Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : NETFIX.ZIP
Filename : NETFIX.PAS

Output of file : NETFIX.PAS contained in archive : NETFIX.ZIP
(* NetFix is a program that will allow Turbo Pascal 6.0 to run from *)
(* a network drive. The program expects TURBO.EXE to be present in *)
(* the current directory. The program then will open TURBO.EXE find *)
(* the patch location, verify that the current information is *)
(* correct, make the patch and then close TURBO.EXE *)
Program NetFix;

Uses CRT;

TPatch = Array[1..8] of Byte;

OldValue: TPatch = ($B8, $02, $3D, $50, $B8, $00, $04, $50);
NewValue: TPatch = ($B8, $00, $3D, $50, $B8, $00, $04, $50);

OldSum = $253;
NewSum = $251;
TurboSize = 325397;

Procedure Error(S:String);
Writeln(S,' Please correct.');

Turbo: File;
I: Byte;
Sum: Longint;
PatchValue: TPatch;

Sum := 0;
For I := 1 to SizeOf(OldValue) do
Sum := Sum + OldValue[I];
If Sum <> OldSum then Error('OldValue or OldSum not correct.');
Sum := 0;
For I := 1 to SizeOf(NewValue) do
Sum := Sum + NewValue[I];
If Sum <> NewSum then Error('NewValue or NewSum not correct.');
If IOResult <> 0 then Error('TURBO.EXE not in current directory.');
If FileSize(Turbo) <> TurboSize then
Error('Size of TURBO.EXE is not correct. Check Reset and TurboSize.');
BlockRead(Turbo, PatchValue, Sizeof(PatchValue));
For I := 1 to Sizeof(OldValue) do
If PatchValue[I] <> OldValue[I] then
Error('TURBO.EXE has been patched or is not 6.0');
BlockWrite(Turbo, NewValue, Sizeof(NewValue));
If IOResult <> 0 then Error('TURBO.EXE is write protected or read only.');
Writeln('TURBO.EXE successfully patched for networks.');

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : NETFIX.ZIP
Filename : NETFIX.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: