Category : Printer Utilities
Archive   : PRBGI097.ZIP
Filename : BGIDEMO.INC

Output of file : BGIDEMO.INC contained in archive : PRBGI097.ZIP

#ifdef _cplusplus
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

#define TRUE 1 /* Define some handy constants */
#define FALSE 0 /* Define some handy constants */
#define PI 3.14159 /* Define a value for PI */
#define ON 1 /* Define some handy constants */
#define OFF 0 /* Define some handy constants */

char *Fonts[] = {
"DefaultFont", "TriplexFont", "SmallFont",
"SansSerifFont", "GothicFont"

char *LineStyles[] = {
"SolidLn", "DottedLn", "CenterLn", "DashedLn", "UserBitLn"

char *FillStyles[] = {
"EmptyFill", "SolidFill", "LineFill", "LtSlashFill",
"SlashFill", "BkSlashFill", "LtBkSlashFill", "HatchFill",
"XHatchFill", "InterleaveFill", "WideDotFill", "CloseDotFill"

char *TextDirect[] = {
"HorizDir", "VertDir"

char *HorizJust[] = {
"LeftText", "CenterText", "RightText"

char *VertJust[] = {
"BottomText", "CenterText", "TopText"

struct PTS {
int x, y;
}; /* Structure to hold vertex points */

int xasp_,yasp_;
int ErrorCode; /* Reports any graphics errors */

/* */
/* REPORTSTATUS: Report the current configuration of the system */
/* after the auto-detect initialization. */
/* */

int ReportStatus(void far * GraphDriverPtr)
struct viewporttype viewinfo; /* Params for inquiry procedures*/
struct linesettingstype lineinfo;
struct fillsettingstype fillinfo;
struct textsettingstype textinfo;
struct palettetype palette;

const char *driver, *mode; /* Strings for driver and mode */
int x, y;
int xRes,yRes;

getviewsettings( &viewinfo );
getlinesettings( &lineinfo );
getfillsettings( &fillinfo );
gettextsettings( &textinfo );
getpalette( &palette );

x = 10;
y = 4;

MainWindow( "Status report after InitGraph" );
settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

driver = getdrivername();
mode = BGI_getmodename(BGI_getgraphmode(0)); /* get current setting */

gprintf( &x, &y, "Graphics device : %-20s (%d)", driver, *(int*)GraphDriverPtr );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Graphics mode : %-20s (%d)", mode, BGI_getgraphmode(0) );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Screen resolution : ( 0, 0, %d, %d )", getmaxx(), getmaxy() );

gprintf( &x, &y, "Current view port : ( %d, %d, %d, %d )",
viewinfo.left,, viewinfo.right, viewinfo.bottom );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Clipping : %s", viewinfo.clip ? "ON" : "OFF" );

gprintf( &x, &y, "Current position : ( %d, %d )", getx(), gety() );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Colors available : %d", MaxColors );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Current color : %d", getcolor() );

gprintf( &x, &y, "Line style : %s", LineStyles[ lineinfo.linestyle ] );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Line thickness : %d", lineinfo.thickness );

gprintf( &x, &y, "Current fill style : %s", FillStyles[ fillinfo.pattern ] );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Current fill color : %d", fillinfo.color );

gprintf( &x, &y, "Current font : %s", Fonts[ textinfo.font ] );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Text direction : %s", TextDirect[ textinfo.direction ] );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Character size : %d", textinfo.charsize );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Horizontal justify : %s", HorizJust[ textinfo.horiz ] );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Vertical justify : %s", VertJust[ textinfo.vert ] );

if ( BGI_getresolution(&xRes,&yRes) == 0 )
gprintf( &x, &y, "X resolution [ppi] : %d", xRes );
gprintf( &x, &y, "Y resolution [ppi] : %d", yRes );

Pause(); /* Pause for user to read screen*/


int static Textfont;

int TextDump2(void far * UnusedPointer)
static int CGASizes[] = {
1, 3, 7, 3, 3 };
static int NormSizes[] = {
1, 4, 7, 4, 4 };

char buffer[80];
int ch, wwidth, lwidth, size;
struct viewporttype vp;

sprintf( buffer, "%s Character Set", Fonts[Textfont] );
MainWindow( buffer ); /* Display fontname as banner */
getviewsettings( &vp ); /* read current viewport */

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
moveto( 2, 3 );

buffer[1] = '\0'; /* Terminate string */
wwidth = vp.right - vp.left; /* Determine the window width */
lwidth = textwidth( "H" ); /* Get average letter width */

if( Textfont == DEFAULT_FONT ){
changetextstyle( Textfont, HORIZ_DIR, 1 );
ch = 0;
while( ch < 256 ){ /* For each possible character */
buffer[0] = ch; /* Put character into a string */
outtext( buffer ); /* send string to screen */
if( (getx() + lwidth) > wwidth )
moveto( 2, gety() + textheight("H") + 3 );
++ch; /* Goto the next character */

size = (MaxY < 200) ? CGASizes[Textfont] : NormSizes[Textfont];
changetextstyle( Textfont, HORIZ_DIR, size );

ch = '!'; /* Begin at 1st printable */
while( ch < 127 ){ /* For each printable character */
buffer[0] = ch; /* Put character into a string */
outtext( buffer ); /* send string to screen */
if( (lwidth+getx()) > wwidth ) /* Are we still in window? */
moveto( 2, gety()+textheight("H")+3 );
++ch; /* Goto the next character */


Pause(); /* Pause until user acks */
} /* end of TextDump2 */

/* */
/* TEXTDUMP: Display the all the characters in each of the */
/* available fonts. */
/* */

void TextDump()
for( Textfont=0 ; Textfont<5 ; ++Textfont ){ /* For each available font */
} /* End of FONT loop */

/* */
/* BAR3DDEMO: Display a 3-D bar chart on the screen. */
/* */

int Bar3DDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
static int barheight[] = {
1, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3 };
struct viewporttype vp;
int xstep, ystep;
int i, j, h, color, bheight;
char buffer[10];

MainWindow( "Bar 3-D / Rectangle Demonstration" );

h = 3 * textheight( "H" );
getviewsettings( &vp );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
changetextstyle( TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4 );
outtextxy( MaxX/2, 6, "These are 3-D Bars" );
changetextstyle( DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1 );
setviewport( vp.left+50,, vp.right-50, vp.bottom-10, 1 );
getviewsettings( &vp );

line( h, h, h, );
line( h, (, (vp.right-vp.left)-h, ( );
xstep = ((vp.right-vp.left) - (2*h)) / 10;
ystep = (( - (2*h)) / 5;
j = ( - h;
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );

for( i=0 ; i<6 ; ++i ){
line( h/2, j, h, j );
itoa( i, buffer, 10 );
outtextxy( 0, j, buffer );
j -= ystep;

j = h;
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

for( i=0 ; i<11 ; ++i ){
color = random( MaxColors-1 ) +1;
setfillstyle( i+1, color );
line( j, (, j, ( );
itoa( i, buffer, 10 );
outtextxy( j, (, buffer );
if( i != 10 ){
bheight = ( - h - 1;
bar3d( j, ([i]*ystep), j+xstep, bheight,
min(getmaxy(),getmaxx())/25, 1 );
j += xstep;

Pause(); /* Pause for user's response */


/* */
/* RANDOMBARS: Display random bars */
/* */

int RandomBars(void far * UnusedPointer)
int color;
int i;

MainWindow( "Random Bars" );
/* StatusLine( "Esc aborts or press a key..." ); */
for ( i=0; i<10; i++ )
color = random( MaxColors-1 )+1;
setcolor( color );
setfillstyle( random(11)+1, color );
bar3d( random( getmaxx() ), random( getmaxy() ),
random( getmaxx() ), random( getmaxy() ), 0, OFF);

Pause(); /* Pause for user's response */


/* */
/* TEXTDEMO2: Show given font in several sizes to the user. */
/* */

int TextDemo2(void far * UnusedPointer)
int charsize[] = {
1, 3, 7, 3, 4 };
int size;
int h, x, y, i;
struct viewporttype vp;
char buffer[80];

sprintf( buffer, "%s Demonstration", Fonts[Textfont] );
MainWindow( buffer );
getviewsettings( &vp );

changetextstyle( Textfont, VERT_DIR, charsize[Textfont] );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, BOTTOM_TEXT );
outtextxy( 2*textwidth("M"), vp.bottom - 2*textheight("M"), "Vertical" );

changetextstyle( Textfont, HORIZ_DIR, charsize[Textfont] );
settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
outtextxy( 2*textwidth("M"), 2, "Horizontal" );

settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );
x = (vp.right - vp.left) / 2;
y = textheight( "H" );

for( i=1 ; i<5 ; ++i ){ /* For each of the sizes */
size = (Textfont == SMALL_FONT) ? i+3 : i;
changetextstyle( Textfont, HORIZ_DIR, size );
h = textheight( "H" );
y += h;
sprintf( buffer, "Size %d", size );
outtextxy( x, y, buffer );


if( Textfont != DEFAULT_FONT ){ /* Show user declared Textfont size */
y += h / 2; /* Move down the screen */
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
setusercharsize( 5, 6, 3, 2 );
changetextstyle( Textfont, HORIZ_DIR, USER_CHAR_SIZE );
outtextxy( (vp.right-vp.left)/2, y, "User Defined Size" );

Pause(); /* Pause to let user look */
} /* end of TextDemo2 */

/* */
/* TEXTDEMO: Show each font in several sizes to the user. */
/* */

void TextDemo(void)

for( Textfont=0 ; Textfont<5 ; ++Textfont ){ /* For each of the four fonts */
// DrawAndPrint(TextDemo2,NULL);
} /* End of FONT loop */


/* */
/* COLORDEMO: Display the current color palette on the screen. */
/* */

int ColorDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct viewporttype vp;
int color, height, width;
int x, y, i, j;
char cnum[5];

MainWindow( "Color Demonstration" ); /* Show demonstration name */

color = 1;
getviewsettings( &vp ); /* Get the current window size */
width = 2 * ( (vp.right+1) / 16 ); /* Get box dimensions */
height = 2 * ( (vp.bottom-10) / 10 );

x = width / 2;
y = height / 2; /* Leave 1/2 box border */

for( j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j ){ /* Row loop */

for( i=0 ; i<5 ; ++i ){ /* Column loop */

setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color); /* Set to solid fill in color */
setcolor( color ); /* Set the same border color */

bar( x, y, x+width, y+height ); /* Draw the rectangle */
rectangle( x, y, x+width, y+height ); /* outline the rectangle */

if( color == BLACK ){ /* If box was black... */
setcolor( WHITE ); /* Set drawing color to white */
rectangle( x, y, x+width, y+height ); /* Outline black in white*/

itoa( color, cnum, 10 ); /* Convert # to ASCII */
outtextxy( x+(width/2), y+height+4, cnum ); /* Show color # */

color = ++color % MaxColors; /* Advance to the next color */
x += (width / 2) * 3; /* move the column base */
} /* End of Column loop */

y += (height / 2) * 3; /* move the row base */
x = width / 2; /* reset column base */
} /* End of Row loop */

Pause(); /* Pause for user's response */


/* */
/* ARCDEMO: Display a random pattern of arcs on the screen */
/* until the user says enough. */
/* */

int ArcDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int mradius; /* Maximum radius allowed */
int eangle; /* Random end angle of Arc */
struct arccoordstype ai; /* Used to read Arc Cord info */
int i;

MainWindow( "Arc Demonstration" );
/* StatusLine( "ESC Aborts - Press a Key to stop" ); */

mradius = MaxY / 10; /* Determine the maximum radius */

srand(0); /* to draw always the same ( for the same MaxX,MaxY ) */
for ( i=0; i<100; i++ )
setcolor( random( MaxColors - 1 ) + 1 ); /* Randomly select a color */
eangle = random( 358 ) + 1; /* Select an end angle */
arc( random(MaxX), random(MaxY), random(eangle), eangle, mradius );
getarccoords( &ai ); /* Read Cord data */
line( ai.x, ai.y, ai.xstart, ai.ystart ); /* line from start to center */
line( ai.x, ai.y, ai.xend, ai.yend ); /* line from end to center */

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* CIRCLEDEMO: Display a random pattern of circles on the screen */
/* until the user says enough. */
/* */

int CircleDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int mradius; /* Maximum radius allowed */
int i;

MainWindow( "Circle Demonstration" );
/* StatusLine( "ESC Aborts - Press a Key to stop" ); */

mradius = MaxY / 10; /* Determine the maximum radius */

for ( i=0; i<100; i++ )
setcolor( random( MaxColors - 1 ) + 1 ); /* Randomly select a color */
circle( random(MaxX), random(MaxY), random(mradius) );
} /* End of WHILE not KBHIT */

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* PIEDEMO: Display a pie chart on the screen. */
/* */

