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Archive   : PROD30S3.ZIP
Filename : HISTORY.DOC

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History of PCB/ProDOOR changes (in reverse order)


Corrects a bug in time-left calculation during the second call of the day.
Corrected (Q Y) which was acting like (Q YA) most of the time.
Alt-M jumps to node status display.

Alt-N was not being recognized in 'recycle after each call' mode.
New (YA) command to read mail to you OR to 'all'.
New (Q YA) and (QQ YA) commands to quick scan mail to you or to 'all'.

Corrected time-left calculation under some conditions.

Raised limit on maximum efficiency from 150% to 200%.
Scratch files were not being auto-selected after (F V X)tract.
Added the ability to create a USERNET.DAT file when none exists.

Internal changes.

Corrected disk space check prior to uploading.
Corrected handling of batch uploads where wildcards are used to
select files.
New message subjects are mapped to upper case if they start with
a lower case letter.

More complete loading of PCBOARD.DAT into internal data structures.

Corrected time calculation during download file selection to account
for files estimated to take less than 1 minute, and to take into
account time spent selecting the files.

Added a check for 'subscription mode' to control expired user checks.
Changed (T)hread command to retain original subject and to require
an exactly matching subject to continue the thread.
Changed (Q Y) command to select only messages to or from the caller.

Added error checking to prevent uploads of over 50 files from causing
a system crash.
Added error message and caller log entries when uploads cannot be
posted due to insufficient disk space.
Internal changes to allow disk space test on partitions > 32 meg.
Message pointers were not being updated after downloading a REPACKed
zipm packet.
Added a warning prompt when a command is about to clear the flagged
file list.

Added code in PROSM to automatically adjust .NDX file sizes to match
the specified number of blocks. You don't even need to repack /
reindex conference files!
Time adjustment was not working properly in CHAT mode (idle time factor
was being used instead of chat mode time factor).

Added optional 'starting conference' parameter to (J A) command.

Changed scratch and zipm file selection logic to allow the
(FL U)nflag command to deselect these files. This makes it
possible to repack a zipm packet without being forced to
also download the original.
Reformatted documentation for 60 lines per page.

Moved mail.txt capture file from playpen to scratch directory; this
change should prevent abnormal zipm captures from being detected as
bidirectional uploads.
Added logic to insert 5 second delay before dropping carrier *only*
when the modem dte bps is higher than the caller's connect bps.

Further work on documentation. Updated prosm/install to use the
new configuration and utility file names. Added a check for the
setting of DSZLOG environment to correct operation on systems that
don't follow installation recommendations.

All files needed for installation should now be present in
PROD30B1.ZIP. Started updating documentation; more work will be done
here in the next weeks. Please critique the docs and report back on
any pages that are incorrect, unclear or incomplete.

Some aborted transfers were being charged as valid.

Transfer CPS values were not being read from DSZLOG at all times.
Message entry now allows mixed upper/lower case subjects.

Changed display order in J S/N/Y commands.
Changed 'minutes used:' caller log entry to properly reflect minutes
used before midnight crossover.

Improved logging of partial transfers that are aborted.
Upload descriptions were being requested after transfer, even if
already entered.
Added more output during conference scanning.
Personal message counting during conference scan is now performed
only on conferences with 'auto scan' set.

Corrected processing of downloads using '*.*' in the command line.
Added a check for attempts to download '0' byte files.
Empty ZIPM packets were being recognized as uploads.
Corrected adjustment of 'earned k bytes' when PWRD allotted bytes
are exhausted.

Quotation function wasn't picking the right starting line number when
a 'city:' display was present.
Files listed in PROFREE are not exempt from daily byte limit checks
prior to the downloading.

Added a check for expired users. When a user is expired the 'expired
security level' will be used in all security checks. Please note,
however, that prodoor does not yet check the 'expired conference
registration' settings - expired users are given normal conference

Softened "P" to allow REPACK command in hotkeys mode.
Updated PRO-V.BAT to lock out textview of this form with LHARC10 -
Please use LZHTV in your PRO-R.BAT file instead.
Starting line number for quotations automatically selects line 8 if a
'city:' line is present.
Added support for conference-specific message files. Append .NNN
(where NNN is the conference number) to message file names for
conference-specific files. If *.NNN files are not found, the normal
message files will be used instead. Note: this feature is not
available when alternate language .LNG files are being used.
The (J S/N/Y) commands were not working when the last-read pointer
was lower than the first message on file.

Unspecified uploads did not correctly determine total kbytes
Changed (J S)tatus and (J N)ews display to scan for personal
New (J Y)our command to find conferences with new mail TO YOU in
Changed (R Y)our command to scan only 'to:' field in message header.
Use (Z)ip search to find messages with your name in them.
Changes download logic to call 'proutest' in case of bi-modem type
uploads. Please install the new PROUTEST.BAT file.

The (X)tract function now changes the SCRATCH file .EXT to match that
of the source file, instead of using the "assumed" file type.
The (H)otkey command wasn't working (broken in 4-17 beta).
Several changes in PRO-*.BAT files to improve error checking and

Corrected cases when '*.*' is used in a download command line
and files were flagged as 'uploads'.

Corrected spurious error messages when download.txt is undefined.
Added error checking in MOVE command.
Added security level check for (H)otkeys command.
Added security level check for (QU)it to bbs command.

Keyboard-timeout was not working in hotkey mode.
Write new 'CHKPATH' utility and modified batch files to call it.
This utility will help isolate missing programs in prodoor batches.
Changes in PRO-X.bat

Added 'SET CONFINFO=path\file' to control multiple CONFINFO files
on network systems.
Added 'F9: init conference to default values' in conference
Added 'F10: update CNAMES file from CONFINFO' in conference
Corrected batch uploading when no filenames are given in advance
(broken 4-8).

Corrected hotkey mode to allow for auto-join.
Removed (F) from hotkey list to allow optional stacking.

NOTE: the 'testfile' command comes with PCBoard 14.1 beta code.
(K)ill command was not checking security levels (broken 4/8).

ZIPM packets were not being deleted after a valid download
(broken 4/9).

ZIPM packets were not being created when the packet number was
over two digits long (broken 4/8).

Corrected batch uploads when filenames are not specified in advance
(broken in early 4/9 betas).
Corrected upload testing (broken in 4/8 beta).

The 'starting line number to quote' prompt was sometimes being
Added $NODE$ macro to return current node number.
ProDoor now checks the playpen directory for unsolicited uploads
after each download.
This makes it possible to install BIMODEM-like protocols.

Changes in low-level file handlers to improve error messages and
retry logic under network/share environments.

Implemented multiple compressed file support.
Change "Archive Manipulation" commands to:
PRO-R $N$ $TIME$ $R$
and install the new PRO-*.BAT files in your prodoor directory.
These batch files have support for PKZIP/PKUNZIP, PKPAK/UNPAK,
PAK, LHARC and ZOO. Other file types can be easily added.

NOTE: For alternate packed file formats to be handled properly you
will need copies of the following programs available to the
batch files:

-------------- ----------------
PAK.EXE pak151.exe

Updated REPACK command to allow conversion between all supported
packed file formats. Additional conversions can be added by editing
the PRO-P.BAT batch file.

Added a check for attempts to COPY, MOVE or KILL before actually
reading a message.
Added automatic command-execution after a 2 second delay in hotkey
mode. This makes commands like (D)ownload execute after waiting 2
seconds for the user to type O (for DOOR).
Changed (O)riginal command to go directly to quote function without
first asking.
Changed (Q)uote function to default to line 7 and to quote 2 lines.
Added a special cursor so you know when hotkeys are active.
Added automatic clear-screen between messages in hotkey mode.
Added ALT-D command in PROSM protocol definition editor.
Added the ability to insert/remove a range of group conferences in PROSM.

Removed extra "DSZ" lines from caller log.
Restored (FL)ag command at main command prompt.

Entry of ";" now cancels hotkey mode for the remainder of an input line.
Corrected ALT-I to allow "\" character in hotkey mode.
Various changes in PROUTEST.BAT.
Fixed 'G' command in ProEdit.
Added new 'PROREADg' menu file for novice mode "mail command" prompt.

Note: command stacking is not allowed in hotkey mode. If you use a
";" to stack a command, you will cancel hotkeys for the rest of
that line. For example:
J 1
will launch the Join as soon as you type , whereas
will cancel hotkeys on the ";" and allow you to press 1.

Invalid uploads were not being deleted.
Minor changes in PROSM module.

Corrected ALT-I filename prompt in hotkey mode.
The (J)oin command is no longer 'hot' in hotkey mode.
New commands include:
(J +)join next higher
(J -)join next lower
(J S conf)status starting with conference 'conf'
(J N conf)new messages starting with conference 'conf'
(J N +)new messages starting with next conference
Forced 'display on' when sysop chat mode is entered.

Allowed commands with imbedded 'E's in hotkey mode.
Corrected file-date check so conference NEWS files will be
displayed when they are supposed to be.

Corrected new-user initialization to *always* work, even if a caller
previously used ProDoor 2.7, or has mail waiting but has not yet
entered the door.

The (J A) process can be stopped with (Q)uit.

The ESC key now erases the current command-line.
Fixed the (CHAT) command.

Added code to display conference news files if changed since last logon.
Internal changes in automatic-logoff logic.
Corrected operation of (RU) command.

Added (RU)snoop command to place prodoor into proedit's RU mode.
RU also works in ProEdit to toggle RU mode during a session.
Added PCBoard 14 compatible "high ascii filter".
Added a a new hotkey system. Type 'H' to enable.
Corrected non-filename parsing that truncated words at 8 letters.
Added (G Q) command to logoff without seeing the SCRIPT0 display.
When carrier is lost, at least 5 message lines must have been entered
to trigger auto-save.
Added a disk-full test during ZIPM text capture.
Changed parsing of $RESULT.LOG file to allow upload testing of
multiple file types (i.e. .EXT is not required in the test-failed-
message definition).
Added (SC)an command to toggle scanning current conference.
Added support for 38400 BPS connect speeds in PCB 14.1.

Official release of ProDoor 2.9.

Changes to prevent improperly initialized user records due to the
action of RECYCLE in conjunction with logoff through sub-doors.
Corrected line counting in (J) and (B) functions to match PCBoard.
Disabled CTS handshake during going-offhook process to handle systems
that do not assert CTS after carrier is lost.


Restored message pointer after failed zip scan.
Changed descriptions of REPACK command. This will NOT convert file
formats in prodoor 2.9. Look for a better repack in 3.0.
Changed PROSM to not clear fields when the first character is changed.
Implemented high-ascii filter in visual editor.
NOTE: It appears that PCBoard 14.0 does NOT implement the high-ascii
filter, even though PCBSETUP has an entry to control it.

Corrected (REPACK) command as an alternate name for REARC.
Clarified description of 'minimum level to join' as 'minimum level
for auto-registration' in PROSM.

Added a check in the (F V) X(tract) command and all other external
shell commands for overlong command lines. Changed (ARCM) command
to (ZIPM) command.

Fixed missing newlines in message entry (broken 14-feb). Finished
implementation of PROXZIP module for extract-partial-zipfile. Added
new $TIME$ macro to allow ZIPTV to know the user's time-left instead
of defaulting to 10 minutes. Added code to remove 'disappearing
prompts' from ALT-F and ALT-P outputs.

Working on PROXZIP.EXE to replace the function of PROXARC on
zipfiles. Initial test release of ZIPTV with 'reduction' working but
not 'shrinking'. ZIPTV001.ZIP is the first alpha version of ZIPTV.
Both zipfile utilities should be working in the next week or so.

Changed batch and config files to use PKZIP instead of PKPAK for
systems that switch from .ARC to .ZIP as the default packed format.
Took out PROSM's help system (it's too late for such a feature in
this beta -- look for it in the next version). Changed PROSM to
check for and fix config files with identical 'MAIL' and 'SCRATCH
FILE' prefixes. These must be different to prevent "double

Increased frequency of carrier lost/time limit checks in (B), (F),
(L), (N), (Z) commands. Changes in message section to allow display
of lines up to 80 characters long. Corrected line-length limits in
message 'to:' and 'subject:' entries. Implemented a simple online
help system in PROSM.

Cosmetic changes in ARCM and 'auto register' messages.
Added reminder messages in 'renumber conference' function.
Internal changes in declarations of Qmail-3 conference flag bits.
This beta freezes the functions and features for this release.
The production 2.9 release is scheduled for 3-1-89 so please report
any remaining bugs as soon as possible! Thanks.

Implemented several new functions in PROSM - Insert group conference,
remove group conference, pack extended user file and renumber
conferences. Added a caller log entry when a user is automatically
registered in a conference based on his security level.

Cosmetic changes in message entry prompt. Added Qmail-3 compatible
declarations in extended conference definition file.

Added an message in INSTALL to explain PCBPROT.DAT changes and the
related "missing shell file" error message in PCBoard. Improved
handling of undefined protocol letters at protocol selection prompt.

Corrected action of (F)ind user command. Tinkered with 'you have
mail' logic during message entry. Added a check for valid inputs at
'new security level' and other numeric prompts.

Changed (F)ind-user command to find "TO" user name if the "FROM" name
is sysop. Added support for alternate language message files.

Added new 'MINIMUM SECURITY TO JOIN' entry in extended conference
definition section of ProSm. If a non-0 value is entered, ProDoor
will automatically enroll users in private conferences when they have
a security level that is at least as high as the specified value.

Updated documentation on SET EXTUSER environment.
Added a few more checks for improper filenames in configuration file.

Corrected CITY display (it was working only on messages with
'refer#'s in them)

Changed (G)oodbye logic to handle time charges for logons with
midnight rolover.

Updated CNAMES loader to allow "conference added security" < 0.
Removed reference to CLINK.EXE in install procedure.

Removed beep in original-message display during reply entry.

Simplified PRONS.COM module to remove obsolete code and to reduce
chances of crashing under some configurations. Restored the warning
message about upload time limits prior to non-sliding events.
Implemented 'disable uploads prior to event' flag from PCBsetup.
Corrected handling of GROUP PASSWORD messages for non-sysop readers.
Corrected a bug in (E)nter and (RE)ply commands that caused a
spurious $PTRS.NEW file to be created.
Added code to that allows registered copies to display a custom
registration message.

Added beep when reading mail addressed to you.
Added automatic next message display with MOVE command.
Fixed ProEdit command line stacking (broken in 1-12 beta)

Fixed the extra '$' shown after the $MAIL$ macro is expanded.
Optimized new file scan for 100% speed increase.
The (J A) function still wasn't returning to the original conference.
Added code to preserve message pointers until AFTER a successful
message packet is downloaded.

Corrected auto-join processing when no conferences are available.
Cleared command-stack during error messages while in expert mode.
Some changes to reduce the possibility if extra spaces in DSZLOG
causing files to be logged more than once.

The (J A) function wasn't returning to the original conference number.
Got rid of the repeated 'time limit reduced' messages.

Re-implemented security checks on X and M commands. Added the
ability to add more than a few extra protocols in PROSM. Tinkered
with colors in PROSM.

More changes in handler for blank filenames...
ProEdit initial expert mode is now read from the sysop user record.

Added additional error checking for empty filenames in configuration
files. Added two new display file macros: $NAME$ (user's full name)
and $CONF$ (conference number where mail is waiting). Changed handling
of the 'PROUSER' (you have mail waiting) file to make it a little more

Wrote the new ProDoor System Manager program, PROSM.EXE.
Added a prompt for new user security level after (F)ind-user
function in message reader.
Added "(Ctrl-K) aborts" messages.
Wrote EXTADJ utility to adjust number of extended conferences stored
in the EXTUSER data file.
Reduced prompting when download filenames are stacked.
Deleted 'Fname' command parameter in ProEdit; use the extended
conference system instead.
Added 'R S' default command to repeat last message read when no
ProEdit commands are stacked on the command line.
Improved display format in directories with multi-line descriptions.
Implemented 'validate TO: in message entry' flag from PCBSETUP.
Moved download time/kbyte check to avoid aborting a whole batch
when one file exceeds the user limits.
Streamlined processing of 'RZ' automatic upload request.
Changed 'Files:' prompt to say 'Directories', which is more correct.
Added EXTUSER environment variable.
Added 'more' check during auto-join conference scanning.
Updated directory scanning displays to match new PCBoard betas.
Added new (RR)efer command to jump to 'refer#' message.
Updated ConfEdit to automatically create new conference files.
Wrote new ExtEdit utility to allow editing of extended user records.
Fixed a bug in INTERRUPT handler that caused CTS handshake to be disabled.
Changes in low-level I/O to speed up caller logging under networks.
Wrote ConfEdit for conference data editing.
Moved conf_info to a random data file.

Official release of version 2.8.

NOTE: Use EXTCONV.ARC to convert user data from ProDoor 2.6 or 2.7 to
the new format used in 2.8. This will preserve earned Kbytes,
extended conference registration, and extended conference

Change in display_file procedure to handle full-screen ANSI displays.
Recoded some low-level I/O functions is assembler for faster operation.
Deleted (CI)ty command; added SET CITY=ON env. to enable city display.
">$R$" will redirect the program output for handling by ProDoor.
Added $...$ macro expansion in archive config commands.
Initial testing of enhanced ARCTV.EXE module.
Added message status code and reply status to (Q)uick scan display.
Added automatic detection of 'RZ' to start zmodem uploads.
Recompiled with Turbo Pascal 5.0.
Removed all .ARC file specific code in ProDoor.
Rewrote (F V), (VX), (TEST) and (REARC) commands to use command-lines
defined in the prodoor configuration file.
longer needed.
New files PROXTRA.EXE and PRORARC.BAT must be in your prodoor directory.
Simplified (LIB) support files and enabled multi-node CD ROM operation.
Changes in PROARCM.BAT and PROUTEST.BAT file formats.
ProDoor now honors PCBoard's ARCHIVE EXT settings in PCBSETUP 'Options 2'.
Added logic to detect invalid answers to yes/no questions.
'minutes left' field is PCBOARD.SYS is now updated when opening doors.
Daily-download-bytes are now cleared at midnight.
Implemented a user-record flag to indicate that a user has mail waiting.
Increased length of filename variables from 32 to 45 chars.
Added new 'TAGLINE' environment.
Implemented word-wrap during multi-line upload description entry.
Added status line indications for ALT-F and ALT-P toggles.
Added automatic (enter) at the end of sysop macro function keys.
Increased 9 filespec limit to 50 filespecs.
Added recognition of error-free protocols in ProConfig and ProDoor.
Added time-left to "More?" prompt displays.
'Free' downloads are no longer logged to the caller log.
Added new 'PROFREE' data file which lists free download filespecs.
Added new entry in config file to define ARCM filename prefix.
Added (F)lag option at most "More?" prompts.
Enabled the 'search aborted' message when ^K is used during (Y)our scans.
Added (MG)graphics-mode command in message reader (and ProEdit).
Added new 'Ffilename' parameter to ProEdit.
Updated install program to check for more common installation errors.
Re-implemented color hilight during zip scan in message reader.
Added (D)ate and T(i)me to message header editor.
Added a check for destination user name during message entry.
Added (F)ind-info command during message entry.
Added decoding for visual commands: ^W-Beginning of line, (Home)-Beginning
of line, (Ctrl-Left)-Word left, (Ctrl-Right)-Word right.
Implemented ALT-P printer-on toggle.
Rewrote display handler for better scrolling and status-line protection
with ansi graphics.
Added the first 75 characters of message text to the (Q)uick scan.
Added NODE status command.
Added calls to update current activity instead of 'out of code in
door' all the time.
Re-implemented "Keep uploads inside conference" prompt.
Implemented conference-names in auto-join function.
Increased download directory table from 50 to 200 entries.
Implemented 'Use real name for SYSOP' switch from pcbsetup.
Implemented new 'join by name' feature.
Added support for 'echo mail' mode in conferences.
Added support Qmodem DoorWay mode in visual editor.
Add multi-line upload descriptions (pcb 14.0).
Added 'Q' option in ProEdit for quick-startup.
Added checks in INSTALL to prevent the SCRATCH directory from being
the same as the PLAYPEN directory.
Removed limit on number of lines in a quotation.
Changes in interrupt driver to speed up remote keyboard input.
Added a check for ^K to abort an ARCM run.
Changes to honor "recycle with modem off-hook" (PCB 14.0).
Changes to honor default color and intensity from pcbsetup.
Changes to honor "disable 5 minute timeout" (PCB 12.1).
Changes to honor "keyboard timeout minutes = 0" (PCB 14.0).
Added automatic selection of (L)ocate vs. (Z)ip based on detection of
wildcard in the search key.
Deleted (F)ilter function due to lack of interest.
Added sysop (F)ind-user function to display sender's user info.
Implemented private upload directory (PCB 14.0).
Updated protocol letters to follow new PCB 14 conventions.
Added default protocol pointer in protocol listing.
Added City and Last On in message reader when user record is available.
Added code to honor the new "event buffer" when events are active.
Rewrote and simplified event time logic.
Added "scan" flag in conference status display.
Implemented (REPLY) and (MOVE) message commands.
Enabled threading after (K)ill, (CO)py, (RE)ply and (MOVE) commands.
Initial beta version for PCB 14.0 compatibility.
Changes to speed cursor keys in visual mode.
Added time-left display in visual editor.
Added ^B(reformat paragraph) visual command.
no longer splits lines in 'Overtype' mode.
Word motion commands now stop on delimiters other than spaces.
Added SCRATCH name prefix to config file and config program.
Added original-message-quoting to the visual edit ^O(riginal) function.
A sequential number is now assigned to SCRATCH and MAIL files.
Added (O)riginal command to redisplay the original message text!
This is ^O(riginal) in visual mode.
Added ^J(oin lines) and ^P(end of line) visual commands.
Initial coding of visual-edit mode during message entry and modification.

30-May-88 -----------------
Released final code as PRODOR26.ARC.

Added a check in INSTALL for an over-long prodoor directory name.
Added ProPack style buffering to message and index files.
Added 'Via' lines to messages entered in proedit/prodoor.
Moved ARCM capture tempfile into the playpen directory.
Added (UNK)ill command.
Eliminated upload description prompt on invalid archives.
Allowed '0' as well as 'M' for main board in ARCM function.
Updated INSTALL to automatically handle multi-node systems.
Changed batch files to use PKARC rather than ARCE/ARCA.
Stopped COM port interference when used in LOCAL mode.
Invalid uploads are now automatically deleted.
Corrected time-left check during non-stop mail reading.
Added (J C)onfig and (ARCM C)onfig conference registration function.
Added a display during auto join to explain skipped conferences.
Enabled command-stacking for LAST CHANCE prompt for one-step downloading.
'SCRIPT0' is now used instead of PROBYE.
Added $@$ protocol macro to enable dsz's indirect file-list feature.
Initial release of PROCONF, the prodoor configuration editor.
Combined PROD.CNF, PROCOLOR and PROCTL into a single config file.
Implemented GROUP PASSWORD protection in reader (but not for new entry).
Updated INSTALL to get defaults from PCBOARD.DAT.
Initial release of EXTEDIT, the extended user file editor.
Keyboard tabs are now expanded with spaces.
Upload byte-credits are now stored permanently for use in prodoor.
Changed (V) to view user profile (including "earned" bytes).
New "auto join" of next registered conference after last message is read.
Implementated (C)omment message entry.
Implemented buffering in most config/data files for faster loading.
Corrected elapse-time checking even when commands are keyed-ahead.
Enabled command-stacking with VX command.
Added month and day to (q)uick mail scan display.
Removed (T)hread and (Y)our from (Z)ip starting prompt.
Simplified (T)hread and (Y)our mail commands.
Disabled 'stack check' code. Stack checking seems to increase crashing...
Rewrote PRONS to take care of dangling interrupt vectors
Added (L)ast subcommand in reader to force 'last read' pointer
Implemented proper (Q)uick mail scan.
Changed (Q)uit to (QU)it.
Increased maximum number of ARCM messages to 400.
Deleted the cryptic (V)erb subcommand.
Implemented new simplified (ARCM) command
Added node number to alt-f output file.
Added identification banner to mail capture files.
Implemented 'make messages private' flags from pcbsetup.
Implemented PROCTL data file to control security level and time accounting.
Added buffering to archive text-view function.
Worked on (J N) function to minimize disk thrashing.
Added (ARC), (J)oin, (A)bandon commands to mail command prompt.
(J)oin is available at the read mail prompt.
Added 'starting message' prompt to V and Z subcommands.
Added (M)emory and (RM)ecall subcommands.
Added (N)ew and (S)tatus options at (J)oin command prompt.
Added new (S)tatus command to display status of all conferences.
Added a check for invalid DIR numbers in directory scanner.
Added support for up to 36 conferences.
The file PROCONF.DAT will be created automatically to track message pointers. See EXTRA.DOC. The join command now accepts '0' or 'M' to abandon
Added PRONEW file which is displayed the first time a user enters the door.
Pathnames are automatically stripped in ARC test/rearc, etc. batch files.
Added new (V)erbosity subcommand in message reader.
Added ARCM command for use with the (V C) mail capture option.
Added new files in prodoor directory: PROCAP, PROARCM, PROARCM.BAT.
Included INSTALL utility in beta release file.

16-Mar-88 2.55
Made provisions for 2 digit node numbers in scratch filenames.
Removed second "download estimate" on single file transfers.
Added 'NEWS' command to redisplay conference/main board news file.
Implemented 'q' option in Join function to bypass conference news.
Changed event logic to detect "possible" events as well as "immediate"
events - prevents event time from slipping.
Implemented alt-f to toggle debug.out capture.
Took out (p)age back function due to lack of interest.

Packaged for final release. Released as
PROD25S1.ARC ;The main source files for the door and utilities
PROD25S2.ARC ;The common library files (required part of tool-inc)
PROD25S3.ARC ;Documentation and other supporting files
PRODOR25.ARC ;The main DOOR and supporting files
PROINS25.ARC ;Automatic install for ProDoor
PROLIB25.ARC ;CD-ROM library support files
PROEDT25.ARC ;Message base editor
PROKIT25.ARC ;Door kit for Turbo Pascal 4.0, based on ProDoor

24-Jan-88 beta 54
Modified PROECHO to set errorlevel if carrier is lost. Uploads can be
aborted with a blank description.
Implemented upload logging to DOWNLOAD.TXT.
Implemented "drop to dos after each caller" from pcbsetup.
Enabled escape codes in message entry.
Added (CO)py to copy a message from one conference to another.
Added a quick archive size test, ARCS.EXE to prevent calling ARCE to test
truncated archives. ARCE /T locks up on some truncated archives.
Implemented ALT-I sysop key for file input.
Added time-left and expert mode in message reader.
Added 'PCBTRAP' driver option for better local display.
Uploads are now credited to daily download limit.
Added automatic disconnect warning message.
Added security level checks on (R), (R E), (R K), (R RE), (TEST), (LIB) and
(REARC) functions.
Changed 'E'xit command to 'E'nter (use 'Q'uit to return to PCBoard).
Fixed 'read flagging' on public messages.
Added PROECHO.COM to display message before upload testing.
Added (F)ilter toggle to filter out "noise" lines.
Added (T)hread, (P)rotect and (U)nprotect commands.
Added optional config file PROCOLOR for definition of colors used.
Added a check for PROMAIL to optionally disable the read mail section.
Enabled some command-stacking in message reader and in ProEdit.
Message read yes/no flags are now updated.
Added help files for (R)ead and (E)nter submodes.
Implemented (Z)ip scan in message reader.
Implemented (K)ill message function.
Added working (R)ead messages command.
Added (RE)ply and (E)nter message subfunctions.
Implemented 'disable high-bit filter' from pcbsetup.
Implemented sysop macro keys shift/F1..F10.
Added a small TSR to prevent the status line scrolling away during
(VX) skips the list and goes directly to the extract/view prompt. Added a
prompt for automatic testing of uploads.
Added node-id to sysop display.
Implemented 'disable 5 minute timeout' switch.
Converted sources to Turbo Pascal 4.0 format; recompiled into PRODOOR.EXE.
This changes your 'prodoor' script. See READ.ME.
Added a new 'LIB' command, which can be used to provide access to a library
of CD-ROM disks. See LIBRARY.DOC for details.
Implemented F5 key for sysop shell to DOS.
DIR file colorizing is disabled for files with ansi codes in them.
PROEXT and LIBHELP message files. $SCRATCH$ display macro.
Added TEST and REARC commands, PROARC and PROTEST message files. PROCTREE
automatic sub-subdirectory scanner.
Implemented "... NS" on command lines.
Added sysop keys: Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn.
Added default filename to [f]iles [v]iew and [v]iew text archive.
Added fatal error logging to $DOOR.ERR.
Added LIB command for automatic access to CD-ROM disks.
Added more friendly explanations for erroneous inputs.
Added NULL command for non-ibm users.
Added parity stripping when in 7E mode in INTERRUPT driver.
Added support for complete session logging if 'SET PRODEBUG=ON'.
Added [P]age back option to all text file displays.
All commands now handle "... ns" for non-stop operation.
Automatic support for 19200 bps operation (with /MLK support).
Automatically adds color to DIR files.
Complete rewrite of color/graphics mode. Much more colorful.
Eliminated all access to PCBTEXT for messages.
Handshake driver now operates properly with USR/HST at 19200 bps.
Implemented "disable 5 minute keyboard timeout" switch.
Implemented DOWNLOAD.TXT logging in PCB 12.1 format.
Implemented F5 key for sysop shell to DOS from the door.
Removed limits on FSEC, UPSEC, DOORS.DAT data files.
Several new message files for enhanced customization.
Simplified configuration files; Automatic installation utility.
Smart event-start logic prevents missed events.
Specific page numbers can be selected in text file displays.
Status display does not scroll away during transfers.
Support for PCBoard 12.1. Gateways for RBBS 15.1C and GT 13.00.
Unix-style enhanced wildcard support (multiple '*'s allowed).
User security level enforcement according to PCBSETUP settings.

16-Oct-87 2.4c
Fixed some bugs that crept into the 2.4 release version. Posted as

28-Sep-87 2.4 Official release
Released as PROD2411.ARC and PROD2412.ARC for PCBoard 11.8a and 12.0. Added
automatic interface to pcboard files for [F], [L], [N], [Z], [J], [B]
functions. Added archive view and extract.

24-Jun-87 2.31
Beta test version; not released to public.

15-Jun-87 2.3
Released as PCBPRO23.ARC. First fully functional public release. This
release supported the "playpen" concept for safe batch uploading.

20-May-87 2.1, 2.2 beta
Beta test version; not released to public.

07-May-87 2.0
Rewritten for use under PCBoard 11.8. Renamed to PCBPRO20 and "PCB ProDOOR
2.0". Not released to public.

Version 2 ----------------------

02-May-87 1.12
This version was originally released for the GT-Host system. Released as
SHSDOORS.ARC (no longer available).

28-Apr-87 1.03 - 1.10
Beta test version; not released to public.

26-Apr-87 1.00
Initial coding, S.H.Smith.

Version 1 ----------------------

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : PROD30S3.ZIP
Filename : HISTORY.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: