Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : QK3KER.ZIP
Filename : QK3SYS.PAS

Output of file : QK3SYS.PAS contained in archive : QK3KER.ZIP
Unit Sysfunc ;
(* ================================================================= *)
(* MsDos SYSTEM dependent Routines for Kermit . *)
(* ================================================================= *)
Uses Dos,Crt,Graph, (* Standard Turbo Pascal Units *)
KGlobals,modempro ;
ScreenArray = array [0..3999] of byte ;
RealScreen : ^ScreenArray ;
GraphDriver,Graphmode : integer ;
margintop,marginbot : byte ;
(* Functions & Procedures *)
Function KeyChar (var Achar,Bchar : byte): boolean ;
Procedure CursorUp ;
Procedure CursorDown ;
Procedure CursorRight ;
Procedure CursorLeft ;
Procedure Scroll(updown,top,bottom:byte);
Procedure FatCursor(flag :boolean);
Procedure RemoteScreen ;
Procedure LocalScreen ;
Procedure SetDefaultDrive (Drive : Byte);
Function DefaultDrive : Byte ;

(* ================================================================= *)
(* FLAGS in flag register *)
Cflag = $0001 ;
Pflag = $0004 ;
Aflag = $0010 ;
Zflag = $0040 ;
Tflag = $0100 ;
Iflag = $0200 ;
Dflag = $0400 ;
Oflag = $0800 ;

RemSaveX,RemSaveY,LocSaveX,LocSaveY : integer ;
SaveLocalScreen : ^ScreenArray ;
SaveRemoteScreen : ^ScreenArray ;
register : registers ;
NumLock,ScrollLock : byte ;
Mono : boolean ;
i : integer ;
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* KeyChar - get a character from the Keyboard. *)
(* It returns TRUE if character found and the char is *)
(* returned in the parameter. *)
(* It returns FALSE if no keyboard character. *)
(* *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Function KeyChar (var Achar,Bchar : byte): boolean ;

Begin (* KeyChar *)
with register do
ah := 1;
if (Zflag and flags)=Zflag then

(* ------ The following code is required only if we want to us the ----- *)
(* ------ NUMLOCK and SCROLLLOCK key as function keys ----------------- *)
begin (* check for Numlck and Scroll Lck *)
ah := 2;
If (al and $10) <> ScrollLock then
Case (al and $0F) of
0: Bchar := $46 ; (* not shifted *)
1,2,3: Bchar := $86 ; (* shifted *)
4,5,6,7: Bchar := $87 ; (* control *)
else Bchar := $87 ; (* Alt *)
end (* case *)
If (al and $20) <> NumLock then
Case (al and $0F) of
0: Bchar := $45 ; (* not shifted *)
1,2,3: Bchar := $85 ; (* shifted *)
4,5,6,7: Bchar := $88 ; (* control *) (* Not Available *)
Else Bchar := $88 ; (* Alt *)
End (* case *)
else Bchar := 0 ;
ScrollLock := (al and $10) ;
NumLock := (al and $20) ;
Achar := 0 ;
If Bchar <> 0 then KeyChar := true
else KeyChar := false
End (* check for Numlck and Scroll Lck *)
(*------ If you don't need this code, replace it with ------------------ *)
(* -------- KeyChar := False ----------------------------------------- *)
ah := 0;
Achar := al ;
Bchar := ah ;
KeyChar := true;
end ;
End ; (* KeyChar *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* CursorUp - *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure CursorUp ;
Begin (* CursorUp *)
If margintop <> WhereY then GotoXY(WhereX,WhereY-1);
End; (* CursorUp *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* CursorDown - *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure CursorDown ;
Begin (* CursorDown *)
If marginbot <> WhereY then GotoXY(WhereX,WhereY+1);
End; (* CursorDown *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* CursorRight - *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure CursorRight ;
Begin (* CursorRight *)
End; (* CursorRight *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* CursorLeft - *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure CursorLeft ;
Begin (* CursorLeft *)
End; (* CursorLeft *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Scroll - Scrolls a section of screen up or down. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure Scroll(updown,top,bottom:byte);
Begin (* Scroll *)
With register do
begin (* Scroll up *)
ch := top ; cl := 0 ; (* top right hand corner *)
dh := bottom ; dl := 79 ; (* bottom left hand corner *)
bh := $07 ; (* blank line attribute *)
al := 1 ; (* number of line to scroll *)
ah := updown ; (* Function code 6 - Scroll up *)
(* Function code 7 - Scroll down *)
end (* Scroll *)
End; (* Scroll *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* FatCursor - *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure FatCursor(flag :boolean);
Begin (* FatCursor *)
With register do
begin (* Cursor size *)
if Mono then cl := 12
else cl := 7 ;
if flag then ch := 1
else if Mono then ch := 11
else ch := 6 ;
ah := 1; (* Function code 1 - Select cursor type *)
end ; (* Cursor size *)
End; (* FatCursor *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* RemoteScreen - Procedure *)
(* This procedure save the local screen and restores *)
(* the remote screen. *)
(* Also setup the 25th line to display settings *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure RemoteScreen ;
var i : integer ;
Begin (* RemoteScreen *)
LocSaveX := whereX ; LocSaveY := whereY ; (* Save local cursor *)
SaveLocalScreen^ := RealScreen^ ; (* Save local Screen *)
RealScreen^ := SaveRemoteScreen^ ; (* Switch Screens *)
if Line25Flag then
begin (* ---- set up 25th line with status ------ *)
If Mono then
Begin Textcolor(Black) ; Textbackground(White); end
Begin Textcolor(Blue); Textbackground(Yellow); end ;
Write (' Port ');
If PrimaryPort then Write('One : ')
else Write('Two : ');
Write(Baudrate,' baud, ');
Case paritytype(parity) of
OddP : write('Odd ');
EvenP: write('Even ');
MarkP: write('Mark ');
NoneP: write('None ');
end ; (* parity case *)
Write('parity, ');
If LocalEcho then Write('Half duplex, ')
else Write('Full duplex, ');
If XonXoff then write('IBM-Xon ')
else if NoEcho then write('NoEcho ')
else write('Standard ');
Write (' ExitChar=CTL ',chr($5C),' ' ) ;
Textcolor(LightGray); Textbackground(0);
end (* ---- set up 25th line with status ------ *)
begin (* clear 25th line *)
Textcolor(White) ; Textbackground(0) ;
write(' ':79);
End ; (* clear 25th line *)
(* -------------------------------------------- *)
End; (* RemoteScreen *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* LocalScreen - Procedure *)
(* This procedure save the remote screen and restores *)
(* the local screen. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure LocalScreen ;
Begin (* LocalScreen *)
RemSaveX := whereX ; RemSaveY := whereY ; (* Save Remote Cursor *)
SaveRemoteScreen^ := RealScreen^ ; (* Save Remote Screen *)
RealScreen^ := SaveLocalScreen^ ; (* Restore Local Screen *)
TextColor(Yellow); TextBackground(Black);
End; (* LocalScreen *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* SetDefaultDrive - *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Procedure SetDefaultDrive (Drive : Byte);
Begin (* SetDefaultDrive *)
With register do
begin (* Select disk *)
DL := Drive ;
Ax := $0E00 ; { Select default drive }
end; (* Select disk *)
End; (* SetDefaultDrive *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* DefaultDrive - returns the value of the default drive *)
(* A=0,B=1,C=2 etc. *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
Function DefaultDrive : Byte ;
Begin (* DefaultDrive *)
With register do
begin (* Current disk *)
Ax := $1900 ; { Find default drive }
DefaultDrive := al ;
end; (* Current disk *)
End; (* DefaultDrive *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Begin (* Sysfunc Unit *)
new(SaveLocalScreen) ;
For i:= 0 to 1999 do
Begin (* Clear out SaveRemoteScreen *)
SaveRemoteScreen^[i*2] := $20 ; (* Blank Character *)
SaveRemoteScreen^[i*2+1] := $07 ; (* light Gray on Black *)
End ;(* Clear out SaveRemoteScreen *)
Case GraphDriver of
CGA : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
MCGA : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
EGA : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
EGA64 : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
EGAMono: RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
HercMono : RealScreen := PTR($B000,0000);
ATT400 : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
VGA : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
PC3270 : RealScreen := PTR($B800,0000);
End ; (* case *)

Mono := (GraphDriver=HercMono) or (GraphDriver=EGAMono);
End. (* Sysfunc Unit *)

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : QK3KER.ZIP
Filename : QK3SYS.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: