Category : File Managers
Archive   : CDP300.ZIP
Filename : CDP.DOC

Output of file : CDP.DOC contained in archive : CDP300.ZIP


OCTOBER 18, 1991

CDP is freeware, which means individuals can use this program
free of charge, forever.

SUPPORT: You have two choices: You can either E-Mail me or
send me a letter.

þ via E-Mail

WWIV: 2@3120

þ via US Mail

Will Hobday
14204 Pioneer Circle
Glenelg, MD 21737



CD PLUS is basically an 'enhancement' to the DOS CD command. It
is not like Norton NCD or any of its many clones nor is it meant
to be. There are no command line switches, no external files, no
directory trees, no bells, no whistles, no windows, just CD PLUS
plain and simple.

CDP's premise is not new, there are dozens of similar programs out
there. They all lacked the things I most desired -> SPEED and
SIMPLICITY! Most of them maintained seperate directory indexes and
search files which not only had to be searched, but also had to be
updated; much to much overhead! Others would ask for conformation
upon conformation. There had to be a faster way. Nothing seemed
as simple to use or as fast as plain ol' DOS! Thus CDP was born!
CDP is written in 100% hand-optimized assembly. I believe it to be
the fastest as well as the smallest after market directory changer.
I hope you enjoy it.......



If you've ever used CD then CDP should come natural. It works
exactly the same as DOS's CD!! Directory names can be seperated by
any number and combination of the following chars '/','\', or ' '.
If CDP is unable to find the requested directory it will take its
best guess and change to that directory. You will find this feature
VERY handy when it comes to typing mistakes. Typing CDP alone will
do one of two things. It will take you to the first directory up the
tree if it exists, otherwise it takes you the parent dir. Well,
thats about it, pretty simple, huh?



To get the most effective use of CDP I recommend using it with a
command line editor that supports aliasing such as Anarkey, CED,
etc. Set CDP up under the alias 'CD'. Therefore, when you type
'cd ' at the DOS prompt CDP will be called and when you type 'cd\'
DOS CD will be called. Pretty neat, huh?


3.0 Major Enhancement
- added some "fuzzy" logic

2.4 Minor Enhancement
- works from current directory or root

2.3 Released to public
- added functions for no parameters

2.2 Minor Bug
- wasn't flushing directory buffer correctly

2.1 Optimized procedures
- i.e. removed calls and made use of macros

2.0 Total rewrite
- Discovered much better way to do it

1.2 First fully working version
- ungainly as hell


  3 Responses to “Category : File Managers
Archive   : CDP300.ZIP
Filename : CDP.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: