Category : File Managers
Archive   : RVT.ZIP

Output of file : ORDERING.DOC contained in archive : RVT.ZIP
Shareware Registration

This is one of 30 programs, collectively called the Rock Utilities, which
are distributed as shareware programs, and sold as a set for $20. You're
encouraged to try the programs prior to purchase, and give copies to your
friends and colleagues who you think may find them useful. However, it's
not free; if you decide to use it more than 30 days, please send in the
registration form. In doing so, you'll be helping further the development
of the software, and gain the benefits of registration, including the right
to continue using the software, and sleeping better at night!

The cost of registration is $20, for which you'll receive a nice printed
manual, a 720K or two 360K diskettes with the latest version of the Rock
Utilities (including disk-based documentation), registration verification,
and news of new versions and products.

The $20 registration fee is for one copy for use on any one computer at any
one time. Quantity purchases or site licenses are negotiable. See the
file ORDER.FRM or type "RIR /ORDER > PRN" (or whatever this program is
called in place of RIR) to print an order form.


Please don't alter or omit files in redistribution (except to recompress
files in a different format, e.g. ARC instead of ZIP). Shareware
distributers and BBS's are welcome to distribute the programs.

The Rock Utilities

These are the programs currently included in the Rock Utilities. The list
is subject to change, but generally only additions are made.

1 MOVE Rock's File Mover - Quickly move files from directory to directory.
2 RAC Rock Area Coder - Gives area codes & time zones for North America.
3 RCAL Rock Calendar - Gives any month's calendar; what day wuzya born on?
4 RCALC Rock Calculator - Command-line driven scientific calculator.
5 RCLOCK Rock Clock - Large font digital clock, optionally memory-resident.
6 RDI Rock Disk Info - Show info on all a system's disk drives.
7 RDK Rock Directory Killer - Erase dirs w/all subdirs & files; CAREFUL!
8 RDL Rock Directory Last - Show most recent files, or oldest files.
9 RF Rock Filter - Filters a text file's CRs & LFs; good for PC to Mac.
10 RFA Rock File Attribs - Write-protect or hide files/dirs.
11 RFF Rock File Finder - Finds files across hard disk; manymany options!
12 RI Rock Initiator - Shell program for all utils w/contextual help.
13 RIR Rock Directory - Like DIR but shows contents of compressed files
14 RKS Rock Key Status - Show/set caps, num, scrl lock; good in autoexec!
15 RKR Rock Keyboard Rate - Adjust keyboard repeat rate, faster or slower.
16 RPV Rock Preview - Mini graphic pict of text file shows how it'll print.
17 RRB Rock Reboot - Reboot your computer from command-line or batch file.
18 RRE Rock Run-time Error - Decodes numeric run-time errors, makes tables
19 RSC Rock Screen Colors - Change colors in your DOS screen.
20 RSI Rock System Interrogator - Provides detailed info on system config.
21 RSV Rock Sector Viewer - Browse through an entire disk's contents.
22 RTF Rock Text Font - Outputs BIG letters with text-graphics characters.
23 RTS Rock Text Search - Finds text in files, displays finds in context.
24 RVM Rock Video Mode - Set video mode; can do 43/50 lines on EGA/VGA.
25 RVT Rock Visual Tree - Show tree of dir structure w/file & byte counts.
26 RWAIT Rock Wait - Batch file enhancer, add delays, boxed messages, more!
27 RWC Rock Word Count - Stats on chars, words, lines, etc. in text files.
28 RYPE Rock tYPE - Subsitute for DOS's TYPE command, allows scrollback.
29 RZF Rock Zero File - Completely erase any trace of a file.
30 RZFS Rock Zero Free Space - Zero the unused space on a disk.


We'll answer any questions. Mail preferred, phone available. Free updates
on our BBS, or $5 by mail to registered users. Software is sold "as is",
though we'll sure work to correct bugs! Purchase price refunded up to 90
days from purchase if you're dissatisfied.

Contacting Rock

For orders, just print out an order form (see this document's third
paragraph) and mail it in with your check (usually $22 including S&H) to
Rock Systems.

Registered or not, we appreciate your suggestions, bug reports, and other

E-Mail (electronic mail) is the preferred method of communication.
Electronic mail (e-mail) can be sent to CompuServe account [71270,146], or
to "Rob Argy" on the DBK/Rock Bulletin Board System, a tech support system
at (313) 662-9160 (2400 Baud, None, 8, 1).

Our current mailing address is:

Rock Systems
101 N. Main St., Suite 150-125
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Our current phone number is (313) 971-9123. If you reach our answering
machine and would like a long distance call-back, it will be placed collect
from Rock Systems. If you don't get through to us, we've probably gotten a
new number, in which case look for a newer version of one of the Rock
Utilities! There's a good chance the number will change in 1992, though
the address listed above will remain constant, even if the phone number has

  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : RVT.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: