Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TPGRAFIX.ZIP
Filename : CRFONTS.DOC

Output of file : CRFONTS.DOC contained in archive : TPGRAFIX.ZIP

C R E A T E F O N T S, Version 1.0

CReate FONTS is a program written initially to test BORLAND
INTERNATIONAL'S TURBO Pascal compiler on a useful but more than
trivial program.

The PC-XT function keys and cursor control keys are used to control
the execution of the program.


HOME: Move font cursor up and to the left.
PGUP: Move font cursor up and to the right.
END : Move font cursor down and to the left.
PGDN: Move font cursor down and to the right.

ARROW KEYS: Move font cursor in arrow's respective directions.


F1: (TOGGLE) Toggle the bit corresponding to the font cursor position.
F2: Unused.
F3: (SHLT) Shift the bits of the current font left.
F4: (SHRT) Shift the bits of the current font right.
F5: (SHUP) Shift the bits of the current font up.
F6: (SHDN) Shift the bits of the current font down.
F7: (CLR ) Clear all the bits of the current font to zero.
F8: (FILL) Set all the bits of the current font to one.
F9: ( # ) Prompt user for font to display.
F10 (MENU) Prompt the user from a menu
INS ( +1 ) Go to the next font. Character 0 follows 255.
DEL ( -1 ) Go to the previous font. Character 255 follows 0.


1. QUIT: Queries whether user is sure.
2. READ FILE: Prompts user for the name of an input file, which contains
previously defined fonts. This current program version
fills the entire font array; it is not possible to read
into only selected fonts. Program checks for the specified
file's existence.
3. WRITE FILE: The default write file is the previously specified WRITE
FILE or, if no such previous file, then the READ FILE.
4. COPY: The COPY command asks inTO which font(s) values will be
placed, FROM where the values will be transfered, and the
NUMber of fonts to transfer. Defaults are specified. The
FROM prompt expects a font number or the word 'ROM' followed
by a font number. For example,
instructs the program to take font values from the IBM-PC
ROM starting at character 5. The program expects the first
128 graphics characters to be in a table at location
F000:FA6E. Unfortunately, IBM did not see fit to give us
bit patterns for the upper 128 characters, so an attempt
to copy characters 128 to 255 will transfer garbage into
the program, though no harm will be done.

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TPGRAFIX.ZIP
Filename : CRFONTS.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: