Dec 172017
Delete a directory even if it contains files or directories in it. Includes full JPI Modula II source code.
File DDEL124.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category File Managers
Delete a directory even if it contains files or directories in it. Includes full JPI Modula II source code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALTFIO.DEF 1544 549 deflated
ALTFIO.MOD 5642 1285 deflated
DIRDEL.DOC 4735 2055 deflated
DIRDEL.EXE 7497 4447 deflated
DIRDEL.MOD 4424 1315 deflated

Download File DDEL124.ZIP Here

Contents of the DIRDEL.DOC file

July 15, 1989

DIRDEL - Directory Delete, Version 1.24 - Deletes entire
subdirectory trees. Even deletes the current directory. The
executable file for this version is significantly smaller than
before. JPI TopSpeed Modula-2 source code now included.

Program background
Other programs
Closing remarks

To quickly and easily delete any subdirectory, whether empty or
containing files and other directories. An entire directory
tree can be deleted with one command.

This is FREE software. This program was written by me for my
personal use. However, if others also find it useful, please
feel free to use it or pass it along.

No special installation is necessary. Just copy the DIRDEL.EXE
file to the disk from which you will be invoking the command.
It is suggested, however, that you copy this file to a directory
included on your PATH.

To delete a directory and all included files and directories,
specify the directory to delete from the command line.

Usage: dirdel [drive][path]dirname

There are no command-line switches. If what you type as the
directory name is a valid one, it and its contents are simply
deleted after you answer in the affirmative to the initial
precautionary prompt.

In specifying the directory to delete, you may optionally
include a drive letter followed by a colon. You may also
include the complete path, preceded by a backslash, starting
from the root directory of the target drive. Otherwise, the
current default directory of the target drive will be used.

Examples: dirdel junk
dirdel \bin
dirdel d:\test\test2

To delete either the current directory or a directory "above"
the current one, which will also delete the current one, be sure
to start the specification from the root directory.

Example: C:\JUNK\JUNK2\JUNK3>dirdel \junk\junk2

The example above assumes you are currently in the JUNK3
subdirectory contained within its parent "\JUNK\JUNK2". The
command instructs the program to delete this parent and all
included files and directories. Therefore, after successful
completion, JUNK3 and JUNK2 will be deleted. The current
directory will then be JUNK, off the root directory.

Program background:
The idea for this program came about from the practical need to
safely and simply delete entire subdirectory trees on a
recurring, almost daily, basis.

The original version of this program happened to be written in
the C language because the projects I was working on at the time
involved C source and object code. Versions starting from 1.2
are written in Modula-2.

Other programs:
Other free programs which I have written and contributed to the
Public Domain:

CAL - Calendar V1.00 - 06/03/89 - A simple, stand-alone calendar
display program that can be used as a sort of perpetual
calendar. Valid years range from 0001 to 9999. This program is
NOT memory-resident. Scroll through the different months and
years. Source code included.

CRC-M2 - Cyclic Redundancy Checker V1.00 - 07/12/89 - This tiny
CRC program accepts wildcards and multiple filespecs from the
command line. Displays same CRC values as PKPAK and LHarc.
Source code included.

FIX - File Fix V2.15 - 05/16/89 - View and edit any type of
file, text or binary, read-only, hidden or system. Edit in
ASCII or hex. Useful for working with simple, random-record
files. Select files from a scrollable, pop-up directory window
- less typing required! (Source NOT included.)

FFIND - File Finder V1.05 - 06/16/89 - A simple program to find
any file or subdirectory. Although the size of the executable
file is a little larger than that of the competition and
although there are no command-line switches, this little utility
is also often a little faster, is free - and the source code is

All the above program were written in JPI TopSpeed Modula-2.

Closing remarks:
Interested users are encouraged to contact me with comments, bug
reports, suggestions and questions about any of the above
programs. I can be reached at the addresses below:

By conventional mail:
Raymond T. Kaya
P. O. Box 1436
Honolulu, HI 96806

By electronic mail:
CompuServe: 71230,2500
GEnie: R.KAYA1

 December 17, 2017  Add comments

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