Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : RLE.ZIP
Filename : TEST-RLE.INC

Output of file : TEST-RLE.INC contained in archive : RLE.ZIP

RLELength = 3924;

RLEarray : ARRAY [1..785,1..5] OF CHAR =
#0#9#255#0#36,' RLE ','GENER','ATOR'#255,#255#255#0#34' ','by Ro','b Ros',
'enber','ger'#255#0,#32' Com','puSer','ve 74','017,1','344'#255#255,
#0#10' Ve','rsion',' 1.00',' rele','ased ','to th','e pub','lic d','omain',
' on 3','0 Nov',' 88.'#255,#255#255#0#15' ','This ','appli','catio','n tak',
'es a ','text ','file ','and c','onver','ts it',' to T','urbo'#255,#0#10' Pa',
'scal ','sourc','e cod','e. I','t "pa','cks" ','the t','ext i','nto t',
'he eq','uival','ent o','f'#255#0#10' ','an ar','ray u','sing ','a sim',
'ple t','echni','que k','nown ','as "r','un le','ngth ','encod','ing."',
#255#0#10' T','he re','sulti','ng so','urce ','code ','can b','e com','piled',
' into',' your',' prog','ram t','o'#255#0#10' ','keep ','your ','produ',
'ct fr','om co','nsumi','ng to','o muc','h dis','k spa','ce or',' memo',
'ry.'#255#0,#10' You',' can ','unpac','k the',' text',' to a',' scre','en, f',
'ile, ','or pr','inter','.'#255#0#15' ','This ','appli','catio','n can',
' be u','sed t','o sto','re sc','reen ','skele','tons ','or'#255#0#10,' regi',
'strat','ion f','orms ','in yo','ur pr','ogram',', tak','ing u','p les',
's roo','m tha','n if'#255,#0#10' yo','u sto','red t','hem i','n the','ir no',
'rmal ','(unpa','cked)',' stat','e. I','''ve b','een a','ble'#255#0,
#10' to ','get b','etter',' than',' 50% ','compr','essio','n on ','some ',
'files',' beca','use o','f all',#255#0#10' t','he "w','hite ','space','" I u',
'se to',' make',' my s','creen','s & r','egist','ratio','n for','ms'#255#0#10,
' look',' prof','essio','nal.'#255,#255#255#0#10' ','Insta','llati',
'on'#255#255#255,#0#15' Th','e fil','e UNP','ACK.I','NC is',' a sh','ort r',
'outin','e tha','t mus','t be ','inclu','ded'#255#0,#10' in ','your ','progr',
'am. ','Place',' it i','n you','r pro','gram ','so ot','her p','roced',
'ures ','&'#255#0#10' ','funct','ions ','have ','acces','s to ','it.'#255#0,
#15' You',' then',' must',' comp','ile R','LE.PA','S and',' crea','te th',
'e RLE','.EXE ','file.',#255#0#10' Y','ou ar','e now',' read','y to ','use t',
'he RL','E gen','erato','r app','licat','ion.'#255,#255#255#0#10' ','Creat',
'ing R','LE te','xt'#255#255#255,#0#15' Th','e com','mand ','to in','voke ',
'RLE i','s:'#255#255#0,#33' RLE',' outp','ut'#255#0#42,
' or'#255#0,#32' RLE',' >out','put'#255#255,#0#10' wh',
'ere "','input','" is ','the t','ext f','ile t','o be ','conve','rted ',
'and "','outpu','t" is',#255#0#10' t','he fi','le wh','ere t','he re','sulti',
'ng so','urce ','code ','is st','ored.',' Be ','sure ','to'#255#0#10,' use ',
'diffe','rent ','files',' for ','input',' & ou','tput,',' or y','ou''ll',
' dest','roy y','our'#255#0,#10' ori','ginal',' file','. (C','onsul','t you',
'r DOS',' manu','al if',' you ','don''t',' know',' what',#255#0#10' t',
'he th','e < ','> >>',' redi','recti','on sy','mbols',' do f','or yo',
'u.)'#255^L,#0#6#255#0#15,' Put ','the o','utput',' file',' wher','e you',
'r com','piler',' can ','find ','it. ','Next,',#255#0#10' a','dd a ','{$I f',
'ilena','me} t','o you','r pro','gram ','where',' appr','opria','te. ',
'(You ','can'#255#0,#10' see',' wher','e I p','ut it',' in T','EST-R','LE.PA',
'S.) ','All y','ou ha','ve to',' do n','ow is',#255#0#10' m','ake a',' call',
' in y','our p','rogra','m to ','the u','npack','ing r','outin',
'e.'#255#255#255,#0#10' Un','packi','ng RL','E tex','t'#255#255#255#0,
#15' The',' Unpa','ckTex','t fun','ction',' does',' the ','grunt',' work',
' in y','our p','rogra','m.'#255#0#10,' When',' you ','call ','it, i','t wil',
'l de-','compr','ess y','our t','ext a','nd sh','ip it',' to'#255#0,#10' the',
' devi','ce yo','u spe','cify ','(prin','ter/s','creen','/file',
').'#255#255#0,#10' FUN','CTION',' Unpa','ckTex','t(RLE','Lengt','h :',
' WORD',';'#255#0#26' ','VAR T','heArr','ay; {','an un','typed',' para',
'meter','}'#255#0#30' ','Desti','natio','n : S','TRING',') : B','YTE;'#255,
#255#0#13' R','LELen','gth'#0#6,' the ','size ','of th','e arr','ay. ',
'RLE.E','XE pu','ts th','is va','lue'#255#0,#28' in ','the f','ile y','ou cr',
'eated','. As',' you ','might',' expe','ct,'#255#0,#28' it''','s cal',
'led R','LELen','gth.'#255,#255#0#13' T','heArr','ay'#0#7' ','the a','ctual',
' RLE ','array',' crea','ted b','y RLE','.EXE.',' As'#255,#0#28' yo',
'u''d g','uess,',' the ','name ','of th','e arr','ay is',' TheA','rray.',
#255#255#0#13' ','Desti','natio','n'#0#4' T','he ou','tput ','desti','natio',
'n for',' the ','text.',' If ','the'#255#0,#28' des','tinat','ion i',
's ''CO','N'' (a','ll ca','ps), ','Unpac','kText',#255#0#28' w','ill e',
'xecut','e an ','ASSIG','NCRT ','state','ment ','inste','ad of',#255#0#28' A',
'SSIGN','. (T','his w','ill c','onsid','erabl','y spe','ed up',#255#0#28' w',
'ritin','g to ','the s','creen','.)'#255#255#255,#0#10' Li','mitat',
'ions'#255,#255#255#0#15' ','Yes, ','the R','LE ut','ility',' has ','a few',
' limi','tatio','ns. ','They ','are:'#255,#255#0#10' L','imit ','of 64',
'k in ','code ','and d','ata s','egmen','ts.'#255#0,#15' If ','you c','reate',
' an R','LE ar','ray t','hat g','ets a',' litt','le bi','t too',' larg',
'e,'#255#0#10,' you ','could',' over','step ','TP4/T','P5 li','mits ','on da',
'ta se','gment','s. E','ach u','nit i','s'#255#0#10' ','limit','ed to',
' 64k ','of co','de, 6','4k of',' data','. If',' your',' arra','y is ',
'too b','ig,'#255#0,#10' cre','ate a',' dedi','cated',' unit',' to h','old i',
't. I','n fac','t, yo','u rea','lly s','hould',#255#0#10' c','reate',' a se',
'parat','e uni','t for',' each',' RLE ','array','. It','''s go','od pr',
'ogram','ming'#255,#0#10' pr','actic','e.'#255#0#15,' You ','can t','ell i',
'f you',' over','stepp','ed th','e 64k',' barr','iers ','if yo','u get',
#255#0#10' c','ompil','er er','rors ','22 (s','truct','ure t','oo la','rge),',
' 48 (','code ','segme','nt to','o'#255#0#10' ','large','), 49',' (dat',
'a seg','ment ','too l','arge)',', or ','96 (t','oo ma','ny va','riabl',
'es).'#255,#255#0#10' T','ext f','iles ','canno','t con','tain ','chara',
'cters',' #0 o','r #25','5.'#255#0#15,' Char',' #0 &',' #255',' have',' spec',
'ial m','eanin','gs in','side ','the R','LE ut','ility','.'#255#0#10' ',
'The U','npack','Text ','funct','ion w','ill f','reak ','out o','n you',
' if y','ou us','e eit','her'#255#0,#10' of ','them ','in yo','ur te','xt fi',
'le. ','Fortu','natel','y, fe','w tex','t fil','es us','e the','se'#255#0#10,
' char','acter','s.'#0#6#255,#0#40' - ','2 -'#255^L,#0#6#255#0#10,' Ackn',
'owled','gment',#255#255#255#0#15,' I''d ','like ','to pa','ss on',' a sp',
'ecial',' than','x to ','Neil ','Ruben','king,',' who'#255,#0#10' wo','rked ',
'with ','me to',' get ','this ','tool ','off t','he gr','ound.',' It ',
'was s','uppos','ed'#255#0#10,' to b','e an ','artic','le fo','r Tur','bo Te',
'chnix',' maga','zine,',' but ','you m','ay kn','ow th','e'#255#0#10' ',
'magaz','ine i','s no ','longe','r in ','print','. (T','oo ba','d. I',
't was',' a be','auty!',')'#0#51#255#0,#40' - 3',' -'#255^L#0);

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : RLE.ZIP
Filename : TEST-RLE.INC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: