Dec 282017
Desktop Accessories that include calendar, appointments, telephone directory, editor, etc. Occupies only 5k, swaps to EMS or Disk. TSR.
File MEMTOOL3.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
Desktop Accessories that include calendar, appointments, telephone directory, editor, etc. Occupies only 5k, swaps to EMS or Disk. TSR.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CHANGES.DOC 6489 2667 deflated
CONVPHN.EXE 31232 22538 deflated
EDITOR.HLP 1485 555 deflated
MANUAL.DOC 54414 17215 deflated
MT.EXE 153928 87038 deflated
README.DOC 1997 800 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 2386 720 deflated

Download File MEMTOOL3.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

MemTool version 3.0


Be sure to refer to the installation instructions in the User's Manual.
This version of MemTool is designed to install over version 2.0 and 2.01
without overwriting or requiring the modification of any of your data files.
If you are installing version 3.0 over version 1.x it may be necessary to
convert your old phone number file.

* Please read the chapter "INSTALLATION" in MANUAL.DOC.

Several option switches have been modified to work differently and one has
been removed completely since version 2.x.

* Please read the chapter "OPTION SWITCHES" in MANUAL.DOC.


Many improvements and modifications have been made to the program since
earlier versions. See CHANGES.DOC on your distribution diskette for mod-
ifications that may effect you.


If you like MemTool and will continue to use the program please register
your copy. Read the chapter "REGISTRATION/SITE LICENSE" in MANUAL.DOC for
more information. The file REGISTER.DOC on your distribution diskette is
the needed form.


Filename Purpose
--------- ---------------------------
MT.EXE MemTool program.
CONVPHN.EXE Program to convert version 1.x phone list to version 3.0
Version 2.x phone files do not need to be converted.
README.DOC This file.
CHANGES.DOC Lists various modifications made since version 1.1
MANUAL.DOC Text file containing the MemTool user's manual.
REGISTER.DOC Text file containing the form needed to register MemTool.
EDITOR.HLP Help file for the File Editor option.

Contents of the MANUAL.DOC file

MemTool version 3.0


Be sure to refer to the installation instructions in the User's Manual.
This version of MemTool is designed to install over version 2.0 and 2.01
without overwriting or requiring the modification of any of your data files.
If you are installing version 3.0 over version 1.x it may be necessary to
convert your old phone number file.

* Please read the chapter "INSTALLATION" in MANUAL.DOC.

Several option switches have been modified to work differently and one has
been removed completely since version 2.x.

* Please read the chapter "OPTION SWITCHES" in MANUAL.DOC.


Many improvements and modifications have been made to the program since
earlier versions. See CHANGES.DOC on your distribution diskette for mod-
ifications that may effect you.


If you like MemTool and will continue to use the program please register
your copy. Read the chapter "REGISTRATION/SITE LICENSE" in MANUAL.DOC for
more information. The file REGISTER.DOC on your distribution diskette is
the needed form.


Filename Purpose
--------- ---------------------------
MT.EXE MemTool program.
CONVPHN.EXE Program to convert version 1.x phone list to version 3.0
Version 2.x phone files do not need to be converted.
README.DOC This file.
CHANGES.DOC Lists various modifications made since version 1.1
MANUAL.DOC Text file containing the MemTool user's manual.
REGISTER.DOC Text file containing the form needed to register MemTool.
EDITOR.HLP Help file for the File Editor option.

M E M T O O L U S E R ' S M A N U A L

Version 3.0 - 09/01/91

For the IBM PC, XT, 286, 386, 486

Copyright (C) 1987-1991 Chris W. Woodmansee

All Rights Reserved


Introduction 1
Registration/Site License 2
Installation 3
Option Switches 5
Using MemTool 8
Calculator 9
Calendar/Appointments 10
File Editor 11
DOS Shell 15
Phone Dialer 17
Alarm Clock 18
ASCII Table 19
Screen Ruler 20
Screen Capture 20
Screen Saver 20

APPENDIX A - Alternate "Hot-Key" Codes 21
APPENDIX B - Errors 23
APPENDIX C - Pop-up and Screen Restore Problems 25


Congratulations on having made a wise choice in choosing MemTool. MemTool
is a memory resident program meaning it is designed to be loaded once into
your computer's RAM memory and remain there all day, waiting for you to
summon it with the "Hot-key".

MemTool's handy features can be used at anytime no matter what you're doing
just by pressing the "Hot-key". When you exit MemTool you'll be returned
to exactly where you left off to resume your previous work.

MemTool is designed to work on any IBM or compatible micro computer and will
"pop-up" over most graphics screens.

MemTool uses only about 5K of RAM memory, if EMS expanded memory is available
or if Disk-swapping is used. MemTool will never hog a large portion of memory
leaving little left for your application programs.

MemTool can be used on any type of LAN Network system allowing ALL users on
the network to access and use a single copy of the program. MemTool, if
used on a network, creates separate files as needed for all user

If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve MemTool please
write me. If you have registered your copy of MemTool feel free to write
anytime with your technical support questions.

Address correspondence to:

Chris W. Woodmansee
6548 Camden Avenue
San Jose, CA 95120


The author hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software,
whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The
author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential,
indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even
if the author or an agent of the author has been advised of the possibility
of such damages. In no event shall the author's liability for any damages
ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless
of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as
to the quality and performance of this software.

- 1 -


You are encouraged to freely distribute this software to friends and
associates as long as you don't modify it in any way and don't charge a
fee for distribution. Be sure to include all files when distributing
this software.

Remember that Shareware software like MemTool allows computer users to
try many different types of software and then commit themselves to a small
few that best fits their needs by registering their use of the software
with the author.

If you decide that you like MemTool, find it useful and will continue to
use the program, you should register your copy. For registrations of $30
or more I will include your name in my database of users entitled to
automatically receive future minor versions at no cost. Registration also
includes unlimited written technical support.

If you intend to use MemTool on a network, many users can make use of a
single copy of the program. Here's a registration table, based on the
number of users using the program:

Number of users: License fee:
1 $30 (single user)
2-5 $50
6-15 $75
16-30 $100
30+ $125

To register your copy of MemTool please refer to the file REGISTER.DOC
on your distribution diskette. This file contains a registration form that
can be printed on any printer. The following command will print the form.


Be sure to fill in the needed information, and send the form with your
registration today!

- 2 -


MemTool is designed to be easy to install with a minimum number of needed
steps. To begin with, start up your computer and get to the DOS prompt.
If you're installing MemTool on a network be sure to login as "supervisor"
so you'll have full rights to the system.

Note that if you have been using a previous version this new version WILL
NOT overwrite any existing data files.


The first thing you must do is to determine where on the hard disk MemTool
will reside. The program must have its own directory. I recommend using
"\MEMTOOL" as the directory.

Get to the Drive where the program is to be installed by typing:

d: , where "d:" is the Drive Letter where MemTool
is to be installed.


The next step is to create the Directory that you wish MemTool to reside in.
Use the following commands:

CD\ , to enter the Root Directory.

MD [path] , where "path" is the Directory name
that you've decided on.

Example: MD MEMTOOL .


Now that you've created a directory for MemTool you should copy the program
files from the distribution diskette into the directory. Insert the
diskette into Drive A: and close the drive door. Use these commands to
install the software on your disk drive:

CD\[path] , where "path" is the Directory where
MemTool will be stored.


COPY A:*.* .


If you currently have version 1.2 (or lower) of MemTool and have been using
the PhoneView option, you must convert the old file format to the new one.
If you have version 2.0 or 2.01 you DO NOT need to convert your phone file!
Use the following command to convert your phone file if needed:


- 3 -

NOTE FOR NETWORK USERS: After creating the new directory, you must give
all users on the network FULL RIGHTS to the directory. If you don't,
some users may not be able to use MemTool. Giving rights to users is
explained in your network manuals. Usually there is some type of utility
program to allow the "SUPERVISOR" to give directory rights to the users
on the Network.

The following chapter describes various "switch" options that can be placed
in your Autoexec.Bat file to customize the way MemTool works. If you've
installed the program on the C: drive, and in the "\MEMTOOL" directory you
can run MemTool immediately by typing: MT .

If you have installed the program on somthing other than C:\MEMTOOL be sure
to read the next chapter before trying to use the program.

- 4 -


MemTool has a provision to allow the user to customize the way the program
will work by allowing the use of "switches" placed in your Autoexec.Bat file.

This file can be found in the Root Directory of the Drive from which your
computer "Boots-up". This drive is usually C: for a standalone computer
and A: for a network workstation. The Autoexec.Bat file, if it exists, is
automatically run whenever your computer is first started, allowing DOS
commands to be automatically executed. MemTool's option switches should be
placed in the Autoexec.Bat file, if they are to be used. You should also put
the MT command (used to run MemTool) into this file as well, which will
automatically load MemTool into memory each time the computer is turned on.
Be sure to put the MT command AFTER any MemTool switches used.

Refer to your DOS user's guide on created and modifying your Autoexec.Bat

Here is a description of MemTool's option switches:


The "SET MTPATH=" switch is needed if you HAVE NOT installed
MemTool in "C:\MEMTOOL". If you HAVE installed MemTool in C:\MEMTOOL
you may skip this switch. Substitute "" in the above
example with the Drive and Directory of where MemTool has been
installed. Note that a trailing "\" should not be used. Don't forget
the Drive Letter in your specification. If you do not specify the
Drive Letter Disk-swapping will not work!



The "SET MTFLAGS=" switch allows the user to enable and disable certain
options. Substitute "" with the Flags needed to
enable or disable the desired options, as described below:

/D This flag tells MemTool NOT TO USE disk-swapping to store
the program when it is loaded into memory. MemTool will use
about 280K of RAM memory if this switch is used but will pop-up
immediately when the "hot-key" is pressed. If you DO NOT use
this switch MemTool will use only 5K of RAM memory but will
need to swap itself from disk requiring a few seconds to pop-up
once the "hot-key" is pressed.

If you need as much conventional memory as possible to run your
application programs, it's recommended you NOT use this switch.
If you have EMS expanded memory, or your application programs do
not require much conventional memory it is reccommended you do
use this switch. Default operation is for MemTool to use Disk-
swapping, therefore using only 5K of conventional RAM memory.

/I Ignore EMS memory if available. If this flag is used MemTool will
not attempt to use EMS memory even if it's available in your
computer. Otherwise, existing EMS memory will automatically be used.
Use this flag only if you find problems with MemTool trying to use
it, or if your current applications need it, etc.

- 5 -

/Nuser Use this flag if MemTool is being used on a network by
multiple users. Substitute "user" in the switch for a unique
group of letters that will differentiate each user. The name
must be a group of letters (from 3 to 8 letters) with no spaces
and no special characters in between.

Example: /Nchris

Use this flag to change the "Hot-key" used to invoke
MemTool. The default "Hot-key" is Ctrl-Alt AND the SysReq
key. If this is acceptable, this flag is not needed. If
this flag is used it MUST be placed LAST on the "SET MTFLAGS="
switch line. Substitute "xx" for the new "Hot-key's" Shift
Code, "yy" with the Scan Code, and "desc" with the "Hot-key"
description. Be sure to separate the 3 parameters with
commas (,). More info on this switch is coming up.

Example: /H4,94,Ctrl-F1

Be sure to include a trailing "/" (frontslash) at the end of the flag
list on the SET MTFLAGS= switch.



This switch is no longer needed by version 3.0 of MemTool. All
swap files are stored in the MemTool installation directory. If you
are currently using the switch, remove it from your Autoexec.Bat file.


The "hot-key" is the key or group of keys that invokes the program.
Since the default "hot-key" (Ctrl-Alt) may interfere with some application
programs, MemTool provides a way to change it to a different combination
of keys. Note that the SysReq key is automatically available as an alternate

As described above the "hot-key" is defined using the /H flag on the
SET MTFLAGS= switch, located in your Autoexec.Bat file.

Here's an example of the flag which, in this example sets the "hot-key" to
Ctrl-F1. The 3 parameters are described:

| \ \
| \ \

- 6 -

SHIFT CODE - Used to specify the shift status of a keypress. This code
describes the Shift-Keys (Right shift, Left shift, Ctrl, or Alt) that
will be used for the "hot-key". Note that any combination of
Shift-Keys may be used.

SCAN CODE - Used to specify the scan code of a non Shift-Key to be used
in addition to a specified Shift-Key.

DESCRIPTION - The third parameter of the /H flag is used to describe the
key combination. This description will be display when MemTool is
first loaded into memory. Always specify a description of the
"hot-key" used. It's the only way an unfamiliar user will know what
keys to use!

In the above example, "4" is used to specify the "Ctrl" key as the desired
Shift-Key, and "94" is used to specify the "F1" as the "Regular" key to be
used in addition. Thus, Ctrl-F1 would pop-up MemTool in this case.

Remember that "Shift-Keys" and "Regular" keys can be used in any
combination you desire. If you want to use only "Shift-Keys" for your
"hot-key" then be sure to specify a "0" for the SCAN CODE (used to describe
a "Regular Key").

For a list of possible "hot-key" combinations using the SHIFT CODE and the
SCAN CODE refer to APPENDIX A of the user's manual.

From this list of SHIFT CODES and SCAN CODES you should be able to find a
suitable "hot-key". Note that the /H flag is NOT NEEDED if MemTool's
default "hot-key" (Ctrl-Alt) is suitable.


These switches are not needed if you're satisfied with default operation
of the program. Default operation is:

1) Program is installed in C:\MEMTOOL
2) Use EMS memory if available. (only 5K RAM used)
2) Use Disk-swapping if EMS memory is not available. (only 5K RAM used)
4) Ctrl-Alt and SysReq to be used as the "hot-keys".
5) MemTool will not be used by multiple users on a network.

If MemTool is being used on a network system, be sure to follow the same
procedure for putting the switches into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file on ALL the
boot diskettes on each of the user's workstations, who'll be using the
program. The boot diskette is located in the Drive A: of the workstation
in most cases.

Whenever you modify the switches in the Autoexec.Bat file these changes
will not take effect until your computer is rebooted (turned off then on
again), and not until MemTool is reloaded using the MT command.

- 7 -


MemTool is a memory resident program, meaning it loads itself into memory
once and remains there until summoned by the "hot-key". So before you can
use it, it must be loaded into memory. Go into the directory where MemTool
was installed and type MT and press . This will load the program
into your computer's memory.

NOTE: Once MemTool has been loaded into memory be typing "MT" at the DOS
prompt, typing MT again will display a message reminding you that the
program is already loaded.

ALSO: The command used to initially load MemTool into memory
may be placed in your Autoexec.Bat file allowing MemTool to be
automatically loaded whenever the computer is turned on. If this
method is used, be sure to put the MT command AFTER any MemTool
switches used.

KEEP IN MIND: It's best to invoke MemTool (using the "hot-key")
while your computer is idle. If your application program is
saving a file, in the middle of a calculation, etc., wait until
the operation is complete, and then pop-up MemTool. However, no
harm will be caused if you accidently invoke the program while
DOS is busy. MemTool will simply tell you try again later.

After the Main Menu appears you are free to select any of the available
options. You may select an option by moving the highlight bar with
the keypad arrow keys, or by pressing the corresponding Function key.
Note that to select from the options on the right of the menu with your
Function keys, you must press a Ctrl-Function key combination.

Note that for each MemTool option, a corresponding "command line" will
appear at the bottom of the screen, summarizing the commands available
for this particular feature. For a more detailed description of the
feature, refer to the correct section in the manual.

The is used to return you to the previous screen of a particular
option, and will always function in the same manner. This key is also
used to exit MemTool, when at the Main Menu. After exiting the program
the menu will disappear and you will be returned to your previous work,
in the same position as when you left.

- 8 -


To enter digits 0 thru 9, and the ".", "-", and "+" keys, press the
corresponding keypad key.

To Divide: press the "/" key.
To Multiply: press the "*" key.
To Total: press .
To Clear Last Entry: press the "C" key.
To Clear all Memory: press the "A" key.

The calculator can be moved to any location on the screen by first
pressing the key on the keypad, and then using the keypad
arrow keys to move the calculator. Once the desired position is found,
press the key again to reactivate number entry.

The calculator handles numbers with up to 10 digits to the left of the
decimal point, and 3 decimal places to the right. If a calculation
contains more than 3 decimal places, it will be rounded up or down, to fit
into the 3 decimal place format.

If you exit the calculator and return later, all calculations will be left
intact, enabling you to continue where you left off.

- 9 -


This option features a full-range calendar that ranges from the years 1900
thru 2100. You can also store and later retrieve, appointments for any
of the calendar days.

If you're using MemTool on a network, each user's appointments are kept
in separate files.

Use the keypad Arrow Keys to change the Calendar month and year. To
log an appointment, first select the year and month using the Arrow Keys,
then select the day by entering a 1 or 2 digit number. Then press the
key. The appointment pad for this day will then appear on the
screen. Use the arrow keys and key to move to the desired time
slot, and then make your entry. The appointment pad can be printed to
your printer by pressing ALT-P.

The calendar layout and the current date shown at the top will change when
either the Year or Month is changed. Note that the calendar defaults to
today's date. Press to bring up the Appointment Pad for the date
shown at the top of the calendar.

If you need to know all the days for which you've logged appointments in a
given month, press ALT-A. MemTool will search for all Appointment Pads
created during the month that's currently showing on the Calendar. When an
Appointment Pad for that month is found, the day is highlighted on the
calendar. Then you can quickly view or modify a particular Pad by entering
the 1 or 2 digit day number and pressing . If no appointments are
found, the word "NONE" will show in the lower right-hand portion of the
"command line" at bottom of the screen.

The ALT-D option of the Calendar/Appointment feature allows the user a
means of erasing all Appointment Pads for the current month. When ALT-D
is pressed MemTool will search the hard drive for Pads created during the
current month and erase them. It's a good idea to use ALT-D on the
previous month's appointments to free up disk space.

- 10 -


This handy option allows the user to leave the application in current use,
and edit an existing file, or create a new file on a disk drive without
having to leave the current work.

The Editor is a full-function editor with all the features of a good file
editor. It allows files up to 3000 lines long, 256 characters wide, and
a maximum size of about 63,000 bytes. Any ASCII formatted file may be
edited. Formatted files such as ones created by certain word processors,
should not be edited. If you do you'll lose your formatting! Binary file may
not be edited either.


Keypad ARROWS - move cursor up, down, right, and left.
DEL key - deletes character the cursor is on and pulls characters on
the right to the left. If a block is being marked the Del
key will delete the block.
INS key - used to insert text that was copied to scrap.
PGUP key - View previous screen of text.
PGDN key - View next screen of text.
CTRL-PGUP - Moves cursor to the first line of the file.
CTRL-PGDN - Moves cursor to the last line of the file.
HOME key - Moves cursor to start of the current line.
END key - Moves cursor to end of the current line.
CTRL-HOME - Moves cursor to the top to the screen.
CTRL-END - Moves cursor to the bottom of the screen.
TAB key - Moves cursor 10 spaces to the right.
SHIFT-TAB - Moves cursor 10 spaces to the left.
CTRL --> - Moves cursor to the next word.
CTRL <-- - Moves cursor to the previous word.

ALT-L - Loads a file from disk, into the editor.
ALT-W - Writes the current file to disk. If a block is highlighted
this function will save the block to disk.
ALT-P - Prints current file to the printer. If a block is
highlighted the block will be printed.
ALT-R - Restores the previous session. A session is stored when you
SAVE the file you're working on. If you then leave and later
return to the Editor, you can press ALT-R to restore that
earlier session to exactly where you left off.
ALT-D - Deletes line of text that the cursor is on and pulls lines
below the cursor, up.
ALT-C - Toggles the search case sensitivity ON or OFF. If case
sensitivity is off, the search function (F1-F4) and the
Translate function (F5-F6) will find text regardless of whether
it's capital or lower case text. If case sensitivity in on,
these function will only find the text if it matches exactly.
ALT-H - Brings up a help screen describing each feature in the file
ALT-I - Toggle between the Insert and Replacing modes. When in the
Insert mode the cursor is large and characters are inserted.
When in the Replacing mode the cursor is small and entered
character overwrite existing ones.

- 11 -

ALT-K - Deletes text from the point of the cursor to the end of the
current line.
ALT-F - Shows the FULL filename and path of the current file.
ALT-O - Used to rename the current file.

-------------------------------- --------------------------------
F1 - Search forward F7 - Line mark
F2 - Search forward again F8 - Column mark
F3 - Search backward Ins - Insert scrap
F4 - Search backward again Del - Delete block
F5 - Translate forward - - Delete to scrap
F6 - Translate backward


Allows the user to quickly find text in the file being worked on. To
search forward from the point of the cursor press F1. Now enter the text
to search for and press . If the text is found the cursor will be
repositioned there. To search again for the same text press the F2
key. Use the F3 and F4 key to search upward, beginning from the point of
of the cursor.


Keys F5 and F6 allow you search for the specified text and then replace
it with different text. Say for example you want to replace all occurrences
of "TXT" with "TEXT". First position the cursor at the point at which you
want the search to begin, then press F5. Now enter TXT. And then enter
"TEXT" as the text to replace "TXT" with. The Editor will now search thru
your file and stop at each occurrence of "TXT" and display this prompt:

Change? (Yes, No, Global)

If you press "Y" for yes, the highlighted word will be replaced with the
replacement text. The Editor will then search for the next occurrence.

If you press "N" the Editor will search for the next occurrence, leaving
this one unchanged.

If you press "G" for Global, the Editor will go through the whole file
replacing all occurrences of the text with the new text automatically with
no prompting of the user. Be sure that you really want to use "G" before
pressing it because it can't be undone!

You may press the key at any time to cancel the Translate feature.

If you would like to Translate upward through the file instead of downward,
press the F6 key instead of the F5 key. The option works the same.

LINE MARK AND COLUMN MARK - (For Cut/Paste options)

The File Editor has facilities for deleting, copying, printing, and saving

- 12 -

certain portions of the file by using the Cut and Paste features. Cut and
Paste operations are accomplished through 2 steps:


Text can be marked using the F7 (line mark) and F8 (column mark)
keys. Position the cursor at the point that you want the marking
to begin and press F7 or F8. Now use any of the Editor's movement
keys to highlight the text in the file. While marking a block of
text, you can cancel the mark by press the same Function Key again.
You can also switch from one type of mark to the other by simply
pressing the corresponding key.

LINE MARK: The line mark should generally be used for marking
portions of a paragraph, whole paragraphs, or even larger sections
of your text.

COLUMN MARK: The type of mark should be used when the Line Mark
is inappropriate, for example when you need to mark a menu or some
other box or rectangular area and don't want the text on either side
of the area.


Now that you've marked a block of text you should do something with
it. You have several options:

PRESS THE "-" KEY. This will delete the highlighted block to scrap,
meaning the block will be removed from the file you're working on
and copied to a temporary holding area called "scrap".

PRESS THE "+" KEY. This will copy the highlighted block to scrap,
leaving the highlighted text in your file.

PRESS THE "Del" KEY. This will delete the highlighted block from
the file, and not copy it to scrap (leaving anything already in
scrap untouched). The Editor will confirm this option because
once you use "Del" key on a highlighted block it's gone!

PRESS Alt-W. This will tell the Editor to save the block to disk.
You will be required to specify a filename for the block.

PRESS Alt-P. This will print the highlighted block to your local

Remember that while marking a block of text you can use ANY of the regular
movement keys. You can even search for text using the F1 and F2 keys while
marking a block. Some features are disabled while marking a block.

COPYING TEXT FROM SCRAP - (For Cut/Paste options)

Once you have copied text to SCRAP, you may insert into your current file
at any point in the file by pressing the "Ins" key. The Editor will
confirm you decision to insert scrap. Just move the cursor to the point
at which you want the scrap to be inserted and press "Ins".

- 13 -

The MemTool File Editor will always warn you if your about to exit without
saving, or overwrite memory with a newly loaded file, etc. Don't be
afraid to experiment with the options. Load an expendable "test" file and
play with each of the editor's funtions.

Once you get used to them and feel confident with how they operate you'll
value the File Editor as an indispensable tool for quickly editing files.

- 14 -


The DOS Shell option allows the user to instantly search for any file in
any directory on any drive on the system. Upon selecting the option MemTool
begins by reading the directory tree of the current disk drive. After this
is done the option appears, showing you a graphical representation of the

drive's tree structure and files found in the Root directory.

Notice that there are two main boxes, the Directory Tree box and File
Listing box. The File Listing box shows all the files found in the high-
lighted directory in the Directory Tree box. To see the files in a different
directory just move the highlight bar to the desired directory using the
keypad arrow keys, Home/End, and PgUp/PgDn keys.

Once a desired directory is displayed in the File List box, you can move to
that box with the Tab key. The Tab key will highlight the box telling you
that it is now current, meaning the keypad keys will now control movement
in that box.

Notice at the top of the screen there is a list of all Drive Letters found
on your system. You can change to a different Drive at any time by pressing
the corresponding letter.

At the bottom of the screen are a list of ALT- commands that allow
you to Copy, Delete, Move and Rename files. Each of these commands effects
the HIGHLIGHTED file. The highlighted file is determined as the one with
the highlight bar on it, UNLESS, one or more files have been highlighted
manually using the key in the File List box. Example: You could
enter the File List box (using the Tab key) and press the on 3 files.
These files will then appear in a different color meaning that they are the
HIGHLIGHTED files. The Copy, Delete, Move or Rename options will effect only
these files. You could then un-highlight these files using the key
again, and this time the Copy, Delete, Move, and Rename options would effect
only the one file highlighted with the movable highlight bar.

Note that the ALT- commands at the bottom of the screen will work
no matter which box is highlighted. Here's a description of what each command

ALT-C)opy - Copies the highlighted file(s) to a desired Drive and/or
Directory. When the question appears asking you for the
drive and directory you may enter either a drive or
directory, or both. A filename specification is not valid.

ALT-D)elete - Deletes the highlighted file(s) from the current Drive and
Directory. A prompt is displayed to confirm your descision.

ALT-M)ove - Moves the highlighted file(s) from the current Directory to
a different Directory on the current Drive. Note that the
files are MOVED as against COPIED and only on the current
disk drive. Specifying a drive letter is invalid.

ALT-R)ename - Renames the only the file highlighted by the movable high-
light bar. Only a filename is valid here, no Drive and no
Directory specifications are allowed.

- 15 -

ALT-I)nclude All - Highlights all files in the File List box.

ALT-E)xclude All - Un-highlights all files in the File List box.

ALT-F)reshen Tree - Reloads the directory tree for the current drive. Note
that users on a network my find that people will remove
or add directories from time to time while someone else
is in this option. If you suspect that someone has done
this just use ALT-F to recreate the tree.

An important feature of the DOS Shell option is that when the option is first
used, the directory tree is read from the disk and this information is then
saved in a file. If you exit the option and then return, the saved tree
information is read from the file which greatly increases the time needed to
re-read a large directory tree. This is very nice feature to have when
constantly entering and exiting the DOS Shell option that would otherwise
have to read the tree on a hugh disk drive with hundreds of directories.

One thing to remember is that this saved tree information is read all day,
every time you enter the option. The tree is automatically updated and
re-read from the disk on the next day. If you are sure nobody has added or
deleted directories during the day then all is well, but if you suspect that
someone has just use the ALT-F)reshen Tree option. This will force DOS Shell
to re-read your drive's directory tree giving you the most current

- 16 -


The Phone Dialer option allows the user, on the spur-of-the-moment, to log
a phone number in MemTool for later reference. It has happened to everyone:
You're working away at your desk and suddenly you remember that you must call
someone at 2:15 p.m. But what was the phone number? Bring up the Phone
Dialer and in seconds you'll have it!

Name/Notes/Extension Phone Number only

John Jones at First Federal Ext.1077 408-255-3494
Spectrum computer supplies 415-267-0923
Sam Young at Harvard Mortgage 211-467-1231
Subway Sandwiches 408-268-8643

ALT - D)ial I)nsert E)rase S)ort P)rint C)om Port menu.

Use the Keypad Arrows to move the highlight bar to the desired entry.
Also use PgUp, PgDn, Ctrl-PgUp, and Ctrl-PgDn. The phone number can be
entered in with or without dashes. If you plan to use ALT-D to quick dial
your phone numbers, do not include the area code if you are in that area code.
The Phone Dailer option holds up to 500 entries, and for users on a Network,
each will have his own personal file.

ALT-D)ial - If you computer has a modem and a telephone attached to the
modem you can use this option to quickly dial an entry.
Just position the highlight bar on the Name or Phone Number
and press ALT-D. Pick up your telephone and MemTool will dial.
Note that a "," (used to tell the modem to pause) can be used
in offices where you must press "9" before dialing your number.
Example entry: 9,408-371-1234 This would have the same effect
as pressing "9", then pausing a second or two, then dialing
your phone number. If you need a longer pause for your type
of phone switch, use 2 or even 3 commas in row.

ALT-I)nsert - Inserts a blank line at the position of the cursor, pushing
following entries down 1 line.

ALT-E)rease - Removes the line that the cursor is on.

ALT-S)ort - Will sort you phone directory in ascending alphabetical order.

ALT-P)rint - Will print the entire phone directory to your printer..

ALT-C)om Port- Tells the Phone Dialer option which communications port your
modem is attached to. The dialer will not work correctly if
this is not set. Valid entries are 1 thru 4, with 1 and 2
being the most likely settings. If you are having problems
with the dialer, try setting the ALT-C option to each Com
setting first.

- 17 -


This is a very handy option of MemTool. It's a full function Alarm Clock,
that can be set to display a preset message on the screen on any specified
time or date.

When the alarm sounds a message will appear on your screen along with the
alarm to alert you.

Here's what the Alarm Clock screen looks like:

TIME: 09:45:10 SET CLOCK:
DATE: 10-12-1991 Ctrl-T)ime Ctrl-D)ate

Time: 11:15 Alt-T)ime Alt-D)ate
Date: 10-12-1991 Alt-M)essage Alt-A)larm on/off

MESSAGE: Enter a message here._____________________

Notice that in the upper, left-hand corner is the current Time and Date.
These can be changed by pressing Ctrl-T and Ctrl-D. Always enter the Time
in military format with a ":" between the Hour, Minute, and Second.

Example: 14:16 for 2:16pm.


First enter the Time that you wish the alarm to sound. Once again be sure
to enter the time in military type format. Example: to enter a time of
4:15pm, you would enter 16:45 and press .

Next you should enter a Date for the alarm to sound. The Date part of the
alarm is an optional specification and does not have to be entered, but if
it is it must be in MM-DD-YYYY format! If the alarm Date is NOT entered or
the current one is removed by the user, the alarm will sound every day at
the specified Time. If a Date IS entered the alarm will sound only on that
Date and at the specified Time. Always use either a "/" or "-" between the
Month and Day.

The next step is to use Alt-A to activate the alarm. When Alt-A is pressed,
the alarm Mode will toggle from ON to OFF. Note the MemTool alarm clock will
not sound if the alarm is set to OFF.

The last thing to enter is the Message that you may want to appear on the
screen when the alarm sounds. The message used here is handy if you've
forgotten why you set the alarm! Use ALT-M to enter a message.

The Alarm Clock feature of MemTool works exactly like a regular alarm
clock and will always sound if it is ON at the specified Time. The only
difference is that the MemTool Alarm Clock has an optional Date feature.
If a Date is specified the alarm will only sound on the selected Date.
To make the alarm sound at a given Time EVERY day, do not enter a Date.

- 18 -


This option in MemTool displays an ASCII table that shows all the
standard computer characters available to the user. This can be useful
when you need a list of ASCII graphics characters for graphics or to
enhance your text (boxes, lines, corners, etc.) but are not sure of the
ASCII codes for those characters.

Say for example you're creating a document using MemTool's editor, and you
would like to create a box in the document. With MemTool's ASCII Table you
can easily find the characters you need to create the box.

The table shows the Decimal and Hex value of the character and the actual
character itself. Once you know the character's Decimal value you can
produce the character by holding down the ALT key and entering the value
using the Keypad numbers. Once the number is entered, release the ALT key
and the character will appear at the position of the cursor! Most word
processors and text editors will allow the user to enter characters in
this manner.

Example: ALT-218 would produce a single-line character of the upper
left-hand corner of a box.

Use the Arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn keys of the keypad to display previous, and
next screens of the ASCII Table. You may also print the ASCII Table to your
printer by pressing ALT-P.

- 19 -


This is a handy feature allowing the user to pop-up a ruler to measure
text on the screen. The Ruler can measure horizontally and vertically.
Press ALT-O to swtich. Use the keypad arrow keys to move the Ruler to the
desired location.


This option can be very useful and is much more convenient and flexible
then the "PrtSc" key provided by DOS. Once the option is selected you'll
see this screen:

Capture to: SCREEN.1________________________________

At this point you have several options. You can press to save the
current screen (not including the Screen Capture prompt box) to the file
shown in the prompt. The file will be stored in the default directory.
Note that each time you save a screen the number in the extension part of
the filename is incremented automatically. You may enter your own filename
here if you wish. A Drive and Directory may be included in the filename.

By pressing the Up Arrow and Down Arrow, you can change the output device
to your Printer or to Scrap (used in the File Editor).

If you want to save the current screen to your printer, just press the Down
Arrow until "PRINTER - (LPT1 will be used)" is shown on the prompt line.
Then press and the screen will be printed.

If you want to save the screen to SCRAP so it can be used in the File Editor,
just use the Arrow keys to select "SCRAP - (Used in the Editor)". Then
press . Now you can select the File Editor option from the MemTool
menu and insert the Scrap you just saved here! For more information on
using the Editor's scrap and Cut/Paste features refer to the chapter


Use this option to blank your screen when computer is idle. This can prevent
"burn-in" of the monitor. Simply select the option, and set the number of
seconds of keyboard inactivity it takes for MemTool to blank the screen. The
number of seconds can range from 10 seconds to 1777 seconds (about 29 mins).

Use ALT-S to turn the option on and off. When off, no screen blanking takes
place. Note that Screen Saver will blank the screen if the specified number
of seconds has passed, even if your computer is accessing the hard drive or
doing something similar. Be sure to set seconds large enough to take this
into account. Default seconds is 300 (5 minutes). When the screen is
blanked out just press any key to restore your previous work.

- 20 -


The "hot-key" switch allows the user to specify a different "hot-key"
to be used to activate MemTool:

| \ \
| \ \

Remember that "Shift-Keys" and "Regular" keys can be used in any combination
you desire. If you want to use only "Shift-Keys" for your "hot-key" then be
sure to specify a "0" for the SCAN CODE (used to describe a "Regular Key").

Here's list of possible "hot-key" combinations using the SHIFT CODE and the

For a "Hot-Key" using either SHIFT key (right or left):



Set the SCAN CODE:

84- 85- 1- 72-
86- 87- 28- 80-
88- 89- 14- 75-
90- 91- 71- 77-
92- 93- 79- 82-
135- 136- 73- 83-
81- 15-

For a "Hot-Key" using the CTRL key or CTRL plus either
SHIFT key (right or left):



- 21 -

Set the SCAN CODE:

94- 95- 1- 115-
96- 97- 28- 116-
98- 99- 14- 132-
100- 101- 119- 118-
102- 103- 117- 57-
137- 138-

For a "Hot-Key" using the ALT key, or ALT plus either SHIFT
key (right or left), or the ALT key plus the CTRL key:



Set the SCAN CODE:

104- 105- 57-
106- 107-
108- 109-
110- 111-
112- 113-

- 22 -


From time to time you may experience errors while using MemTool. Error
messages can be caused by many different causes. The program may have a
bug, the user may have setup the program wrong, etc.

Here are some error messages you may encounter and what to do:

EMS memory usage errors:

PROGRAM WILL NOT USE YOUR EMS MEMORY. Be sure that your memory over
1 megabyte is EXPANDED memory conforming to the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft
version 3.0 standards. This type of memory can not exist on a PC or XT.
A 286 computer would need a memory expansion card, and a 386 can have
this type of memory on the motherboard. Extended memory is not the same
as expanded memory and MemTool can not use of it.

under DOS 3.0 or higher to use your EMS memory for program storage. If
you wish to use EMS memory you'll have to upgrade your DOS version.

has no EMS memory or it is already in use by other programs. If you
wish to use EMS memory you free up about 280K of it for MemTool.

Disk-swapping errors:

"INVALID USER NAME." - Means the name user name specified on the
SET MTFLAGS=/Nuser/ switch is invalid. Refer to "OPTION SWITCHES" for
the correct format.

"NOT ENOUGH DISK SPACE." - There is not enough disk space to store
the needed disk-swapping files. Free up space and try again.

"MUST USE DOS 3.0 OR HIGHER. " - The disk-swapping feature of MemTool
requires that you have DOS 3.0 or higher. Upgade your DOS version.

"FILE ACCESS ERROR. " - MemTool cannot create the needed disk-swapping
files. Check that you have installed MemTool in C:\MEMTOOL or have
used the SET MTPATH= switch. See "OPTION SWITCHES" for more info.

Errors occurring after typing MT:

"Not enough memory." - Indicates that your computer does not have enough
memory to load MemTool. Free RAM space if possible. If you have
specified that MemTool not use Disk-swapping remove this switch and try

"Unable to become memory resident." - Program could not load itself into
memory. Write down type of computer, hardware, RAM size, and special
conditions and write me.

"MemTool needs to run under DOS 3.0 or higher." - You must upgrade your
DOS to 3.0 or higher. See your software dealer to do this.

- 23 -

Errors while program is running:

"Error xx at Line xxxx" - this type of error may indicate that the
program has a bug. If you have tried to resolve the error yourself
but can't, write down the Error Number and Line Number. Write me
a letter indicating under what conditions the error occured and be
very detailed.

Errors popping up while DOS is busy:

"You've popped up while DOS is busy... " - While this message is not
an error, problems may occur after exiting MemTool. If strange things
start to happen after receiving this message it may be due to other
small utility TSR programs such as a Keyboard Enhancer, etc. These
types of TSR's can cause problems. If you will routinely popping up
MemTool while DOS is busy, you should remove these types of utility
TSR programs from your Autoexec.Bat file. You may have to experiment
to determine which TSR's are causing the problems.

- 24 -


If you are experiencing problems popping-up MemTool over certain programs
or restoring your original screen after the program pops down, this section
may help to determine the problem.

When MemTool pops up it will attempt to save your current screen before
displaying the menu. The program also determines the video mode that you're
in, for example, Mono Text, Color Text, Color Graphics, etc. If you are in
a graphics program when you pop-up MemTool, the program will save the screen,
force the video mode to text, and then display the MemTool menu. Forcing the
video mode will erase your screen before the menu appears. This is normal.
In most cases MemTool will operate correctly with CGA, EGA, VGA, and some
Hercules graphics images.

Hercules Graphics Images:

MemTool will correctly save Hercules graphics images only when BOIS video
mode 8 is active. This mode is 160 x 200 graphics - 16 colors. It is
impossible for MemTool to save other Hercules graphics because the BIOS data
area is not maintained correctly in these cases.

MemTool Does Not Pop-up:

If MemTool does not appear after the "hot-key" is pressed this may be due
to you trying to pop-up over an image that can't be restored when MemTool
pops down. In this case MemTool will not pop-up.

If you hear MemTool's pop-up "beep" but the program does not appear, chances
are the program has poped-up but can't be seen! In this case, press the
key and control will be returned to your application program. This
problem is known to occur when popping up over programs that are writing to
a different video page in memory even though they are in a color text mode.
This problem is known to occur using BRIEF version 3.0 on a color adapter.

MemTool Pops-up But Does Not Restore Screen:

This can happen in some incompatible video modes. Due to a lack of standards
in this area, MemTool will pop-up just fine over a certain program but will
not correctly restore the screen when it's time to pop down. You just have
to experiment and not pop-up over the known "problem programs".

- 25 -

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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