Dec 052017
Latest version of Shazam. A Turbo Vision interface source code generator.
File SHAZAM2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Pascal Source Code
Latest version of Shazam. A Turbo Vision interface source code generator.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ADEMO0.DEF 1849 945 deflated
ADEMO1.DEF 2174 1054 deflated
ADEMO2.DEF 2143 999 deflated
ADEMO2.EVT 841 282 deflated
ADEMO2.INC 1909 412 deflated
ADEMO2.VIR 387 191 deflated
ADEMO3.DEF 819 438 deflated
ADEMO3.INC 2717 616 deflated
ADEMO3.VIR 395 197 deflated
ADEMO4.DEF 863 428 deflated
ADEMO5.DEF 400 232 deflated
ADEMO6.DEF 3538 1505 deflated
ADEMO6.EVT 807 280 deflated
ADEMO6.INC 4670 901 deflated
ADEMO6.VIR 964 318 deflated
ADEMO7.DEF 2204 988 deflated
ADEMO7.TXT 3158 994 deflated
ADEMO8.DEF 2555 1161 deflated
ADEMO9.DEF 2789 1277 deflated
ADEMO9.EVT 184 50 deflated
ADEMO9.INC 184 50 deflated
ADEMO9.VIR 866 260 deflated
AINTRO.DOC 13318 4998 deflated
ALTF1.PAT 3023 782 deflated
APROGRAM.DOC 4449 1808 deflated
BCAST.DEF 2001 677 deflated
BCAST.EVT 1615 344 deflated
CATALOG.DOC 3809 1750 deflated
CLEAN.BAT 494 98 deflated
CLEAR.BAT 282 135 deflated
CLUSTER.DEF 1274 528 deflated
CLUSTER.DLG 1347 275 deflated
CLUSTER.EVT 446 177 deflated
CLUSTER.TXT 1362 615 deflated
COMPILER.PAS 3264 820 deflated
EDLOAD.PAT 2136 960 deflated
EXECPROC.PAS 7186 1667 deflated
FIND.DLG 1169 358 deflated
GCONVERT.IMP 40794 6155 deflated
GCONVERT.INT 6369 1105 deflated
GDESKTOP.IMP 16699 2612 deflated
GDESKTOP.INT 1890 438 deflated
GDIALOG.IMP 13827 2563 deflated
GDIALOG.INT 973 282 deflated
GEDITOR.IMP 17862 2437 deflated
GEDITOR.INT 2440 551 deflated
GENERAL.PAS 6272 1658 deflated
GEVENT.IMP 16558 2596 deflated
GEVENT.INT 1148 313 deflated
GMISC.IMP 11300 2013 deflated
GMISC.INT 1672 310 deflated
GSTRING.IMP 36910 5465 deflated
GSTRING.INT 4560 785 deflated
GUNSORT.IMP 5836 959 deflated
GUNSORT.INT 2324 573 deflated
GVIDEO.IMP 8113 1718 deflated
GVIDEO.INT 1313 353 deflated
INPUT.DLG 1937 367 deflated
INPUT1.DEF 1329 629 deflated
INPUT1.EVT 2844 585 deflated
INPUT1.VIR 1290 428 deflated
INPUT2.DEF 2284 1066 deflated
INPUT2.INC 5840 1136 deflated
INPUT2.VIR 792 344 deflated
LICENSE.DOC 6428 2762 deflated
MAIN.SK2 1731 596 deflated
MENU.SK2 9394 2032 deflated
ORDER.DOC 1999 690 deflated
PDOX2.DEF 14197 3319 deflated
README 16299 6301 deflated
REPLACE.DLG 1449 446 deflated
SHAZAM.EXE 428518 173357 deflated
SHAZAM.HLP 1864 1028 deflated
SK2.DEF 779 387 deflated
SK2.EVT 3626 400 deflated
STATUS.SK2 1394 337 deflated
SZHC.EXE 16399 15919 deflated
WINHELP.SK2 797 294 deflated

Download File SHAZAM2.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

Welcome to SHAZAM!

Documentation for SHAZAM is both "online" and "offline":

[X] ONLINE - The context-sensitive portion is cross-referenced with
the manual, most of which is also in HyperText format.

[X] OFFLINE - The PRINTDOC program is about to be generated and
compiled. It will print the Technical Manual and demonstration
programs with your choice of formats and margins. The "Test
print" option is a 2-page report, so you can make adjustments and
try different settings.

All source for units and example programs is included. You can
re-use dialogs, hints and help text files as "plug n' play"
elements of your own programs.

1 - Getting started
2 - Notes
3 - Installation
4 - Units
5 - Examples
6 - Overview
7 - Acknowledgements
8 - Technical Support

If you are upgrading from version 1.x, you MUST read UPGRADE.DOC.

To give you an idea of what SHAZAM can do, the following...

| |
[ submenu ] file ;;hint for file stuff
open f3 ;;open a file
save f2 ;;save window

[ status ]
f1 Help ;;call HyperText help
alt-x exit cmQuit ;;return to DOS

...creates a ready-to-run EXE with Help Text & Hints, using overlays
and resources, recovers overlay heap for EXEC, and runs under DOS 2.x
or higher. By default, SHAZAM allows for use of ExecSWAP, so the
application is unitized (encapsulated) and you get Swap-To-Disk/EMS
capability too, with minimum overhead, less than <6k.

No kidding.

Type the above into a file with an *.DEF extension & press Ctrl-F9.

Don't want overlays? Use the "/O-" switch, from the DOS prompt or
SETUP|Code dialog. No ExecSwap? Use "/X-". Code, instead of
resources? Use "/1". And so on...

Now, for an actual "Exec", you would have to add custom code, BUT
there's a routine in GENERAL.PAS called "VisionExec" (just like
DOS.Exec) which takes care of Turbo Vision housekeeping for you.

There's also pre-done events called "hdLittleDOS", "hdMediumDOS" and
"hdBigDOS" for shelling to the DOS prompt. Run the ED*.DEF examples
and see the help text for details.

The basic idea of using SHAZAM is: It codes the "FrameWork" for you,
so you can concentrate on "fleshing out" custom code and Help Text.
This gives you the freedom to experiment with interface design, since
you can re-generate & re-compile anytime with one keystroke (Ctrl-F9).

To accelerate your learning curve
Start with the ADEMO*.DEF series, in IDE mode. Type "C:>shazam", use
"File|OPEN" to select a file, then press Ctrl-F9, which will
generate, compile & run a program.

An alternative
Print the ADEMO*.DEF series, then generate all programs using
command-line mode. Type "C:>shazam ademo*/m" to generate, compile &
run the whole series at once.

Note on HELP
SHAZAM generated programs will automatically support ALT-F1 (to view
previous help screens) if you patch HELPFILE.PAS with ALTF1.PAT

[X] Copyrights

Please respect any and all copyright notices.

All parts of this software are copyrighted, including but not
limited to programs, documentation, source-code and examples.

As a licensed user, you may use the example programs. However,
they may not be sold, given away or otherwise distributed without
written permission.

Also, as a licensed user, you are free to incorporate examples
(definitions, help text, etc.) and source code into your programs.

[X] Documentation

You should view, or print, all *.DOC files. Do AINTRO.DOC first,
before starting on the ADEMO*.DEF series. You may also want to
print the ADEMO*.DEF files as you go along. Since SHAZAM
automatically loads support files along with definitions, you can
use "File|Print all" or Ctrl-F4 to print all editor windows
currently loaded into the Desktop.

[X] Interactive and Command-Line modes

Both are supported in the same program. Type "C:\>shazam /?" at
the command-line for a list of switches, or "C:\shazam" and
select the SETUP|Code dialog.


A number of tested patches have been included. Browse the *.PAT
files for details.

APP.PAT - DesqView patch for APP.PAS
If you want all your Turbo Vision programs to run under DesqView,
APP.PAT contains a simple modification to accomplish this. If
you make this patch, activate the "define" in the "COMPILER.PAS"
file by adding a dollar sign:

{DEFINE desqview} --> {$DEFINE desqview}

This is so the "UserScreen" and "CopyScreen" routines in
GENERAL.PAS will recognize the DesqView patch.

EDLOAD.PAT - for original EDITORS
An improved version of EDITORS comes with SHAZAM. If you want to
use the original, you must correct this bug in the load/store
methods, or your program will hang during Desktop load/store.


SHAZAM comes with its own help file, but if you need Online Help
for Turbo Vision, don't forget THELP.COM (shipped with Turbo
Pascal). It provides memory resident help/reference on both
Turbo Pascal & Turbo Vision at a relatively low cost in memory
overhead (about 30k).

If you need to restore the example code, you can re-run INSTALL. All
existing files will be over-written.

INSTALL.EXE - Installation program
INSTALL.DAT - Installation data

BABEL - Multiple Language Editor
DEF - Commonly used Definitions
DLG - Commonly used Dialogs
EXAMPLES - Sample definitions and source code
GENERAL - General purpose code for Turbo Vision
PATCH - Turbo Vision patches
SHAZAM - Program, Help and Help Compiler
TXT - Commonly used Help Text

Installation was done using "Instant INSTALL", a generic INSTALL
program which supports multiple diskettes using ARC/LZH/ZIP formats
and de-archive programs. For more information, use the "/?" switch at
the DOS prompt:


SHAZAM program installation creates the following directory structure:


You are free to re-arrange things to suit you. Use the SETUP |
Directory dialog to let SHAZAM know where things are. The most
likely change is to move the program files -- SHAZAM.EXE, SHAZAM.HLP
and SZHC.EXE -- to a directory on your system PATH.

Although three megabytes of disk space are needed to install SHAZAM
and run the PRINTDOC program, you can erase the examples and keep
only the program files.

To free up disk space (ie: before a backup), run CLEAN.BAT. This
erases only generated files, which you can easily re-create.

If you must work "on-site" to develop an interface, it is possible to
fit SHAZAM, the compiler (TPC.EXE) and the Turbo Vision units on a
high-density diskette of either size.

The bare essentials are:

[X] SHAZAM.EXE - main program. (SHAZAM.HLP is optional)
[X] SZHC.EXE - new Help Compiler (old TVHC.EXE may be used) the compiler and TV units, of course.

Only the Turbo Vision units are needed to compile a generated
application. However, a number of utility & workhorse units are
included, as used by SHAZAM itself and many of the examples:

GENERAL.PAS Standard events, dialog handling, strings, conversion
and so on. Routines such as "hdSaveDesktop",
"hdLoadDesktop", "VisionExec", etc. may be called
within any Turbo Vision application.

PRINT.PAS Report & print capability for Turbo Vision or DOS, with
support for Generic, Dot-Matrix, LaserJet and
DaisyWheel printers.

Interruptible dialogs are easy to use, can print to
disk or LPT ports, and are ready for use with
EditWindows, printing from disk files, from the
FileViewer or other PCollections (see PPRINT.INT).

For user control of printing, the library directories
contain re-usable dialogs, hints and help text for page
& printer setup (PAGE.DLG & PRINT.DLG, HINTPRN.DEF,

EDITORS.PAS An enhancement of the original EDITORS, providing the
following features via direct keystrokes and/or from a

* Centering * Right-margin
* Go to line number * TAB stops
* Place markers (10 per window) * Word wrap

Several *.DEF, *.DLG and *.TXT files were created to
enhance this unit. Actually, you have everything used
by this version of SHAZAM.

See ED*.DEF for examples, EDITORS.DOC for unit details.

EXECPROC.PAS These provide swap-to-disk/EMS for EXEC calls. Note
that using "VisionExec" in place of "DOS.Exec" takes
care of TV house-keeping as well. See the EXEC*.DOC
files for details, ADEMO9.DEF for example.

LISTREZ.PAS Program to list contents of resource files (*.REZ).

The example definitions will generate as either code or resource
based programs. For those examples which switch MenuBars/Boxes and
StatusLines, compiler symbols are used in program logic.

If ALL framework/interface elements are either code OR resources (but
not a mix), SHAZAM automatically defines the compiler symbols "code"
or "resource", respectively. If you use mixed options, be forewarned
that this may affect the program logic in the examples.

SHAZAM generates complete TApplications, including Help Text and
Hints, so you can test the look & feel of your visual shell.

You can generate, compile and run directly from SHAZAM. The Help
Compiler and Code Compiler are called as needed.

The Turbo Vision objects provide you with a set of "bones", around
which you add the "meat" of your application. With SHAZAM, you
change the skeleton to make different animals. This lets you
concentrate on "fleshing out" your program, rather than writing and
debugging user-interface code. (OK, OK, enough with the analogies


MenuBars, MenuBoxes, StatusLines and Hints are composed one line at a
time, in a definition (*.DEF) file. In most cases, you need only two
or three of SHAZAM's keywords. In addition, you can design dialogs
interactively using the built-in Dialog Editor (Alt-D).

There aren't many limits to what you can do. As you work through the
examples, bear in mind that SHAZAM was used to design itself; as well
as compile, overlay, execswap, etc. It's just a tad easier than
hand-coding...and you can re-use what you create in other programs.
Especially since include files can be nested for both definitions and
help text.

The ADEMO*.DEF series shows how to travel the road from interface to
working program. It might be handy to use the PRINTDOC program
to extract a Table of Contents and/or just the documentation from all
example *.DEF files.


One use of SHAZAM is to create, revise and experiment with user
interfaces. But you can maintain software with it, too.

With SHAZAM's "scanning" ability and the [ EXTERNAL ] keyword, you
can easily add methods and events from include files and units.

You can quickly develop and change interfaces, using just code and no
online help. Or you can maintain fully resourced, overlaid programs
with HyperText Help and Hint Text, using switchable MenuBars/Boxes,
StatusLines and Hint sets.

Foreign translations are also made easier: See the BABEL example.

One thing to keep in mind: SHAZAM maintains and regenerates itself,
and it was built from the Turbo Vision and GENERAL units.


Although some of the examples use code from the GENERAL, PRINT and
EXEC*.PAS units, code generated by SHAZAM requires only the standard
Turbo Vision units. No dependencies are introduced, with the
exception of ExecSWAP, and that can be turned off ("/x-" switch).


This source-code is by Turbo Power Software and is included by
permission. The company has a forum library on CompuServe (PCVENB)
and has other programming products. They may be contacted by:

Kim Kokkonen Information 719.260.6641
TURBO POWER SOFTWARE Orders 800.333.4160
Post Office Box 49009 Fax 719.260.7151
Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9009 CompuServe 76004.2611
USA INTERNET [email protected]

The built-in Dialog Editor was derived by permission from L. David
Baldwin's original DLGDSN (Dialogbox Design). It will read and
export the *.DLG file format.

This unit is adapted from Al Andersen's original NEWEDIT package, by

BABEL Multi-Language Editor
The translations for the definitions (*.DEF) and help text (*.TXT)
were done by:

Thomas Davidson
PASO del NORTE LENGUAJE Voice 915.564.0990
2713 Hamilton Ave Fax 915.564.5293
El Paso, TX 79930-3639 CompuServe 75540.1022
USA INTERNET [email protected]

Note - Work was done via CompuServe EMAIL.

If you have any problems, you can get the best Technical Support by
Electronic Mail or telephone. For subjects of a more leisurely
nature, you can send postal mail.

Johnathan J. Stein
Post Office Box 346 Fax 419.874.4922
Perrysburg, OH 43552 CompuServe 76576.470
USA INTERNET [email protected]

// THE END //
// //
// First, there was SHAZAM I: "To TAME TApplication!" //
// Then came SHAZAM II: "The WRATH of RESOURCES!" //
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
// Next, our Hero returns in: //
//- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - //
// //
// ---------- //
// //
// Advance tickets sent to Licensed Users //

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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