Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : SPRITES.ZIP
Filename : DEMO4.PAS

Output of file : DEMO4.PAS contained in archive : SPRITES.ZIP

program SpriteDemo4; { Version 2.0, December 10,1985 }
{ Donald L. Pavia, Dept Chem WWU }

{$I Sprites.Lib}

var k,l : integer;

procedure Introduction;

TextColor (1);
gotoxy (5,4); write ('SPRITE DESIGNER');
TextColor (3);
gotoxy (10,6); write ('AND');
TextColor (1); write (' ANIMATION PACKAGE ');
TextColor (3); write ('DEMO');
gotoxy (1,23); write ('Donald Pavia, December 1985');

gotoxy (1,21); write ('Action Scenes Continue Until a KeyPress');
gotoxy (29,17);

TextColor (2); gotoxy (30,17); write ('Ready !!! ');
TextColor (3); read (kbd,Wait);

end; { procedure Introduction; }
procedure SaveBackGroundScreen; { draw background screen }

FillChar (ColorBuffer,16383,0);
FillChar (WorkBuffer,16383,0);
FillChar (BackGroundBuffer,16383,0);

for k := 1 to 24 do Draw (0,8*k,319,8*k,1);

Draw (0,0,319,0,2); Draw (319,0,319,199,2);
Draw (319,199,0,199,2); Draw (0,199,0,0,2);

TextColor (2);
gotoxy (18,8); write ('TURBO');
gotoxy (16,18); write ('ANIMATION');
TextColor (3);
gotoxy (16,23); write ('Don Pavia');

WorkBuffer := ColorBuffer; { make a copy in workbuffer }
BackGroundBuffer := ColorBuffer; { store a copy of background }

end; { procedure BackGroundScreen }
procedure CheckRegistration;

Draw (87,98,112,98,3); Draw (112,98,112,119,3); { check locating }
Draw (112,119,87,119,3); Draw (87,119,87,98,3); { algorithms }

Draw (119,97,144,97,3); Draw (144,97,144,118,3);
Draw (144,118,119,118,3); Draw (119,118,119,97,3);

Draw (50,109,200,109,2); Draw (100,60,100,140,2);
Draw (132,60,132,140,2);

gotoxy (4,5); write ('Registration Check : ');
gotoxy (7,7); write ('Press Any Key to Continue ... ');

read (Kbd,Wait);

end; { procedure CheckRegistration }

GraphColorMode; GraphBackGround (1); Palette (0);
LoadTable ('DEMO1.TAB');


{---- Draw Diagonal Line of Whales -------------------------------------}

Sprite := Table[14]; {Whale} { assign sprite for display }
{ print sprites in workbuffer }
k := 24; l := 18;
repeat XorSpriteW (k,l); k := k + 20; l := l + 12; until k >= 300;

gotoxy (2,12); write (' Ready !!! Press Any Key ');
read (Kbd,Wait);
ColorBuffer := WorkBuffer; { display workbuffer }

FillChar (WorkBuffer,16192,0); { erase workbuffer }
{ to blue background }
Delay (3000);

{---- Demonstrate XOR --------------------------------------------------}

XorSpriteW (100,109); XorSpriteW (132,108); { draw two sprites }
ColorBuffer := WorkBuffer; { and display them }

gotoxy (4,5); write ('Press Any Key to Xor Second Sprite ');
read (Kbd,Wait);

XorSpriteW (132,108); { xor second one to erase it }
ColorBuffer := WorkBuffer;

gotoxy (4,5); write ('Press Any Key to Redisplay It ');
read (Kbd,Wait);

XorSpriteW (132,108); { restore it }
ColorBuffer := WorkBuffer;

{---- Check on Sprite Location Algorithms ------------------------------}

Delay (1500);

{---- Begin Animation Loop ---------------------------------------------}

FillChar (WorkBuffer,16192,0); { erase workbuffer }
gotoxy (2,20);
WorkBuffer := BackGroundBuffer; { restore background }

k := 12; l := 20;

repeat { ANIMATION !! }

SPRITE := Table[ 5]; XorSpriteW (k,20); { Duck1 }
SPRITE := Table[14]; XorSpriteW (12,l); { Whale }
SPRITE := Table[21]; XorSpriteW (k,l); { Boy2 }
SPRITE := Table[22]; XorSpriteW (312-k,20); { Boy3 }
SPRITE := Table[15]; XorSpriteW (312-k,80); { Bird }
SPRITE := Table[ 6]; XorSpriteW (110,l); { Duck2 }
SPRITE := Table[ 3]; XorSpriteW (k,120); { Dog2 }
SPRITE := Table[ 2]; XorSpriteW (210,210-l); { Dog1 }
SPRITE := Table[20]; XorSpriteW (160,100); { Boy1 }
SPRITE := Table[ 9]; XorSpriteW (312-k,150); { Dwarf1 }
SPRITE := Table[17]; XorSpriteW (312-k,170); { Dwarf2 }
SPRITE := Table[12]; XorSpriteW (k,60); { Dragon }

ColorBuffer := WorkBuffer; WorkBuffer := BackGroundBuffer;
k := k + 8; l := l + l mod 7;

until k >= 300;



gotoxy (10,10); write ('Repeat Again ? Y/N ? ');
read (Kbd,Again);
until UpCase(Again) in ['Y','N'];

UNTIL UpCase(Again) = 'N';

gotoxy (1,23); TextMode (c80); clrscr; { exit gracefully }


  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : SPRITES.ZIP
Filename : DEMO4.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: