Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : MINIGEN.ZIP
Filename : WIDGIT.PAS

Output of file : WIDGIT.PAS contained in archive : MINIGEN.ZIP
{$R-} {Range checking off}
{$B-} {Boolean short circuiting off}
{$S+} {Stack checking on}
{$I+} {I/O checking on}
{$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
{$M 65500,16384,655360} {Turbo 3 default stack and heap}

Program WidgitProg(Input,Output);
{ 8/30/87 : Data entry and screen handling are the strong suits of MiniGen.
This program demonstrates the use of MiniGen generated procedures
to get a program up and running quickly. After setting up the
background color and clearing the screen, call the procedure you
created with the MiniGen screen painter to display the main
screen. Calls to EnterData() will gather your data which can then
be written to a file or processed however you choose.
While the structure of this program is quite simple, it does a
lot for you. A better way to gather your data would be to use a
case structure when calling EnterData(). The case selector should
be a byte variable, while the case labels represent input fields
numbered top to bottom, left to right on the screen. Hitting
return or the tab key ( --> ), should take the user to the next
field. Conversely, the back tab key ( <-- ), should take the user
to the previous field. By embedding the case statement in a
Repeat/Until loop and initializing the case selector to one,
you can use the return code of EnderData to increment or
decrement the case selector at the bottom of the loop. That will
take you up and down the screen.
In future versions of MiniGen, this data entry procedure will
be automated, making the promise of full data entry application
generation a reality. Until then, this program architecture should
be easy to create, allowing you to turn out data entry programs
in a couple of hours (once you get the hang of it), as I did with
this one.

Minigen Products
Eric H. Snyder
1417 Evergreen
Homewood, IL 60430


ScreenCount = 1; { Enter the number of screens you wish to define }

{$I \TP\MG2\WIDGIT.INC} { Screen procedure developed with MiniGen }

{ Enter any ScrnGen window procedres here }

ReturnCode : Integer;
Continue : Char;
Name : String[25];
Addr1,Addr2 : String[30];
City : String[12];
State : String[2];
Zip : String[5];
SSN1 : String[3];
SSN2 : String[2];
SSN3 : String[4];
Charge : Char;
_Case : Char;
Quantity : Integer;
Discount : Integer;
Price : Real;
Extension : Real;

CharSet = Set of Char;

Function GetChar(Var CharIn:Char;XLoc,YLoc:Integer;
GoodChars,CharExits:Charset) : Integer;
Ch : Char;
Ch := ReadKey;
Until (Ch in (GoodChars + CharExits));
If Ch in GoodChars then
CharIn := Ch;
GetChar := 0;
If Ch in CharExits then
GetChar := Ord(Ch);
End; {GetChar}

Procedure MainLoop; { Main program logic }
Continue := 'Y';
MG_TimeOut := 30;
Name := '';
Addr1 := '';
Addr2 := '';
City := '';
State := '';
Zip := '';
SSN1 := '';
SSN2 := '';
SSN3 := '';
Cash := ' ';
Check := ' ';
Charge := ' ';
Each := ' ';
Box := ' ';
_Case := ' ';
Quantity := 1;
Discount := 0;
Price := 0.0;
ReturnCode := EnterData(Name, 'S',22, 7,25,0,78,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(Addr1,'S',22, 8,30,0,78,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(Addr2,'S',22, 9,30,0,78,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(City, 'S',22,10,12,0,78,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(State,'U',36,10, 2,0,78,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(Zip, 'N',40,10, 5,0,78,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(SSN1, 'N',22,12, 3,0,95,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(SSN2, 'N',26,12, 2,0,95,$87,[27]);
ReturnCode := EnterData(SSN3, 'N',29,12, 4,0,95,$87,[27]);
EnterData() does not perform controlled I/O on Character data, so you
may need to write a little routine like GetChar(), or use this one.
The routine should be a function returning an integer, have a VAR
variable which will receive the entered character, and be able to tell
the difference between good data and an exit key.
ReturnCode := GetChar(Cash, 28,16,['X','x'],[#27]);
ReturnCode := GetChar(Check, 38,16,['X','x'],[#27]);
ReturnCode := GetChar(Charge,49,16,['X','x'],[#27]);
ReturnCode := GetChar(Each, 28,17,['X','x'],[#27]);
ReturnCode := GetChar(Box, 36,17,['X','x'],[#27]);
ReturnCode := GetChar(_Case, 45,17,['X','x'],[#27]);
LowerInt := 1;
UpperInt := 144;
ReturnCode := EnterData(Quantity, 'I',22,18,6,0,80,$87,[27]);
LowerReal := 0.50;
UpperReal := 100.00;
ReturnCode := EnterData(Price,'R',38,18,6,2,80,$87,[27]);
LowerInt := 0;
UpperInt := 100;
ReturnCode := EnterData(Discount, 'I',22,19,2,0,80,$87,[27]);
Extension := (Price * ((100 - Discount) / 100)) * Quantity;
Write('Again ? (Y/N) ');
Continue := Upcase(ReadKey);
Until Continue = 'N';

{** No screens defined in this demo **}

  3 Responses to “Category : Pascal Source Code
Archive   : MINIGEN.ZIP
Filename : WIDGIT.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: