Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TOOL-USE.ZIP
Filename : QREAD.ASM

Output of file : QREAD.ASM contained in archive : TOOL-USE.ZIP

page ,132
; Copyright 1987, 1989 Samuel H. Smith; All rights reserved
; This is a component of the ProDoor System.
; Do not distribute modified versions without my permission.
; Do not remove or alter this notice or any other copyright notice.
; If you use this in your own program you must distribute source code.
; Do not use any of this in a commercial product.
; Qread - quick version of ReadLn for text files
; Used by Qread unit.
; Written by Samuel Smith, 11-19-88

code segment byte public
assume cs:code
public qReadLn

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; structure of text file record
textfile struc
handle dw ? ;dos handle
mode dw ? ;open mode
bufSize dw ? ;size of file buffer
priv1 dw ?
bufPos dw ? ;position of next read within file buffer
bufEnd dw ? ;position past last byte of file buffer
bufPtr dd ? ;pointer to file file buffer
textfile ends

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; procedure qReadLn( var fd: text;
; var dest: string;
; maxlen: word );

; structure of stack frame --
fileptr equ dword ptr [bp+0ch] ;pointer to text file record
destptr equ dword ptr [bp+08h] ;pointer to destination string
maxlen equ word ptr [bp+06h] ;maximum length of destination string
curpos equ dx
curend equ bx

qReadLn proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp ;create stack frame
push ds

lds si,fileptr ;ds:si -> textfile
mov curpos,bufpos[si] ;current file buffer position
mov curend,bufend[si] ;end of file buffer position

lds si,bufptr[si] ;ds:si -> file buffer
add si,curpos ; [bufpos]

les di,destptr ;es:di -> dest
inc di

mov cx,maxlen ;initial destination space
jmp short NextChar ;get first character

; main character loop
stosb ;dest[len++] = c

; process next character in file buffer
cmp curpos,curend ;end of file buffer?
jz NextBuffer

; have a character in the file buffer - get it
lodsb ;c = buf[bufptr++]
inc curpos

cmp al,26
jle CheckControl

; it is a normal character - add it to the destination buffer
loop StoreChar ;dec cx, jnz
jmp short qEndLine

; check control characters
cmp al,26 ;^Z? end of file
jz qEndFile
cmp al,10 ;lf? end of line
jz qEndLine
cmp al,13 ;cr? skip it
jz NextChar
jmp short NormChar

; file buffer is empty - get another one
lds si,fileptr ;ds:si -> textfile
call qFillBuf

mov curend,bufend[si]
xor curpos,curpos ;bufpos=0
lds si,bufptr[si] ;ds:si -> file buffer

cmp curend,curpos
jnz HaveChar

; end of file - return dest = ^Z unless dest has data in it
cmp cx,maxlen
jnz qEndLine

mov al,26
stosb ;dest = ^Z
dec cx

; end of line - set line length and return
lds si,fileptr ;ds:si -> textfile
mov bufpos[si],curpos ;update file buffer position

mov ax,maxlen
sub ax,cx ;calculate destination bytes used
les di,destptr ;es:di -> dest
mov es:[di],al ;update destination length

pop ds
pop bp
ret 10 ;dispose of 10 parameter bytes
qReadLn endp

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; fill file buffer
; from handle[si] dos handle
; bufptr[si] data buffer
; bufsize[si] data buffer size
; sets bufpos[si] to 0
; bufend[si] to bytes read
; preserves dx, cx, bx, ds, es, si, di

qFillBuf proc near
push dx
push cx
push bx

mov ax,3f00h ;read
mov bx,handle[si] ;dos handle
mov cx,bufsize[si] ;file buffer size
push ds
lds dx,bufptr[si] ;file buffer pointer
int 21h ;perform the read
pop ds
mov bufend[si],ax ;bytes read
mov bufpos[si],0 ;bytes used

pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
qFillBuf endp

code ends

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : TOOL-USE.ZIP
Filename : QREAD.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: