Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TPCHAIN.ZIP
Filename : CHAIN.PAS

Output of file : CHAIN.PAS contained in archive : TPCHAIN.ZIP

{* CHAIN.PAS 5.00 *}
{* Copyright (c) TurboPower Software 1987. *}
{* All rights reserved. *}

unit Chain;
{-Chaining facility for Turbo 4 or 5}


CloseFilesBeforeChaining : Boolean = True;
{If False: no files are closed before chaining,
True: all files but StdIn, StdOut, StdErr, StdPrn are closed}

function Chain4(Path, CmdLine : string) : Word;
{-Chain to file named in Path
CmdLine must be no longer than 82 characters
If Chain4 returns, a DOS error code is in the result}

procedure ChainHalt(Path, CmdLine : string);
{-Execute all exit handlers after the CHAIN unit, then chain as specified}

procedure SetMaxHeap(Bytes : LongInt);
{-Set maximum heap and adjust DOS memory allocation block}

procedure GetMemDos(var P : Pointer; Bytes : LongInt);
{-Allocate memory from DOS, returning a pointer to the new block
Shrink Turbo allocation and relocate free list if forced to
Returns P = nil if unable to allocate space}

function Pointer2String(P : Pointer) : string;
{-Convert a pointer to a string suitable for passing on command line}

function String2Pointer(S : string) : Pointer;
{-Convert a string formatted by Pointer2String to a pointer
Returns nil if S is an invalid string}



SaveExit : pointer;
ChainPath : string[79];
ChainCmdLine : string[83];


function Chain4(Path, CmdLine : string) : Word;
external {CHAIN} ;

procedure SetIntVec(Num : Byte; Vec : Pointer);
external {CHAIN} ;

procedure SetMaxHeap(Bytes : LongInt);
external {GETMEM} ;

procedure GetMemDos(var P : Pointer; Bytes : LongInt);
external {GETMEM} ;

function Pointer2String(P : Pointer) : string;
external {GETMEM} ;

function String2Pointer(S : string) : Pointer;
external {GETMEM} ;

procedure RestoreVectors;
{-Restore SYSTEM interrupt vectors}
SetIntVec($00, SaveInt00);
SetIntVec($02, SaveInt02);
{$IFNDEF Ver40}
SetIntVec($1B, SaveInt1B);
SetIntVec($23, SaveInt23);
SetIntVec($24, SaveInt24);
{$IFNDEF Ver40}
SetIntVec($34, SaveInt34);
SetIntVec($35, SaveInt35);
SetIntVec($36, SaveInt36);
SetIntVec($37, SaveInt37);
SetIntVec($38, SaveInt38);
SetIntVec($39, SaveInt39);
SetIntVec($3A, SaveInt3A);
SetIntVec($3B, SaveInt3B);
SetIntVec($3C, SaveInt3C);
SetIntVec($3D, SaveInt3D);
SetIntVec($3E, SaveInt3E);
SetIntVec($3F, SaveInt3F);
SetIntVec($75, SaveInt75);

procedure ChainExit;
{-Trap on exit, chain if requested}
Status : Word;
ExitProc := SaveExit;
if Length(ChainPath) <> 0 then begin
Status := Chain4(ChainPath, ChainCmdLine);
if Status <> 0 then

procedure ChainHalt(Path, CmdLine : string);
{-Execute all exit handlers after the CHAIN unit, then chain as specified}
{Save the path and command line to chain to}
ChainPath := Path;
ChainCmdLine := CmdLine;
{Loop through exit chain}

SaveExit := ExitProc;
ExitProc := @ChainExit;
ChainPath := '';

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TPCHAIN.ZIP
Filename : CHAIN.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: