Dec 272017
Power Scanner V4.8 - Directory/File Mgr. User can add, delete, link & rename dirs. User can delete, edit, dump & chg atributes of files. Mouse support, phone book, over 50 total options.

Full Description of File

Power Scanner 4.8 -PS is a Directory/File Mgt
program. Current drive showned in tree form.
User can dump, delete, rename, add & link to
directories. It displays files of the current
directory & users can delete, rename, execute
move, find, dump & chg file attributes. Has
a screen saver, mouse support,43/50 line mode
& show various parts of the system & provides
various levels of help. Has note pad, phone
book & over 50 total options.DEVELOPED IN ADA

File PS_V48.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
Power Scanner V4.8 – Directory/File Mgr. User can add, delete, link & rename dirs. User can delete, edit, dump & chg atributes of files. Mouse support, phone book, over 50 total options.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DESC.SDI 471 306 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 471 306 deflated
PS.EXE 124074 55293 deflated
PS.ICO 766 100 deflated
PS.PIF 545 139 deflated
PS_HELP.EXE 77866 32642 deflated
PS_SETUP.EXE 37376 18468 deflated
PS_STAND.EXE 95690 42076 deflated
PS_USER.DOC 149613 32526 deflated
README.1ST 3774 1136 deflated
STRIP.DOC 1705 451 deflated

Download File PS_V48.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

Power Scanner 4.8 -PS is a Directory/File Mgt
program. Current drive showned in tree form.
User can dump, delete, rename, add & link to
directories. It displays files of the current
directory & users can delete, rename, execute
move, find, dump & chg file attributes. Has
a screen saver, mouse support,43/50 line mode
& show various parts of the system & provides
various levels of help. Has note pad, phone
book & over 50 total options.DEVELOPED IN ADA
* ****************************** *
* ****************************** *
* *
* Users with a previous version of Power Scanner MUST delete the *
* file "ps_std.def" in the Power Scanner Directory. It will be *
* re-created when the Standard Defaults Option is choosen. If *
* this file is not deleted and this version of Power Scanner is *
* executed then Power Scanner will abort with an error message. *

This is version 4.8 of the Power Scanner program. New features
for this programs are contained in chapter 10.0 of the users manual.

Chapter 11.0 contains information for Power Scanner licensing and
the last two pages in the users manual contain forms for a user/site

The following files make up the distribution files for Power Scanner
Version 4.8

1) readme.1st -------> This File
2) strip.doc -------> Strip For Top Of Keyboard
3) ps.exe -------> PS Program
4) ps_stand.exe -------> Supplement Program For Power Scanner
5) ps_help.exe -------> Extended Help Program
6) ps_users.doc -------> PS Users Manual
7) ps.pif -------> Windows Interface File
8) ps.ico -------> Windows ICON for Power Scanner
9) ps_setup.exe -------> Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT to set up the path
and environment variable for Power Scanner
(Before any modifications are made to the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, a copy will be saved as
AUTOEXEC.OLD in the root directory. If
AUTOEXEC.BAT does not exists then this
program will create one for you.)
10) file_id.diz -------> Power Scanner description file for
PCBoard based BBSes
11) desc.sdi -------> Power Scanner description file.

** Please pass this program on to your friends and upload it to ***
** other BBSes ***

* Power Scanner INSTALLATION *

1) Create a directory on the disk where Power Scanner is to be installed
(ie: md c:\ps)

2) Copy all Power Scanner files to the directory created above
(ie: copy *.* c:\ps)

3) Modify AUTOEXEC.BAT with PS environment variable and update PATH
(ie: ps_setup c:\ps)

4) Re-Boot System
(ie: Ctl-Alt-Del)

5) Enter PS at DOS prompt after Re-Boot
(ie: PS)

*** "ps_setup.exe" Can Be Deleted After Power Scanner Has been Installed ***

Users that send in the $17 shareware request will receive instructions on
how to remove the time and shareware request and replace it with their own
name and registration number. (Alt-O)

 December 27, 2017  Add comments

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