Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : QWIK55.ZIP
Filename : QWIK55.PAS

Output of file : QWIK55.PAS contained in archive : QWIK55.ZIP
{ =========================================================================== }
{ QWIK55.PAS - Unit for direct/virtual screen writing ver 5.5, 08-24-89 }
{ Copyright (c) 1986-1989 James H. LeMay, Eagle Performance Software }
{ For documentation on this file see QWIK55.DOC and QWIKREF.DOC. }
{ Only 46 bytes of global data is used. }
{ =========================================================================== }

{ R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ } { TP4 directives }
{$A-,B-,D-,E-,F-,I-,L-,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-} { TP5 directives }

UNIT Qwik;


VideoMode: byte absolute $0040:$0049; { Video mode: Mono=7, Color=0-3 }
VideoPage: byte absolute $0040:$0062; { Video page number }
EgaRows: byte absolute $0040:$0084; { Rows on screen (0-based) }
EgaFontSize: word absolute $0040:$0085; { Character cell height (1-based) }
EgaInfo: byte absolute $0040:$0087; { EGA info. See QWIKREF.DOC }
CRTcolumns: word absolute $0040:$004A; { Number of CRT columns (1-based) }

SystemID, { Equipment ID. See QWIKREF.DOC }
SubModelID, { Equipment ID. See QWIKREF.DOC }
CpuID, { Model number of Intel CPU }
QvideoMode: byte; { Video mode detected by QWIK }

{ Keep the following seven variables in order for save pointers. }
CRTrows, { Global variable of Rows/EgaRows (1-based!)}
CRTcols: byte; { Global variable of CRTcolumns (1-based) }
CRTsize: word; { Essentially size of CRT video buffer in bytes }
Qsnow: boolean; { Wait-for-retrace (snow) while QWIK writing }
QEosOfs, { End Of String offset after QWIK writing }
QScrOfs, { Screen offset for QWIK writing, normally = 0 }
QScrSeg: word; { Screen segment for QWIK writing }

QvideoPage, { Video page to which QWIK is writing }
MaxPage: byte; { Maximum possible page }
Page0seg: word; { Segment for page 0 for video card/buffer }
CardSeg: word; { Segment for page 0 for video card }
CardSnow, { Wait-for-retrace (snow) for video card }
HavePS2, { Using some type of IBM PS/2 equip }
Have3270: boolean; { Using IBM 3270 PC workstation hard/software }
EgaSwitches, { EGA card and monitor setup }
ActiveDispDev, { Active Display Device }
ActiveDispDev3270, { Active Display Device for IBM 3270 PC }
AltDispDev: byte; { Alternate Display Device }
AltDispDevPCC: word; { Alt Display Device for PC Convertible }
HercModel: byte; { Model of Hercules card. }
ScrollAttr: integer; { Attribute used to clear row in QEosLn }

VScrRecType =
Vrows, { Equivalent to CRTrows }
Vcols: byte; { Equivalent to CRTcols }
Vsize: word; { Equivalent to CRTsize }
Vsnow: boolean; { Equivalent to Qsnow }
VEosOfs: word; { Equivalent to QEosOfs }
VScrPtr: pointer; { Equivalent to QScrPtr }

QScrRec: VScrRecType absolute CRTrows;
QScrPtr: pointer absolute QScrOfs;

{ Constants assigned by IBM: } { Arbitrarily assigned constants: }
NoDisplay = $00; VgaMono = $07; NoHerc = 0;
MdaMono = $01; VgaColor = $08; HgcMono = 1;
CgaColor = $02; DCC9 = $09; HgcPlus = 2;
DCC3 = $03; DCC10 = $0A; HercInColor = 3;
EgaColor = $04; McgaMono = $0B;
EgaMono = $05; McgaColor = $0C;
PgcColor = $06; Unknown = $FF;

Cpu8086 = $00; Cpu80286 = $02;
Cpu80186 = $01; Cpu80386 = $03;

{ The following duplicates the TP4 CRT unit text color constants which }
{ will automatically be used if the CRT unit is not used. }
Black = $00; DarkGray = $08;
Blue = $01; LightBlue = $09;
Green = $02; LightGreen = $0A;
Cyan = $03; LightCyan = $0B;
Red = $04; LightRed = $0C;
Magenta = $05; LightMagenta = $0D;
Brown = $06; Yellow = $0E;
LightGray = $07; White = $0F;
Blink = $80;

{ These are convenient background constants: }
BlackBG = $00; { Only needed for source code clarity. }
BlueBG = $10;
GreenBG = $20;
CyanBG = $30;
RedBG = $40;
MagentaBG = $50;
BrownBG = $60;
LightGrayBG = $70;
SameAttr = -1; { Suppresses attribute changes to the screen }

{ The following are constants used in SetCursor and ModCursor }
CursorOn = $0000; { Turns cursor on with same shape }
CursorOff = $2000; { Turns cursor off with same shape }
CursorBlink = $6000; { Creates erratic blinking for MDA/CGA }

InMultiTask: boolean = false; { True if SetMultiTask detects MT environ. }

{ These Cursor modes are set by Qinit as detected for the video card: }
CursorInitial, { Cursor detected at startup }
CursorUnderline, { Standard underline cursor }
CursorHalfBlock, { Usually used for Insert editing }
CursorBlock: word; { For those who have to squint }

procedure Qinit;

procedure Qwrite (Row,Col: byte; Attr: integer; aStr: string);
procedure QwriteC (Row,ColL,ColR: byte; Attr: integer; aStr: string);
procedure QwriteA (Row,Col: byte; Attr: integer; ArrayLength: word; VAR aStr);
procedure QwriteEos (Attr: integer; aStr: string);
procedure QwriteEosA (Attr: integer; ArrayLength: word; VAR aStr);

procedure Qfill (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; Attr: integer; Ch: char);
procedure Qattr (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; Attr: integer);
procedure QfillC (Row,ColL,ColR,Rows,Cols: byte; Attr: integer; Ch: char);
procedure QattrC (Row,ColL,ColR,Rows,Cols: byte; Attr: integer);
procedure QfillEos (Rows,Cols: byte; Attr: integer; Ch: char);
procedure QattrEos (Rows,Cols: byte; Attr: integer);

procedure QstoreToMem (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; VAR Dest);
procedure QstoreToScr (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; VAR Source);
procedure QScrToVscr (Row,Col,Rows,Cols,Vrow,Vcol,Vwidth: byte; VAR VscrPtr);
procedure QVscrToScr (Row,Col,Rows,Cols,Vrow,Vcol,Vwidth: byte; VAR VscrPtr);

function QreadStr (Row,Col,Cols: byte): string;
function QreadChar (Row,Col: byte): char;
function QreadAttr (Row,Col: byte): byte;

procedure QscrollUp (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; BlankAttr: integer);
procedure QscrollDown (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; BlankAttr: integer);

procedure QviewPage (PageNum: byte);
procedure QwritePage (PageNum: byte);

function GetCursor: word;
procedure SetCursor (Cursor: word);
procedure ModCursor (Bits13_14: word);
procedure GotoRC (Row,Col: byte);
function WhereR: byte;
function WhereC: byte;

procedure GotoEos;
function EosR: byte;
function EosC: byte;
procedure EosToRC (Row,Col: byte);
procedure EosToRCrel (Row,Col: integer);
procedure EosToCursor;
procedure EosLn;
procedure QEosLn;

procedure GetSubModelID; { Read docs before using! }
procedure SetMultiTask;


FirstQinit: boolean; { True if Qinit is yet to be run }

{$L qinit.obj}
procedure Qinit; external;
{$L qwrites.obj}
procedure Qwrite; external;
procedure QwriteC; external;
procedure QwriteA; external;
procedure QwriteEos; external;
procedure QwriteEosA; external;
{$L qfills.obj}
procedure Qfill; external;
procedure Qattr; external;
procedure QfillC; external;
procedure QattrC; external;
procedure QfillEos; external;
procedure QattrEos; external;
procedure QfillsDisp3; external; { for Qscroll.obj only }
{$L qstores.obj}
procedure QstoreToMem; external;
procedure QstoreToScr; external;
procedure QScrToVscr; external;
procedure QVscrToScr; external;
{$L qreads.obj}
function QreadStr; external;
function QreadChar; external;
function QreadAttr; external;
{$L qscrolls.obj}
procedure QscrollUp; external;
procedure QscrollDown; external;
{$L qpages.obj}
procedure QviewPage; external;
procedure QwritePage; external;
{$L cursor.obj}
function GetCursor; external;
procedure SetCursor; external;
procedure ModCursor; external;
procedure GotoRC; external;
function WhereR; external;
function WhereC; external;
{$L eos.obj}
procedure EosRC; external; { for QEosLn.obj only }
procedure GotoEos; external;
function EosR; external;
function EosC; external;
procedure EosToRC; external;
procedure EosToRCrel; external;
procedure EosToCursor; external;
procedure EosLn; external;
{$L QEosLn.obj}
procedure QEosLn; external;
{$L cpuident.obj}
procedure GetCpuID; external; { Near }
{$L getsubid.obj}
procedure GetSubModelID; external; { Read docs before using! }
{$L SetMulti.obj }
procedure SetMultiTask; external;

SubModelID := 0; { Default to 0 }
FirstQinit := true; { True for first time to be run }
GetCpuID; { Required for Qscroll.obj }

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : QWIK55.ZIP
Filename : QWIK55.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: