Category : File Managers
Archive   : PCWIZ300.ZIP
Filename : SORT.INS

Output of file : SORT.INS contained in archive : PCWIZ300.ZIP
SORT Used to "FILTER" data contained in a file and
DISPLAY it on the screen in a rearranged format
(Format 1); to create a new file that contains
the same data as another file, only in SORTED
order (Format 2); or to display the output of
another command in a SORTed format when used
as a "PIPE" (Format 3).

Format: 1) SORT <[D:Path]FileSpec [/R] [/+Col]

2) SORT <[D:Path]SFile >[D:Path]DFile [/R][/+C]

3) COMMAND [Para] | SORT [/R] [/+Col]

/R sorts in REVERSE alphabetical order

/+Col causes the sorting to be based on the COLUMN
number specified.

Displays the contents of the PHONES.TXT file in the
CURRENT directory in alpha-order on your screen.


Displays the contents of the PHONES.TXT file in the
\NOTES directory on the CURRENT drive in REVERSE
alpha-order on your screen.


Creates a new file named PHONE.SRT that contains the
same data as is in the source file named PHONES.TXT,
except the data is now in alpha-order based on the
character in column 35. (e.,g,. character 35 is the
beginning of the area code in the PHONE.TXT file.)
Example: DIR | SORT

Displays a directory listing of the CURRENT directory
that is sorted in alphabetical order.

Example: DIR \WP\*.TXT | SORT /+25

Displays a directory listing of the \WP\*.TXT files
on the current drive that is sorted in alphabetical
order by file creation date.

Example: DIR D:\WP | SORT /+9 >LPT1

Sorts the \WP directory on drive D: according to
file extension (col 9) and sends the output directly
to your printer where it is immediately printed. (An
example of both PIPING "|" and REDIRECTION ">" in a
single operation!)


Same as above, except directory is sorted according
to file name and the output is REDIRECTED to a NEW
file named WPSORT.LST in the CURRENT directory. This
file can later be displayed on the screen using the
TYPE command or be printed using the COPY command
with the >LPT1 redirection parameter.

[*] NEVER issued the SORT command WITHOUT specifying
parameters. A command of just "SORT" all by itself
will cause your computer to enter an endless loop.
If this accidentally happens, IMMEDIATELY shut-down
the system by either turning it off at the power
source or by using the "Alt-Ctrl-Del" sequence to
reset the system.

[*] The sophisticated manipulations of file contents
you can perform using a combination of FILTERING,
REDIRECTION and PIPING is almost endless. Using the
basic formats and examples contained herein should
provide you with an understanding of how these
basic techniques work; and with a little "creative"
thinking and experimentation, you will begin to get
a real appreciation of just how "POWERFUL" the world
of DOS really is!

  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : PCWIZ300.ZIP
Filename : SORT.INS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: