "hooked" will be used to refer to the current working side. The ³
³ hooked side will always be the source of all file operations. The ³
³ un-hooked side is the default destination of all file moves, and copies. ³
³ All DOS commands that refer to making sub-directories etc. will always ³
³ work on the hooked side. After a few minutes of working with STS this ³
³ concept will become "second nature" to you, however we feel all new ³
³ concepts and terms should be mentioned. ³
³ >> Help file information << ³
³ This help file is a pure ASCII text file and can be modified, edited, ³
³ appended, or even replaced by the user. StS displays this file by simply ³
³ loading it into the file viewer. THIS FILE IS NOT a replacement for the ³
³ detailed StS.DOC file. Please refer to the .DOC file for in depth details³
³ about the use of StS. The majority of user questions we receive are due ³
³ to the fact that the user has made an error in the setup of the program, ³
³ or simply has not read the documentation. We have included another file ³
³ with this package that contains some common questions/answers that may ³
³ also save you a phone call for tech support. Thank you for using StS and ³
³ please feel free to customize this file to suit your needs! ³
³ Stereo Shell is (c) Copyright 1992 M.R.E. Software. All rights reserved. ³

³ Didn't find the answer here? Try the QUESTION.TXT file or the .DOC file. ³

  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : STS_410.ZIP
Filename : STS.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: