Dec 182017
File TP-MENUS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Pascal Source Code
Make Sidekick like Menus in Turbo pas.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AUTOMENU.DOC 1152 544 deflated
CENTER.PAS 1505 449 deflated
MENU.PAS 18307 3746 deflated
REP_CHAR.PAS 1079 338 deflated
RVSONOFF.PAS 534 160 deflated
TESTMENU.PAS 1502 606 deflated

Download File TP-MENUS.ZIP Here

Contents of the AUTOMENU.DOC file


This module is a based on a program appearing on a BBS system (author
unknown). It has been rewritten to provide a SIDEKICK (TM) style menu that
is automatically sized,and includes built in protection for illegal screen
locations. As the module is well commented I offer only the following brief
comments :

1. TMENU.PAS is a demo showing proper use of menu system.
The menu item and highlight character lists must be
defined before menu is used. It is critical to terminate
menu item list with a null entry ( '' ).

2. Default menu generation (menu_x = 0 and menu_y = 0)
is centered in screen and displays instruction line. All
other menu_x and menu_y choices suppress instruction line.

3. You cannot exceed screen boundaries ; menu will stop at edges.

4. A title entry of a null string ( '' ) will suppress the
menu title.

Joseph G. Solch

 December 18, 2017  Add comments

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