Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : PIBMENUS.ZIP

Output of file : MENUDEMO.PAS contained in archive : PIBMENUS.ZIP
Program MenuDemo;

(* MenuDemo --- Demonstrate TURBO Menu Routines *)
(* *)
(* Author: Philip R. Burns *)
(* Date: January, 1985 *)
(* Version: 1.0 *)
(* Systems: For MS-DOS on IBM PCs and close compatibles only. *)
(* Note: I have checked these on Zenith 151s under *)
(* MSDOS 2.1 and IBM PCs under PCDOS 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* Overview: This program provides a short demo of the routines in *)
(* PIBMENUS.PAS. A single menu, to select a baud rate *)
(* in a communications program, is created. *)
(* *)
(* Suggestions for improvements or corrections are welcome. *)
(* Please leave messages on Gene Plantz's BBS (312) 882 4145 *)
(* or Ron Fox's BBS (312) 940 6496. *)
(* *)
(* I hope that you find this program useful -- and, *)
(* if you expand upon it, please upload your extensions so *)
(* that all of us can enjoy them! *)
(* *)

(* Global Color Variables *)


ForeGround_Color : Integer (* Color for ordinary text *);
BackGround_Color : Integer (* Usual background color *);

Menu_Text_Color : Integer (* Color for menu text *);
Menu_Frame_Color : Integer (* Color for menu frame *);


(* Local constants and variables *)

(* Baud Rates available *)

Baud_Rates: Array[ 1 .. 8 ] OF Integer
= ( 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 );

Baud_Menu : Menu_Type (* Hold the menu itself *);
Baud_Rate : Integer (* Selected baud rate *);
I : Integer (* Loop index *);

(* Begin Main Program *)

Begin (* MenuDemo *)

(* Select color/mono screen *)

Get_Screen_Address( Actual_Screen );

(* Establish colors *)

If Color_Screen_Active Then
ForeGround_Color := Yellow (* Color for ordinary text *);
BackGround_Color := Black (* Usual background color *);

Menu_Text_Color := Green (* Color for menu text *);
Menu_Frame_Color := Red (* Color for menu frame *)
ForeGround_Color := White (* Color for ordinary text *);
BackGround_Color := Black (* Usual background color *);

Menu_Text_Color := White (* Color for menu text *);
Menu_Frame_Color := White (* Color for menu frame *);


Set_Global_Colors( ForeGround_Color, BackGround_Color );

(* Set up the menu *)
Baud_Menu.Menu_Size := 8;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Row := 11;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Column := 30;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Tcolor := Menu_Text_Color;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Bcolor := BackGround_Color;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Fcolor := Menu_Frame_Color;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Width := 0;
Baud_Menu.Menu_Height := 0;

(* Default baud rate = 1200 = *)
(* fifth entry in menu *)
Baud_Menu.Menu_Default := 5;

(* Define positions, values *)
(* for each baud rate *)
For I := 1 to 8 Do
With Baud_Menu.Menu_Entries[I] Do
Menu_Item_Row := I;
Menu_Item_Column := 2;

Case I Of
1: Menu_Item_Text:= '110';
2: Menu_Item_Text:= '150';
3: Menu_Item_Text:= '300';
4: Menu_Item_Text:= '600';
5: Menu_Item_Text:= '1200';
6: Menu_Item_Text:= '2400';
7: Menu_Item_Text:= '4800';
8: Menu_Item_Text:= '9600';
End (* Case *);
(* Set title of menu *)

Baud_Menu.Menu_Title := 'Choose Baud Rate: ';

(* Display the menu *)

Menu_Display_Choices( Baud_Menu );

(* Get selected menu item *)

Baud_Rate := Baud_Rates[ Menu_Get_Choice( Baud_Menu , Erase_Menu ) ];

GoToXY( 1 , 20 );
Writeln('The Selected Baud Rate Is ', Baud_Rate );
Delay( 3000 );

End (* MenuDemo *).

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : PIBMENUS.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: