Dec 122017
Remove Directory and all subdirectories in one command.
File KILL120.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
Remove Directory and all subdirectories in one command.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
KILL.DOC 7504 2378 deflated
KILL.EXE 12624 6794 deflated

Download File KILL120.ZIP Here

Contents of the KILL.DOC file

Kill v1.20 Documentation
KILL is a utility program that will, unlike RD or DEL,
remove all the files from a directory (or a group of directories),
as well as the directory itself. It will also delete all the
subdirectories, and their files, and subdirectories from there,
ad infinitum.

KILL allows you to stack directories for deletion, thereby
allowing multiple directory kills at one command. You are always
kept informed of the progress of the KILL function.

KILL also knows when a file is Read Only, System or Hidden
and will prompt you to continue (or skip the file), unless unsafe
mode is activated.
If you have Paranoid mode activated, KILL will prompt for all files
that it discovers.

Examples of using KILL:





"KILL WP" from the UTIL directory will delete the directories
WP, RANDOM, ASSIGN as well as all the files contained within!

"KILL C:\UTIL\BAT" from anywhere will erase the files in BAT
and the directory itself.

"KILL C:\UTIL" from the root or another drive will delete the entire
tree listed above.

"KILL \" from anywhere on C: will erase the entire contents of the

"KILL .." from either the RANDOM or ASSIGN directories will
erase RANDOM, ASSIGN and WP as well as all their files.

"KILL ." from any directory will erase that directory, along
with it's files and subdirectories.

"KILL ..\DOS" from the BAT or WP directories will erase the DOS
subdirectory and all files within it.

"KILL RANDOM ASSIGN" from the WP directory will erase the
the RANDOM and ASSIGN directories as well as the files within.

"KILL C:\WP\ BAT DOS" from the UTIL directory will erase the WP,
RANDOM and ASSIGN directories, then the BAT and the DOS directories,
along with the contents in them.

KILL [ ...] [/unsafe] [/any] [/bios] [/skip]

is the directory which you want to delete. You may
stack as many directories you wish.

[/unsafe] tells KILL not to prompt for confirmation at
startup or when a special file is encountered.

[/any] tells KILL to prompt at EVERY file. This takes
precendence over /unsafe.

[/bios] write through the BIOS and not through video memory.
Use this under multitaskers or if you get snow.

[/skip] leave all special files intact, or, if /any is specified,
then leave ALL files intact, and remove only empty

You may stack as many directories as you want, and the order of the
parameters does not matter.

You may press the ESC key to abort the program with confirmation
or Ctrl-Break to abort the program, at any time. Pressing any
other key will result in the program pausing until another key
(which may include ESC or CTRL-BRK to abort) is pressed.

KILL v1.20 is Copyright 1990 by Amit k Mathur and Peter Harwood,
Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

You are hereby granted the license to use KILL for a 21 day
evaluation period, after which time you are required to register
KILL with the authors in order to use it further.

The authors can not accept any damages, direct or indirect, that
may arise from the use of KILL. We have taken every precaution
to ensure that it is completely bug free. We recommend you take
a good look at the path displayed to be killed before continuing.

Contacting the Authors
Should any problems or questions arise about the use of KILL
then you can reach the authors any of the following ways:

Through RIME(tm) or RelayNet

Through WWIVNet
Shadow Lord #198 @ 5950

Amit k. Mathur Peter Harwood
3215 St. Patrick's Drive 2497 Via Vita
Windsor, Ontario Windsor, Ontario
(519) 966-6924 (519) 966-4246

History of KILL
version 1.00
- Initial release.
- Added ability to stack directories on command line.
- Added the "/any" option.
- Changed handling of Root Directories.
- Added ability to place parameters in any order.
- Added "/bios" option.
- Added "/skip" option.
- Added the ability to skip files instead of merely
continuing or aborting.
- Added support for capital or mixed case parameters.
- Added program pause routine.
- Added ESC key to abort with confirmation routine.

Registration Form
Complete this form and mail along with your registration fee to:

Amit K. Mathur
3215 St. Patrick's Drive
Windsor, Ontario

Name : _____________________________________________________

Address : _____________________________________________________


City : ____________________________________ State : ________

Country : ____________________________________

Zip : ____________________ Telephone : (_____) ____________

E-Mail : _____________________________________________________

KILL v1.20 Registration .................................$15.00
5+ KILLs (Site License) ........................... Each $10.00

Enclosed ......................................... $___________

*** Make Cheques Payable to "Amit K. Mathur" or "Peter Harwood"

Enhancements you would like to see : __________________________


Comments : ____________________________________________________


Registration is Lifetime - Once you have registered with us you
will be notified of major upgrades and given the option to order
them at no extra cost other than Shipping and Handling.

Thank you for your support of the Shareware concept and of KILL.

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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