Dec 082017
DOSVIEW - file management utility patterned after Norton Commander.

Full Description of File

DOSview (Version 1.8) is a shell for MS-DOS
meeting the needs of computer users of all
levels. It looks and feels much like the
classic Norton Commander files management
utility. The author's driving goal is to
keep the program small and quick. You can
now open the program specifying the 2 drives
and directories you want to begin in.

File DOSVUE18.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
DOSVIEW – file management utility patterned after Norton Commander.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DV.DOC 65520 20013 deflated
DV.EXE 92674 91735 deflated
DV.HLP 80560 14590 deflated
DVBONUS.DOC 1155 495 deflated
DVE.EXE 46028 45507 deflated
DVF.EXE 10852 10378 deflated
DVMNU.TXT 853 360 deflated
DVNSETUP.EXE 13867 13596 deflated
DVORDER.DOC 2063 615 deflated
DVREADME.TXT 2006 844 deflated
DVREV.DOC 18623 5758 deflated
DVUSERS.DOC 5335 2312 deflated
DVV.EXE 36902 36454 deflated
DVZ.EXE 20928 20600 deflated
DVZ.INI 17 12 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 347 237 deflated

Download File DOSVUE18.ZIP Here

Contents of the DV.DOC file

DOSview (tm)

"A DOS Extension"

Written and (C)Copyright 1992-1993


Skip Bremer

Version 1.8



Topic Section
----- -------

Introduction ...................................................... 1

Miscellaneous ..................................................... 2
Startup Options

Files ............................................................. 3

Commands .......................................................... 4
Normal Function Keys
Alternate Function Keys
Shift Function Keys
Control Function Keys
Miscellaneous Keys

DOSview Menu ...................................................... 5

Swapping .......................................................... 6

Setup ............................................................. 7
File Colors
Drive Colors
Hot Commands
Filter Sets
Ignored Directories

Editor ............................................................ 8
Internal Editor
Internal Viewer

Panel Mode ........................................................ 9
Wide Mode
Snake Mode
Command Line

DOS Mode .......................................................... 10
Normal Function Keys
Control Function Keys
Miscellaneous Keys
Command Line

Tree Mode ......................................................... 11
Function Keys
Command Line

User Menu Mode .................................................... 12
Function Keys

Tagging ........................................................... 13

Batch Mode ........................................................ 14

Network Operation ................................................. 15

Version Control ................................................... 16

Credits ........................................................... 17

Shareware ......................................................... 18
Evaluation Copy


DOSview was designed as a shell for MS-DOS (tm) that meets the real needs of
computer professionals. Whenever we faced a choice between enhancing the
program's usefulness as a true management tool as opposed to simply a DOS
helper, the programming tool choice won out. This is because we work in an
environment that demands a quick, useful tool to help us do our job. We
support a large Netware 386 (tm) wide area network domain spanning Texas. Our
environment demands a tool that is always available with a useful and powerful
command set to ease our job and thereby help us to support our users in a more
professional manner. Quite simply, DOSview, more than any other single
product we know of, does just that.

We have found DOSview's tool set to be a very practical approach to DOS-level
work. Please use DOSview as you see fit, but if you continue to use it,
please abide with the Shareware section of this documentation.

One of our overriding goals in writing DOSview was to keep it small and quick
-- at all costs (with the exception of its menu system). There are many
things that we put into DOSview and then took back out again as we tried to
balance size against functionality. We are not unhappy with the overall
result. We hope it will satisfy you as well. We wrote the code in Borland's
Turbo Pascal (tm) 7.0 (real mode) with assembly code where needed.


DOSview's only known requirement is that it must run under DOS 3.1 or higher.

Maximum files in each panel: 2175
Maximum directories in tree (Tree Mode): 4500
Maximum directory levels in tree (Tree Mode): 12
Maximum found files/directories in pick list: 2500
Maximum capacity of internal editor: 65519 (63.99K)
Maximum swap size: 208K (add 5K for shareware version)

Startup Options
DOSview is normally started by typing DV. However, you may specify a drive or
path for each DOSview panel to use as its initial domain. For example,
starting DOSview with the command DV C F:\UTILS will start DOSview and
attempt to point the current panel to drive C's current directory and the
other panel to the F:\UTILS directory. Typing DV only would have pointed the
current panel to the current drive (and directory) and the other panel to the
root of that drive.


The following files are necessary to run DOSview:

DV.EXE The DOSview program.

DV.HLP The help file. This file must reside in DV.EXE's home directory.
That is, if DV.EXE is in C:\TOOLS, then DV.HLP must be there also.

The following files are made by DOSview:

DV.INI The setup file. This file is placed into DV.EXE's home directory
when you save the setup options screen. See Network Operations for
an important difference.

DV.MNU The user menu file. The main menu file is placed into DV.EXE's home
directory when you edit and save a menu specification. The local
menu file is placed in the current directory.

DV.TRE The tree file. This file be placed in the root of the current drive
when you make a tree.

DV.DAT The current directory information file. DIRINFO will be used if
found and DV.DAT is not.

DV.CMD Holds the user-defined DOS commands list.

DV.LST Temporary file that holds the last File Find list.

DV.NET See Network Operations.

DVNSETUP Program that sets up DOSview for network operations.

Optional Use
The following files can supplement DOSview:

DVV.EXE DVView. File viewer that can view very large files of any type.

DVE.EXE DVEdit. File editor that supports a mouse and multiple

DVZ.EXE DVZip. Compressed file viewer that can view files within ZIPs,
LZHs, ARJs and PAKs to the second compressed level.

DVF.EXE DVFind. Text finder that can find text recursively through

With Registered Version Only
DVD.EXE DVDo. Batch utility that performs powerful operations at the DOS
level. Can also be used interactively.

DVM.EXE DVMenu. Instant menu facility that can show all executables or
commands from a list - all in a pick list.

DVC.EXE DVCalc. Programmer's 5-function calculator.

DVA.EXE DVAchart. Ascii chart with pick list.

DVS.EXE DVSecure. Computer security program.

DVP.EXE DVPost. Screen file poster.

DVQ.EXE DVQuery. Batch query utility.

DVG.EXE DVGet. Batch get utility.

DVL.EXE DVLog. Computer logger utility.


DOSview is primarily function key driven. An alternate menu system is
available. But for quick work, we find the function key set most useful. The
function key line at the bottom of the panel windows is "live" - whatever
state the keyboard is in, this line reflects it by showing the proper function
key set.

For example, holding the Ctrl key down shows you the control function keys.
Note that the function key commands on the function key line are also dimmed
when their commands are not applicable.

Many of the most commonly used commands have a shortcut key which are normally
control keys. Some shortcut keys are keyboard keys, like '/' for Tree Mode,
and only work when the DOS command line is empty.

Normal Function Keys
F1 HELP DOSview contains context sensitive help. Anytime you are about
to commit to a command, you may press F1 to learn more about
it. Some commands take place immediately, and you will need to
consult this documentation for them.

F2 PANELS Toggles between panels, or a single panel, (Panel Mode) display
and a no panels (DOS Mode). You have instant access to DOS in
either Panel Mode or DOS Mode, but DOS Mode is sometimes more
convenient. See the Panel Mode and DOS Mode appendices for a
further explanation of these modes. (Shortcut key = ^O)

F3 VIEW Views the highlighted file. See the Setup section for more on

F4 EDIT Edits the highlighted file. See the Setup section for more on

F5 COPY Copies the highlighted file or a group of tagged files. The
default target is the other panel's domain, or if both panels
are the same, nothing. It is important to note that all copy
and move sequences carried out by DOSview _always_ carry the
source file's attributes to the target copy of the file. This
is what we call an "exact copy". You always get exactly what
you had (not true with DOS). When copying over readonly files,
you will be asked to confirm each copy.

F6 RENAME Moves the highlighted file or a group of tagged files or
-or- MOVE renames one file or directory. If moving, the default target
-or- RENMOV will be the other panel's domain, or if both panels are the
same, nothing. If renaming, the default is the current name.
Move makes "exact" copies, as noted in the above discussion on
the COPY command.

F7 MKDIR This command makes a directory that you name within the current
panel's domain.

F8 DELETE Erases the highlighted file or a group of tagged files. When
erasing groups of files, you will be asked to confirm the
erasures. When erasing readonly files, you will be asked to
confirm each readonly file. This command will also remove
empty directories. You cannot erase readonly and hidden files
unless you are in Expert Mode (see Setup).

{RMDIR/WIPE} When you press F8 on a directory name that contains additional
files and/or directories below it, you will be asked twice if
you wish to remove the underlying structure. If you answer
Yes, _all_ structure below the directory will be deleted, no
matter what the attributes of files within that structure are.
This is a quick and final "wipe" of the entire directory
structure. Be careful! The deletions are actually a
combination of file deletes and directory removes, nothing
cosmic. But the effect is a thorough DOS cleaning of the
structure - all at once. This command only works in Expert

F9 MENU Brings up the DOSview menu system, if desired.

F10 QUIT Use this command to quit DOSview (from either Panel Mode or DOS
Mode). You will be asked to confirm.

Alternate Function Keys
F1 DRIVE < Allows you to choose another drive for the left panel. Only
on-line drives are shown. You can simply type a drive letter
and a colon and press Enter at the command line for the current
panel, as well. Press F2 to change to the root directory.

F2 DRIVE > Just like DRIVE < except this command is for the right panel.

F3 VIEW2 An alternate way of viewing the highlighted file. See the
Setup section for more on viewing.

F4 EDIT An alternate way of editing the highlighted file. See the
Setup section for more on editing.

F5 XCOPY This command copies the entire highlighted directory and all of
the structure below it to the other panel's domain. As with
all copy commands, all of the attributes are carried with all
of the files (but not non-dos like network attributes), so you
get an exact DOS-level file keeping all file attributes
intact. You will be asked to confirm. This is called pruning
and grafting by some other utilities and is only available in
Expert Mode.

F6 YMOVE This command is just like the XCOPY command except that a move
is performed instead of a copy. Again, it is called pruning
and grafting in some other utilities and is only available in
Expert Mode.

F7 FIND Allows you to search for any file or file specification within
the current panel's domain. The file specification can be any
valid DOS file specification, like: YR1??2.* or MY*.D?C. You
can also find only files containing specific text if needed.
After finding the files, a pick list will be displayed for you
to choose from. From this list, you may view and edit listed
files. Choosing one of the found files will take you directly
to that file's location. (Shortcut key = ^Z) You can use ? to
bring up a previous find list.

F8 HISTRY Accesses the DOS command history window. (Shortcut key = =)

F9 LINES Switches the display from normal 25 line mode to 43/50 line
EGA/VGA mode (if so equipped) and back.

F10 TREE DOSview provides a complete hard disk tree facility for quickly
moving to a particular directory (great for networks). See the
Tree Mode section for more. (Shortcut key = /)

Shift Function Keys
F1 SORT < Sorts the left panel's files by one of the following choices:


The shortcut key ^S conveniently switches back and forth
between filename and extension sorts in the current panel.

F2 SORT > Sorts the right panel's files by one of the following choices:


F3 VIEW1 Another way to view the highlighted file. See the Setup
section for more on viewing.

F4 EDIT? Allows editing of a new file or any file on the system. See
the Setup section for more on editing.

F5 ATTRIB Allows you to change one of the attributes for the highlighted
file or all tagged files in the current panel. Note that for
directories you may toggle the hidden attribute only.
(Shortcut key = ^A)

F6 TOUCH Changes the date or time for the highlighted file or all tagged

F7 FILTER Allows you to filter what files are displayed in the current
panel. You provide an extension and only those files will be
shown. The extension can be less than three characters, but
_only_ a trailing wild card is allowed. For example, TXT, SC
abd SC? are ok, but S?C is not. (Shortcut key = ^F) Use Setup
to define your filter sets.

F8 TOTAL Totals all of the files in the underlying structure of the
highlighted directory and displays the total in the same place
as individual file totals.

F9 HEIGHT Toggles the panel heights of both panels from short to tall and
back. Combined with a 50-line screen and Snake Mode, you can
see a lot of files at once (135 total files versus 78 files in
short mode)! (Shortcut key = ^Q)

F10 SETUP This is how you set up DOSview's defaults and other items. See
the large section on Setup for a full description.

Control Function Keys
F1 PANEL < Turns the left panel on or off. (Also ^P or ShiftTab)

F2 PANEL > Turns the right panel on or off. (Also ^P or ShiftTab)

F3 VIEWER Turns the other panel into a quick viewer. Works great for text
files. Press F3 or F4 (etc) to enhance this mode on any
particular file. (Shortcut key = ^V)

F5 EDITL Edit the shared network file. See Network Operations.
(Shortcut key = ^N).

F5 BATCH Allows you to write on-the-fly batch files or text files based
on tagged files in the current panel. See the Batch Mode
section for more on Batch Mode Operations.

F6 BROWSE Puts the current panel into browse directories mode. Here you
can move the cursor in the current panel and the other panel
will follow along. (Shortcut key = ^B)

F7 STATUS Shows memory and disk statistics for the host machine. The
total disk space may be inaccurate if you are spanning drives
on a network. Directory info is also displayed if DV.DAT or
DIRINFO file is in the current directory. To edit this file,
press Tab. (Shortcut key = ^L)

F8 DATA Controls what data is displayed for each file in the current
panel. See Snake Mode and Wide mode appendices for more on
this subject. (Shortcut key = ^D)

The default is..


and the alternative is..


F9 WIDTH Toggles the current panel between Wide Mode and Snake Mode.
See the Panel Mode section for more about these two modes.
(Shortcut key =^W)

F10 USER DOSview provides a built in menu for DOS commands that is
completely definable by you. See the User Menu Mode section
for more. (Shortcut key = = or Alt=)

Miscellaneous Keys
ENTER Runs the highlighted program or changes to the highlighted
directory. If not on an EXE, COM or BAT file and not on a
directory, then this command views the current file. See the
Setup section for more on viewing. (Also ^M)

^ENTER Copies the current file or directory name to the DOS command
line. (Also ^J)

TAB Moves from the current panel to the other. If the other panel
is not active (not visible), then TAB moves the other panel's
domain into the current panel, and vice versa (just like SWAP).
(Also ^I). If the Status panel is showing, then TAB edits the
current directory's info file (DV.DAT / DIRINFO).

INS Tags or untags the current file and moves to the next file.

^\ A quick way to get to the root directory. Of course, you may
also type CD\ at DOSview's DOS prompt.

^C Highlights files in both panels newer than the same file in the
other panel. If a file does not exist in the other panel, it
will also be highlighted.

^G In Snake Mode, DOSview normally shows all files and directories
having a hidden attribute in a soft color "ghost" color. You
can toggle this trait to show all files with a readonly
attribute instead.

^K Finds duplicate files by name only in both panels.

^R Refreshes the current panel (not often needed).

^U Swaps the domain of both panels. What was previously displayed
in the right panel is displayed in the left panel, and vice
versa. The Snake/Wide Mode characteristics are not swapped.
If only one panel is being displayed, then this command will
bring the other panel's domain into the current panel, and vice

+/- Tags or untags groups of files. The specification you give
acts exactly like the normal DOS * and ? specifications. When
there are a lot of files in the current directory, this process
can take a few seconds because it rereads the directory to get
an exact match.

* After tagging a set of files (through a COMP command for
example), this command allows you to immediately reverse all of
the attributes in the current panel.

? After a find file command (^Z), you can reuse the last found
list of files by pressing ? instead of ^Z again.

~ Brings up (or edits) the user-defined DOS permanent command

AltA..Z, Moves the highlight cursor to the next file starting with the
Alt0..9, Alt- character you pressed. To continue the search, continue
pressing letters (either Alt or not Alt).


DOSview employs a menu system as an alternative interface provides an
intuitive way for new users to learn the somewhat extensive function key

Dimmed items on the menus are not available because of the current panel
states (tagged or untagged files, highlighting a file or directory, etc.).

You may either use the Arrow Keys to move to an item and press Enter or simply
press the highlighted character for the choice you wish to run.


DOSview employs a swap algorithm in order to provide a reasonable amount of
memory for DOS applications that are run from DOSview. DOSview takes less
than 4K of memory away from applications to remember its shell

DOSview gives an abundance of choices on where you would like to have it swap:

o Extended memory controlled by HIMEM.SYS, QEMM.SYS, 386MAX.SYS, etc (XMS).

o Expanded memory version 4.0 (EMS).

o Hard disk (local or network {if you have write rights}).

o RAMdrive defined in EMS memory (/E).

o RAMdrive defined in XMS memory (/A).

You choose which way you want to go with the setup function. See the Setup
section for more.

If you allow DOSview to swap anywhere, it will try to swap in this order:
EMS, XMS, and then the root of the drive you specified. You have the
flexibility in setup to disallow any of the two memory swapping options.
Additionally, you may specify the drive that DOSview will use if it can't swap
to memory.

We like to default DOSview to look for both EMS and XMS and then, if needed,
swap to a privately mapped drive letter on the network (that we all have).
Your needs may dictate that you negate one or both of the memory options
depending upon what applications you are running. We have found no
inconsistencies in swapping to XMS with HIMEM.SYS loaded. With this setup, we
never end up swapping to disk.

DOSview has no problems running in a DOS window under Windows 3.1. You can
even run Windows _from_ DOSview if you feel the need.

When running on a network, you should keep the following in mind: Do not try
to run batch files that have mapping commands in them. The maps will be for a
child DOS process and the program you are trying to run will not be found.
This is true of any shell program.

Of course, whether on a network or not, do not run memory resident software
from DOSview. This also is true of any shell program.

If DOSview cannot find a place to swap, then it will put a message under the
DOS prompt before it runs the program to remind you of such. You should
correct the problem if this occurs because a lot of memory is being used in
this case. The message is: (unable to swap).

CONFIG.SYS DOS command to provide XMS swapping memory:
DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS (or QEMM.. or 386MAX.., etc) {If you are not running
HIMEM.SYS - you probably should be...}

CONFIG.SYS DOS commands to provide EMS swapping memory:

CONFIG.SYS DOS commands to provide a RAMdrive swapping drive:
The /E is for XMS (extended) and the /A is for EMS (expanded). You
should make sure your RAM drive has at least 212,992 actual bytes
available for the swap because RAMDRIVE.SYS takes a little overhead when
creating the drive. The number 212 may be more appropriate in this case.

Don't be confused! Normally only DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS is needed to perform memory

Note that the shareware version of DOSview swaps a little more code than the
registered version. The above figures are for the registered version.


The setup facility is accessed with the ShiftF10 key (or from the menu) and is
what is used to configure DOSview to work the way you want it to work. This
discussion will talk about the setup items as they appear on the setup screen.
The Tab and ShiftTab keys will quickly move around the different Setup Mode
screens. Then use the Down and Up arrow keys. Ins toggles insert/overtype.


Color Scheme
You choose DOSview's color set here. This only affects the actual color
schemes, not the video memory addresses (DOSview figures that out all by

Screen Saver
If between 1 and 9, the screen will blank after that many minutes of keyboard
inactivity. 0 disables this function.

Allow EMS Swaps
If Yes, then this is always the first place DOSview looks to swap to. 208K of
EMS will be used for the swap. See the Swapping section for more.

Allow XMS Swaps
If Yes, then this is always the second place DOSview looks to swap to. It
will swap to EMS first if available and you have that option turned on. If
swapping to XMS, then a little less then 208K will be allocated to DOSview for
the swap. See the Swapping section for more.

Swap Drive
This is where you tell DOSview what drive to use for its swapping algorithm.
You can only enter any drive letter that exists on your system except floppys.
It will only swap to the root of this drive if the previous two memory
swapping choices are both turned off or if DOSview cannot find any EMS or XMS
memory to swap to. On a network, we recommend that this drive be a privately
mapped drive letter that is unique for each user. See the Swapping section
for more.

Novell H drive (for Home) example: MAP ROOT H:=SYS:USERS\%LOGIN_NAME

Show Colors
If Yes, then DOSview will show defined file extensions in color (see Colors
section below); will show hidden or readonly files in a "ghost" color; and
will show any color-defined drives in color (see Drive Colors section below).

Show Volume Label
If Yes, then DOSview will show the drive or volume's volume label just before
the current directory at the top of each panel.

If yes, an on-screen clock (with military time) will be displayed.

File Name Case
You can show panel file names in upper or lower case.

Closely Integrate Utilities
Answer yes to allow DOSview to integrate some of its utilities like DVZip. If
integrated, then DOSview will remain on screen when the utility is run, which
uses a lot of memory. In the case of DVZip, if you are swapping to EMS, then
that is ok. But if you are swapping to RAMdisk or EMS, you should either turn
thsi feature off or run DVZip in the non-swapped mode. Running non-swapped is
fine as long as you do not look at ZIP files with a lot of compressed files or
look at any ARJ files (ARJ needs lots of memory to run).

F4-Internal Editor
This determines whether the internal or external editor is called when you
press F4. The other editor will run when you press AltF4.

Cursor Type
Determines whether a normal line cursor or a block cursor is used by DOSview.

Expert Mode
If this switch is set to No, the following items will become non-functional:

Editing and deleting readonly files
Showing hidden and system files (^G is also inoperative)
Wiping, Xcopying and Ymoving directories

Turn expert mode off when novice users will be accessing DOSview!

Auto Save
Allows you to automatically have the current panel states saved when quitting

If the screen saver is activated, and you define a personal password, then
that password will be required before leaving the screen savers' screen. The
password must be between 1 and 8 characters long with no spaces. Case is
insignificant. The password is stored in an encrypted fashion, so don't
forget it! The only way to remove the password is to reboot your machine and
delete the DV.INI file before reentering DOSview.


The following setup choices define how DOSview will interact with your files
when viewing and editing them. You may enter either the program's complete
path name, just the program's name, or just the program's DOS call name.
For the last two choices, the program must be in either the current directory
or the DOS path.



You may also use the ' ! ' phrase to force the highlighted filename to come
before any defined switches on the viewer's command line. Example:

view ! /50 --instead of-- view /50 {this is normally not required}

This determines whether DOSview will swap or not before running the program.
Some external programs require swapping due to their memory requirements.

Swapping characteristics: slightly slower loading, program's DOS screen
visible after run, more memory available.

No swapping characteristics: the opposite of the above.

External Viewer1
This program will normally call the highlighted file whenever you press F3,
unless you have defined an external program for the highlighted file type.
Even if defined, pressing ShiftF3 will force this program to run anyway.
DVV.EXE is included as an option for you here.

External Viewer2
This program will call the highlighted file whenever you press AltF3, no
matter what else is defined. DVV.EXE is included as an option for you here.

External Editor
Even though DOSview has a reasonable internal editor, you may wish to use your
own. You define that program here. DVE.EXE is included as an option for you


In addition to the viewing choices above, you may define specific associated
programs for various file types here. They will run when F3 (or Enter if
defined for such) is pressed. To bypass one of these viewers for External
Viewer1, press ShiftF3 instead. T ' ! ' filename rule (as discussed in the
previous section) also applies here.

Trailing wild cards only are allowed here. Examples:

ZIP pkzip -vbmn
WK* c:\lotus\123
W* 123

This determines whether DOSview will swap or not before running the program.
Some external programs require swapping due to their memory requirements.

Swapping characteristics: slightly slower loading, program's DOS screen
visible after run, more memory available.

No swapping characteristics: the opposite of the above.

You may use either F3 or Enter to run the program. If you define Enter, and
one is not defined, then DOSview will look for an F3 definition. If not
found, then External Viewer1 will be used.

Do not define EXE, COM or BAT files with the Enter key. DOSview already knows
exactly what to do with them.

Associated Program
Enter the associated program's name here.

Here is something we use the associated programs section (F3 and Enter) for:

Ext S F3 Associated Program
ZIP N Y dvz -included external program that shows a pick list of zip
filesfor further viewing without actually unzipping the
zip file.
LZH N Y dvz
ARJ N Y dvz
ZIP Y N pkzip -vbmn -simply lists the zip file names to the screen.


This portion of setup is where you may define different display colors for
certain file types. For example, enter 'EXE' and 'E' to show executable files
in bright white on a color system. Trailing wild cards only are allowed here.


In this slot you place a letter to represent the color you wish to use for the
corresponding file type.


Use this option to define panel colors for certain drives on your system. It
only works with color monitors and can help you more easily differentiate
between your "normal" environment and another drive (perhaps mapped to another
server or a user directory). This is espeically beneficial on a network, but
will work anywhere.

In this slot you place a letter to represent the color you wish to use for the
corresponding drive.


In addition to all of the above, you may also define up to ten "hot" commands
for general use. The hot commands are accessed by the CtrlShiftF1 through
CtrlShiftF10 function keys. Hot commands only work in Panel Mode. See the
User Menu Mode section to see how to take advantage of adding a '+', '?' or
'!' to your hot key commands.

The text to be displayed for the hot command on the function key line when
holding down both Ctrl and Shift.

This determines whether DOSview will swap or not before running the hot
command. Some external programs require swapping due to their memory

Any command line that you can run from DOS (except memory-resident programs,
of course) may be placed in a hot command.

There are three enhancements. One, if you place a '+' at the beginning of the
hot command, DOSview will treat it as a filename and try to edit it with its
internal editor. Two, placing a '?' within the hot command will let DOSview
prompt you for command line parameters. Three, placing a '!' within the hot
command substitutes the highlighted filename for the '!'.


Define file extension groups for the Filter files function (^F). Only
trailing wildcards are allowed.


Place here any directory that you would like to avoid searching when using the
Find File (^Z) command. \MAIL on a Novell 3.11 server is a great choice.


Private vs Local Menu
The user menu file to be accessed when pressing Alt=. Normally, Alt= brings
up a current directory user menu file. See the Network Operations section.

User Name for Net Prompt
The name to be shown in the DOSview prompt when on a network. See the Network
Operations section.


This saves the states of the two directory panels. The saved panel items are:

Active panel (Tab)
Other panel visibility (ShiftTab)
Panels height (ShiftF9)
Left/Right panel Wide/Snake Mode (CtrlF9)
Left/Right panel sort key type (ShiftF1)
Left/Right panel data display (CtrlF8)
Left/Right panel Status panel (CtrlF7)


The setup file, DV.INI, is normally kept in DV.EXE's home directory (see
Network Operation section for an important exception).



DOSview has an internal editor. This means that any time you press F4, by
default, DOSview will instantly edit the file with its editor. Although the

DOSview editor has some limitations, it also has some handy characteristics.

o Instantly available and always there when you need it.

o Line oriented blocking (many external editors, however, if they offer
blocking, will have more sophisticated blocking capabilities).

o Instant cut and paste line operation (F3 and F4).

o Built-in ascii chart.

o Basic printing capability.

o Word wrap, justification, case ops, shift ops, tab options, and white
space display options.

o Secondary WordStar commands key set.

o Automatic editing of readonly files, restoring that attribute upon
completion of editing.

o Clean editing format, i.e., closes the file while it is being edited to
make life easier on a network.

o Text file editing only.

o Files of 65519 bytes or less.

What's nice about the internal editor is that you can have it when you want it
and still use your own favorite external editor when you wish. See more about
editing choices in the Setup section. We think the DOSview internal editor is
quite useful. As meager as this documentation is -- it was done in its
entirety with the DOSview editor. (It helped us keep the doc small!)

Here are the internal editor commands by keys:

Normal Function Keys
F1 HELP Context-sensitive help.

F2 SAVE Saves the file being edited and continues editing. (^KS)

F3 CUTBL Cut either the current line or the current block (if a block is
highlighted) for later pasting.

F4 PUTBL Pastes the last line or block that was cut (once).

F5 COPYB Copies the marked block to the cursor position. (^KC)

F6 MOVEB Moves the marked block to the cursor position. (^KV)

F7 BEGINB Defines the beginning of a block. (^KB)

F8 ENDB Defines the end of a block. (^KK)

F9 HIDEB Toggles showing and hiding of a marked block. (^KH)

F10 QUIT Quits editing.

Alternate Function Keys
F1 CHART Displays an ascii chart.

F2 PRTBF Prints the highlighted block or the entire file to LPT 1, 2 or
3. (^KP)

F3 DELBL Deletes the current block or line. (^KY)

F4 CSEBL Cases the current block or line to upper or lower case or
toggles the case. (AltU, I, O)

F5 WRITEB Writes the current block to a file. (^KW)

F6 READB Reads a file into a block. (^KR)

F7 JSTBL Justifies the current block or line left, right or center with
the current margins. (AltL, C, R)

F8 SFTBL Shifts the current block one character space to the left or
right. (Alt-, =)

F9 TABBL Entabs (adds tabs) or detabs (deletes tabs) to or from the
current block or line. Entabbing makes tab characters out of
every eight space string. Detabbing makes eight spaces out of
every tab. (AltD, E)

F10 DISPLAY Shows all file parts separate from non-file parts. A great way
to find extra spaces at the end of lines. Also toggles between
showing actual control characters and an easier-to-identify
representation of them. (^OD)

Miscellaneous Keys
Ins Toggles insert/overtype modes. (^V)

Del Deletes character at the cursor. (^G)

^T Deletes word.

^BkSp Deletes word left. (^H)

^Y Deletes current line.

^QY Deletes line right. (AltK)

^QL Restores current line. (^U)

^OR Sets right margin.

^OI Toggles auto indent mode.

^OT Toggles tab size between 8 and 5 characters.

^OW Toggles word wrap mode.

^B Reformats the current paragraph from the cursor position to the
end of the paragraph.

^OB Reformats the entire document from the cursor position.

^P Enters a control character with the next character typed. To
enter an Escape character, press ^P and then Escape.

^QF Finds case insensitive. (^Z)

^QA Finds and replaces. The replace string case sensitive. (^A)

^L Does the next find or replace. (AltZ or ShiftTab)

^QQ Enter the current date and time. (AltQ)

^K1..3 Define a text marker.

^Q1..3 Go to a text marker.

Movement Keys
Arrows One place in arrow direction.

Home To beginning of line.

End To end of line.

PgUp Up one screen.

PgDn Down one screen.

^Home To top of screen.

^End To bottom of screen.

^PgUp To top of file.

^PgDn To bottom of file.

Status Line Symbols
The status line at the top of the editing screen is defined like this:


* File has been modified and not yet saved.

FILENAME.EXT The name of the file being edited.

XXX% Cursor placement in the file as a percentage of 100%.

Blk A block is marked and showing.

Ins Insert mode selected (vs overtype mode).

Ind Auto indent mode selected.

Tab:X Tab size is X (5, 8).

Wrp:XX Right margin is XX (28 - 78).

Row:XXXX Row is XXXX (1 - 9999).

Col:XXX Column is XXX (1 - 254).

Chr:XXX Character at cursor is code XXX (0 - 255).

KBytes:XX File is XX KBytes in size (0 - 64).

HH:MM Current time.

Editor Notes
All switches and states (word wrap, last find string, etc) are remembered
between editing sessions as long as DOSview remains active.

The F3 and F4 keys (cut and paste) actually write, read and erase a temporary
block on disk, so Write rights are required.

Most commands move the cursor down one line after completion to make
repetitive editing operations easier.

The word wrap function offers an extra feature not found in a lot of editors
or word processors. When wrapping a paragraph, it respects the correctness of
two following spaces after sentence endings. In fact, it checks lines to make
sure this is the case, and if it finds an incorrect instance, it corrects it
during the wrap.


DOSview comes with its own internal viewer. This means that any time you
press F3, by default, DOSview will instantly view the file with its viewer,
unless, of course, an 'ext' program has been defined. The DOSview viewer is
quite weak and is only available in case a defined external viewer is not
available. It is only meant for text files and is actually a read-only
implementation of the editor. If you do not have an external viewer of your
own, we recommend you use the included DVV.EXE program here.

o The viewer is available in case you have nothing else to use.

o Text file viewing only.

o Files larger than 64K will only display the first 64K.

See more about viewing choices in the Setup section. Available keys are
similar to the internal editor's.


Panel Mode is the normal DOSview interface. Normally two panels are visible,
left and right. A panel shows a portion of the current drive for that panel.
It follows that the current panel shows the current drive (and directory)
while the other panel shows its drive and directory (which may not be the
current place unless both panels show the same thing).

Where a panel resides is called its domain. In other words, if the current
panel (the panel that has the wide bar highlight cursor) is showing the TOOLS
directory contents on drive C, then that panel's domain is C:\TOOLS (the
current directory if you were really in DOS). It's really very intuitive.

The top of each panel shows its domain name. The current panel shows its
domain name in reverse colors, while the other panel shows its domain name in
the normal panel window frame color.

Within each panel are listed the directories (first) and the files (second)
that are in that domain. They may be sorted in almost any fashion. They may
or may not be filtered.

A big difference is whether the panel is in Wide Mode or Snake Mode.

Wide Mode
This is the alternate panel format. In this mode, each line includes a file
or directory name and certain information about that file or directory. The
wide bar cursor covers the width of the panel. The top line in the panel
shows the titles for each field in the panel. One of the field's titles is
always off-color, denoting the current sort key. The bottom line in the panel
shows the totals for files, file sizes and directories within the panel's
domain. Note that when files are tagged, the file and size totals change to
the totals for the tagged files only (the color changes to that of a tagged
file to help you remember this). Also available on this line is a 'H' or 'R'
denoting whether all hidden or readonly files or shown in a "ghost" color via
the GHOST command toggle. Additionally, files may be colored differently if
the file colors switch is active (see the Setup section for more on this).

The size column may be in bytes or kilobytes, depending on the status of the
DATA command toggle. The same is true for the last column, which will show
either the file time or the file attributes. (This is true to an extent in
both Wide and Snake Modes).

Snake Mode
This is the default panel format. In this mode, each of three columns show a
continuing list of directory and file names from the previous column. The
information for each file is now shown on the top line in the panel window.
One of the information items will still be off-color to denote the current
panel sort key. The bottom line in the panel is the same as Wide Mode.

Command Line
These keys will manipulate the command line while in Panel Mode:

^Left/^Right Move left/right ONE character on the command line (Left/Right
are used to move the wide bar cursor).

^Home/^End Move to the next WORD on the command line (Home/End are used
to move the wide bar cursor).

^E/^X Use these keys to load the previous/next issued DOS
command onto the command line (Up/Down are used to move the
wide bar cursor).

^BkSp/^T Delete the previous/next word on the command line.


DOS Mode is the alternate DOSview interface. When in Panel Mode, pressing F2
takes you to DOS Mode (removes the panels from view). The purpose of DOS Mode
is really just to view the full DOS screen. But while in this mode, the
command line is a little easier to use. If you change directories and then
later change to Panel Mode with F2, the new current directory will become the
current panel's domain, as you would expect. We use F2 a lot to see the DOS
screen and to sometimes enter complicated DOS commands and then press Up Arrow
to repeat or edit them. That's why this toggle command is on such a choice
function key.

In DOS Mode these keystrokes are available:

Normal Function Keys
F1 HELP DOS Mode help.

F2 PANELS Returns to Panel Mode.

F10 QUIT Quits DOSview.

Control Function Keys
F1 PANEL < Turns on the left panel.

F2 PANEL > Turns on the right panel.

Command Line
Up/Down Use these keys to load the previous/next issued DOS
command onto the command line.

Left/Right Moves left/right on the command line.

^Left/^Right Moves left or right one word on the command line.

Home/End Moves to the beginning/end of the command line.

^BkSp/^T Deletes the previous/next word on the command line.

Ins Toggle insert/overtype modes.

Esc Restores and edited command line to its original form or
deletes a command line.


DOSview has a Tree Mode that has one purpose, to find and go to directories
quickly. Trying to navigate through many directories, even from within a
DOSview panel, can be tedious. However, a quick '/' press works wonders. All
of the intermediary directory reads needed to get to some deep directories are
passed when using the tree. Once you try it, you'll see what we mean. The
Tree Mode commands are:

Function Keys
F1 HELP Tree Mode help.

F2 FIND This command brings up a dialog box asking for the name of the
directory you are searching for.

F3 NEXT After moving to a directory on the tree's pick list, press F3
to move to the next occurrence of the directory name you are
trying to find.

F5 MAKE This command remakes the tree in case you have changed your
directory structure. You have the choice of ignoring any
previously defined ignore directories (defined in Setup).

F10 CANCEL This command quits Tree Mode. Pressing Enter on a directory
will do the same thing, of course, after taking you to that

After bringing up the tree, you can press the character keys to start an
incremental search. For example, if you are looking for a directory named
TEMP, just start typing it: T E M P. DOSview will take you to that directory
name (if it is in the list) and then just press Enter to go to the directory
TEMP. Alt keys are not used for this purpose here.

The tree file, DV.TRE, is always kept in the root directory of the current
drive in readonly, hidden status.

When attempting to make the tree file, DOSview always checks to see if it is
possible (you have rights to that root directory, etc.) before actually
starting the make.

If you select a subdirectory starting with the same name as a sibling
subdirectory under the same parent directory, DOSview may be unable to locate
it. For example, in this tree segment:


if you select SUB2, DOSview will probably report it as missing.

If you have too many directories, Tree Mode will command will not work. In
that case you may wish to suppress certain directory structures by using the
ignore directories list (defined in Setup).


DOSview has a built-in menuing capability. Probably the easiest way to
describe this is make a menu item and run it.

So.. press '=' to bring up the menu. At first their will be nothing in the
list. Press F4 to edit the list. As an example, enter D on the first line.
Press the Space Bar once. Enter Dir on the first line. Tab once and enter
the '~' character. Enter DIR/W. Press Enter to go to the next line. Press
F2 to save the menu file. Press F10 to quit the editing mode (the menu is
simply a text file edited and held in the internal editor). Press Enter while
pointing to your Dir menu command. That's all there is to it. You can have a
near unlimited number of items in this list. Any typeable character can be
used as the menu character (case is sensitive here).

To prompt for input, place a '?' within the actual DOS command. DOSview will
ask you for optional parameters. You may type in the parameter or press
^Enter to insert either the highlighted file or all of the tagged files (if
less than 127 characters) into the DOS command. When editing the menu file,
press F1 for a display of how to enter a menu item (as we just did above).

Placing a '!' within the DOS command causes DOSview to use the highlighted
file as the parameter.

Placing a '+' at the beginning of the DOS command makes DOSview edit the DOS
command (treating it as a file name) with its internal editor.

Hot keys, discussed earlier under Setup, can also use the '+', '?' and '!'

To define a local menu for the current directory, press Alt= instead of =.

Function Keys (when using the menu)
F1 HELP Help.

F4 EDIT Edits the menu file.

F10 CANCEL Quits User Menu Mode.

Function Keys (when editing the menu)
F1 HELP Help (same as editor help).

F2 SAVE Saves the menu file.

F3 CUTLN Cuts the current line to a buffer.

F4 PUTLN Puts the line from the buffer to the cursor position.

F10 QUIT Quits editing.

The menu file, DV.MNU, is always kept in DV.EXE's home directory in readonly,
hidden status (DOSview's internal editor can edit readonly files).

Note that when editing the menu file, you are actually in DOSview's internal
editor with a different window size. All internal editor functions work
normally. Also, F1 gives a good example of how to enter a new menu item.

Menu editing is only allowed when you are in Panel Mode.


There is more than one way to tag a file or group of files in DOSview. The
quickest and most used way is to use the Ins key to toggle the tag on the
currently highlighted file to on or off.

Note that when you tag files, the bottom line in the panel window changes to
the tagged color and now displays file and size totals for the tagged files

Another way to tag files is to use the '+' key (either one) for tagging and
the '-' key for untagging. In these cases, you will be asked for a file
specification. Any true DOS wild card spec here (unlike some other areas of
DOSview) determines which files will be tagged or untagged. When tagging a
large set of files, this process can take a few seconds or sometimes moments
(unless the spec is *.*) as DOSview rereads the panel and matches the
appropriate file names.

This +, - tagging and untagging is progressive. In other words you may decide
to tag *.EXE files and then tag *.COM files. The *.EXE set will remain tagged
as the *.COM files become tagged.


The BATCH command is available to help you perform batch operations on defined
groups of files in the current panel's domain. After tagging the files you
wish to manipulate, press this command key and a dialog box will appear. Here
are the dialog questions:

File name Enter the name of the batch file you wish to make or run here.
--------- The default is always ~DV.BAT. If you do not change this name,
then when you execute the information entered into the dialog
box, DOSview will immediately run this batch file but will
_not_ save it. You need to rename this default name to
something else, like MY.BAT, in order to save it. Then DOSview
will immediately save the file but not run it. You must then
point to it and run it or enter its name on the command line.
This is so you can review and perhaps edit the batch file
before executing it. You can also name the file by an ordinary
name like MYLIST as opposed to a batch file name (.BAT). This
can be extremely useful for those programs (like PKZIP (tm))
that can use a list full of file name derivatives.

Text before Enter any text you wish to place before each file listed (the
----------- tagged files) in the batch/list file.

Format Here, you have three choices on how DOSview will actually write
------ the tagged file names to the file.

P = the full pathname, like C:\TOOLS\MY.EXE;
F = the filename and extension only, like MY.EXE; and
N = the filename only, like MY.

Text after Enter any text you wish to place after each file listed (tagged
---------- files) in the batch/list file.

Note that the bottom line in the dialog box always shows you exactly the line
you are building with the above entries.

BATCH FILE example:
If you enter

B: /v

then DOSview would make this batch file:

copy FILEX.EXT B: /v
copy FILEXX.EXT B: /v
copy FILEXXX.EXT B: /v

where FILEX.EXT represents the files you have tagged prior to entering the
dialog box.

LIST FILE example:

If you enter


then DOSview would make this list file:

Here, you could then issue this command on the DOS command line:


instead of



Operating DOSview on a network is exactly like operating it on a standalone
machine with the following exceptions.

***** The following can be accomplished by running DVNSETUP.EXE *****

You _may_ configure DOSview so that each user gets their own DV.INI file.
Simply make a file that resides in DV.EXE's home directory called DV.NET. 1)
Place the path for users' INI files on the first line of this file, like H:\.
All users must have access rights to this path and it must be a place that is
physically distinct for all users. A "privately" mapped "home" drive is
perfect in this case, like mapping F:\USER\USERNAME to H:\. 2) Optionally,
place the path of a shared log file, called DV.LOG, on the second

1) In the above case, when a user starts DOSview for the first time, DOSview
will copy the DV.INI file from DV.EXE's home to the path defined on line 1 of
DV.NET. It will only do that if the local DV.INI is not already there. From
then on, the user will use and change their own INI file.

2) If the path to a log file was defined on line two of DV.NET, then ^N will
edit a shared log file (great for network in-progress notes between users).
Only one user is allowed access to this file at one time. But all users are
notified (a check mark is shown on the time display or on the status panel)
when the file has been changed since their last look at it.

The network supervisor should run DOSview the first time before making the
DV.NET file and setup the desired default configuration for users. Then, quit
DOSview, make the DV.NET file (use DVNSETUP), and restart DOSview.


Program Version
------- -------
DV 1.8
DVA 1.3
DVC 1.6
DVD 1.3
DVE 1.3
DVF 1.2
DVG 1.0
DVL 1.1
DVM 1.3
DVP 1.3
DVQ 1.2
DVS 1.5
DVV 1.6
DVZ 2.6


Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International.

PKZIP is a registered trademark of PKWARE, Inc.

MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Netware and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.

Windows is a registered tradmark of Microsoft Corporation.

Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this file are the property of their
respective companies.


Evaluation Copy
THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE! You may evaluate and use this product, but if you
decide to make use of it on a regular basis, you must register your copy.

Note: Businesses, government agencies and institutions are required to
register this software package before extended use.

We offer several inducements to you for registering. First of all, you will
receive the most up-to-date copy of the program -- and we update the program
on a regular basis. Also, we have many additional mini-utilities that work
nicely with DOSview not included in this package that we will ship to you upon
registration. Third, you will never see the shareware message again. Make no
mistake, however -- this is a fully functional version of DOSview that is not
"crippled" in any way.

This is "user-supported" software. You are hereby granted permission to
distribute this evaluation copy of DOSview and its documentation, subject to
the following conditions:

1. Shareware DOSview may be distributed freely without charge in evaluation
form only.

2. DOSview in its shareware form may not be sold, licensed, or a fee charged
for its use. If a fee is charged in connection with DOSview, it must
cover the cost of copying or dissemination only. Such charges must be
clearly identified as such by the originating party. Under no
circumstances may the purchaser be given the impression that he is buying
a registered version of DOSview.

3. Shareware DOSview must be presented as a complete unit with documentation.
Neither DOSview nor its documentation may be amended or altered in any way
without permission of the copyright holder.

4. By granting you the right to distribute the evaluation form of DOSview,
you do not become the owner of DOSview in any form.

Any other use, distribution or representation of DOSview is expressly
forbidden without the written consent from the author.

The non-commercial single-user registration fee for DOSview is $40.00 US.
($5 shipping is included.)

The commercial/government and multi-system site fee for DOSview is $160.00 US.
($10 shipping is included.)

Send a check, money order or company P.O. for the appropriate amount to:

Skip Bremer - DOSview
3401 Cactus Wren Way
Austin, Texas 78746

Thank you.

Telephone: 512-328-2465
Compuserve ID: 71614,2556

The author does not warrant that the functions contained in this program will
meet your requirements or that the program operation will be uninterrupted or
error free.

The author specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to implied warranties of fitness for any particular
purpose and of merchantability.

In no event will the author be liable to you for any damages, including but
not limited to any lost profits, lost savings, commercial damage or other
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use
this program, or for any claim by any other party.

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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