Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : SPRITES.ZIP
Filename : DEMO3.PAS

Output of file : DEMO3.PAS contained in archive : SPRITES.ZIP

(* ************************************************************* *)
(* *)
(* This program shows how to set up a relatively complicated *)
(* animation sequence using multipage page-flipping techniques *)
(* *)
(* (c) Donald L. Pavia *)
(* Ver 2.0 Department of Chemistry *)
(* February 1986 Western Washington University *)
(* Bellingham, Washington 98225 *)
(* *)
(* ************************************************************* *)

program SpriteDemo3;

{$I Sprites.Lib}
procedure Introduction;

TextColor (1);
gotoxy (3,5); write ('Display of Sprites and Animation');
gotoxy (3,7); write (' ( multi-page techniques )');
TextColor (3);
gotoxy (5,21); write ('Donald Pavia, December 1985');

LoadTable ('');

TextColor (2); gotoxy (12,15); write ('Press ');
read (Kbd,Wait);
FillChar (ColorBuffer,16383,0);

end; { procedure Introduction }

GraphColorMode; GraphBackGround (1); Palette (2);

{------ Draw and Save BackGround -------------------------------------}

draw (75,25,175,25,1); draw (175,25,175,110,1);
draw (175,110,75,110,1); draw (75,110,75,25,1);

TextColor (1);
gotoxy (25,7); write ('Chemistry In');
gotoxy (25,8); write (' Action ! ');

WorkBuffer := ColorBuffer; { copy to workbuffer }
BackGroundBuffer := ColorBuffer; { save a copy for refresh }

REPEAT { Animation Begins }
times := 0;

{---- Lighted Burner and Standing Flask -------------------------------}

Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65); Show;
Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65); Show;
times := times + 1;
UNTIL times = 10; times := 0;

{---- Test Tube is Heated ---------------------------------------------}

Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (2,100,48); Show;
Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (2,100,48); Show; times := times + 1;
UNTIL times = 12; times := 0;

{---- Boiling Begins --------------------------------------------------}

Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (2,100,48); Show;
Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (3,100,48); Show; times := times + 1;
UNTIL times = 12;

{---- Move Test Tube to Right -----------------------------------------}

for times := 1 to 6 do begin
Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79);
if odd (times) then Spwrite (23,100,65) else Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (4,116+4*times,44); Show; end;

{---- Pour Into Flask -------------------------------------------------}

Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (5,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (16,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (5,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (9,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (5,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (10,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (6,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (11,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (7,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (12,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (8,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (13,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (8,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (13,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65);
Spwrite (17,136,57); Show;

Spwrite (13,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65);
Spwrite (1,132,57); Show; times := 0;

{---- Reaction/Precipitation Occurs in Flask --------------------------}

Spwrite (14,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65); Show;
Spwrite (14,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65); Show;
times := times + 1;
UNTIL times = 6; times := 0;

Spwrite (15,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (24,100,65); Show;
Spwrite (15,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Spwrite (23,100,65); Show;
times := times + 1;
UNTIL times = 12; times := 0;

{---- Flame is Extinguished -------------------------------------------}

Spwrite (15,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Show;
Spwrite (15,148,77); Spwrite (22,100,79); Show; times := times + 1;
UNTIL times = 6;

{---- The End ---------------------------------------------------------}

TextColor (3);
gotoxy (8,20); write ('Repeat Again ? Y/N ? ');

repeat read (Kbd,Again); until UpCase(Again) in ['Y','N'];

FillChar (WorkBuffer,16383,0); FillChar (ColorBuffer,16383,0);

UNTIL UpCase(Again) = 'N';

gotoxy (1,23); TextMode (c80); clrscr; { exit gracefully }


  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : SPRITES.ZIP
Filename : DEMO3.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: