Dec 152017
Program to print diskette labels on a 3.5 inch disk label.
File PRNLAB.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Printer Utilities
Program to print diskette labels on a 3.5 inch disk label.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PLABEL.DOC 1536 533 deflated
PLABEL.EXE 20480 10582 deflated

Download File PRNLAB.ZIP Here

Contents of the PLABEL.DOC file

PLABEL: Version 1.1

PLABEL prints labels for diskettes on standard 3 1/2" x 15/16"
mailing labels. It prints the volume label, the space used and
available on the diskette, today's date, and all of the file
names on the diskette (up to 60). Depending on the number of
files on the diskette, it may print just the file names, file
names and extensions, or file names, extensions and file size.
It can optionally print CONFIDENTIAL or INTERNAL USE ONLY
on the label. A sample pattern, used for alignment can also be
printed. PLABEL runs on DOS 2.0 or higher. It has not been
tested on DOS 3.0, but it should work. It also has not been
tested on an AT with 1.2 MB drives, but again should work.
PLABEL works with the IBM Graphics printer and with the Epson
FX-80/100. It should work with any printer with Graftrax+.

I believe that the program should be useable without further
documentation. Simply type PLABEL at the DOS prompt.

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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