Dec 092017
Intelligent backup for daily use. Copies files from HD to HD. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
BU.DOC | 5897 | 1919 | deflated |
BU.EXE | 14529 | 9717 | deflated |
Download File BU100.ZIP Here
Contents of the BU.DOC file
Version 1.00
BACKUP is a simple, fast, intelligent file backup program for computers
using MS-DOS or PC-DOS, version 2.0 or later. It backs up only files which
don't exist on the target drive, or whose date-time stamps are later than that
of an existing target file. (A date-time stamp tells when a file was created
or last changed; it appears when you give a DIR command.) BACKUP does not use
or change file archive bits. To run BACKUP, enter:
BU source[...] target [/G[S]]
The 'source' argument is the specification of files to back up. Wild
cards are allowed, and you can repeat the source argument as many times as you
like. The 'target' argument is the path to back up files to. To back up
files with the source file specification globally across your entire source
drive, add '/G.' To back them up only in the current and subordinate
directories, add '/GS.' Command arguments may be upper or lower case.
BACKUP squeezes the maximum possible number of files onto the target
drive. If the target is short on room, some files may not be copied, but the
program will continue, hoping to find smaller files that WILL fit.
As BACKUP runs, it shows the files it's processing and whether or not it
backs them up. To abort the program while it's running, press ^C (hold down
Ctrl and press C).
BU *.C D: /G
This command backs up all files in the current directory with an extension of
'C' to drive D:
BU *.C B: /GS
This command backs up all files in the current and subordinate directories
with an extension of 'C' to drive B:
BU *.C *.H SAMPLE.* A:
This command backs up all files in the current directory with extensions of
'C' or 'H', or a root name of 'SAMPLE,' to drive A:
In the following messages, "source" is the file you're copying FROM, and
target is the file (or drive) you're copying TO.
Aborted at your request. You pressed ^C, so the program stopped. Some, none,
or all of the specified files may have been copied bo the target drive.
Copied. File was successfully backed up to target drive.
Couldn't open source. Something's probably wrong with your disk.
Couldn't open target. Something's probably wrong with your disk.
Couldn't read source. Something's probably wrong with your disk.
Couldn't write target. Something's probably wrong with your disk.
Insufficient memory. Try deinstalling some resident utility programs or
device drivers.
Invalid argument(s). Check the program syntax and try again.
Invalid target drive. Check the last argument (or next to last, if you used
Not enough room. There is still space on the target drive, but not enough for
the file in question. The program will continue in case there are smaller
files that will fit in the available space.
Target full. You can't back up anything else until you delete some files from
the target drive (or use a different target disk).
Target is read only. If you have the DOS ATTRIB program, use it to set the
target file's flags so BACKUP can update it. Otherwise, see your local
computer expert to get a utility program that will do this.
Target still current. The target file's date-time stamp is the same as or
later than the source file's.
BACKUP reports the following exit codes to DOS. You can use these with
the ERRORLEVEL function in batch files.
0 No files were backed up (either there were none to do or an error
1 At least some files were backed up
2 Operator aborted
BACKUP is a shareware program written in Microsoft C by Richard W. Adams.
It is copyright 1989 by Richard W. Adams. You may copy and distribute BACKUP
freely, as long as you charge no fee other than a nominal one to cover
distribution costs. If you like and use BACKUP, a contribution would be
appreciated (suggestion: $10.00). Your contributions give shareware authors
the incentive to develop new programs and improve old ones. Please send any
contributions or comments on BACKUP to:
Richard W. Adams
104 Willow Oaks Boulevard
Hampton, VA 23669-1528
December 9, 2017
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