Dec 292017
PUSHDIR and POPDIR for MS-DOS 4.01, with ASM source code. PUSHDIR allows you to save the current directory, move to a different one, and the POPDIR will return you to that origina.
File PDIR.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
PUSHDIR and POPDIR for MS-DOS 4.01, with ASM source code. PUSHDIR allows you to save the current directory, move to a different one, and the POPDIR will return you to that origina.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PMAKE 315 128 deflated
POPDIR.ASM 3685 1331 deflated
POPDIR.EXE 766 735 deflated
PUSHDIR.ASM 2761 1090 deflated
PUSHDIR.EXE 670 644 deflated
README.TXT 1878 868 deflated

Download File PDIR.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

readme.txt for Pushdir.exe & Popdir.exe

For years, I have been using a couple of utilities called "pushdir"
and "popdir". I don't remember the author of these, but they were
very helpful for jumping around directories. The originals
were developed in Turbo Pascal and had file sizes of about 11k each.

When I switched to DOS 4.01 with extended partitions for my hard disk,
I was disappointed to find that these utilities no longer worked. Here
then are my versions, developed with MASM 5.1. The EXE files have
been compressed with LZEXE so that the utilities are under 1k each.

How they work:

PUSHDIR, when run, saves the current default drive and directory
to a file named "PUSHDIR.DAT". POPDIR, when run, reads PUSHDIR.DAT
and restores you to the last drive and directory PUSHDIRed.
PUSHDIR.DAT will always reside in the same directory as PUSHDIR.EXE &
POPDIR.EXE. You may rename PUSHDIR.EXE to anyothername.EXE, but it
will still create PUSHDIR.DAT. The only restriction on the function
of these utilities is PUSHDIR.EXE and POPDIR.EXE must reside in
the same PATHed directory.

Think of PUSHDIR.DAT as a stack.You may stack up multiple
directory locations with multiple calls to PUSHDIR. Subsequent
calls to POPDIR will pop the locations off the stack.


pushdir ; save directory and drive
cd \dark\side\of\the\moon ; move to a remote location
work ; do some work
popdir ; return to last PUSHDIRed dir

Author: Gordon Harris
3349 Humboldt Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Comments can be addressed to my
CompuSurve address: [72611,620]

 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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