#define adjasp( y ) ((int)(AspectRatio * (double)(y)))
#define torad( d ) (( (double)(d) * PI ) / 180.0 )

int PieDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct viewporttype vp;
int xcenter, ycenter, radius, lradius;
int x, y;
double radians, piesize;

MainWindow( "Pie Chart Demonstration" );

getviewsettings( &vp ); /* Get the current viewport */
xcenter = (vp.right - vp.left) / 2; /* Center the Pie horizontally */
ycenter = (vp.bottom - / 2+20;/* Center the Pie vertically */
radius = (vp.bottom - / 3; /* It will cover 2/3rds screen */
piesize = (vp.bottom - / 4.0; /* Optimum height ratio of pie */

while( (AspectRatio*radius) < piesize ) ++radius;

lradius = radius + ( radius / 5 ); /* Labels placed 20% farther */

changetextstyle( TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4 );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
outtextxy( MaxX/2, 6, "This is a Pie Chart" );
changetextstyle( TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1 );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

setfillstyle( SOLID_FILL, RED );
pieslice( xcenter+10, ycenter-adjasp(10), 0, 90, radius );
radians = torad( 45 );
x = xcenter + (int)( cos( radians ) * (double)lradius );
y = ycenter - (int)( sin( radians ) * (double)lradius * AspectRatio );
settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, BOTTOM_TEXT );
outtextxy( x, y, "25 %" );

setfillstyle( WIDE_DOT_FILL, GREEN );
pieslice( xcenter, ycenter, 90, 135, radius );
radians = torad( 113 );
x = xcenter + (int)( cos( radians ) * (double)lradius );
y = ycenter - (int)( sin( radians ) * (double)lradius * AspectRatio );
settextjustify( RIGHT_TEXT, BOTTOM_TEXT );
outtextxy( x, y, "12.5 %" );

setfillstyle( INTERLEAVE_FILL, YELLOW );
settextjustify( RIGHT_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );
pieslice( xcenter-10, ycenter, 135, 225, radius );
radians = torad( 180 );
x = xcenter + (int)( cos( radians ) * (double)lradius );
y = ycenter - (int)( sin( radians ) * (double)lradius * AspectRatio );
settextjustify( RIGHT_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );
outtextxy( x, y, "25 %" );

setfillstyle( HATCH_FILL, BLUE );
pieslice( xcenter, ycenter, 225, 360, radius );
radians = torad( 293 );
x = xcenter + (int)( cos( radians ) * (double)lradius );
y = ycenter - (int)( sin( radians ) * (double)lradius * AspectRatio );
settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
outtextxy( x, y, "37.5 %" );

Pause(); /* Pause for user's response */


/* */
/* BARDEMO: Draw a 2-D bar chart using Bar and Rectangle. */
/* */

int BarDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int barheight[] = {
1, 3, 5, 2, 4 };
int styles[] = {
1, 3, 10, 5, 9, 1 };
int xstep, ystep;
int sheight, swidth;
int i, j, h;
struct viewporttype vp;
char buffer[40];

MainWindow( "Bar / Rectangle Demostration" );
h = 3 * textheight( "H" );
getviewsettings( &vp );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
changetextstyle( TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4 );
outtextxy( MaxX /2, 6, "These are 2-D Bars" );
changetextstyle( DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1 );
setviewport( vp.left+50,, vp.right-50, vp.bottom-10, 1 );

getviewsettings( &vp );
sheight = vp.bottom -;
swidth = vp.right - vp.left;

line( h, h, h, sheight-h );
line( h, sheight-h, sheight-h, sheight-h );
ystep = (sheight - (2*h) ) / 5;
xstep = (swidth - (2*h) ) / 5;
j = sheight - h;
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );

for( i=0 ; i<6 ; ++i ){
line( h/2, j, h, j );
itoa( i, buffer, 10 );
outtextxy( 0, j, buffer );
j -= ystep;

j = h;
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
for( i=0 ; i<6 ; ++i ){
setfillstyle( styles[i], random(MaxColors-1)+1 );
line( j, sheight - h, j, sheight- 3 - (h/2) );
itoa( i, buffer, 10 );
outtextxy( j, sheight - (h/2), buffer );
if( i != 5 ){
bar( j, (sheight-h)-(barheight[i] * ystep), j+xstep, sheight-h-1 );
rectangle( j, (sheight-h)-(barheight[i] * ystep), j+xstep, sheight-h);
j += xstep;



/* */
/* LINERELDEMO: Display pattern using moverel and linerel cmds. */
/* */

int LineRelDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct viewporttype vp;
int h, w, dx, dy, cx, cy;
struct PTS outs[7];

MainWindow( "MoveRel / LineRel Demonstration" );
StatusLine( "Press any key to continue, ESC to Abort" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
cx = (vp.right - vp.left) / 2; /* Center of the screen coords */
cy = (vp.bottom - ) / 2;

h = (vp.bottom - ) / 8;
w = (vp.right - vp.left) / 9;

dx = 2 * w;
dy = 2 * h;

setcolor( BLACK );

setfillstyle( SOLID_FILL, BLUE );
bar( 0, 0, vp.right-vp.left, ); /* Draw backgnd */

outs[0].x = cx - dx;
outs[0].y = cy - dy;
outs[1].x = cx - (dx-w);
outs[1].y = cy - (dy+h);
outs[2].x = cx + dx;
outs[2].y = cy - (dy+h);
outs[3].x = cx + dx;
outs[3].y = cy + dy;
outs[4].x = cx + (dx-w);
outs[4].y = cy + (dy+h);
outs[5].x = cx - dx;
outs[5].y = cy + (dy+h);
outs[6].x = cx - dx;
outs[6].y = cy - dy;

setfillstyle( SOLID_FILL, WHITE );
fillpoly( 7, (int far *)outs );

outs[0].x = cx - (w/2);
outs[0].y = cy + h;
outs[1].x = cx + (w/2);
outs[1].y = cy + h;
outs[2].x = cx + (w/2);
outs[2].y = cy - h;
outs[3].x = cx - (w/2);
outs[3].y = cy - h;
outs[4].x = cx - (w/2);
outs[4].y = cy + h;

setfillstyle( SOLID_FILL, BLUE );
fillpoly( 5, (int far *)outs );

/* Draw a Tesseract object on the screen using the LineRel and */
/* MoveRel drawing commands. */

moveto( cx-dx, cy-dy );
linerel( w, -h );
linerel( 3*w, 0 );
linerel( 0, 5*h );
linerel( -w, h );
linerel( -3*w, 0 );
linerel( 0, -5*h );

moverel( w, -h );
linerel( 0, 5*h );
linerel( w+(w/2), 0 );
linerel( 0, -3*h );
linerel( w/2, -h );
linerel( 0, 5*h );

moverel( 0, -5*h );
linerel( -(w+(w/2)), 0 );
linerel( 0, 3*h );
linerel( -w/2, h );

moverel( w/2, -h );
linerel( w, 0 );

moverel( 0, -2*h );
linerel( -w, 0 );

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* PUTPIXELDEMO: Display a pattern of random dots on the screen */
/* and pick them back up again. */
/* */

int PutPixelDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int seed = 1958;
int i, x, y, h, w, color;
struct viewporttype vp;

MainWindow( "PutPixel / GetPixel Demonstration" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
h = vp.bottom -;
w = vp.right - vp.left;

srand( seed ); /* Restart random # function */

for( i=0 ; i<5000 ; ++i ){ /* Put 5000 pixels on screen */
x = 1 + random( w - 1 ); /* Generate a random location */
y = 1 + random( h - 1 );
color = random( MaxColors );
putpixel( x, y, color );

srand( seed ); /* Restart Random # at same # */

for( i=0 ; i<5000 ; ++i ){ /* Take the 5000 pixels off */
x = 1 + random( w - 1 ); /* Generate a random location */
y = 1 + random( h - 1 );
color = getpixel( x, y ); /* Read the color pixel */
/* color = random( MaxColors ); */
if( color == random( MaxColors ) ) /* Used to keep RANDOM in sync */
putpixel( x, y, 0 ); /* Write pixel to BLACK */

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* */
int PutImageDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
static int r = 20;
static int StartX = 100;
static int StartY = 50;

struct viewporttype vp;
int PauseTime, x, y, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, size, i, width, height, step;
void *Saucer;

MainWindow("GetImage / PutImage Demonstration");
getviewsettings( &vp );

/* Draw Saucer */
setfillstyle( SOLID_FILL, getmaxcolor() );
fillellipse(StartX, StartY, r, (r/3)+2);
ellipse(StartX, StartY-4, 190, 357, r, r/3);

line(StartX+7, StartY-6, StartX+10, StartY-12);
circle(StartX+10, StartY-12, 2);
line(StartX-7, StartY-6, StartX-10, StartY-12);
circle(StartX-10, StartY-12, 2);

/* Read saucer image */
ulx = StartX-(r+1);
uly = StartY-14;
lrx = StartX+(r+1);
lry = StartY+(r/3)+3;
width = lrx - ulx + 1;
height = lry - uly + 1;
size = imagesize(ulx, uly, lrx, lry);

Saucer = malloc( size );
getimage(ulx, uly, lrx, lry, Saucer);
putimage(ulx, uly, Saucer, XOR_PUT);

/* Plot some "stars" */
for ( i=0 ; i<1000; ++i )
putpixel(random(MaxX), random(MaxY), random( MaxColors-1 )+1);
x = MaxX / 2;
y = MaxY / 2;
PauseTime = 70;

/* until a key is hit */
for ( i=0 ; i<20; ++i )
/* Draw the Saucer */
putimage(x, y, Saucer, XOR_PUT); /* draw image */
putimage(x, y, Saucer, XOR_PUT); /* erase image */

/* Move Saucer */

step = random( 2*r );
if ((step/2) % 2 != 0 )
step = -1 * step;
x = x + step;
step = random( r );
if ((step/2) % 2 != 0 )
step = -1 * step;
y = y + step;

if (vp.left + x + width - 1 > vp.right)
x = vp.right-vp.left-width + 1;
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
if ( + y + height - 1 > vp.bottom)
y = + 1;
if (y < 0)
y = 0;
free( Saucer );

/* */
/* LINETODEMO: Display a pattern using moveto and lineto commands. */
/* */

#define MAXPTS 15

int LineToDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct viewporttype vp;
struct PTS points[MAXPTS];
int i, j, h, w, xcenter, ycenter;
int radius, angle, step;
double rads;

MainWindow( "MoveTo / LineTo Demonstration" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
h = vp.bottom -;
w = vp.right - vp.left;

xcenter = w / 2; /* Determine the center of circle */
ycenter = h / 2;
radius = (h - 30) / (AspectRatio * 2);
step = 360 / MAXPTS; /* Determine # of increments */

angle = 0; /* Begin at zero degrees */
for( i=0 ; i rads = (double)angle * PI / 180.0; /* Convert angle to radians */
points[i].x = xcenter + (int)( cos(rads) * radius );
points[i].y = ycenter - (int)( sin(rads) * radius * AspectRatio );
angle += step; /* Move to next increment */

circle( xcenter, ycenter, radius ); /* Draw bounding circle */

for( i=0 ; i for( j=i ; j moveto(points[i].x, points[i].y); /* Move to beginning of cord */
lineto(points[j].x, points[j].y); /* Draw the cord */

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* LINESTYLEDEMO: Display a pattern using all of the standard */
/* line styles that are available. */
/* */

int LineStyleDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int style, step;
int x, y, w;
struct viewporttype vp;
char buffer[40];

MainWindow( "Pre-defined line styles" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
w = vp.right - vp.left;

x = 35;
y = 10;
step = w / 11;

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
outtextxy( x, y, "Normal Width" );

settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

for( style=0 ; style<4 ; ++style ){
setlinestyle( style, 0, NORM_WIDTH );
line( x, y+20, x, vp.bottom-40 );
itoa( style, buffer, 10 );
outtextxy( x, vp.bottom-30, buffer );
x += step;

x += 2 * step;

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
outtextxy( x, y, "Thick Width" );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

for( style=0 ; style<4 ; ++style ){
setlinestyle( style, 0, THICK_WIDTH );
line( x, y+20, x, vp.bottom-40 );
itoa( style, buffer, 10 );
outtextxy( x, vp.bottom-30, buffer );
x += step;

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* CRTMODEDEMO: Demonstrate the effects of the change mode */
/* commands on the current screen. */
/* */

int CRTModeDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct viewporttype vp;
int mode;

MainWindow( "SetGraphMode / RestoreCRTMode demo" );
getviewsettings( &vp );
mode = getgraphmode();
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );

outtextxy( (vp.right-vp.left)/2, (,
"Now you are in graphics mode..." );
StatusLine( "Press any key for text mode..." );

printf( "Now you are in text mode.\n\n" );
printf( "Press any key to go back to graphics..." );

setgraphmode( mode );
MainWindow( "SetGraphMode / RestoreCRTMode demo" );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );
outtextxy( (vp.right-vp.left)/2, (,
"Back in Graphics Mode..." );

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* USERLINESTYLEDEMO: Display line styles showing the user */
/* defined line style functions. */
/* */

int UserLineStyleDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int x, y, i, h, flag;
unsigned int style;
struct viewporttype vp;

MainWindow( "User defined line styles" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
h = vp.bottom -;

x = 4;
y = 10;
style = 0;
i = 0;

settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
flag = TRUE; /* Set the bits in this pass */

while( x < vp.right-2 ){ /* Draw lines across the screen */

if( flag ) /* If flag, set bits... */
style = style | (1 << i); /* Set the Ith bit in word */
else /* If no flag, clear bits */
style = style & !(0x8000 >> i); /* Clear the Ith bit in word */

setlinestyle( USERBIT_LINE, style, NORM_WIDTH );
line( x, y, x, h-y ); /* Draw the new line pattern */

x += 5; /* Move the X location of line */
i = ++i % 16; /* Advance to next bit pattern */

if( style == 0xffff ){ /* Are all bits set? */
flag = FALSE; /* begin removing bits */
i = 0; /* Start with whole pattern */
else{ /* Bits not all set... */
if( style == 0 ) /* Are all bits clear? */
flag = TRUE; /* begin setting bits */

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* FILLSTYLEDEMO: Display the standard fill patterns available. */
/* */

int FillStyleDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int h, w, style;
int i, j, x, y;
struct viewporttype vp;
char buffer[40];

MainWindow( "Pre-defined Fill Styles" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
w = 2 * ((vp.right + 1) / 13);
h = 2 * ((vp.bottom - 10) / 10);

x = w / 2;
y = h / 2; /* Leave 1/2 blk margin */
style = 0;

for( j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j ){ /* Three rows of boxes */
for( i=0 ; i<4 ; ++i ){ /* Four column of boxes */
setfillstyle(style, MaxColors-1); /* Set the fill style and WHITE */
bar( x, y, x+w, y+h ); /* Draw the actual box */
rectangle( x, y, x+w, y+h ); /* Outline the box */
itoa( style, buffer, 10 ); /* Convert style 3 to ASCII */
outtextxy( x+(w / 2), y+h+4, buffer );
++style; /* Go on to next style # */
x += (w / 2) * 3; /* Go to next column */
} /* End of coulmn loop */
x = w / 2; /* Put base back to 1st column */
y += (h / 2) * 3; /* Advance to next row */
} /* End of Row loop */

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* FILLPATTERNDEMO: Demonstrate how to use the user definable */
/* fill patterns. */
/* */

int FillPatternDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
int style;
int h, w;
int x, y, i, j;
char buffer[40];
struct viewporttype vp;
static char patterns[][8] = {
{ 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55 },
{ 0x33, 0x33, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x33, 0x33, 0xCC, 0xCC },
{ 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F },
{ 0x00, 0x10, 0x28, 0x44, 0x28, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x70, 0x20, 0x27, 0x24, 0x24, 0x07, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x08, 0x00, 0x22, 0x1C, 0x00 },
{ 0xFF, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xFF },
{ 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x7C, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00 },
{ 0x00, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, 0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x00 }

MainWindow( "User Defined Fill Styles" );

getviewsettings( &vp );
w = 2 * ((vp.right + 1) / 13);
h = 2 * ((vp.bottom - 10) / 10);

x = w / 2;
y = h / 2; /* Leave 1/2 blk margin */
style = 0;

for( j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j ){ /* Three rows of boxes */
for( i=0 ; i<4 ; ++i ){ /* Four column of boxes */
setfillpattern( &patterns[style][0], MaxColors-1 );
bar( x, y, x+w, y+h ); /* Draw the actual box */
rectangle( x, y, x+w, y+h ); /* Outline the box */
itoa( style, buffer, 10 ); /* Convert style 3 to ASCII */
outtextxy( x+(w / 2), y+h+4, buffer );
++style; /* Go on to next style # */
x += (w / 2) * 3; /* Go to next column */
} /* End of coulmn loop */
x = w / 2; /* Put base back to 1st column */
y += (h / 2) * 3; /* Advance to next row */
} /* End of Row loop */

settextjustify( LEFT_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* POLYDEMO: Display a random pattern of polygons on the screen */
/* until the user says enough. */
/* */

#define MaxPts 6 /* Maximum # of pts in polygon */

int PolyDemo(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct PTS poly[ MaxPts ]; /* Space to hold datapoints */
int color; /* Current drawing color */
int i,j;

MainWindow( "DrawPoly / FillPoly Demonstration" );
/* StatusLine( "ESC Aborts - Press a Key to stop" ); */

for ( j=0; j<5; j++ )

color = 1 + random( MaxColors-1 ); /* Get a random color # (no blk)*/
setfillstyle( random(10), color ); /* Set a random line style */
setcolor( color ); /* Set the desired color */

for( i=0 ; i<(MaxPts-1) ; i++ ){ /* Determine a random polygon */
poly[i].x = random( MaxX ); /* Set the x coord of point */
poly[i].y = random( MaxY ); /* Set the y coord of point */

poly[i].x = poly[0].x; /* last point = first point */
poly[i].y = poly[1].y;

fillpoly( MaxPts, (int far *)poly ); /* Draw the actual polygon */
} /* End of WHILE not KBHIT */

Pause(); /* Wait for user's response */


/* */
/* SAYGOODBYE: Give a closing screen to the user before leaving. */
/* */

int SayGoodbye(void far * UnusedPointer)
struct viewporttype viewinfo; /* Structure to read viewport */
int h, w;

MainWindow( "== Finale ==" );

getviewsettings( &viewinfo ); /* Read viewport settings */
changetextstyle( TRIPLEX_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4 );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT );

h = viewinfo.bottom -;
w = viewinfo.right - viewinfo.left;
outtextxy( w/2, h/2, "That's all, folks!" );

StatusLine( "Press any key to EXIT" );

cleardevice(); /* Clear the graphics screen */
/* */
/* MAINWINDOW: Establish the main window for the demo and set */
/* a viewport for the demo code. */
/* */

void MainWindow( char *header )
int height;

cleardevice(); /* Clear graphics screen */
setcolor( MaxColors - 1 ); /* Set current color to white */
setviewport( 0, 0, MaxX, MaxY, 1 ); /* Open port to full screen */

changetextstyle( DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1 );
height = textheight( "H" ); /* Get basic text height */

settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
outtextxy( MaxX/2, 2, header );
setviewport( 0, height+4, MaxX, MaxY-(height+4), 1 );
setviewport( 1, height+5, MaxX-1, MaxY-(height+5), 1 );


/* */
/* STATUSLINE: Display a status line at the bottom of the screen. */
/* */

void StatusLine( char *msg )
int height;
setviewport( 0, 0, MaxX, MaxY, 1 ); /* Open port to full screen */
setcolor( MaxColors - 1 ); /* Set current color to white */

changetextstyle( DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1 );
settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT );
setlinestyle( SOLID_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH );
setfillstyle( EMPTY_FILL, 0 );

height = textheight( "H" ); /* Detemine current height */
bar( 0, MaxY-(height+4), MaxX, MaxY );
rectangle( 0, MaxY-(height+4), MaxX, MaxY );
outtextxy( MaxX/2, MaxY-(height+2), msg );
setviewport( 1, height+5, MaxX-1, MaxY-(height+5), 1 );

/* */
/* DRAWBORDER: Draw a solid single line around the current */
/* viewport. */
/* */

void DrawBorder(void)
struct viewporttype vp;

setcolor( MaxColors - 1 ); /* Set current color to white */

setlinestyle( SOLID_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH );

getviewsettings( &vp );
rectangle( 0, 0, vp.right-vp.left, );


/* */
/* GPRINTF: Used like PRINTF except the output is sent to the */
/* screen in graphics mode at the specified co-ordinate. */
/* */

int gprintf( int *xloc, int *yloc, char *fmt, ... )
va_list argptr; /* Argument list pointer */
char str[140]; /* Buffer to build sting into */
int cnt; /* Result of SPRINTF for return */

va_start( argptr, fmt ); /* Initialize va_ functions */

cnt = vsprintf( str, fmt, argptr ); /* prints string to buffer */
outtextxy( *xloc, *yloc, str ); /* Send string in graphics mode */
*yloc += textheight( "H" ) + 2; /* Advance to next line */

va_end( argptr ); /* Close va_ functions */

return( cnt ); /* Return the conversion count */


  3 Responses to “Category : Printer Utilities
Archive   : PRBGI097.ZIP
Filename : BGIDEMO.INC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: