Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : PASTUT.ZIP
Filename : VARREC.PAS

Output of file : VARREC.PAS contained in archive : PASTUT.ZIP
(* Chapter 9 - Program 3 *)
program Variant_Record_Example;

type Kind_Of_Vehicle = (Car,Truck,Bicycle,Boat);

Vehicle = record
Owner_Name : string[25];
Gross_Weight : integer;
Value : real;
case What_Kind : Kind_Of_Vehicle of
Car : (Wheels : integer;
Engine : string[8]);
Truck : (Motor : string[8];
Tires : integer;
Payload : integer);
Bicycle : (Tyres : integer);
Boat : (Prop_Blades : byte;
Sail : boolean;
Power : string[8]);
end; (* of record *)

var Sunfish,Ford,Schwinn,Mac : Vehicle;

begin (* main program *)
Ford.Owner_Name := 'Walter'; (* fields defined in order *)
Ford.Gross_Weight := 5750;
Ford.Value := 2595.00;
Ford.What_Kind := Truck;
Ford.Motor := 'V8';
Ford.Tires := 18;
Ford.Payload := 12000;

with Sunfish do begin
What_Kind := Boat; (* fields defined in random order *)
Sail := TRUE;
Prop_Blades := 3;
Power := 'wind';
Gross_Weight := 375;
Value := 1300.00;
Owner_Name := 'Herman and George';

Ford.Engine := 'flathead'; (* tag-field not defined yet but it *)
Ford.What_Kind := Car; (* must be before it can be used *)
Ford.Wheels := 4;
(* notice that the non variant part is not redefined here *)

Mac := Sunfish; (* entire record copied, including the tag-field *)

if Ford.What_Kind = Car then (* this should print *)
Writeln(Ford.Owner_Name,' owns the car with a ',Ford.Engine,
' engine.');

if Sunfish.What_Kind = Bicycle then (* this should not print *)
Writeln('The sunfish is a bicycle which it shouldn''t be');

if Mac.What_Kind = Boat then (* this should print *)
Writeln('The mac is now a boat with',Mac.Prop_Blades:2,
' propeller blades.');
end. (* of main program *)

{ Result of execution

Walter owns the car with the flathead engine.
The mac is now a boat with three propeller blades.


  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : PASTUT.ZIP
Filename : VARREC.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: