Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TREF55.ZIP

Output of file : REGISTER.FRM contained in archive : TREF55.ZIP


If you are a shareware distribution house and you did not
directly receive a copy of this version of T-Ref from Synergy
Software Solutions, you MUST complete the top of the registration
form and mail it to me. On the line "Reference", put the company
or person from which you received the copy you are distributing.
You MUST do this before distributing ANY copies of T-REF.


The following page contains the registration form for T-Ref
5.5. You are given a 60 day trial period in which to examine T-
Ref before you must register. You are expected at the end of
that 60 days, to either register or cease using the package.

Benefits to ALL registered users (at any level):

(1) My complete and total support to fix any problems or
bugs that you find or encounter while using the package (for the
life of this product). I also pledge to fix them as early as
time permits. (This usually means within several weeks.) I have
been developing, enhancing, and supporting registered users for
over three years now. I do not foresee this ending in the next
several years either. Support includes a CompuServe number for
fast response. You can reach me by EasyMail to #72617,1411.

(2) My regularly distributed newsletter, which describes
upcoming versions and fixes.

(3) Upgrades for future version are at the minimal cost
possible. Upgrades are usually in the $15 to $20 price range
to cover documentation printing, postage and handling, etc.

Additional benefits to all registered users of the com-
mercial version:

(1) Sub-Version updates to all registered users of the
commercial version AT NO COST. That's right! Whenever I release
a sub-version which provides fixes to the existing bugs and
problems in the system, I mail out these sub-versions at no cost
to the registered users of the commercial version.

(2) Often, I get letters from registered users who say they
like T-Ref so much, they plan to tell others about it. I believe
this is the best form of advertisement I could have, and I am
willing to pay for it. I will give you a commission of $5 for
every commercial registration of T-Ref you are able to obtain.
Simply have the person/company put YOUR name and registration
number in the "Reference" line on the registration form. I will
promptly mail you a check for $5.

Registration Form for T-Ref 5.5

Name: _____________________________________________________

Company/Title: ___________________________ / ______________

Address: __________________________________________________

City, State: _____________________, ______ Zip:___________

Phone Number: _____________________________________________

Reference: _______________________________ #______________

1. Select Level of Registration (a), (b), (c), or (d):

(a) Register for Shareware Version 5.5 ($20): ________

(b) Register for Shareware Version 5.5 and
a copy of Reference Manual ($25): ________

(c) Register for Commercial Version 5.5 and
a copy of Reference Manual ($45): ________

(d) Licensing Agreement for Commercial Version 5.5:
(Reference Manuals included)

2 - 5 copies ($42 each) # Copies: ______
6 - 10 copies ($40 each)
11 - 25 copies ($38 each)
26 - 50 copies ($36 each)
51+ copies ($35 each) Licencing Total: ________

2. For out of the U.S. orders, add $5 for postage: ________

Total from 1 and 2 above: ________

Nebraska residence add 4% sales tax: ________

Total Enclosed: ________

Diskette Format: 360K 5 1/4" ________ 720K 3 1/2" _________

Turbo Pascal Version presently using: _____________________

Method of Payment:

(a) Check (Do not send cash in the mail!) __________

Make checks payable to: Synergy Software Solutions

(b) MasterCard/VISA Number: (________/________/________/________)

Expiration Date: _______/ 19_____

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TREF55.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: