Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : STREAM13.ZIP
Filename : CRC32.ASM

Output of file : CRC32.ASM contained in archive : STREAM13.ZIP
; This CRC-32 routine and tables were converted from code discovered
; in the DEZIP.PAS V2.0 by R. P. Byrne. The comments there are:
; Converted to Turbo Pascal (tm) V4.0 March, 1988 by J.R.Louvau
; COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 Gary S. Brown. You may use this program, or
; code or tables extracted from it, as desired without restriction.
; First, the polynomial itself and its table of feedback terms. The
; polynomial is
; X^32+X^26+X^23+X^22+X^16+X^12+X^11+X^10+X^8+X^7+X^5+X^4+X^2+X^1+X^0
; Note that we take it "backwards" and put the highest-order term in
; the lowest-order bit. The X^32 term is "implied"; the LSB is the
; X^31 term, etc. The X^0 term (usually shown as "+1") results in
; the MSB being 1.
; Note that the usual hardware shift register implementation, which
; is what we're using (we're merely optimizing it by doing eight-bit
; chunks at a time) shifts bits into the lowest-order term. In our
; implementation, that means shifting towards the right. Why do we
; do it this way? Because the calculated CRC must be transmitted in
; order from highest-order term to lowest-order term. UARTs transmit
; characters in order from LSB to MSB. By storing the CRC this way,
; we hand it to the UART in the order low-byte to high-byte; the UART
; sends each low-bit to high-bit; and the result is transmission bit
; by bit from highest- to lowest-order term without requiring any bit
; shuffling on our part. Reception works similarly.
; The feedback terms table consists of 256, 32-bit entries. Notes:
; The table can be generated at runtime if desired; code to do so
; is shown later. It might not be obvious, but the feedback
; terms simply represent the results of eight shift/xor opera-
; tions for all combinations of data and CRC register values.
; The values must be right-shifted by eight bits by the "updcrc"
; logic; the shift must be unsigned (bring in zeroes). On some
; hardware you could probably optimize the shift in assembler by
; using byte-swap instructions.
; polynomial $edb88320
; The Pascal logic is:
; Function UpdC32(Octet: Byte; Crc: LongInt) : LongInt;
; Begin
; UpdC32 := CRC_32_TAB[Byte(Crc XOR LongInt(Octet))] XOR ((Crc SHR 8)
; End {UpdC32};
; This routine computes the 32 bit CRC used by PKZIP and its derivatives,
; and by Chuck Forsberg's "ZMODEM" protocol. The block CRC computation
; should start with high-values (0ffffffffh), and finish by inverting all
; bits.
; This TASM conversion done by:
; Edwin T. Floyd [76067,747]
; #9 Adams Park Ct.
; Columbus, GA 31909
; 404-576-3305 (work)
; 404-322-0076 (home)
; Borland's Turbo Assembler - TASM is required to assemble this program.
ASSUME cs:code

; 0
crc32tab dd 000000000h, 077073096h, 0ee0e612ch, 0990951bah
dd 0076dc419h, 0706af48fh, 0e963a535h, 09e6495a3h
dd 00edb8832h, 079dcb8a4h, 0e0d5e91eh, 097d2d988h
dd 009b64c2bh, 07eb17cbdh, 0e7b82d07h, 090bf1d91h
; 1
dd 01db71064h, 06ab020f2h, 0f3b97148h, 084be41deh
dd 01adad47dh, 06ddde4ebh, 0f4d4b551h, 083d385c7h
dd 0136c9856h, 0646ba8c0h, 0fd62f97ah, 08a65c9ech
dd 014015c4fh, 063066cd9h, 0fa0f3d63h, 08d080df5h
; 2
dd 03b6e20c8h, 04c69105eh, 0d56041e4h, 0a2677172h
dd 03c03e4d1h, 04b04d447h, 0d20d85fdh, 0a50ab56bh
dd 035b5a8fah, 042b2986ch, 0dbbbc9d6h, 0acbcf940h
dd 032d86ce3h, 045df5c75h, 0dcd60dcfh, 0abd13d59h
; 3
dd 026d930ach, 051de003ah, 0c8d75180h, 0bfd06116h
dd 021b4f4b5h, 056b3c423h, 0cfba9599h, 0b8bda50fh
dd 02802b89eh, 05f058808h, 0c60cd9b2h, 0b10be924h
dd 02f6f7c87h, 058684c11h, 0c1611dabh, 0b6662d3dh
; 4
dd 076dc4190h, 001db7106h, 098d220bch, 0efd5102ah
dd 071b18589h, 006b6b51fh, 09fbfe4a5h, 0e8b8d433h
dd 07807c9a2h, 00f00f934h, 09609a88eh, 0e10e9818h
dd 07f6a0dbbh, 0086d3d2dh, 091646c97h, 0e6635c01h
; 5
dd 06b6b51f4h, 01c6c6162h, 0856530d8h, 0f262004eh
dd 06c0695edh, 01b01a57bh, 08208f4c1h, 0f50fc457h
dd 065b0d9c6h, 012b7e950h, 08bbeb8eah, 0fcb9887ch
dd 062dd1ddfh, 015da2d49h, 08cd37cf3h, 0fbd44c65h
; 6
dd 04db26158h, 03ab551ceh, 0a3bc0074h, 0d4bb30e2h
dd 04adfa541h, 03dd895d7h, 0a4d1c46dh, 0d3d6f4fbh
dd 04369e96ah, 0346ed9fch, 0ad678846h, 0da60b8d0h
dd 044042d73h, 033031de5h, 0aa0a4c5fh, 0dd0d7cc9h
; 7
dd 05005713ch, 0270241aah, 0be0b1010h, 0c90c2086h
dd 05768b525h, 0206f85b3h, 0b966d409h, 0ce61e49fh
dd 05edef90eh, 029d9c998h, 0b0d09822h, 0c7d7a8b4h
dd 059b33d17h, 02eb40d81h, 0b7bd5c3bh, 0c0ba6cadh
; 8
dd 0edb88320h, 09abfb3b6h, 003b6e20ch, 074b1d29ah
dd 0ead54739h, 09dd277afh, 004db2615h, 073dc1683h
dd 0e3630b12h, 094643b84h, 00d6d6a3eh, 07a6a5aa8h
dd 0e40ecf0bh, 09309ff9dh, 00a00ae27h, 07d079eb1h
; 9
dd 0f00f9344h, 08708a3d2h, 01e01f268h, 06906c2feh
dd 0f762575dh, 0806567cbh, 0196c3671h, 06e6b06e7h
dd 0fed41b76h, 089d32be0h, 010da7a5ah, 067dd4acch
dd 0f9b9df6fh, 08ebeeff9h, 017b7be43h, 060b08ed5h
; A
dd 0d6d6a3e8h, 0a1d1937eh, 038d8c2c4h, 04fdff252h
dd 0d1bb67f1h, 0a6bc5767h, 03fb506ddh, 048b2364bh
dd 0d80d2bdah, 0af0a1b4ch, 036034af6h, 041047a60h
dd 0df60efc3h, 0a867df55h, 0316e8eefh, 04669be79h
; B
dd 0cb61b38ch, 0bc66831ah, 0256fd2a0h, 05268e236h
dd 0cc0c7795h, 0bb0b4703h, 0220216b9h, 05505262fh
dd 0c5ba3bbeh, 0b2bd0b28h, 02bb45a92h, 05cb36a04h
dd 0c2d7ffa7h, 0b5d0cf31h, 02cd99e8bh, 05bdeae1dh
; C
dd 09b64c2b0h, 0ec63f226h, 0756aa39ch, 0026d930ah
dd 09c0906a9h, 0eb0e363fh, 072076785h, 005005713h
dd 095bf4a82h, 0e2b87a14h, 07bb12baeh, 00cb61b38h
dd 092d28e9bh, 0e5d5be0dh, 07cdcefb7h, 00bdbdf21h
; D
dd 086d3d2d4h, 0f1d4e242h, 068ddb3f8h, 01fda836eh
dd 081be16cdh, 0f6b9265bh, 06fb077e1h, 018b74777h
dd 088085ae6h, 0ff0f6a70h, 066063bcah, 011010b5ch
dd 08f659effh, 0f862ae69h, 0616bffd3h, 0166ccf45h
; E
dd 0a00ae278h, 0d70dd2eeh, 04e048354h, 03903b3c2h
dd 0a7672661h, 0d06016f7h, 04969474dh, 03e6e77dbh
dd 0aed16a4ah, 0d9d65adch, 040df0b66h, 037d83bf0h
dd 0a9bcae53h, 0debb9ec5h, 047b2cf7fh, 030b5ffe9h
; F
dd 0bdbdf21ch, 0cabac28ah, 053b39330h, 024b4a3a6h
dd 0bad03605h, 0cdd70693h, 054de5729h, 023d967bfh
dd 0b3667a2eh, 0c4614ab8h, 05d681b02h, 02a6f2b94h
dd 0b40bbe37h, 0c30c8ea1h, 05a05df1bh, 02d02ef8dh


PROC UpdateCRC32 FAR initcrc:DWORD,inbuf:DWORD,inlen:WORD
; UpdateCRC32 takes an initial CRC value and updates it with inlen bytes from
; inbuf. The updated CRC is returned in DX:AX. The Pascal declaration is:
; Function UpdateCRC32(InitCRC : LongInt; Var InBuf; InLen : Word) : LongInt;
; Stomps registers: AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,SI
push ds
lds si,[inbuf] ; ds:si := ^inbuf
les ax,[initcrc] ; dx:ax := initcrc
mov dx,es
mov cx,[inlen] ; cx := inlen
or cx,cx
jz @@done
xor bh,bh
mov bl,al
xor bl,al
mov al,ah
mov ah,dl
mov dl,dh
xor dh,dh
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
les bx,[crc32tab+bx]
xor ax,bx
mov bx,es
xor dx,bx
loop @@loop
pop ds


  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : STREAM13.ZIP
Filename : CRC32.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: