Category : File Managers
Archive   : JUDY.ZIP
Filename : JUDY.HLP
ÔCP Welcome help-seeker. \Information about each of Judy's functions is available here. \At this point strike you may strike any of the ten [F...] keys [F1] through [F10] to obtain specific help about its function. \Press the same key twice (or [Esc]) to return to the calendar. \\For instance, if you were puzzled about SEARCHing, you'd press [F1] to get to this screen, then [F7] to read about searches, and [F7] again to return to the calendar and begin a search. The [F1] key turns on the HELP mode. That's the mode we are in now. \Striking [F1] a second time brought you this message, which is sort of a help message about help messages. \If you strike [F1] now, you will drop back into the normal calendar for today's date. \\If you are tight for disk space and comfortable with Judy, you can remove the file: "JUDY.HLP". This will recover about 4 or 5K. \This will not impair Judy function, but these screens will no longer be available. The [F2] Key opens the Month window. You can now scan from month to month with the [Right] [Left] cursor keys. \The [Home] and [End] keys jump to January and December, respectively. \\You can highlight all the months with [*]. \This is a wildcard feature, equivalent to the asterisk in a filename.. All entries in this mode are true this day on EVERY month. To open up the window on your schedule, strike [F3]. This will allow you to see your appointments in greater detail, and, more importantly, to edit them. \ [PgUp] gives you the next day's messges, [PgDn] the day before. \(If there are no messages, you'll pop back into the calendar.) \To edit, you choose a line with the [Up] [Down] cursor keys. You then use [Right], [Left], [Ins] and [Del] to do the actual editting. \\To kill a message altogether use [Ctrl]-[End]. \To alter the time, use [Ctrl] [Left]. [F4] opens the year window. \To scan through years, you use the [Right] and [Left] cursor keys. The [Up] and [Down] keys leap through decades. \\An important feature is the ability to enter an asterisk in the year field. (simply hit either "*" key). This gives you the special Wildcard Year 19**. You would use this especially for birthdays and other anniversaries. Press [F5] allows you to add a new appointment to your Calendar. \It will be placed into the currently displayed date. \\ After pressing [F5], you first enter the time of the message (or for "no time", hit [Enter] ). Then type in the message itself. Editting keys are active: [Right] [Left], [Backspace], [Ins] (toggles between overwrite and pushback mode), and [Del] (erases the character at the cursor).\ To alter the time, strike [Ctrl][Left]. [F6] activates the Day window. \That is, it allows you to roam freely through the calendar one day at a time, using the [Right] and [Left] cursor keys. [Up] and [Down] keys move by weeks. \As you scan, the message window displays the relevant messages. (Double boxes show which dates have messages.). \If you scan back before the first of the month, you'll be in the last day of the previous month. And vice-versa. [F7] initiates a Search for a name, a word or some fragment. You simply press the key, and you'll be asked for the "search pattern". Enter any string of letters followed by the [Enter] key. Don't worry about capital letters, the search ignores case. \You'll get back the most recently-added appointment containing your string. (The calendar will jump to that date). \Want to search further? Just strike any key. \Had enough? Simply press any [F..] Key to start a new process. In particular, you can press [F7] to start another search. The Judy Phone.Book option allows you to maintain many thousands of phone numbers and addresses all nearby. They are accessible virtually instantly, and occupy very little space. \For instance 2000 phone numbers with 10-letter names can be squeezed into a 32K disk file, and any one of them can be grabbed in a fraction of a second, even on a slow floppy drive. \\The Phone.Book is available, at a modest price, to all current JUDY users. A paper copy of your appointments is always instantly available, through the [F9] Key. \The standard printscreen key is fairly useless, it cannot render the graphic characters on the screen. \The [F9] Key will simply print out the appointments for the currently selected date. \When it is done, you'll be asked whether you want page eject. While this is usually desired, it is wastedul in some situations, eg: listing a week's worth of appointments for a long trip. \\Be sure to setup Judy for your printer and port. Like all Judy set-ups, this is done by calling her as "Judyk/S". The default is an Epson printer on LPT1: Eventually you may want to leave Judy, at least for a while. \[F10] (also called [F0]) will exit you to DOS. Any changes you've made will be preserved. \Note that there is no concept of QUITting, abandoning with exit. However, if you want to take back everything you just did, there's no problem. Judy saves a file called CALENDAR.BAK which is the way things were. \Simply "COPY CALENDAR.BAK CALENDAR.JK". \\Remember to call the Judy background companion by typing JK when you return to DOS. Then you never need to be apart.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: