Category : File Managers
Archive   : MIMENU.ZIP
Filename : README.DOC

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Hard Disk Menu Program

VERS 3.1

By John M. Haro



MIMENU (pronounced MY-MENU). It was originally developed due to
a need for a user friendly menu program for my job working with the
Air Force. Every computer in the office had a different type of a
menu program which only had one thing in common and that was they were
hard to modify except by the creator of the menu. Using a Quick Silver
dBase III compiler I created the first menu program which quickly
became the standard for all the MS-DOS computers used throughout the
HQ Strategic Communications Division Logistics Section. The program
was later converted to 'C' using Turbo 'C' with the CXL window


ù 10 choices per page with a maximum of 10 pages in one set of menu
pages. Vertitually unlimited as to how many submenu page sets you
can have.

ù A quick screen system display to determine your systems equipment

ù Password protection capability to prevent quiting out of MIMENU.

ù Password protection capability to prevent unwanted editing of menus.

ù Individual password protection capability to prevent certain menu
choices from being ran by unwanted persons.

ù Easy transfering or copying menu choices to new locations on any
set of menu pages (even across different sets of menu pages).

ù Built in screen blanking capability or you can run an external
screen saver of your choice.

ù Editing of menu choices, page names are all done on current screen
without having to run an external editor.

ù Mouse supported through out MIMENU.

ù Option of returning to current menu choice after a program has
been ran.

ù Full support of being able to select different color choices for
screen displays.



If you are upgrading from an older version of MIMENU, please
follow the directions listed in the READ.1ST file.

Create a subdirectory such as: MIMENU with the following


Change to this subdirectory with the following command.


Uncompress MIMEN30A with the appropriate decompression program
such as PKUNZIP, into the MIMENU directory. If the files are already
expanded on a disk, just copy them into the directory with the

C:> COPY A:*.*

To allow the MIMENU program to be run from anywhere on your
hard disk, copy the file M.BAT to your root directory or to any
subdirectory that is identified in your path statement.

The AUTOEXEC.BAT file should be modified with the last sentence
as M. This will allow MIMENU to be brought up every time the
computer is turned on.

NOTE: If you want to rename the batch file M.BAT to some
other name, change the last line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT appropriately.
This M.BAT file needs to be able to execute the MENU.BAT file located
in the MIMENU directory.

MIMENU is now ready to be used and can be quickly customized
to run all your programs or DOS commands. The only information you
will need to know is the DOS statements you normally enter to run
each program or DOS function.



When the program is started, the following describes the
customization key codes.

-- Gives you a quick help screen which describes all of
the following keys and how to maneuver about MIMENU.
Press to exit from the help screen.

M -- Allows you to change the main program defaults
through a set of menu choices as follows:

Main Defaults:
Menu Editing Allowed (Y/N) - No editing will be allowed
on any menu page unless this is set to "Y". Normally
left in "N" to prevent accidental changes.

Date Time Displayed (Y/N) - Answer with a "Y" if you
want the date and time to be displayed in the lower left
corner of each menu screen. If you use a Clock TSR
program and do not want a second clock to be displayed,
set it to "N" to disable it.

Screen be Blanked (Y/N) - Enter a "Y" if you want the
the screen to be blanked after the Blank Time (next item)
has elapsed.

Screen Blank Time (Secs) - Enter the time in seconds.
After the time you have entered has elapsed and the
computer has not been used MIMENU will erase the screen
to prevent burn in. Pressing any key (except non
printable keys like the SHIFT or ALT) will return the
menu to the screen.

Return to Last Menu Choice (Y/N) - Enter a "Y" if you want
MIMENU to return to the current menu page and choice
when you exit to run a program.

Display Screen Save Message - Enter a "Y" if you want the
screen blank message to be displayed after the screen is
blanked. This message will constantly move on your screen
from side to side and top to bottom.

External Screen Save - Enter a "Y" if you want to use an
external screen saver program. This option is provided
if you prefer your own special program or picture to be
displayed. The "Screen be Blanked" option must still be
set to "Y".


Screen Save Pgm - Enter the program name of the external
screen saver program you want to run if the previous
option is set to a "Y". This program must be located
in the current directory or in a directory located in
the path statement. The program can not load up in
Terminate and Stay Ready (TSR) mode, since this is
only ran with a second COMMAND.COM loaded. A TSR
type program could lock up your computer.

Program Start Name - Enter the name of the Batch file to
start MIMENU. This is provided in case you want to rename
the M.BAT file to some other name such as MENU.BAT or
HELP.BAT when it is placed in the Path directory.

Menu Title - Enter any title you want displayed at the top
of the menu pages. This same title is displayed on all

Menu Program Path - Enter the drive and directory where
the MIMENU program resides if different from the default.
The last statement in this path should be the word MENU
which is the default batch file that is executed when
returning from a called program or command.

Exit Program Path - Enter the commands you wish MIMENU to
execute upon exiting. Refer to the Choice Path below for
explanation on how to set up the Paths.

Change Colors:
This allows you to change your menu screen colors. Use the
arrow keys to move the flashing pointer to any selection
you wish to change. Press and then type in the
number from the color spectrum window at the right for the
color wanted. Enter a Y or N if you want the foreground to
blink. To see a test menu page press F10. When done
viewing this menu page press any key to continue. When
done editing, press the key. If you have a mouse
installed, you can use the mouse cursor to point and click
at the item to be changed. Then point and click at the
color you want for that item. You can select it to blink
by pointing and clicking in the Blink box. You can also
select the test menu by pointing and clicking at the test
menu box. These boxes will only be visible if you have a
mouse installed.


Enter a "Y" for any area that you want password protection to
be provided:

Use a Password to run a Menu Choice - Enter a "Y" here if you
want a password to be requested before a menu choices is
performed. The menu choice you want protected must have a
"^" in the first character of the path (or after the "@" if
running in shell mode, or after the "%" for a new menu
page.) Use this to prevent unwanted access to your computer.

Menu Choice Password - Enter in any appropriate characters or
words you want for your password.

Use above Password to run Function Quick Keys - Enter a "Y" if
you want to use the password you enter above as the password
for any of the Shift Function Quick Keys.

Use a Password to Edit or Modify Menus - Enter a "Y" here if
you want a password to be requested before any editing can be
performed, or before access is allowed to the modify screen.
This is allowed to prevent any unknown changes to be done
to your MIMENU.

Edit/Modify Password - Enter in any appropriate characters or
words you want for your password.

Use a Password to Quit MIMENU - Enter a "Y" here if you want a
password to be requested before allowing MIMENU to be ended
returning to DOS. Be careful, some menu choices could still
allow someone to drop to DOS since they are only running
batch files. This is only provided as a minimum of security
for a computer system. It will not protect your computer
from a good computer hacker.

NOTE: If you do not want to change any of the above settings,
or are done editing you can press to end editing.

Quit Password - Enter in any appropriate characters or words you
want for your passwords.

All passwords are case sensitive so if you enter your password
in lower case, you must respond to the password prompt with
the same characters in lower case.

If you should forget a password, the only quick fix you have
available to you is to recopy the original MI-RUN.CFG file
over your current file. You will have to go back and
recustomize any defaults you might have changed.


Function Keys:
This area is used to customize the F9 or F10 function key to
any DOS command you might like to use on a regular basis.
Enter the information as follows:

Screen Description - Place a title here for the command you
want for either the F9 or F10 user defined function key to
display in the pop up menu.
Example: Dir A: (example if you want a different DIR)

Functions DOS Command - Enter in the actual DOS command or
program you want for the associated function key to execute
upon its selection.
Example: DIR (does not have to be capitalized)

Command Options - Enter in any standard default options you
want for this command such as particular flags or switches.
These must be able to work if applied immediately after the
command line.
Example: A:DIR/W The "/W" is the Option Entered.

Is a Prompt Required - Enter a "Y" here if you an additional
prompt to be requested from you prior to executing the
command. This could allow changing parameters to be
entered at this time.

NOTE: If you do not want to change any of the above settings,
or are done editing you can press to end editing.

NOTE: Use to clear the line from the cursor to the
end of the current field. Use to clear from the
cursor to the last editing field on the page.


* When the "Edit Menu Allowed (Y/N)" option listed above is set *
* to "Y", the following customizations are permitted. *

E -- This allows you to edit the highlighted menu choice. When
pressed, a window opens up allowing you to edit/modify the
following items. Press at any prompt to bring up help
instructions for each entry.

NAME - Enter the name of this menu choice.

DESCRIPTION - Enter any description of the menu choice or a
special instruction to be displayed at the bottom of the
menu area. If no description is entered here, nothing will
be displayed.

PATH - Enter the normal DOS commands you would type in to
execute this choice. Example, if you normally enter:

C:> CD\WP2 {Changes directory to WP2}
C:> WD {Runs Dictionary Program, WD}
C:> WP {Runs Word Processor Program, WP}

These commands would be entered into the path line as:


The semicolon is used to separate command statements and
its use will be explained shortly.

NOTE: Avoid executing a batch file if possible because a batch
file will not return to a calling batch file. If it is necessary to
execute a batch file due to lengthy commands required to execute a
program, edit the end of that called batch file to include the
statements that are in the Menu Program Path such as:


This will allow proper return to MIMENU.


Character codes that can be used in the Path input:

; <-- Used to separate commands. This character is replaced
with a carriage return and should be inserted whenever
you would normally press the Enter key.

% <-- Must be placed as the first character followed by a
legal DOS file name of 1 to 8 characters with no
extension. This will switch to an alternate menu file.
This can allow grouped items to be given their own menu
selection pages. If the file name given does not
already exist, it will be created with one menu page of
blank selections except for choice number 0 which will
automatically be entered with a return path to the main
menu file and choice 9 which returns back to calling
menu choice. This choice can be changed to any other
choice or deleted if you do not want a return capability.
You can also include a particular page and menu choice
to start with. Example of usage would be:
or %GAMES 2 4 to start on page 2 choice 4
Page 10 must be entered as a 0, the same as the last
menu choice must also be entered as a 0.

# <-- Can be used for an input request prompt such as:
or DATE #
When the "#" character is detected, the program halts
and requests a parameter input. This input will then
be included in the batch file in place of the "#".

@ <-- Must be placed as the first character. All the
subsequent commands in the path are executed in a
shell mode. MIMENU stays in memory but after execution
of the commands, it will return to the current position
in the menu screen. Example of usage would be:

This would display the directory of drive A:. MIMENU
automatically pause for any key to be pressed before
returning back to the current menu page.

~ <-- If placed at the end of the path command line it will
terminate the execution of the path commands and leave
you at the DOS prompt. This will allow jumping directly
to DOS after any commands have been executed.

^ <-- Must be placed as the first character or immediately
after the @ character. If the Password protection for
running a menu choice is set to "Y", the ^ character
flags the current menu choice as requiring a password
before it can be performed.

NOTE: The above characters are displayed in a box above the
editing box.

MIMENU Page 10

A -- Adds a new menu page to the end of the current pages. The
screen changes to this new empty menu page. A total of 10
pages can be created within one set of menu pages; but it is
unlimited as to how many different alternate sets of menu
pages you can create with the "%" described above.

I -- Inserts a blank menu page at the current location. The new
blank page will take the page number of the current location,
and the page at the current location will take the next
higher page number. All subsequent pages will be shifted by
one page number.

D -- This will delete the current menu page. You will be prompted
to insure this is what you want to do. Any page can be
deleted except for the last available page because the
program requires at least one page in order to operate. You
will automatically be warned that you are trying to delete
the last page and the program will prevent this.

P -- This will edit the page name. You will be prompted for a new
page name which will be displayed below the Main Title. This
can be used to identify particular pages such as word
processors, DOS commands, etc.

T -- This will allow you to transfer a menu choice to a new
location. When you press "T" at the menu choice you want
moved, that menu choice will be deleted and a flashing ""
will be displayed in the upper left corner. This is to
remind you that a transfer is in progress. Move to any other
position, on any page, and press "T" again. This will
complete the transfer and will write the moved selection to
this position.

C -- This will allow you to copy a menu choice to a new location.
Works similar to "T" but does not delete the original menu
choice. A flashing "" will be displayed in the upper left

MIMENU Page 11


To execute a menu choice, either press the number key which
precedes the menu choice, or use the arrow keys to highlight the
menu choice. Then press the Enter key.

To move to the next or previous menu page, use the PgUp or PgDn

To GoTo a particular menu page, press G and you will be shown
all the menu page names available. Press the letter of the page
number wanted or move the cursor to the page name and press enter
(or select the page with the mouse cursor). MIMENU will immediately
display that page.

To move to the first page, press the Ctrl and Home keys at the
same time.

To move to the last page, press the Ctrl and End keys at the
same time.

A mouse if fully supported with a point and shoot cursor. Use
the cursor to point at any menu selection and click the left button
twice. Two small boxes will be displayed in the upper left area
labeled as "Next" and "Prev". Place the mouse cursor in either box
and click the left button to change pages in the appropriate
direction. Press the right button to activate pulldown menus at the
top. Through these menus, all the normal keystroke functions can
be activated.

MIMENU Page 12


MIMENU has eight preprogrammed DOS quick keys and two user
defined quick keys. These keys are activated by pressing and holding
down the keys. This will display a list of key descriptions
on a pop up window in the middle of the screen. To activate any choice,
press the function key associated with the choice wanted. The commands
for F9 and F10 can be changed to your own choices through the Modify
command described above. The following describes the preset commands:

F1 - Dir - Directory display. Enter in your path for the drive
and directory to be displayed. You must end the path with "*.*" or
any particular file mask you want to display.

F2 - Format - Formats a floppy disk using the DOS format
program. You first select the drive to format, and then the drive
size (which sets up the appropriate format switches). All drive
sizes were provided to be compatible with all drives. Select only
the correct size for your computer.

F3 - DskCpy - Diskcopy command. Select the source drive and
then the destination drive. You are then prompted for any additional
switches you want to enter.

F4 - ChkDsk - Check disk command.

F5 - Copy - Copy file. Enter in the file name and path of the
source file and its destination.

F6 - Dos - Jumps out to DOS. Type in EXIT to return to MIMENU.

F7 - Time - Change your computers time. Prompts you for new

F8 - Date - Change your computers date. Prompts you for new

NOTE: Time and Date uses the standard DOS update commands. If your
computer requires a separate program to update the real time
clock (like RTCLOCK on Zenith Z-248's), it must be ran
separately since your clock will not be updated. You could
use either the F9 or F10 programmable keys for this feature
if you need it.

MIMENU Page 13


S -- This will give you a quick reference listing of your
computer systems equipment as follows:

ROM BIOS date if available.

Clock Calendar board if equipped (may not display on
all computers, depends on how the computer recognizes
the installed board).

EMS device driver. If equipped, it will display the
total pages free and the total pages in 16K blocks.

Math Co-Processor if installed.

Extended memory available. This memory is only displayed
accurately for AT class machines. I have also detected
that some device drivers may change the computers
information and may not display any extended memory.

Expanded memory available.

Game port if equipped (usually only for XT's or if a
separate board is installed).

Mouse if available.

Number of floppy drives.

Number of parallel and Serial ports.

Type of video driver card detected.

Type/class of computer.

MIMENU Page 14


MIMENU is being made available to the general public under
the concept of ShareWare. As such, you are free to copy it and
distribute it to others provided that all accompanying files are
distributed intact and unmodified, and that no fee is charged. The
author retains ALL rights to the program and documentation. You are
encouraged to try the program for a reasonable period of time to
consider supporting the efforts of the author by sending a small
contribution to the address shown below. Once you have done so,
you are considered "registered", and you can expect a prompt reply
to correspondence. You will also receive the latest version of
MIMENU if the version you have is not the newest.

MIMENU is also being made available to the Air Force and all
other DOD agencies with no registration requirements. The program
was created to provide a standardized menu system throughout HQ SCCC.
The current version should be made available and distributed by the
Small Computer Tech Centers. I may be reached at HQ SCCC/SOSSB,
Offutt AFB, NE 68113 for any comments or help.

I welcome all comments and suggestions regarding MIMENU, please
be sure to specify the following information in correspondence:

- Current version of MIMENU you have.
- What brand and model computer you have.
- How much memory your machine has.
- What type of video card and monitor you have.
- What DOS version you are running.
- Any other type of cards your machine has.
- Include your name and return address.

To register your copy of MIMENU, fill out the registration form
at the end of this documentation and send $10.00 to the author at:

John M. Haro
P.O. Box 13031
Omaha, NE 68113-0031

MIMENU Page 15


Below is the list of files included with the MIMENU disk. These
files must remain intact and can not be modified.

READ.1ST Information file for upgrading MIMENU from
a previous older version.
M.BAT Initial Start up Batch File.
Can be relocated to any Path Dir.
MENU.BAT The return Batch file that is
executed after the called commands.
MIMENU.BAT A duplicate of MENU.BAT. This was
included to retain compatibility to
older version. It can be deleted if
not needed.
SCRN1.OVL An overlay file used for MIMENU.
MI-RUN.EXE The main MIMENU program.
README.DOC This Documentation file.
MI-RUN.CFG Data used for the program defaults and
MIMENU.DAT Initial MIMENU menu data.
HISTORY.DOC A list of changes and modifications done
CONVERT.EXE A conversion program that converts pre
versions of MIMENU 2.6 DEFAULT.DAT and
PASSWRD.DAT files into one file now
called MI-RUN.CFG. This file will
automatically delete itself after it
performs the conversion, otherwise, you
do not need it in the MIMENU directory.
MIMENU.HLP Help file to be used within MIMENU.

*.DAT All other submenus will be created with
the suffix of "DAT" when your use the
"%" alternate menu command in the menu

For basic or site license registration, fill out the following form
and mail it to:

John M. Haro
P.O. Box 13031
Omaha, NE 68113

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Company: ___________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

City: ______________ State: ____ Zip: ___________________

Current version of MIMENU: 3.0a

Where did you receive MIMENU from: _________________________________

Type computer running on: _____________________

Comments: __________________________________________________________




Thank you for taking the time out to register this program. You will
be notified of any updates to MIMENU to include one free update. This
update will be sent on a 5¬" disk. If you can not use this size disk,
enclose an extra $1.00 for a 3«" disk.

Basic Registration $10.00
or _____________________
Site License $45.00

3«" disk update $1.00 _____________________

Total _____________________

Site license registration of $45.00 allows MIMENU to be used on all
computer systems within your company.

Basic registration of $10.00 allows MIMENU to be ran on a single
computer system.

  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : MIMENU.ZIP
Filename : README.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: