Category : File Managers
Archive   : DOLST312.ZIP
Filename : DOLIST.DOC

Output of file : DOLIST.DOC contained in archive : DOLST312.ZIP

Computer Tyme DOLIST * Version 3.11 * Release Date: 11-25-92
Copyright 1989-92 by Marc Perkel * All Rights Reserved * TB

Computer Tyme * 411 North Sherman, Suite 300 * Springfield Mo. 65802
(800) 548-5353 Sales * (417) 866-1222 Voice * (417) 866-1665 Data

This program is part of the Computer Tyme DOS ToolBox.
For $59.95 you can get the rest of the programs. It is also
with the Network Survival Kit.

DoList is a dual purpose program. It acts as a DOS SHELL, allowing the
easy and convenient entry of commands. In this mode DoList gives you the
editing power of a word processor to create your commands. Using the up
arrow allows you to recall previously executed commands.

DoList also allows you to execute commands on a LIST of files. Filenames
can be in a text file or can come from the standard dos pipes.
DoList SHELL Mode:
To put DoList in the shell mode, type:

DOLIST ;the is optional.

DoList then produces a prompt and awaits your commands. Instead of the
crippled line editor that dos provides, you now have a powerful word
processor like line editor. Left and Right Arrows move you back and
forth. INS toggles you between insert and overwrite modes. HOME takes
you to the beginning of the line, END takes you to the end. The ESC key
deletes the line. Also, the line editor responds to the standard
WORDSTAR command set.

By using the UP and DOWN arrows DoList allows you to scroll back the
last 40 or so commands. This allows you to Re-Execute commands that you
already have used. DoList also remembers what directories that you have
been to. By pressing the TAB key, DoList scrolls back to directories you
have previously visited.
DoList SHELL Mode Editing Commands:

Left Arrow .......... Left one Character
Right Arrow ......... Right one Character
Ctrl Left Arrow ..... Left one Word
Ctrl Right Arrow .... Right one Word
Home ................ Beginning of Line
End ................. End of Line
Ins ................. Toggle Insert On/Off
BackSpace ........... Delete Character Left
Del ................. Delete Character Right
Ctrl Del ............ Delete Word
Esc ................. Delete Line
Up Arrow ............ Select Previous Command Line
Down Arrow .......... Select Next Command Line
Tab ................. Select Last Accessed SubDirectory
Shift-Tab ........... Reverse of TAB
Alt-Tab ............. Remove Directory from Scroll List
When you type a command in the SHELL mode, DoList first tests to see if
it is an internal DoList command. If not, it looks for *.COM, *.EXE
*.BAT files to execute. If this fails, DoList attempts to see if it is a
directory name. If it is, DoList changes directories. Otherwise DoList
will load COMMAND.COM and execute the command line.

With DoList, you can change directories by just typing the directory
name. The CD is not necessary unless there is an executable program with
the same name as the directory. Typing the "-" command or ".." changes
to the parent directory. A "\" jumps you to the root directory.

When DoList starts up it looks for several Dos ToolBox utilities to
enhance its features. If it finds them DoList becomes more powerful.
These utilities include PICK DIRECTORY, PIPEDIR, and MARXMENU.

If you have PICK DIRECTORY on your system, whenever you try to change to
a directory that isn't there, DoList will load Pick Directory and will
let you change directories with a partail name match.

The RD or remove directory commamd is capable of removing a directory
with files in it. Both RD and MD update the pick list that Pick
Directory uses. The DEL command supports multiple wild cards.
CD FONT might change to C:\WINDOWS\FONTS

Since DoList is loading PipeDir to delete files, several PipeDir
switches work with the DEL command.

DEL/H Includes hidden and system files.
DEL/Q Asks before deleting each file.
DEL *.BAK *.BWS Deletes all the BAK and BWS files.
DEL *.BAK/S Deletes all BAK files and in subdirectories.

DoList can execute more than one command on the same command line. This
is done by sepatating the commands with a double bar. ||

Free C:||Free D:||Free E:
Format A:||Sys A:||Copy A:
Internal DoList Commands:
DoList has several internal commands that can be executed from the
command line. These commands all start with the '@' symbol.

@Trace ON/OFF

DoList can display MS-DOS exit return codes. This feature is controlled
by typing "@RC ON/OFF". If a subprogram terminates with anything other
than a return code of zero, DoList displays it. DoList will also display
if the program was terminated by a Ctrl-Break or if the program remains
memory resident.

The @Trace command will display how DoList interprets the command
line. This will show you the whole path and file that DoList
actually loads when you type a command.
The @Path command lets you edit your path environment variable using
DoList's line editor.

When DoList loads, it looks for a congiguration file called DOLIST.CFG.
This file is a text file that allows you to customize DoList. It also
contains instructions and examples. It allows you to set up programmable
function keys. These programmable keys allow you to make any unused
function key or Alt key into any command.

AKey F9 DM ;programs the F9 key to run DM
AKey SF8 DEL *.BAK ;programs the Shift-F8 key to delete the BAK files
BKey AF5 DIR ;programs the Alt-F5 key to run DIR

Note: The AKey command forces an Enter at the end. The BKey command
forces a space at the end. Thus the BKey command allow you to type in
additional parameters.
DoList in the LIST mode:
Did you ever want to execute a program on a LIST of files? DoList will
execute a command line and substitute text from the standard input
device in the command line. Suppose you had a file name BAK.LST that
contained the following list of files:


If you want to delete all the files in the list you type:


DoList will then execute the following commands:

DoList reads each line from the standard input device and executes the
command for each line read. The @L causes DoList to insert the next
input line into the command. Thus the command DEL @L is executed for
each line from the standard input file which in this case is BAK.LST.

Suppose you want to copy all your .BAT files on you hard disk to a
floppy. This can be done by typing:


Adding @T to the command (WHEREIS *.BAT|DOLIST COPY @L A: @T) will cause
DoList to type the commands instead of executing them. This output can
be redirected into a file for later execution.
Summary of DoList Commands for LIST mode:

@L ;substitute next input line
@1 .. @9 ;substitute field 1 thru 9
@T ;output commands as text instead of executing them
@Q ;query mode, displays command and asks for conformation
@[ ;substitutes < in command line
@] ;substitutes > in command line
@]] ;substitutes >> in command line
@! ;substitutes | in command line
{} ;commands in {braces} are not interpreted but passed as text

In addition to the @L command which substitutes the whole line, DOLIST
can look at the lines as fields that can be substituted individually.
The individual fields are substituted by @1 thru @9. In the text line:

456,NOTES.TXT "Marc Perkel"

@1 = 456
@3 = Marc Perkel
The rule is that commas and spaces are delimiters unless you start with
a quote. If you start with a quote, the next quote is the delimiter.

If you don't want DoList to actually execute the commands, the @T
command will cause DoList to output the text that it would have
executed. This text can be redirected to a BAT file for later execution.

The @Q command makes DoList ask before executing each command line. This
allows you to skip the command or abort DoList.


PIPEDIR *.BAT >BAT.LST ; creates BAT.LST with list of all *.BAT files.
DOLIST COPY @IBAT.LST @L@T A: @OTEST.BAT ;reads each line of BAT.LST and
creates the command COPY A: and writes these commands to a file
named TEST.BAT.

Using braces '{}' suspends interpretation of @ commands allowing the @
to be part of the command. The outermost pair of braces are removed from
the command. This is useful when using DoList recursively. That means
using DoList to run DoList.
When a command line is presented to DOS, the redirection and piping
commands, < > | are interpreted and removed. In order to pass these
commands to a program that DoList can run, we must use other codes that
dos won't remove. The @[ is translated into <, the @] is translated into
>, the @]] is translated into >> and the @! is translated into |.

Using DoList Recursively:

Lets say we have a file named X.LST that contains the lines:

And a file named Y.LST that contains the lines:

The following command produces the following results:

In this example, the outer DoList causes the inner DoList to be executed
three times. It executes the lines:

Notice that the outer DoList caused the first @L to be translated into
A,B,C from Y.LST and that @[x.lst was translated into that the braces {} were removed but the interpretation of what was
inside the braces is preserved for the inner DoList.


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Payable To: 411 North Sherman Suite 300
Springfield Mo. 65802 USA

Voice: (417) 866-1222 * Sales: (800) 548-5353
Fax: (417) 866-0135 * BBS: (417) 866-1665
Compuserve: 71333,427 * GO COMPTYME


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==> Computer Tyme DOLIST * Version 3.11 * Release Date: 11-25-92

Dos ToolBox: $59.95/User __ MarxMenu: $59.95/User __

Network Survival Kit: (Inc. ToolBox/MarxMenu) $495/Server __

Shipping: Ground: $3 __ 2nd Day: $6 __

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  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : DOLST312.ZIP
Filename : DOLIST.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: