Category : File Managers
Archive   : ROCK2OF2.ZIP
Filename : INT.HLP

Output of file : INT.HLP contained in archive : ROCK2OF2.ZIP
^ECommand^F BREAK

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Turn on/off extra CTRL-BREAK checking.

^ESyntax^F BREAK = [ON|OFF]

When BREAK is OFF, DOS checks for a CTRL-BREAK
only during standard certain input/output
operations; when it's on, DOS responds to CTRL-
BREAK all the time. The default setting is off,
as Turning break on slows DOS down somewhat.

^EExamples ^BBREAK = OFF^F Turn extra checking off
^BBREAK = ON^F Turn extra checking on
^BBREAK^F Show the current break setting
^ECommand^F CHCP

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 3.3 and up

^EFunction^F Primarily used for international
character sets, CHCP selects the
system-wide code page for devices.

^ESyntax^F CHCP [nnn]

^B[nnn]^F specifies the desired code page. If
omitted, the operating system code page is shown.

Code page values include:

^B437^F United States ^B850^F Multilingual
^B860^F Portuguese ^B863^F French-Canadian
^B865^F Norwegian

^CNotes^F Must be used after the NLSFUNC command.

CHCP may need to read COUNTRY.SYS; use
tell DOS where to find COUNTRY.SYS.
^ECommand^F CHDIR (or just "CD")

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Displays/changes the current directory.

^ESyntax^F CHDIR [d:][path]

^Bd: path^F specifies the new drive and directory
to switch to. If no parameters are given, the current
drive and directory are displayed.

^EExample: ^BCD \ROCK^F Changes the working directory
to \ROCK.
^ECommand^F CLS

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Clears the screen.

^ESyntax^F CLS

^CNote^F CLS clears only the first 25 lines, a
nuisance with 43- or 50-line displays.

^EExample: ^BCLS ^FClears the screen
^ECommand^F COPY

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Copies a file (or group of files) to
files in another directory or disk.
Useful to "back up" your files, or give
files to other people on floppies.

^ESyntax^F COPY [/A][/B][d:][path][source]

For novice users, the /A, /B, +, and /V can be
safely ignored until you have a strong need to
use them. The examples below are more useful
than the descriptions of parameters that follows.

^EExamples ^BCOPY *.* A: \BAK^F Copy all files from
the current directory to drive A:
file REPORT.TXT to a file BACKUP.REP
^BCOPY C:\NEW\*.WK1 \BAK^F Copy all
files ending in .WK1 from from the
directory C:\NEW to the directory \BAK

^Bd: path source^F specifies the source file(s) or
directory, and ^Bd: path dest^F specifies the
destination file(s) or destination directory.
The DOS wildcard characters, * and ?, are allowed
in filenames to specify more than one file.

^B/A^F stands for ASCII, causing COPY to use the
standard end-of-file marker, Ctrl-Z. ^B/A^F with the
source filename copies the file up to the first
end-of-file marker, skipping the rest of the
file, while ^B/A^F with the destination file adds
an end-of-file marker to the end of the file.

^B/B^F stands for binary. ^B/B^F with the source
filename copies the whole file, including end-of-
file markers, while ^B/B^Fwith the destination
filename, no end-of-file marker is added.

^B/V^F verifies that the data is copied correctly.

The syntax for COPY may also include as added
files (given by [/A][/B][+[d:][path]filename) as
desired; the ^B+^F symbol combines files as shown:

^EExample ^BCOPY A + B C^F Copy both files A and B
into file C
^ECommand^F CTTY

^EType^F Internal command, 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Changes standard input and output (I/O)
to an auxiliary device.

^ESyntax^F CTTY device

The available devices are:


^EExample: ^BCTTY COM1:^F Send and gather all
standard I/O from serial port COM1:
^ECommand^F DATE

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Displays or sets the system date.

^ESyntax^F DATE [mm-dd-yy]

Typing DATE alone shows the current date and asks
for a new date; press enter to leave it as is.

If you wish, you may enter the date immediately
after DATE in the format mm-dd-yy.

^Bmm^F is a two digit month designation.
^Bdd^F is a two digit day designation.
^Byy^F is a two digit year designation.

^EExample: ^BDATE 12-25-99^F Sets the system date to
Christmas 1999
^ECommand^F DEL

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F DELetes a file or group of files (same
as the ERASE function).

^ESyntax^F DEL [d:][path]filename

^Bd: path filename^F specify which file(s) to delete.

^EExample: ^BDEL A:\*.DAT^F Deletes all the the files
in A:'s root diectory ending in .DAT
^ECommand^F DIR

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Lists a directory's contents.

^ESyntax^F DIR [d:][path][filename] [/P][/W]

^Bd: path filename^F specifies the drive, path,
and filenames to list. Wildcard characters (*
?) are accepted in the filename.

^B/P P^Fauses the listing each screen full of data.

^B/W^F lists the files in a ^BW^Fide format, with
5 file/directory names per line instead of one.

^EExample: ^BDIR *.WK1^F List all files ending in
.WK1 in the current durectory
^BDIR /W^F List all the files in the
current durectory, 5 files per line
^ECommand^F ERASE (same as DELete)

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Erases a file or group of files.

^ESyntax^F ERASE [d:][path] filename

^Bd: path filename^F specifies the file to ERASE.

^EExample: ^BERASE OBSOLETE.DAT^F Deletes the file
OBSOLETE.TXT from the current directory.
^ECommand^F MKDIR (or just "MD")

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Creates ('makes') a subdirectory.

^ESyntax^F MKDIR [d:]path

^Bd: path^F specifies the drive and path where
the subdirectory will be located.

Path cannot exceed 63 characters.

^EExample ^BMD C:\NEW^F creates the subdirectory
NEW directly off of C:'s root directory.
^ECommand^F PATH

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Gets or sets the path of directories
for DOS to search when a program is not
found in the current directory.

^ESyntax^F PATH [[d:]path1[;[d:]pathN]

You can set several paths, each separated with a
semicolon, as in the example. (See "set" also).

PATH searches only for command files, those
ending with .COM, .EXE, and .BAT.

^EExample: ^BPATH C:\DOS;C:\ROCK^F After entering a
command, DOS first looks for the
program in the current directory; if
not found, it looks in C:\DOS; and if
still not found, it looks in C:\ROCK.
^ECommand^F PROMPT

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Changes the DOS prompt, normally a
drive letter followed by > (e.g., "A>")

^ESyntax^F PROMPT [prompt-text]

^Bprompt-text^F may be consist of a text message
and/or any of several special codes listed below:

^B$t^F - system time ^B$d^F - system date
^B$p^F - current dir ^B$v^F - version number
^B$n^F - current drive ^B$g^F - >
^B$l^F - < ^B$b^F - |
^B$q^F - = ^B$h^F - BACKSPACE
^B$e^F - ESCAPE ^B$_^F - return & line feed

^EExamples ^BPROMPT TEST^F Make DOS prompt "TEST"
^BPROMPT $p$g^F Make DOS prompt display
current directory and >, e.g. "C:\DOS>"
^ECommand^F RENAME (or just REN)

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Renames a file (or group of files).
Wildcard characters ? and * are allowed
in the filenames.

^ESyntax^F REN[AME] [d:][path] filename filename2

^Bd: path filename^F specify which file(s) to rename.

^Bfilename2^F is the new name for the files.

^EExample ^BREN NEW.WK1 OLD.WK1 renames the file
^ECommand^F RMDIR (or just "RD")

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Removes a subdirectory.

^ESyntax^F RMDIR [d:]path

^Bd: path^F specifies the subdirectory to remove.

RMDIR will erase only subdirectory that are
empty, containing no other files or directories.

^EExample ^BRD D:\TEMP^F Removes the empty
subdirectory \TEMP from drive D:
^ECommand^F SET

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Sets or displays DOS's environment
variables. Programs and commands may
inspect the environment string.

^ESyntax^F SET [name=[parameter]]

SET with no parameters shows the current
environment variables.

^EExamples ^BSET path=C:\DOS;C:\ROCK;C:\BAT
Set the environment variable "path"
to the string listed (see "PATH").
^BSET old^F Erases the environment
variable "old".
^ECommand^F TIME

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Displays and sets the system time.

^ESyntax^F TIME [hh:mm[:ss[.nn]]]

^Bhh^F is the hour, 0-23 (must use 24-hour format)
^Bmm^F is the minute, 0-59
^Bss^F is the seconds, 0-59 (optional)
^Bnn^F is the hundredths of seconds, 0-99 (optional)

TIME with no parameters displays the current
time and prompts you for the new time (press
return for no change).

^EExample ^BTIME 12:34:30^F Sets the computer's
clock to 12:34 pm and 30 seconds.
^ECommand^F TYPE

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F List the contents of a text file

^ESyntax^F TYPE [d:][path]filename[.ext]

^CNote:^F If you use TYPE with files other
than "text", or "ASCII" files, it will
probably produce "screen garbage."

^EExamples ^BTYPE ROCK.DOC^F Show ROCK.DOC on the
to the printer.
^ECommand^F VER

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Displays the version of DOS currently
being used.

^ESyntax^F VER

^EExample^B VER^F Shows version of DOS being used
^ECommand^F VERIFY

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Turns VERIFY on or off, or tells the
current VERIFY state. Verify ensures
that data is recorded correctly.


If VERIFY is ON, DOS double-checks that data it
writes is read back in properly.

^EExamples ^BVERIFY^F Display current status
^ECommand^F VOL

^EType^F Internal command, DOS 2.0 and up

^EFunction^F Displays a disk volume label.
DOS volume labels are 11-character
names assigned to a disk. Volume names
use the same characters as DOS file
names. If you do not specify a target
drive, DOS uses the current default. To
assign a volume label, use the DOS
LABEL command.

^ESyntax^F VOL [d:]

^Bd:^F specifies which drive's volume label to show.

^EExamples ^BVOL^F Shows current drive's volume label
^BVOL C:^F Shows disk C:'s volume label

  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : ROCK2OF2.ZIP
Filename : INT.HLP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: